Keys Posts 2012, Part 9

This entry is part 22 of 40 in the series 2012A

April 28, 2012

Principles of Unification

Thought it would be a good idea to post these again. In these days of discord it is a good idea to be reminded that most agree on many important points. Click HERE


April 29, 2012

Reptile Interview

Keith asked me to check out the Interview with a Reptilian. I finally got around to reading it and it was quite interesting.

Basically the article is about a claimed interview with a female member of the reptilian species who goes by the name of Lacerta. She claims the reptilian race never went extinct but have gone under the earth and many of them live in great caverns that house underground cities.

Lacerta says they have the power to mask their true form so when they appear among humans they are seen as regular humans. On the other hand, they cannot mask themselves from photos which will reveal their true form. Here is a description of the way they look when unmasked.

As I’m female I have also two breasts (despite our reptile origin, we have started to give milk to our babies during the evolution process – this happened around 30 million years ago – because this is the best thing to keep the young alive. Evolution had done this for your species already in the dinosaur age and a little bit later also for ours. That means not that we are now real mammals) but the breasts of us are not as large as those of human woman and the size of them is generally equal for every female of my kind. The external reproduction organs are for both sexes smaller then those of humans, but they are visible and they have the same function as yours (another gift of evolution to our species).

My skin is mainly of a green-beige color – more pale green – and we have some patterns of brown irregular dots (each dot of the size of 1-2 centimetres) on our skin and in our face (the patterns are different for both sexes but females have more, especially in the lower body and in the face). You can see them in my case as two lines over the eyebrows crossing my forehead, at my cheek and at my chin.

My eyes are a little bit larger then human eyes (for this reason, we can see better in the darkness) and usually dominated from the large black pupils, which are surrounded from a small bright-green iris (males have a dark-green iris). The pupil is slit and can change its size from a small black line to a wide-open egg-shaped oval, because our retina is very light sensitive and the pupil must compare this. We have external round ears but they are smaller and not so curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive for sonic (we can also hear a wider range of sonic). There’s a muscle or “lid” over the ears which can completely close them (for example under water).

Our nose is more pointed and there is a V-shaped curving between the nostrils, which enabled the ancestors to “see” temperature. We have lost most of this ability, but we can still feel temperature much better with this “organ”. Our lips are shaped like yours (those of females a little bit larger then those of males) but of a pale brown color and our teeth are very white and strong and a little bit longer and sharper then your soft mammal teeth. We have no different hair colors like you (but there is a tradition to color the hairs in different ages) and the original color is, like mine, a greenish brown. Our hairs are thicker and stronger then yours and they grow very slow. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs.

Our body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to yours, but the color is different (green-beige, like the face) and there are scale-like structures on the upper legs (over the knee) and upper arms (over the elbow). Our five fingers are a little bit longer and thinner then human fingers and our skin on the palm is plain, so we have no lines like you but again a combination of a scale-like skin structure and of the brown dots (both sexes have the dots on the palm) and we have no fingerprints like you. If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother then your hairy skin. There are small sharp horns on the upside of both middle fingers. The fingernails are grey and generally longer then yours. You see that my nails are not so long and round at the top. This is because I’m female. Males have sharp pointed nails with a length of sometimes 5 or 6 of your centimetres.

The following feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin: if you touch the backside of my upper body you will feel a hard bony line through my clothing. This is not my spine but a very difficult shaped external plate-strucure of skin and tissue following exactly our spine from the head to the hip. There is an extremly high number of nerves and large blood vessels in this structure and in the plates (which are around two or three centimetres long and very touch sensitive, this is the reason why we have always problems to sit in chairs with a back like this chair.) The main task of these small plates (beside a role in our sexuality) is simply the regulation of our body temperature and if we sit in natural or artificial sunlight, these plates become more bloodfilled and the vessels become wider and the sun is able to heat up our reptilioid blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) for many degrees and that gives us a great pleasure. Oh, we have no navel, because we were born in a different way to your mammal birth. (End Quote) She gives an interesting take on the history of the planet I have not heard before. She says that 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were not killed by a meteor but by two species of aliens fighting over earth so they could mine its copper. One of them was humanoid and the other was reptilian. The war ended with the reptilian species detonating a fusion bomb that was more potent than expected and almost destroyed all life on earth.

I do not think this person interviewed a real reptile. Most likely it was a work of fiction. I do think that some of the things revealed in this treatise is true. For instance, I think it is correct that the earth is not hollow with a central sun but there are hollow parts. I think this is good material to read over and run by your soul for stimulation.

One thing did find irritating was the commentary by Michael & Stephanie Relfe. They kept telling me what to think of what Lacerta was saying and commented from a fundamentalist point of view.

You can read the interview here:


May 8, 2012

The Basic God

Thanks for writing this Rob. You bring up an interesting idea I have not thought of before. You say:

“What could mankind do in 100-1000 years by observing survival knowledge born in organisms and then applying it in humans through DNA manipulation?”

When one contemplates the Law of Correspondences he can see that doing this is indeed a possibility.

A human is born in a very helpless condition and needs a caretaker to do everything for him if he is to survive.

When an animal is born it is pretty much ready to go. After a calf or horse is born it will be running around within minutes and seems almost as smart as its mother. The animals have built in programming to assist them that we lack. Why is this?

Part of the reason may be that the animal kingdom has had a longer time to program themselves for survival.

It is true that we depend more on mind than instinct for our survival and perhaps as we progress we will program many things into our nature that does not exist within the animals. It is interesting to speculate what that may be but by using correspondences we can get an idea.

Since the animals are born with built in programming that makes then ready to go at birth then it is most likely human babies will wind up being born with greater and greater abilities as times goes on until a human may have the consciousness of an adult by the age of eight rather than 21 as it is now.

It is indeed food for thought.


May 8, 2012

Re: The Basic God

RJ wrote:

Arthur C Clarke seemed quite the visionary and initiate of his time…. “In a taped interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 1974, Clark is questioned by the interviewer as to how he believes the computer will change the future for the everyday person and what life will be like around the year 2001. Clarke accurately predicts many things which have become a reality, among them online banking, online shopping and other commonplace things. In responding to the interviewer’s question about how his (the interviewer’s) son’s life will be different, Clark responds: “[H]e will have, in his own house, not a computer as big as this, [points to nearby computer], but at least, a console through which he can talk, through his local computer and get all the information he needs, for his everyday life, like his bank statements, his theater reservations, all the information you need in the course of living in our complex modern society, this will be in a compact form in his own house … and he will take it as much for granted as we take the telephone.” Source of Quote

JJ This was one of the most accurate predictions I have ever read. On the other hand, space travel has not progressed anything like he wrote about in 2001. His writings show what could have been if we had continued with the space program.


May 9, 2012

The Atheist

Rob wrote:

I don’t get get your logic here JJ. So, because the human body is inconceivably complex and can reproduce itself it therefore had an intelligent designer?

I don’t understand everything about the moon, nor do I know how it came into existence. But According to your above logic it was also intelligently designed. I’m not saying I’m an Atheist, nor am I saying God can’t be logically proven, only that I don’t see how the ladder of logic flows from your premises to their conclusion.

What am missing?

JJ The Difference between the moon and the human cell is like the difference between a snowflake and an iPad7. One is an accumulation of natural patterns, the other an accumulation of design that had to come from some source.

May 10, 2012

Re: The Atheist

Adam: Yet the indwelling entity/monad of the moon is of a much higher order than the indwelling entity/monad of the human cell, or even the indwelling entity/monad of a human individual? So the moon’s monad only requires a vehicle which is an accumulation of natural patterns in order to eventually manifest full intelligence/glory while the cell is glorified through incredibly complex design and its own evolution?

And the correspondence would seem lacking from the standpoint that the snowflake’s monad is nothing compared to the monad of the iPad7?

Am I missing something?

JJ You are missing the fact that the moon is a dead decaying body and the monad, the logos and the intelligent lives that once lived on it are long gone. Now the moon has little evidence left of design but still has its natural patterns of creation.

On the other hand, the earth is a living planet composed of lots of things that give evidence of intelligent design, not the least of which are humans such as you and me. It also has a monad and logos incarnated into its body which is lacking on the moon.

A computer shows evidence of intelligent design though it doesn’t have an incarnated monad or logos – though it does have elemental lives involved.


May 11, 2012

Immortal Books

Dean I’m not usually one to be surprised or go on about something but something is seriously up with your book. What did you tap into and how you do all that?

It’s like some of it didn’t really come from you. Cause I been reading your posts for ages and it seems different.

more i consider it something different between the books, and the list. Or something strange that don’t add up. You must have an unusual talent for writing or something.

Don’t get it. Where did all the character development come from? The more i think of it the more i think the whole structure of that book is amazing.

These should really be, a best seller. I don’t get why they aren’t more popular. I read books that are way more popular than this but not half as good.

And i even read it years ago, but its not like i read it.

How did you learn to write like that?

I am wondering if i am seeing things in it that are just not there or things that you never intended for there to be there.

JJ Glad you were impressed. The series has not been a big seller and is entirely self published but those who read it generally think it is among the best books they have read and can’t understand why it doesn’t outsell books like the Celestine Prophecy and Conversations with God. I think they still have potential to be big sellers when I finally hit on something that draws the attention of mainstream people. I am hoping my Fixing America book will do that. Sorry this has taken so long to publish but my wife insisted on one more edit. We are getting close to publishing it now.

As to my writing talent or style.. It takes a different mindset to write The Immortal books than it does a regular post. I just write it the best that I am capable. Have you read Eternal Words yet? About the same time I publish Fixing America I will be publishing The Unveiling. Something will eventually hit the mark.


May 11, 2012


Adam And do elemental lives have monads? If not, what is behind their vibration? Did they have an initial reflection, as monads.

JJ A monad is a point of life in the Divine Space which is the One Great life. Each monad has within it all the knowledge and programming (from a past creation) necessary to fulfill its potential creative end. There are human monads, deva monads and animal monads and they are as different as the seeds of a tree, a flower and a watermelon. Normally one will say that a flower grew from a seed but you do not normally say that a petal from the flower grew from a seed. Similarly a tree grows from a seed but one does not associate a leaf growing from one.

Even so the elemental lives are always part of a greater life that grew from a seed which is a monad.

Each piece from the vegetable and mineral kingdom did not come from a unique monad though lives that did develop from monads work with these kingdoms.


May 14, 2012

Easter Island

I’ve been out of town away from computers for a few days so haven’t been able to post. Meanwhile here is something interesting.


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Principles of Unification

This entry is part 14 of 40 in the series 2012A

Thought it would be a good idea to post these again. In these days of discord it is a good idea to be reminded that most agree on many important points.

(1) I accept the idea of peaceful co-existence as an ideal for which to strive and realize that the majority of people wish to live in peace despite their differing beliefs.

(2) I acknowledge that there exists a higher intelligence which most of us call GOD by various names.

(3) Even though this Being or Intelligence is called by differing names and descriptions I acknowledge that this same God is over all mankind and that we are children of God and brothers and sisters. Essentially, humanity is one family.

(4) I believe that the will of God would include the best possible outcome for all of humanity. The goal of “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Humankind” is a goal I embrace.

(5) I embrace the principle of Love and seek to love my neighbor as I do myself. I seek to do unto others, as I would have others do unto me. I seek to serve both God and humanity.

(6) I embrace the Principle of Light in that I seek greater understanding. I realize I have knowledge of some things but do not know all things about either God or man, but seek to know more. I believe that I can progress in knowledge and understanding of spiritual principles. I seek to ever expand my learning. I am open to a fresh outlook when greater light and truth are revealed to me.

(7) I accept the principle of cause and effect and embrace the simple idea as taught in all spiritual movements that good and loving deeds, actions and thoughts will bring good results and harmful actions will bring destructive results. I seek therefore to do good to all mankind that good will return to me.

(8) I accept the Principle of Freedom. I allow all people to worship, speak and believe how, where or what they may so long as they comply with the just laws of the land (laws which protect the whole of the people). I do not support imposing my beliefs on others by force.

(9) I accept the principle of communion. Through prayer, thought or contemplation I can gain a greater awareness of God’s Purpose, God’s Will and God’s Love.

(10) I believe that my existence will continue even after the death of the physical body and seek to live mortal life in such a way so the afterlife of myself and others will be a happy experience.

(11) I believe in the Principle of Sharing to assist those less fortunate than myself. I support the elimination of poverty, disease and ignorance from the human condition that all may live abundantly. I realize that this must be accomplished through working with the free will of humanity and not through force and that sharing includes more than the material.

(12) I believe that true spiritual principles and facts are in harmony with proven science and all truth no matter where it is discovered. In all situations I seek to know the truth rather than settle for that which is false.

(13) I accept the principle of harmlessness and in this spirit I do not support any first aggression toward any nation, group or individual. If there is no first aggression there will not be a second.

(14) I support the principle of harmonious and good relationships and seek to be an ambassador of goodwill with my family, friends, groups and nations that all may benefit from contact with me. I embrace kindness in all my contacts.

(15) I support the principle of honesty and seek to tell the truth consistently.

(16) I believe there is good will and a desire for peace in the great majority of people, groups and religions and seek to see the best in those who believe differently than myself.

Copyright 2001 by J J Dewey. Permission is given to duplicate this as long as no changes are made and copyright notice is attached.

The Plan

The plan in a nutshell is to present these principles to the common people of the various religions with the hope that millions will one day endorse them. When this day comes then the idea of union will begin to permeate the leadership in the various religions and governments. When this is realized the hatred of one religion toward another will diminish and eventually all will cease their thoughts of war and live within a peaceful co-existence.

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