Principle 63

This entry is part 60 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Absolute and Relative Truth

Some say that truth is relative and others that it is absolute. What both do not realize is they are both correct from the vantage point from which they are looking.

Those who say truth is relative often give the example of the three blind men and the elephant. Each sees the elephant differently.

One blind man touches the leg says it’s like a tree, the second one touches the ear and says it’s like a carpet, and the third touches the trunk and says it’s like a large hose.

Because each man gave a different but accurate answer to what he perceived many maintain that truth is relative.

Those who claim that truth is absolute will give the example that 2+2=4. The answer is four and no other answer in the universe is true, proving that truth is absolute.

To the casual observer both examples of truth seem correct, but there is a difference between the two examples. We can only solve the dilemma of absolute and relative truth by discovering what that difference is, which is this.

Absolute truth is truth which is broken down to its basic indivisible element and correctly stated. Relative truth is a piece of information that is a part of something greater than itself yet the whole may be quite different than the part.

2+2=4 is absolute truth because it cannot be broken down into a more basic statement as far as math is concerned.

Now to feel an elephant’s leg and to state that it feels like a tree is a mistake in relativity. The blind man is assuming he is embracing the whole elephant yet he is only perceiving a small part. It is comparable to an alien landing in the Arctic and declaring that earth is an ice planet. Of course it is not. Yet it is an absolute truth that part of the planet is covered with ice. It is also absolutely true that the leg of an elephant is somewhat similar to the trunk of a tree.

Thus we see that what is called relative truth is in reality the observer merely mistaking a part for the whole. The blind man thought the leg was all there was to the elephant. This is not true and he was mistaken. He would have been correct if he said, “The part of the elephant I feel is like the trunk of a tree, but I am not sure if I am feeling the whole elephant.”

Other things identified as relative truth are merely mistaken perceptions or erroneous conclusions derived from perception. The earth looked like it was flat in ancient times so they assumed it was flat. Some sailors with better perception noted a slight curvature of the earth in the horizon of the sea and concluded the earth was round.

When it was finally proven that the earth was a globe the truth did not change. What changed was our perception of the truth. It is absolute truth that the earth was a globe in the days of Columbus as well as today.

As we fine-tune our perception and reasoning, it is the accuracy in which we see the truth, not the truth itself that changes.

A third argument for relative truth is the changing of circumstances. Today the high temperature may be eighty degrees and tomorrow it may be ninety. The argument is the truth has changed.

This is false reasoning. The truth has not changed but the circumstances have. The high temperature on this date of history will not change because tomorrow’s temperature will be different. Circumstances will be different tomorrow, but tomorrow’s change will not alter the truth of the events of today.

The bottom line is that relative truth is merely the result of relative word play. When the point of actual truth is discovered it will be found to agree with that profound statement from A Course in Miracles which says:

The truth is true and nothing else is true.

Two plus two equal four and it equals nothing else.

This does not mean that any should assume that he is free from being a victim to the illusion of relative truth. As we look for truth in all things all of us see only a piece of the elephant. We must all be aware that we do not see the whole truth but only a piece of the elephant. Even if we see that piece correctly we must consider that there may be other pieces that will greatly alter our concept of the complete truth. Openness to more truth is the key to moving forward.

There is no religion higher than truth.  P. Blavatsky

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “It is not the discovery of truth that is an indication of your evolution. Instead, it is your power to perceive truth.”

2.  “True equality can only be achieved through truth, not illusion.”

3.  “No ultimate truth will ever ‘stand up’ for us. We must seek it in our quiet moments. As we become sensitive to the revelations through the soul we will all discover truth in some odd places.”

4.  “If we expect truth to always verify our desires we develop a mindset which becomes an enemy to truth.”

5.  “The highest truth originates from God and the lowest level is the physical plane.”

6.  “To find the higher truth one must find the truth on the physical plane first.”

7.  “We must learn to recognize and embrace truth in all the spheres. If we cannot recognize truth on the physical plane then we have no chance of understanding truth on the astral and mental planes.”

8.  “Truths discovered by Newton were not replaced by Einstein, but added to. Every truth discovered by Newton is still true and has not changed one iota.”

9.  “All truth belongs to all and is the exclusive property of none.”

10.  “When people use the phrase “my truth,” they generally mean “my opinion.”  If we are honest with ourselves, we will see that the phrase ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ are illusionary statements.”

11.  “The only stand I ever concretely take is either for the truth or the pursuit of truth wherever that path may lie.”

12.  “The truth is always relevant and if your goal is to expose the truth your impact will be powerful and lasting.”

13.  “If the seeker believes he is willing to accept the truth no matter what, yet is still governed by his attachments then he has no impetus to take the final step to truth.”

14.  “If I were to make any claim, it would be that it is possible to know the truth, especially principles that reveal truth and this is through reflecting the material off your own soul.”

15.  “There are times when you are faced with a choice between the real and the unreal, what is true and what is false. When faced with such a choice you seek the truth within your heart. In this case, there will be a sense of peace surrounding the truth, and fear connected with the false.”

16.  “Since all truth from God is reasonable then to abnegate reason is foolish indeed.”

17.  “The seeker must become as a little child, and be open to all things and have a willingness to learn any new truth, even if it diametrically opposes that which he has held dear for many years. Then when the truths of the Holy Spirit do distil upon his consciousness, he must not resist, but follow. If he does not follow, depression is likely to result for he will not be able to completely set aside the feelings from his innermost being that he is not living up to the highest of which he is capable.”

18.  “There are many truths beyond our ring-pass-not that we are unprepared for and would be devastating for us to prematurely learn.”

19.  “Truth can also bring fear and terror. Consider the person who discovers that he has been traveling the path of illusion for forty years and now must backtrack and start from square one. This truth will make his heart sink.”

20.  “Truth is simple. It is what is. When we experience ‘what is’ then we know the truth whether it be 2+2=4 or the Light and Love of God Itself. Meanwhile, I am waiting here for Santa Claus to have an experience with him.”

21.  “The only way to harmonize with the Word which is pure Truth is to become the truth ourselves.”

22.  “Only truth can be experienced as true.”

23.  “Take away your body, feelings and mind and you still exist, but you are unable to assimilate the truth.”

24.  “Truth is that which IS at any point in time, space or thought. It is sustained by the consciousness of all that is and exists independent of individual consciousness.”

25.  “Anything that is experienced is a true experience.”

26.  “There is no such thing as infinite truth.”

27.  “The desire for the truth must be the only desire in the consciousness as the truth is sought.”

28.  “If one perceives a truth as clear as the morning sun but cannot convey that truth it will only seem as the blackest night to him who has not heard.”

29.  “The truth is that God is good and the eternal path of light is the path of dominating good.”

30.  “No one in my entire life has ever been able to give me a relative truth. Relative perceptions yes, but not relative truth. There is no such thing.”

31.  “There are two types of truth that we can ponder. First there are true facts. These are pixels of information about events or ideas. Secondly there are true principles.”

32.  “We are much better off to concentrate on the discovery of truth as we understand it and as we can understand it.”

33.  “As far as some absolute truth beyond our understanding why even talk or think about it, for it would be beyond our understanding. Why teach a slug about nuclear physics if he can’t understand?”

34.  “Our only religion here is truth and that is what we will pursue no matter where it leads.”

35.  “Diversity, to fill the needs of all those seeking truth at their own level, is always needed.”

36.  “We must understand what is not true before we can understand what is true.”

37.  “Truth is not determined by anyone.”

38.  “Truth alone is the religion of the soul and it does not matter where it comes from.”

39.  “A love of the truth and a certain amount of ability to perceive light and truth is essential. Unfortunately, almost all, high and low, claim to love truth and think they are as good as the next guy in perceiving it.”

40.  “The truth is that only a handful truly loves truth.”

41.  “If the seeker has a casual interest in the truth, but that which is not true is the object of his desire, he will see that which is false as the truth.”

42.  “If everything is true just because you think it then the search for truth ends for there is nothing left to search for.”

43.  “If the search for truth ends then no further increase in light will come and the person is reduced to a stagnant I AM rather than I AM BECOMING.”

44.  “An accurate perception of truth does not change truth.”

45.  “There is no such thing as anyone owning truth.”

46.  “The truth is out there but it is very illusive and that’s what makes the game of life so interesting.”

47.  “The important thing is to balance off a healthy skepticism with a considerable weight given to earned authorities to come up with the truth to the extent that it registers with your soul, mind and heart.”

48.  “Many people seek to prove a thing true by looking for errors and flaws. The idea is that if they find no error then only the truth is left. Why is this approach not reliable? Why is it easier to find truth by looking for truth?”

49.  “Truth is always independent of perception making truth absolute, but perception relative.”

50.  “All classifications of truth being relative, is in reality caused by calling perception truth; whereas that which is perceived is often not true.”

51.  “Mind is not the ultimate source of truth and eventually must reach numerous dead ends that can only be crossed by revelation from Spirit or the Higher Self.”

52.  “The truth is, truth seems relative, but in its essence is absolute.”

53.  “Truth brings a feeling of joy and peace or tranquility. This is certainly true if it is the discovery of a truth that we ‘seek’ as Christ admonished us to do. When we seek and find there is indeed joy.”

54.  “Einstein increased our perception of truth about gravity, time, space and other things but he did not change anything that is true. He obtained a more accurate vision of reality than Newton, but an accurate perception of truth does not change truth.”

55.  “Truth is not found in perception but exists independent of individual perception.”

56.  “Many teachers present their perceptions as ‘the truth.'”

57.  “Only by releasing ourselves of our preconceived notions and looking at the esoteric facts and influences can we get at the truth.”

58.  “Follow all the aspects of the Will of God that are within your perception and your sensitivity to the truth will increase.”

59.  “A scientific truth is as true as any truth and truth will harmonize with truth.”

60.  “I know from personal experience that it is possible to reach agreement on any point of truth.”

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