Universes Upon Universes

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  How many lives exist in the universe?  Answer:  The number that can be imagined by the Mind of God.

2  Within yourself is a virtual universe and you are a god to that universe, just as the originating God is a God to us.

3  Soul is the interplay between spirit and matter and when looking at the universe as a whole the point of interplay is humanity.

4  When the majority of human lives in the universe achieve soul contact then the true soul of the universe will come into being and lead the universe itself to self consciousness and a soul contact of its own.

5  In our Milky Way Galaxy we have billions of solar systems and there are many great Logoi until we get to the Galactic Logos. As you know, there are also billions of galaxies which compose our universe, the end of which has not yet been discovered by our scientists. But it does have an end and beyond that we assume there are more universes.

6  The universe is ever Becoming and evolving as an ever expanding spiral.

7  This universe is an evolving universe and as such, the top Logos of our system is in a state of BECOMING and solidifying His position and purpose. There is no top universe of all the universes as the relationship between physical universes will be virtually non existent for ages to come.

8  Because the evolutionary age of the universe is only about one [year old] or so, I predicted a loose organization of the galaxies. The astronomers are now just discovering this and have called it “the end of greatness” in the universe. If the universe were to not evolve this would be true; but with the knowledge that the universe is just a babe, we can then see that this loose organization just discovered is not the end of greatness, but the beginning of greatness, the end of which will defy the imagination of any thinker or Master on the planet.

9  Just as we humans are ever seeking to increase our ring-pass-not, even so is the universe as a whole expanding its ring.

10  This universe is created by seven rays and is part of seven planes which is merely a subplane of a greater system of seven greater planes.

11  All the elements of the entire universe compose the physical body of the one great life which is God. Man, being composed of element, is a tabernacle of God, or a temple.

12  The universe is God’s one body, yes, but it changes form consistently. Changing form could be defined as adding to, from one point of view, or not from another.

13  Not a lot is given out on the previous solar system except that the foundation for all physical form was laid there including human and serpent.

14  Now there are an unlimited number of other universes, but the hierarchy in one universe is not linked to hierarchies in other universes. But, progression does not stop there. The life of God as it is incarnated in the various universes is BECOMING, and as it does, groups of universes will eventually be linked in Hierarchical order.

15  You are a universe composed of millions of smaller lives including the animal. Because we are closest to the animals it is easiest to sense the animal within us.

16  All lives in the universe must find their limitations before they can become unlimited.

17  You as the master of your body are like a god to the infinite little lives who live there. Similarly, the one God has the whole universe as a physical body, and you are a tiny life that lives within this greater body.

18  Most metaphysicians assume the Hierarchy and creation goes on infinitely. They think that our universe is one out of millions and these millions form a greater universe and then there is yet another group higher and so on for infinity. This assumption is a guess and is not the case. The hierarchy ends with the universe of galaxies. The creative mind of God has reached its ring-pass-not at this point.

19  The universe is a spiral of ever increasing size, ever expanding.

20  Why was the universe created and why do we create and play games? The answer is the same to both questions.

21  There are higher lives ahead of us that guide us but we’re now the ones in charge of creating in the physical universe. We’re the creators of the universe. We’re going to do the physical creating and splice the genes and create new DNA.

22  As humanity on the various worlds advance more power will be given to the soul of the universe to give life and shape to the universe.

23  There are universes within the subatomic particles built on a different ray or number system than our universe.

24  The Bottomless Pit is a Star System which is a gathering place for the Dark Ones and after a sufficient number are gathered, their combined energy creates an implosion of force which causes the system to collapse on itself just as their own bodies are collapsing on themselves. Then in their world all light is sucked into a point of nothingness and as Jesus said, “If your light is then darkness, how great is that darkness.”  All the lives in that system, all the matter, all the light is reduced to a point, a (singularity as Steven Hawking may call it). This point is not a wormhole or a gateway to another universe, but a point of pure soul which is a gateway back to essential Spirit. Thus do these failed lives go back to their source where their true Spiritual Selves contemplate in a state of Pralaya for several billion years before making another attempt at physical manifestation. Another way to put this is to say a black hole is the recycling bin of the galaxy.

25  The higher and larger things get in the universe, the slower their time and the younger their cosmic age.

26  Let us suppose we could go to the edge of the universe and look out in the void. What would we see? Nothing, for two reasons. First the nearest universe would be so far away it would only seem a dot at best. Secondly, the nearest universe would be so far away that its light could virtually never reach us. All the universes in the greater universe would come and go a thousand times before light could ever be received.

27  The universe is an infant very alone in a great void receiving no physical light from any source. As it grows to self awareness its first external question will be:  “Am I alone?”

28  The imbalance of energy in our physical world thus causes one energy to be a sending one and one to be a receiver. The process of sending and receiving is an attempt by nature to bring balance in the universe.

29  To say that to exist God is complete because He has nowhere to go or nowhere to expand makes no sense because we see that the universe is expanding and that none of His creations in the macrocosm are complete.

30  An advancement of humanity on this earth is only a small matter when looking at the universe as a whole.

31  We live in a universe that operates under the “law of dominating good” — or “Becoming.”  This law of dominating good causes progression to NOT take the form of an endless repeating circle, but an ever expanding spiral of circles. Thus at each new turn of the spiral the ring-pass-not has expanded and we continually have new worlds to explore and new gains to acquire.

32  The universe as a whole is created as a projection from the prime energy of Purpose with a foundation on Ray One or the Father aspect; but our solar system is created from the foundation of Ray Two or the Son-Love-Soul aspect. This is why the apostle John wrote that “God is Love.”

33  Obviously this universe, with you and I in it, is here for a purpose and if we do not live through this experience we are in with wisdom then we are negating the grand purpose of God.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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