The Intuition, Part 1

This entry is part 6 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The official topic is Spiritual Intuition. Now there are three major steps in a person’s progression toward finding out things that are of a non-physical nature. The first we call instinct, the second we call psychic ability and the third we call Intuition. Some people speak of a fourth and they call it direct knowing or something like that. But everybody that I talked to that claims to be a direct knower has not even developed the intuition, yet let alone psychic abilities. If somebody comes to you and says, yea, I am just a direct knower, then ask them a few questions to see what they know and it is usually not that much.

For one thing the higher up a person gets on the scale the less he brags about what he is and what he can do. They usually just do it if they can do it. Like when Christ was here – He did not go around saying, boy I can do this or I can do that, He just went and did a few things and He did not brag about what he could do and He did not claim that He could do a bunch of stuff that He could not demonstrate.

But what really drew attention toward Him was that everything He did was an actual demonstration of what was inside of Him. A lot of people we see are always talking about how advanced they are and these type of people are often neophytes when it comes to knowing because humility is the sign of the true knower. Like ole Wayne over here he is just a real humble guy and he just knows so much stuff.

Wayne from the audience: I am the most humble guy I know! Chuckling!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: You just looked humble when I looked at you so I just had to bring that up.

The ego is a big obstacle in the way of spiritual progression because it is a natural inclination of all people to feel important. All of us want to feel important and as a matter of fact if you have ever read the book “How To Win Friends And Influence People” the main thing that you have to do to make everybody like you is to make them feel important, make them feel listened to – it just works wonders with them.

Now another book that I read on this subject had a really interesting piece of advice as to how to really get people engaged. I was about 16 at the time when I started reading these books because I was not as popular as I wanted to be in high school and I thought that there has got to be a way to improve my personality so that people liked me better, especially the girls. So I started reading these books and I came across one piece of advice that really works and it says if you want to impress the other person you are with and engage them in conversation then just let the other guy talk and then say, “then what?”

I told this friend of mine about it and he thought that was an interesting idea. It was Brent McCombs – Wayne remembers him. There I was talking to ole Brent and he kept saying “and then what,” so I told him more stuff and then he would say, “and then what” so I told him more stuff and what I did not realize is that he was trying the idea out on me and I talked about a half hour and then he started laughing and I realized what he was doing.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: He said that he was not listening to a word I said and he was just saying “and then what” to see if it really worked! It is an amazing thing and it illustrates the power of the ego. People like to be the center of attention. We like to do the talking; we like to be the giver. It takes the effort of letting down the ego and let the other person have their say. This brought it home for me when my friend pulled that trick on me and it really worked because I just rambled on for about a half hour and I can’t even remember the starting sentence. All he had to do was look really interested and say, “and then what “ and “well then what?”

It is one of the best pieces of advice I have read on how to make people think you are really a good conversationalists. It really worked and I was thinking that my friend was a pretty good conversationalist, chuckling, and he was only saying two words the whole time. So take that statement and the next time you are with somebody and just get a seed thought going or some conversation going and see how long the person will talk. I can kind of justify myself because I was only 16 at the time and hopefully I have matured a bit since then so people can’t pull that trick on me again.

So to increase our spiritual powers we need to remove that ego obstacle and that is the first step. Now as we progress along our evolution we develop our instinct. What people of the earth are really good with their instinct?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Tribal people. You have heard the story of the Indian scout who puts his ear to the ground and hears the horses coming from miles away or that type of thing. Natives can sense things about the earth and some can talk to animals through mental telepathy. You hear all kinds of stories about these guys operating on instinct. Animals are very instinctive. Look at the swallows that return to Capistrano every year and birds that know when to go north and south. Animals, right after they are born, seem to be a lot smarter than a human. They can walk around right away and know how to feed. They have all this programming as to how to survive.

The more primitive peoples are very much in tune with the animal instincts and some people look at animals and more primitive native people and say well they really are more evolved than we are because look what they can do and we can’t. But is that really true? Can the lesser evolved; do something that we can’t? And why can’t we do these things? Why are we not in tune with mother earth the way that the native people are?

What happens when we learn something completely?

Audience: We master it.

JJ: We do something and there is a special phrase for it, does anyone know what it is?

Audience: We forget.

JJ: That is true but what happens is it goes below the threshold of our consciousness.

Audience: Like breathing.

JJ: Yes breathing is below the threshold of consciousness. Your heartbeat is below the threshold of your consciousness and if you tune into your heart like the yogis do you could control your heartbeat and slow it down to maybe ten beats per minute or some crazy stuff like that because of concentration and tuning into it. But you and I, unless we really practice, can’t do that right now. Everything operating in our body is below the threshold of our consciousness.

Many things that we learn are kept in the threshold of our consciousness and then after we learn them they go below the threshold of our consciousness. Let’s take reading for instance, when you first started reading you read, “See Dick run.” You spelled it out, s-e-e D-i-c-k r-u-n. You went through all that process and then when you put the words together and said it, you say, “See Dick run.” You do not sound out all the vowels, consonants and syllables anymore for that drops below the threshold of your consciousness. Knowledge of doing all that is now below the threshold of your consciousness because it is so automatic for it built in. But can you tap into that reading process if you wanted to teach someone else?

If you wanted to teach your children then you could tap into as to how to break down the sounds. What you have done is that you have learned the process so well that you have put it below the threshold of your consciousness so you do not have to worry about all the details. You have to put it below the threshold of your consciousness so it does not take attention. Each of us has one unit of attention and if you have something taking half of that then you only have a half of a unit to concentrate on something new. In nature what happens is this; when we learn something fully then by nature we put that below our consciousness so that can have the full attention to move on to something else. So once you learn the consonants and the pronunciation then you do not have to go through the basic words of see “See Dick run.” You can just look at it and in an instant you know that Dick is running and he is probably running after Jane because she is so attractive.

Audience: We use the same tools to sound out words now.

JJ: Yes if it is new, and if it is new then that is something not below the threshold of consciousness and that is what you are supposed to be doing.

Audience: But when I learned how to read; are you saying that tool goes below the threshold of consciousness?

JJ: No, not the process but the details of what you learn goes below the threshold of your consciousness.

Audience: How to break it into syllables and how to sound it out.

JJ: That is still in your consciousness for that is the process. You do not concern yourself with sounding out, “See Dick run” because that is below the threshold of consciousness. It is built in like a computer program so that when you see the phrase “See Dick run” or something more complicated like “See Wayne go,” or whatever. It just registers almost instantly and you do not have to sound it out. But if you see a really complicated Indian name or something like that then you might stop and figure out how it is pronounced.

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Or just look at it and think, “See #%@&* run” chuckling. That is what I do. I know I am not going to remember it anyway so why sound it out?


Copyright by J J Dewey

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