The Molecular Business, Part VIII

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Molecular Business

Molecular Business Questions

QUESTION: Probably about the most difficult thing to accept about Molecular Business is the idea of equal pay for all (with some necessary exceptions). Doesn’t this run counter to free enterprise which has proven to produce more wealth than all socialistic concepts that have ever been tried?

ANSWER: Unlike government and totalitarian sponsored programs of equality (which actually produced less equality than capitalism,) the Molecular Business works within the structure of free enterprise; no force whatsoever is applied to the whole to make it work or to force equality. All are free to accept or reject the grand experiment at any time.

To truly understand the principle of equality as far as salary is concerned, we must stretch our minds and take a look into the future when true abundance is established on an earth that has “peace on earth goodwill toward humankind” as a working principle.

We have seen how much more wealth each individual has now than he had 100 years ago because of technology. Take the washing machine, for example. This gave much more freedom to the female than she ever had before. Then the automobile is another obvious example. It used to be a day’s journey to go into town and go shopping; now it takes a few minutes. Finally, we have the computer. For many businesses this little instrument replaces several bookkeepers, a typesetter, a printer, an artist, a research department and so on.

Now if we have benefited this much over the last one hundred years because of the advancement of mankind, imagine what life will be like by the year 2100 as we seem to be moving ahead at an even more accelerated rate. If we can live in relative peace with the other nations of the earth, as well as earth itself, and overcome the idea that abundance is something that can only be had by a few, then the time is shortly at hand when material wealth will lose its meaning, for everyone will have all they need to live the abundant life. When this occurs the competition will raise to a higher level. Instead of seeing who can make the most money we will compete to see who can be the most creative in improving the quality of life for mankind.

True equality must evolve within mankind as the consciousness of the race evolves; it will not happen overnight. The concept of equality of pay, in that ll will have all they need, is the destiny of the planet, but how far away the fulfillment of that destiny is remains to be seen. No one is going to come to us and give us black and white rules to make this happen, but through trial and error we must implement the highest principles in this direction that we can envision.

The principle of election in business will be easier to sell to the workers than the principle of equality. The first molecular businesses may only implement the election principle at first and then equalize employees as successful initiates break off with the desire to take equality several steps further.

The Molecular Principles would be difficult to execute within a company that is not presently practicing it. Current incompetent managers would be against the principle of election for fear of being replaced. High wage earners would be against equality. It’s easy to convince the workers at the bottom to take a higher wage, but who at the top is willing to take a lower one? Yet within the Molecular Business successful management evolves through election, and such managers will be happy to take a higher position for the same pay as the front line workers because of the many other benefits involved. All in the company have nothing to lose.

The Molecular Business is created with evolution in mind. In businesses of today break-offs are dreaded, but in the Molecular Order break-offs are still linked to the original and encouraged to excel. As one Molecular Business succeeds the others benefit, the opposite of the competitive world today.

Thus we could have evolution something like this: The first generation implements the principle of election along with profit sharing and benefits comparable to the best business practices in existence today. A goal of an abundant wage for all is created (say something like $70,000), which is also a cap on cash wages. In the beginning, only a few make this much and except for this cap there is a variety of pay scales as in a regular company. Then as the company becomes more profitable the employees making less than $70,000 have an increase in salary until every employee in the company reaches this amount. Faithful employees at the bottom rung would receive priority over new employees. Temporary employees would be paid just as companies do now, according to supply and demand. Many new employees will begin as temps and be invited into full employment as they prove themselves.

Then the second generation copies everything that works from the first and moves closer to equality by paying management and workers with more equity and making up the difference with stock.

Finally, after three, four or five generations the equal pay principle is finally secured as the company demonstrates great profitability.

As this happens the scripture in Isaiah chapter 60 will be fulfilled:

“Who are these that fly like a cloud, and like doves to their windows? For the coastlands shall wait for me, the ships of Tarshish first, to bring your children from far away, their silver and gold with them, for the name of the LORD your God, and for the Holy One of Israel, because he has glorified you. Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you; for in my wrath I struck you down, but in my favor I have had mercy on you. Your gates shall always be open; day and night they shall not be shut, so that nations shall bring you their wealth, with their kings led in procession. For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish.” Isaiah 60:8-12

As the Molecular Business becomes more successful the nations shall bring their wealth to it just as the scripture says. Even though it may not be religious in the normal sense, that which improves the lot of humanity is among the greatest of the works of God.

QUESTION: You mentioned there will be some exceptions to the rule. Let us say that we need to hire an expert in a certain field and we cannot find one with enough interest in the Molecular concept to participate. Let us say that to get the position filled we have to pay someone 100,000 a year. Wouldn’t the other workers feel negatively about this?

ANSWER: First, let me point out that there is already a tremendous difference in pay scale in regular business (some is justified and some is not), but the employees have learned to deal with it. The equality, even in an imperfect Molecular Business, would be much greater than now exists and there may be some who are a little disgruntled, but the amount of dissatisfaction would be less than is now the case.

Chances are there would be little jealousy over paying more to the specialist because all employees will be highly informed as to the workings of the company. They will realize that without this specialist the income and production of the company as a whole would be threatened and that without these exceptions their take home wage would go down.

Another point is that when faithful employees see that a specialist is needed some will feel motivated to qualify themselves for that position and, unless the specialist is under contract, he can be challenged by a Molecular employee and replace the specialist. If the specialist is replaced then he has the opportunity to find another position and becoming Molecular, or leaving the company. You will find that some will stay because of the job satisfaction and associations they have garnered.

Remember that even when the cash wage is equalized, the payment in stock will be varied, and if they are disgruntled about their lower payment in stock, they can aspire to move up in the company.

The point is equality in the fulfillment of our physical needs is one of the endpoints of our evolution, and there is no way to prevent this from materializing in the future. Between now and then we have to use judgement in working toward it. There will be a lot of imperfection upon this path, but nevertheless, it is a path with great rewards. We cannot equally share the omnipotent powers of the Spirit unless we first equally share the material goods and services so all who are willing to do their share have their needs fulfilled – but we realize that the need of each individual is different.

Exact equality of possessions on the physical plane is not desirable nor possible, but equality of opportunity to fulfill our physical needs is the goal of mankind. Keep in mind that the brain needs more oxygen than does the liver, but they are both satisfied if they receive that which they legitimately need and pass the rest on to other parts of the body. Within the brain similar cells share equally. Even so within the Molecular Business, or at least different divisions of it, some diversity of payment may be necessary.

The suggestions I give toward equality are not written in stone, but presented as ideas in a quest. If we knew all the answers the journey would not be nearly as exciting. Equality is a principle that must be worked out by us mortal humans so it becomes a part of our psyche, just as breathing is. The time will come that we will not even think about how to do it because it will be a part of our nature.

QUESTION: Will the Molecular Business work for all companies or just certain ones?

ANSWER: It can be used quite efficiently with any business or enterprise that has a hierarchical type of leadership. The greatest potential for visible improvement is the manufacturing business. The most challenging will be the first business or two patterned after this order. When it has been proven to be successful then modified Molecular Businesses will be applied to other businesses.

QUESTION: How would the Molecular Business work in a government hierarchy which has no stock?

ANSWER: The principle of election would dramatically increase the effectiveness of government hierarchies. It is true that they do not have stock, but they do have various types of bonds which are very secure. They could use these in place of stock. It is expected that governments of the world will show little interest in this idea until it has been proven beyond any doubt to work.

If a government were to switch over to the Molecular Relationship it would have to be a gradual process involving appropriate legislation on a national and State level.

The way it would have to be done is to make it a policy that all new employees are to go on it, and current employees could join it on a voluntary basis. Government wages are currently set by legislation. Therefore legislators and government workers would need to work cooperatively to implement the Molecular Business for state employees.

QUESTION: Has the Molecular Business ever been tried before?

ANSWER: Not to my knowledge as of 1999 (When this was written), but since the principles are sound, it will work because nature works and it duplicates nature.

QUESTION: If I wanted to start a Molecular Business what do I do?

ANSWER: We would need a small group of willing people in one location, some working capital and a product to manufacture or distribute that is, or will be, in public demand.

QUESTION: Will Molecular businesses compete with each other?

ANSWER: Not if they are truly Molecular. If they follow the principle of union they will cooperate, not compete the way they do today where the opponent is destroyed. All Molecular Businesses will link up and select the leadership of the whole by popular vote. The Molecular individuals and groups will compete with themselves and try to improve on what they have done in the past. Of course there may be some friendly competition for some time between individuals and groups, but negative competition will die through attrition.

QUESTION: Can a business apply just part of the Molecular principles?

ANSWER: This is a free country and the principles outlined here are for anyone to use as they wish. A person in a responsible position with a large manufacturing company once told me that if only the principle of elected leadership, as outlined here, were implemented in her company that profits would double. One of the problems that this company and many others have is incompetent leaders getting in the way of progress.

A portion of the Molecular principles wisely applied may help a business, but to really see the beauty of the program, the whole concept needs to be applied.

Note (Written in 2017) Since 1999 many companies have successfully applied portions of the ideas in the Molecular Business. Employee owned businesses are an example. As far as I know no one has applied all the principles.

QUESTION: Are there any other personal benefits from the Molecular Business you haven’t mentioned?

ANSWER: The potential benefits are without limit. For example, Molecular construction companies could link themselves to a parent Company and build homes for employees at much below the regular cost. The Company could create its own subdivision close to the workplace. This would reduce the cost of lots and add to the convenience of the employee. The Company could even help with some financing and the worker could make the down payment and buy down the interest rate through doing part of the work himself.

The Company could start a Molecular real estate investment company that builds houses and rents them at lower-than-normal rates to employees who do not wish to purchase.

Actually, the greatest benefit of the Molecular Business will be a spiritual one. The principle of equality and the principle of election are both very spiritual principles incorporated in all Brotherhoods of Light whereas on the left hand path leadership goes to the strong and those who intimidate. There is also very little equality because the leaders are exalted above the masses to almost God status and always get more than their share of the riches available.

The unequally among mankind mixed with the stifling of the freedom of choice causes blockages spiritual flow. When true equality and election is had among humans then the spiritual gifts will manifest to a much greater degree than now exists.

The past forty years have seen much progress to prepare the world for the Molecular Business through better wages for the lower end worker, profit sharing, medical benefits, vacations, sick leave, work stability, pensions and so on. We have made much more progress than people realize. Even now we are seeking ads for products that even sound spiritual in tone. We are told that Volvo, for instance, will “save your soul.” Watch a Saturn commercial and it almost sounds like they are promoting a new religion that will solve all your problems. If you listen to the products advertised and then listen to some religious ads the regular commercials often sound more spiritual, some of hem at least. This is all in preparation for the Aquarian Age because the day is soon coming when the masses will revere their company as much or more than they do their churches.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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