Prediction Results 2011

This entry is part 1 of 40 in the series 2012A

Ruth asked me about predictions. A lot of people are making them so we might as well join in. Anyone willing to embarrass themselves is welcome to join in and make a few. If you made some last year that were accurate – tell us about them.

I’ll review predictions I made the first of last year.

First, let us take a look at President Obama.
The big democratic defeat has done nothing to change his mind on his basic goals. He wants a single payer, government controlled health care system and as much redistribution of the wealth as possible by 2012.
However, the Republican victory has for the first time caused him to modify his approach. He realizes he must now make some adjustments if he and his party are going to have any power over the next few years.
Here is his strategy.
He plunged ahead with his leftist agenda unapologetically for the first two years thinking this was the time of opportunity which may not come again. Now the backlash has come he will attempt to create the illusion that he is listening to the people and moderating his position. He will present himself as the common sense guy in the middle whereas the Republicans, especially the newly elected tea party supporters, are right wing extremists unwilling to cooperate.
The term “reaching across the aisle” will be stressed many times while doing very little reaching but lots of condemning the other side as being inflexible.

JJ Comment:
This seems to have been very accurate. One good example is Obama presenting himself as the champion of tax cutting by cutting he payroll tax and making the Republicans look like they are against tax cuts. Instead of presenting big socialist programs this last year he is attempting to appear more like Reagan than the Republicans. Of course, not everyone is buying this.

Obama thought that his big spending practices would make him beloved of the many and he would be hailed as greater than FDR. This has backfired on him, but not changed his mind. Some economic advisers are still telling him that the problem is that he has not spent enough. Now he is not personally sure what to do, but is addicted to spending and will continue to spend all that is possible to further his goals and win the next election.

JJ Response:
This has certainly come true. Obama has not backed down on the spending and even now wants to borrow another trillion. He is determined to spend himself to victory by throwing the money at the voters.

Also he recently compared himself to FDR.

The whole country is shifting toward the conservative view of financial responsibility and even some of the liberal mainstream media will shift and be more supportive in the direction of economic common sense. This will put pressure on Obama to follow and by the end of the year some will think he has gown while in office and is now able to govern more from the center than before.

JJ Response:
Many in the media are showing concern for the high spending, but many also think Obama is becoming more sensible.

This shift of perception will make Obama harder to beat even if the economy declines. Mitt Romney and Chris Christie are the only Republicans that are a sure bet to beat him. But Christie will not run and Mitt may or may not get the nomination. Sarah Palin, and Mike Huckabee have a 50/50 chance of beating him and Ron Paul has a slimmer chance because of the attacks that would come from the media if he gets the nomination.

JJ Response:
Christie didn’t run as predicted and Huckabee and Palin did not enter. For the rest we’ll have to wait and see.

One of Obama’s advisors has, or shortly will, place an ingenious idea into his head in hope of turning public support in his direction again. The idea is to get Michelle pregnant again and have a new baby in the White House just before the election of 2012 takes place.
Since most view Obama as a great Dad a new cute cuddly baby will be just the ticket to draw attention to Obama in a positive way and take the public’s mind off his shortcomings. The only problem is that Michelle isn’t excited about having another kid right now and may not cooperate, but could give in if the right incentives are given her.

JJ Comment:
I’m sure this idea has been discussed. Since the prediction a number of rumors have been circulating about her being pregnant. Time will tell. Here are a couple of the latest:


Obama’s health care plan will face serious challenges. It will not be repealed by 2012 but there will be a growing dissatisfaction and the Republicans will slow its implementation through defunding and other means.
The requirement that everyone has to purchase health insurance will continue to be challenged by the courts and go all the way to the Supreme Court where it will be declared unconstitutional. This will not discourage liberal Democrats though who will still attempt to give us universal health care through every back door possible. They correctly believe that once a give-away program is implemented that it will be almost impossible to eliminate.

JJ Comment;
This was right on and the health care mandate is on its way to the Supreme Court.

Rumors of Obama having an affair will circulate and some type of another scandal will surface that he will be linked to but not destroyed by it.

JJ Comment
Obama has been linked several times this year to a past affair in 2004 to a lady named Vera Baker but the friendly media hasn’t been investigating it.

The Solinda scandal surfaced but the media has been going soft on Obama over it so it has not done him a lot of damage.

Wiki and other leakers will embarrass the administration and world leaders and give them an excuse to push for internet regulation. Most of the media will work to smooth over the damage to Obama that could have destroyed a conservative president.

JJ Comment:
Wikileaks did embarrass Obama several times the last year. It revealed that Obama gave Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets and exposed the lies about the gun sales to Mexican Drug dealers.

Now let’s look at the new Republican Congress.
Overall the results of this will be predictable. The Democrats will find them very frustrating as well as many on the Right who do not see as much reform as they desire.
Obama will try the divide and conquer approach by befriending some who he sees as cooperative to entice them to opposing those who he will label as far right.
On the other hand, there will be Democrats who will side with the Tea Party views in the hope this will secure re-election. Then there are a handful who see that overspending must be curtailed.
The Left and the mainstream media will attempt to blame all that goes wrong on the new Congress but, even though this will have some effect, it will not take hold as it did in the days of Newt Gingrich.

JJ Comment:
This seems to have been quite accurate.

The greatest short term threats to the economy for this year will be from outside influences such as natural or manmade disaster and the threat of new conflict.
JJ Comment;
2011 was reported as the costliest year in history from natural disasters.

Outside of this the economy will actually show some improvement due to business optimism because of the new Republican Congress. This will not produce a miracle but it will hold a shaky economy together for one more year.

JJ Comment:
Again, this seems to be accurate.

Possible Conflicts
North Korea and Iran will both rattle their sabers but we will not go to war this year. One of the reasons is that China warns us against it and they are becoming so powerful that we are afraid to stir up a possible conflict with them. There will be growing concern that they could turn aggressive, but on the positive side there is a growing number of Chinese who desire a peaceful Democracy. We can only hope that this aspect of the people will prevail.

JJ Comment:
This appears again to be accurate and there are growing movements in China in support of democracy. Too bad I didn’t predict the death of Kim Jong il. That would have been impressive.

There will be a number of medical advances related to technology such as artificial eyesight, artificial limbs and nano technology.

JJ Comment:
I’m sure advancements have been made but haven’t taken the time to investigate.

UFO sightings will be up and one in particular will be difficult to explain away.

JJ Comment:
2011 is said to have more UFO sightings than any other year in history. One in Jerusalem is particularly interesting.
UFO Link

New particle discoveries will be made at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern but they will not find the Higgs particle this year.

JJ Comment:
They have been searching like crazy for the Higgs particle and think they have found some evidence but haven’t found it yet. They hope to prove its existence this year sometime.

Lady Gaga will make even stranger attempts to get attention causing some to think she is not stable.

JJ Comment;So true but this was a no brainer prediction. If you thought she was weird before take a look at this:
Lady Gaga Link

Reality TV will finally begin to lose some of its popularity, thank God.

JJ Comment:
This seems to be the first prediction so far that didn’t come true. I think I was having wishful thinking as I do not like the reality shows.

Apple will continue to put out innovative products that will keep it on the cutting edge and its popularity will increase when it markets a 3-D monitor.

JJ Comment:
Apple is still doing great. Apple’s working on a 3D monitor but hasn’t released it yet:
3D Link
It is also working on reinventing the television:
Apple Television link

Obama will work toward normalizing relations with Cuba whether Congress cooperates or not.

JJ Comment:
This started to come true a couple weeks after the prediction:
Cuba Link

Also see:
Cuba Link#2

There will be several weather related disasters and flooding will be a problem. Problems will be worse than usual but not cataclysmic.

JJ Comment:
The Japan Tsunami was pretty bad but not cataclysmic. There were much more than average weather related disasters and lots of flooding throughout the world.

With the high price of gold staying up there and unemployment high more people will prospect and mine for gold. There will be a gold rush in several parts of the world and gold production will go up.

JJ Comment:
The price of Gold has stayed up there. When the prediction was made it was around $1400 an ounce and it is now $1610. There are lots of stories from the past year about the modern gold rush. Here is one:
Gold Rush Link

The danger of China having a monopoly on rare earth elements will finally dawn on the public consciousness and there will develop a push to mine theses elements in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries.

JJ Comment:
This was right on. Check this out:
Rare Earth Link

Prices of essentials such as food, fuel and power will go up and many non essentials will go down. This will create the illusion that there is not as much inflation as there really is affecting he average household.

JJ Comment:
This seems to be true as far as I can tell.

Talk of global warming will become a joke except during the summer when it does truly get warm.

JJ Comment:
Seems that way. Jay Leno and others joke about it increasingly.

The Patriots will win the Superbowl.

JJ Comment:
Ooops… Wishful thinking on that one.

Academy Awards
: The King’s Speech will win best Picture and Colin Firth who stars in it will receive Best Actor
Natalie Portman will receive best actress for Black Swan.

JJ Comment:
This makes up for my Superbowl miss. I was 100% correct on the Academy Awards.

On July 26 I made this prediction in response to all the alarm over Comet Elenin:
“By January of next year the memory of disaster warnings over Elenin will fade into the background as has the alarm over Y2K and Past Nibiru warnings. We will have other things to worry about.”

JJ Comment;
After the sun destroyed Eleinin it is now out of mind and out of sight.

Overall my accuracy was much better than the psychics I know of out there and I do not claim to be psychic.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings, Part 3

This entry is part 5 of 34 in the series 2011C

Change of Mind
July 16, 2011

From Sen. Obama’s Floor Speech, March 20, 2006: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

At the time, Senator Obama was urging Congress not to tolerate an increase that would bring the debt ceiling to $9 trillion. Under President Obama, the debt ceiling has been raised to $14.3 trillion. Even without counting most unfunded liabilities, the national debt is now calculated to be nearing $14.1 trillion. It increases about $4.22 billion per day (each citizen’s share stands at roughly $45K). Thus, Democrats will soon demand that the debt ceiling be raised, lest the sky fall. When they do, they will be asking for a significant boost in a ceiling that is already 60 percent higher than the one Barack Obama said was “a sign of leadership failure” five years ago.\ 2006-vote-against-raising-debt-limit-andrew-c-mcca

Re: A Curiosity
July 25, 2011

JJ You are correct here, Blayne. By all estimates Elenin is 1-2 miles in diameter and thousands of times smaller than a brown dwarf.

As far as a news blackout goes I think the problem is there is just nothing newsworthy. A long shot guess by one amateur astronomer that it could provide a spectacular display is not likely to make any news unless backed up by other astronomers as was the discovery of the Hale-Bop comet with its trajectory toward Jupiter.

There is less than a chance in a million that Elenin will create any problem for us so I’m not losing any sleep on it unless I receive some sort of revelation.

Much bigger news than anything recent about Elenin is the arrival of the half billion dollar space probe, Dawn, to the asteroid Vesta. This is a pretty big deal and I haven’t heard a word of it in the mainstream media. You can check this out here:\ orbital-im.html

Re: A Curiosity
July 26, 2011

I just cannot get excited about Elenin and have no sense that anything that it may cause will have ay negative effect on my life or anything I am supposed to do. I’m sure there will be some earthquakes between August and December of this year and if there are any significant ones then they will be attributed by some to Elenin, but the chances of it directly causing any harm to us is very low indeed.

I am about a thousand times more concerned about the economy.

By January of next year the memory of disaster warnings over Elenin will fade into the background as has the alarm over Y2K and Past Nibiru warnings. We will have other things to worry about.


Re: A Curiosity
July 26, 2011

JJ if the economy crashes will we have a world wide depression worse than anything else we have ever suffered from in the past depressions?

Ruth: If people have some money in their bank accounts or investments, will they lose the value of their money or lose the money?

JJ If we had a perfect storm we could lose everything. Without that things will just get worse until some positive changes are made.

Re: What Initiation is JJ?
July 31, 2011

DK says it is counterproductive for a teacher to reveal his status and I agree, but I will make this one statement. In order to pass my next initiation I must complete a successful molecule. Hopefully that can be done in this life. If not I will continue on into the next.

Re: A Real Brain Trust We Have in Congress...
Aug 1, 2011

What caused the inflation is the head of Zimbabwe’s Federal Reserve increased the money supply by 20 million times within a year’s time. The problem had nothing to do with interest free money but a reckless increase of the money supply. I doubt if the money was interest free since the central bank was printing it.

If we increased our money supply by 20 million times instead of 5% or so we would be immediately destroyed economically and it wouldn’t matter what kind of money it was if there was an increase like that.

You might want to read my treatise where I talk about various money systems. It starts here:

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

Ruth: Joe Smith did not pass the 4th because he couldn’t give up his friends and family and was killed. But if he had gone West, he may have been able to still create a molecule, so what would he have to give up in reality?

JJ At the time he would have had to give up everything he held dear in his mind, his honor, his courage, his friends, his brother, his family, the respect of his followers. It was more than he could bear.

Yes, the reward would have been great if he had succeeded, but he did not realize that at the time.

Molecules can be composed of various numbers as I have taught before. The molecule of twelve is particularly powerful and has the attributes needed to build Zion. You not only need the number, but you need a Master to approve the molecule and overshadow it.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

The initiating molecule has to be linked up through a master. The additional ones must be linked up to the initiating one.

You do not have to worry about getting accepted by a master unless you are forming the first molecule. All molecules must be harmonious enough to allow for the flow of soul energy or they will not function or be linked to the first.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

Can we ever truly do more than just live the best life we know how and in doing so important rites-of-passage like Initiations happen in due course?


That’s about what we all have to do Rob. The drawback of studying the initiations is that many are impatient and want to see themselves on their last life when they have a long way to go.

Answer to a Reader
Aug 3, 2011
A reader named Benny made some comments at:

Here is my response to him. Note that his words are in CAPS and when he quotes me he uses lower case with quotation marks.

Benny: I HAVE READ A FLAWED MONEY SYSTEM, A TIME FOR ALL THINGS, THE IDEAL MONEY, THE NEW GREENBACK, And did Agree on much of it, until I came to These Quotes:

“Yes, it helps a little to get the best possible people in office and to make laws that attempt to restrain insanity but such steps are very insufficient to cure the disease. Outside help must be called in.” QUITE PESSIMISTIC!

JJ It’s not the outcome we all want but this is the outcome we’ve always had and if we follow the same procedure we will get the same results as in the past. If we want to change our destiny we need to do something different. The people themselves must take charge and create positive change.

Benny: “And where do we find such people? They are all over. They are called voters and most of these people do have the needed common sense.” NO THEY DO NOT! IF THEY HAD, WE WOULD NOT RESIDE IN SUCH A MESS.

JJ The common people have not been in charge and had little to do with getting us in this mess. The problems we have were created by people representing us while we have been too passive.

Benny: “The average voter knows better than to borrow more money than he can pay back.” NOT! WHO TOOK THE SUBPRIME LOANS? WHO BOUGHT TOO EXPENCIVE HOUSES, CARS AND STUFF?

JJ You’re not talking about the average voter here and those who took subprime loans were a small percentage of the population. Most of those who took such loans were way below average in income and many in this category do not even vote. The average person tries to balance his budget so he can make his payments.

Benny: “The average voter knows better than to spend more money than he has available.” NOT! ESPECIALLY IF HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY.

JJ You are thinking of people who are below average in handling their budget. Average people and above attempt to keep their financial houses in order.

Benny: “The average voter knows that his family wants many things he cannot afford so he has to set priorities in spending – unlike Congress that thinks it has to borrow whatever it takes to give us all the things we want.”


JJ We are over $14 trillion in debt and borrowing just to pay our bills. This is not sustainable.

Average people and above do not borrow to pay their bills, especially when there is another way.

I know that if I cannot pay my bills I will either make cuts or find a way to increase my income and most people I know think this way.

Benny: “The average voter is not a member of an elite club like Congress where he is under pressure to spend lots of money to be one of the group.”


JJ Again I think you are talking about a minority. None of my friends are like this. And even considering what you say, these type of people are much different than Congress who have spending pressures many times stronger than mere advertising.

What is more potent, an ad that says “Drink Coca Cola” or a political group that says, “Do what we say or lose your funding and your job?”

The answer is obvious.

Benny: “The average voter does not have to raise large sums of money to be elected and is not beholden to pressure groups.” THAT’S ONLY TRUE IF HE’S NOT TRYING TO BE ELECTED.

JJ Very few voters are trying to get elected to anything.

Benny: “Best of all, the average voter balances his budget and lives within his means.”


JJ To balance your budget and live within your means does not mean you do not borrow money. It means you are managing your budget so all debts get paid.

Congress only pays the interest on our debt and borrows money to pay that.

The average householder pays principle and interest and will have his loans paid off in the future. He doesn’t borrow to pay his debt.

Benny: “We cannot trust those who created the problem to solve the problem.”


JJ Yes, we are responsible for electing our representatives and it is not working so we have to try something else within the framework of the Constitution.


JJ Some people do this, but not the majority.


JJ Yes, this happened and some in Congress are still pushing for this to continue. This problem has diminished significantly, but it needs to stop completely. This problem is easily corrected through legislation.


JJ Most of the banks money is created from loaning money based on deposits on hand. If they have $100 they can loan out $1000 or so. Money is presently created through debt. This we must change.


JJ This may be true, but average people are not under the same pressures to conform that faces our representatives. Average people are not worried about getting reelected, being invited to Washington parties, being praised by the press, raising funds to keep your job etc. Because of this the majority of people support common sense decisions much more than our representatives.

For more on why I have faith in the majority go to:

Evil in the Eyes of Government Message List Aug 3, 2011

With all the dangers that assault us who does the government go after with guns and the full force of law?

Harmless people who sell raw milk. Take a look.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 3, 2011

I have been told to create a molecule. When it is correctly organized then it will be accepted. If there is not enough Harmony and soul contact in the group then it will not.

If I die before it is accomplished then others can try to create an accepted group. The important point to realize is that just getting the correct number of individuals is not enough. There must be group soul contact and acceptance from a Master who is a member of a higher molecule.

Re: Evil in the Eye of the Government
Aug 4, 2011

Back in the Seventies about a dozen of us got the bug Giardia in the small town of New Plymouth. Health officials became alarmed and investigated. They visited me and asked me if I drank raw milk. I answered yes. Then they asked me where I bought it. I told them but also told them that I was sure I didn’t get the bug from there. I told them that right after I drank some raw apple cider from a local plant that I was effected and thought that was the cause for the plant added water to the cider and the water may be contaminated.

They ignored this and went after the farmer and shut him down. They didn’t go after the apple cider plant for two reasons. First, they had an obvious bias against raw milk and second the owner of the cider plant was a powerful politician and they didn’t want to touch him.

I was further annoyed by the officials when I did my own survey and everyone I talked to that got the bug drank the apple cider but only a couple drank the raw milk.

Re: Paul’s 2nd
Aug 4, 2011

DK said back in the Twenties that there were only about 300 disciples, or third degree initiates, on the planet. So, using that as a starting point by interpolation there are probably a thousand or so today – though even this number seems high.

Bumper Sticker:
Aug 8, 2011

Clinton felt your pain. Obama causes your pain.

A reader made some comments about my post about Greenbacks at: Aug 11, 2011

He says:

Instead of garbage by Ellen Brown and Bill Still, read for once in your life the story of the Greenback. If you did, you would not regurgitate this fantasy about Lincoln and his Dick coming in a shining armour to save the village idiots from the big bad bankers.

Lincoln had as much to do with the invention of Treasury Notes as Saunders with the invention of fried chicken. Lincoln and his crew were all whigs; Chase learned what he knew about banking at the Bank of the United States, where he worked as attorney. The true fathers of the Greenback were Hooper, Corning, Spaulding. Hooper first practiced at the State level

(1) inflationary bonds – are you out of your mind ? bonds cannot be inflationary; if you bothered to pay attention, you would know that by 1865 $1,100million bonds were issued. The inflation was caused by the $300million additional Greenbacks, instead of the originally intended $150million Reply

Here was my response:

You act as if I said that Lincoln came up with the idea of the Greenback. I did not. You say that Corning, Spaulding and Hooper originated it. You overlook the fact that I did mention Spaulding’s role who was the main driving force behind it in Congress.

Just like any legislation today must involve both the President and Congress even so was it in those days. Who is the father of the current healthcare plan? Was it Pelosi and Reid, the lawyers who wrote the words or Obama? The fact is that the President had to support it to get it passed and in recognition of this it is called Obamacare. Does this make him the father of it? It’s a matter of interpretation.

The fact that people outside of Congress influenced Lincoln’s support of the Greenback is a separate story from its evolution in Congress. It was important that Lincoln be convinced, especially since he had the power of veto. Exactly how much interplay there was behind the scenes between Congress and the President concerning the Greenback we do not know but we know the is always a substantial amount on important legislation.

You rule out Lincoln’s reported conversation with Dick Taylor. Lots of things reported from history could be inaccurate or fabricated, but there is no proof this conversation did not take place so I relate it and let the reader decide. I also note that his economic adviser Henry Carey was said to have a similar influence on Lincoln toward the Greenback.

So instead of just having a narrow focus and stating that the Spaulding gang was the father of the Greenback I mention other possible influences. And you think that is wrong because…?

Bonds can be inflationary. Anything that can be used to purchase something can influence price increases. For example, if bonds were used to purchase 90% of the wheat then of course the price of a loaf of bread would increase.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings, Part 2

This entry is part 4 of 34 in the series 2011C

Belief – Faith
July 1, 2011

Ruth: So we should always question our soul and intuition? Isn’t the Spirit within the true voice anyway? Entering the Kingdom is entering the spiritual consciousness, rather than the lower consciousness.

JJ The trouble is that we have two voices within. The first is a voice created by the emotional/astral self. This was that which was called in the Bible “the heart which is deceitful above all things.” This does not represent the true heart energies but is the closest thing to it until the energy of spiritual love is recognized.

Many people seek the inner voice for lifetimes and the highest they achieve is the astral voice that always leads them to upside down truths and keeps them in illusion.

The seeker must question all things, including the astral inner voice before he can find the sure voice of the soul.

Then when he first discovers the true voice he will have difficulty in accepting it as real at first and will question its reality. It is only after the true voice proves itself a number of times that the seeker finally accepts it as reliable and begins to trust it. After he has proven its reliability and trusts it the power of the voice is increased until it becomes strong enough that there is no question that the seeker is hearing the true voice when it comes.

A sure reliance on the true voice will take a number of lifetimes and for the seeker who has mastered it in the past – he will still have to remaster it in the current life – though it could be much quicker because he doesn’t have to start from scratch.

Ruth How does one first prove or test that Jesus will raise another person from the dead, until the actual deed has taken place?

JJ Martha had already seen Jesus perform a lot of miracles and this increased her faith. To her credit the inner voice confirmed that Jesus could raise Lazarus and she accepted this.

Ruth quoting me: “He who masters intuition knows, and knows that he knows, and knows why he knows.”

JJ But before this happens the seeker will mistake the astral voice many times for the true voice. After all, he has nothing to compare the astral voice to until he hears and recognizes the true voice.

Ruth: Oh now I get it. So when God told Joe Smith to go west and save himself, he said no because he was too skeptical of that inner voice and had to test it, so he went and got killed instead?

JJ He wasn’t skeptical of the inner voice. He knew he should have followed it but the pressure from his wife, brother and others just got the best of him and he ignored the voice to his peril.

Ruth: For the rest of my life and the next and next one, I am supposed to question all of JJ’s teachings, all of Jesus teachings and all of the DK teachings, just in case they are all wrong?


JJ It doesn’t matter if God himself is speaking question anything that doesn’t make sense and seek understanding until you can make sense of a thing and have it register positive with your soul. I question DK regularly and this helps me see his teachings from a wider angle.

Ruth Glad Mary and Martha and all those other women did not question their soul voice when it came to Jesus depending on their faith and belief in those healings.

JJ But they did question it many times previously until they learned to recognize the difference between the true voice and the astral.

Ruth If I was to continuously question that which I know is true, then I will never truly believe in myself or my ability to know truth via soul.

JJ Use the things you are sure is true as a foundation, but ever so often one must reexamine himself and question all things. I do this with myself. If I didn’t do this I would probably still be a regular church member as when I was younger I was very sure that I was on the path of highest knowledge, but because I was open to all things I discovered I was wrong and reset my compass.

However, the true principles that were confirmed by my soul when I was younger are still true today. I just needed a path correction and needed the realization that the soul only gives you the portion of a picture that you can handle at the time.

Trump Quote
July 4, 2011

Here’s a great quote from Donald Trump that Sterling dug up:

Let me get this straight . . . … We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care Plan we are forced to purchase and Fined if we don’t, Which purportedly covers at least Ten million more people, Without adding a single new doctor, But provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, Written by a committee whose chairman Says he doesn’t understand it, Passed by a Congress that didn’t read it but Exempted themselves from it, And signed by a President who smokes, With funding administered by a treasury chief who Didn’t pay his taxes, For which we’ll be taxed for four years before any Benefits take effect, By a government which has Already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, All to be overseen by a surgeon general Who is obese, And financed by a country that’s broke!!!!!

‘What the hell could Possibly go wrong?’

Re: PI is wrong?
July 6, 2011

Here was a readers comments in PI which I thought was interesting:

What’s the big deal? We cannot handle doubling a constant? Besides, while some formulas are simpler, others are more complex. Circumference becomes Tau x R instead of 2 x Pi x R, but at the same time Tau x D / 2 instead of Pi x D. Area of the circle is now Tau x R^2/2 instead of a simpler Pi x R^2. I think what this “innovation” shows is that we have gotten so bad at math that we are not able to perform trivial algebraic and arithmetic transformations intuitively. But if calling 2xPi Tau saves space in some formulas, why not use it? At the same time, we still need Pi to keep others simple.

Re: From Self Consciousness to Initiation
July 6, 2011

Glad you like that series. I got distracted and never returned to finish that book. I still plan on doing so one day not too far away now. When finished it may capture some attention.


Blayne wrote:
I was wondering if you if you were ever going to finish this book? I often refer people to it for an overview of our human progression when the topic comes up it is done so well. Now of course I had to track down each link in the archives. I liked it better when we could just click on the next chapter or go to an index of all these works. > > I know your not very busy these days so I thought I would give you something to do for a change… ;D LOL! > > For those of you who have not read it or its been a long time here you go… > > Blayne > > > > > > > > > > >

What lives fuse to enter the kingdom?
July 7, 2011

JJ [archives]: > “… each time a new kingdom is entered lives are fused to create a greater life.” –

Dan: So, when a human “graduates” to the god kingdom, what lives fuse?

JJ First remember that higher correspondences are loosely like the lower but are also different. The correspondences are never exact and the higher must be discern intuitively. Seeking an exact correspondence will never reveal the full truth for the life of God is always applying new intelligence on each new level.

We are all fragments of a greater whole. When a successful human molecule is created the various entities create stations for the atomic units but these may not be your true fragmented parts. As you enter the next kingdom your soul searches for your true parts that you will fuse with. It may be some time before this happens as other parts of yourself may not yet have entered the fifth kingdom but are regular humans not yet aware of you.

The Five Tibetans
July 10, 2011

Dan: So for those of us not at the gathering, what are the benefits of spinning JJ? And why is one direction (clockwise, if you laid a clock face-up on the ground) better than the other?

JJ I got an email from a woman’s only website that was supposed to contain a weight loss secret connected to spinning. I guess with a handle like “JJ” they didn’t know I was a guy. I decided to check it out. The site is at:

The author says she has received many positive comments of improvements in health from people who practice spinning clockwise, but if they spin the other way nothing much happens.

I found the book you linked to enlightening, however, because it explains the principle of activating the spinning energy centers in the body with a number of exercises. I plan on diligently applying these and monitoring the results.

The Five Tibetans
July 10, 2011

Spinning (was Re: The Five Tibetans

Ruthangel I’m wondering if clockwise or counter clockwise had anything to do with the hemisphere???

JJ The body needs to spin clockwise not because of anything esoteric but because the energy centers it stimulates spin that direction. The clockwise spinning stimulates the spin of the centers in their natural direction and this increases energy flow to the whole body. That is the teaching anyway.

It is true that the natural spin of our various centers is linked to higher things but that is another subject.

I’d recommend reading the booklet Larry and Dan referenced.

Diet Sodas
July 11, 2011

I want to thank all those who came to the gathering. It was one more special occasion. A lot of the attraction for the group is just meeting each other and mingling.

The theme for the gathering was health and we covered a lot of good material but there were several things that I forgot to mention. One very important one was diet sodas and artificial sweeteners.

From the time I first tasted artificial sweetener I knew that they are not good for you. It tastes like nothing natural on earth – like it is manufactured from some chemical waste dump.

What really amazed me is how many people used them and seemed to actually like them. The only explanation I can think of is you acquire a taste after you use them for a while. As for me this was not something I want to acquire a taste for but even so a couple times a year I may drink something with artificial sweeteners as it is in so many things that it is difficult to avoid completely.

It is difficult to tell what has artificial sweeteners from the label as there are so many variations of them with numerous names. I read that they are sometimes added to natural sweeteners and not listed in the ingredients. Sometimes the only way you can tell is from the taste.

Below is the results of several studies showing some of the disadvantages. It is interesting that people use them to save calories, but those who drink diet sodas gain more weight than those who use regular sugar drinks.

I think the problems it causes are much greater than revealed by any study so far. Michael J. Fox was famous for endorsing Diet Pepsi and look at he poor guy now. I wouldn’t be surprised if the diet drinks weren’t largely responsible for his condition.

Anyway – here’s some thought provoking data.

The Studies

People who drink diet soft drinks don’t lose weight. In fact, they gain weight, a new study shows.

The findings come from eight years of data collected by Sharon P. Fowler, MPH, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. Fowler reported the data at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association in San Diego.

“What didn’t surprise us was that total soft drink use was linked to overweight and obesity,” Fowler tells WebMD. “What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks, their risk of obesity was even higher.”

In fact, when the researchers took a closer look at their data, they found that nearly all the obesity risk from soft drinks came from diet sodas.

“There was a 41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day,” Fowler says. More Diet Drinks, More Weight Gain

Fowler’s team looked at seven to eight years of data on 1,550 Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white Americans aged 25 to 64. Of the 622 study participants who were of normal weight at the beginning of the study, about a third became overweight or obese.

For regular soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:

26% for up to 1/2 can each day 30.4% for 1/2 to one can each day 32.8% for 1 to 2 cans each day 47.2% for more than 2 cans each day.

For diet soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:

36.5% for up to 1/2 can each day 37.5% for 1/2 to one can each day 54.5% for 1 to 2 cans each day 57.1% for more than 2 cans each day.

For each can of diet soft drink consumed each day, a person’s risk of obesity went up 41%

New research that links diet soda consumption with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke has doctors urging caution about the controversial and preliminary results. According to a study of more than 2,500 people presented today as a poster at the American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference in Los Angeles, people who drank diet soda daily had a 61 percent increased risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who drank no soda, even when accounting for smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and calories consumed per day. “This study suggests that diet soda is not an optimal substitute for sugar-sweetened beverages, and may be associated with a greater risk of stroke,” Hannah Gardener of the University of Miami and her colleagues reported at the conference.\ sk/story?id=12868269

Watch your kidneys, folks.

Researchers analyzing the health habits of thousands of nurses found that women who drank two or more diet sodas daily had a two-fold increase in the risk of a significantly faster drop in their kidneys’ ability to filter blood compared with those who drank one or none.

Another analysis by the same pair of Harvard researchers found that eating a lot of salt also hurt kidney’s filtering power over time.

“While more study is needed, our research suggests that higher sodium and artificially sweetened beverages are associated with a greater rate of decline in kidney function,” Dr. Julie Lin, a kidney specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said in a statement.

Does Obama Exist?
July 12, 2011

Here’s an interesting article that Sterling found. I wonder if a factcheck site has checked into this.


Re: Does Obama Exist?
July 13, 2011

I figured someone must have checked this out and there would be some evidence of his past, but considering the meager evidence of his existence in the past I thought “Does Obama Exist?” was a funny question to ask.

Re: Does Obama Exist?
July 13, 2011

Blayne: Snopes is not reliable they have been caught lying several times.

JJ I have found all these fact check places to be suspect and partisan. They all seem to originate from the left and attempt to make the right wing seem like the crazy ones as if the left is where reason resides.

Sex & the Throat Center
July 15, 2011

There were questions a while back regarding sex and the throat center. Here are a few interesting things from the Bailey writings on the subject:

This point has been enlarged upon because so many people, and particularly men, find that the animal nature requires attention when they begin to meditate. They discover within themselves uncontrolled desires, plus physiological effects which cause them acute trouble and discouragement. A person may have a high aspiration and a strong urge towards spiritual living and yet have aspects of his nature still uncontrolled. The energy that pours in during meditation pours down through the mechanism and stimulates the entire sex apparatus. The weak point is always discovered and stimulated. The cure for this situation can be summed up in the words: control of the thought life and transmutation. An intense mental preoccupation and interest should be cultivated in other directions than the line of least resistance sex. There should be an endeavor at all times to keep the energy contacted in the head and to permit it to work out through creative activity of some kind. The eastern teaching tells us that energy, usually directed to the functioning of the sex life, has to be raised and carried to the head and throat, particularly the latter, as it is, we are told, the centre of creative work. To put it in western terms, this means that we learn to transmute the energy utilized in the procreative process or in sex thoughts and use it in the work of creative writing, in artistic endeavor, or in some expression of group activity. The tendency in modern times to find the one-pointed thinker and purely mental type evading marriage and as he frequently does leading a purely celibate life, may be a demonstration of the truth of the eastern position. It is causing a good deal of concern among those who study our falling birth rate. Transmutation is not surely the death of an activity or a cessation of functioning on any level of consciousness for the sake of a higher. It is the right utilization of the various aspects of energy wherever the Self feels they should be used for the furthering of the ends of evolution, and the helping of the Plan. The mind, illumined by the soul, should be the controlling factor, and when we think straight, live straight, and raise all thoughts and energies into the “Heavenly places” we shall solve our problems through the development of a spiritual normality which is greatly needed at this time, particularly among aspirants and esoteric students. From Intellect to Intuition, Pages 259-261

The first indications of glamour arose when the disciples and the aspirants of the Lemurian world (whose problem was the right comprehension, correct functioning and control of the physical body) began to differentiate between themselves, as self-conscious beings, and physical and vital forces. That immediately set up a tremendous activity in the throat centre which is the higher aspect of the sacral centre (the sex centre) and thus led to the initial glamour and to the first definite recognition and consideration of the sex impulse, of sex attraction, and for the initiate of that period of the necessary sex transmutation. This went hand in hand with the earliest Yoga, or the cult of the physical body with the objective of its control by the soul, and the consequent merging of the conscious and the subconscious. Glamour Page 107

Rule 11.

Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle to the higher, and preserve that which is created through the fire of the midway point.

This means, literally, the control by the initiate of the sex impulse, as usually understood, and the transference of the fire which now normally vitalises the generative organs to the throat centre, thus leading to creation upon the mental plane through the agency of mind. That which is to be created must then be nourished and sustained by the love energy of nature issuing from the heart centre. Initiation, Human & Solar, Page 204

Apart from a consideration of this along the lines of the conservation of energy, there is another angle from which the aspirant approaches the problem and that is the transmutation of the vital principle (as manifested through the physical organism) into the dynamic demonstration of it as manifested through the organ of sound, or creation, through the word, the work of the true magician. There is as all students of occultism know, a close connection between the organs of generation and the third major centre, the throat centre. This is apparent physiologically in the change of voice seen during the adolescent period. Through the true conservation of energy and abstention from incontinence, the yogi becomes a creator on the mental plane through the use of the word and of sounds, and the energy which can be dissipated through the activity of the lower centre is concentrated and transmuted into the great creative work of the magician. This is done through continence, pure living and clean thinking, and not through any perversions of occult truth such as sex magic and the enormities of the sex perversions of various so-called occult schools. The latter are on the black path and do not lead to the portal of initiation. Light of the Soul, Page 200

The energy of the sacral centre which feeds the generative organs is in due course of time transferred into the throat centre. The creative process is then carried on by thought, sound and the spoken Word. Hunger and thirst are the two aspects of desire, the one, hunger, being positive, masculine and grasping; the other, thirst, being negative, feminine and receptive. Those two words are but symbols of the two great impulses underlying the sex impulse. When these impulses are dominated and controlled, then the energy of the centre lying behind the organs concerned, can be carried upward to the throat, and hunger and thirst are arrested in the esoteric sense. It should be borne in mind here that these two words are the physical plane analogies to the great pairs of opposites which the yogi has to balance and which he does balance when the solar plexus is performing its highest function. Light of the Soul, Page 312

First, the energies below the diaphragm have to be lifted up and blended with those above the diaphragm. With the process and rules for so doing we cannot here deal, except in one case, the raising of the sacral energy to the throat centre, or the transmutation of the process of physical reproduction and of physical creation into that of the creativeness of the artist in some field of creative expression. Through the union of the energies of these two centres we shall come to that stage in our development wherein we shall produce the children of our skill and minds. Where, in other words, there is a true union of the higher and the lower energies, you will have the emergence of beauty in form, the enshrining of some aspect of truth in appropriate expression, and thus the enriching of the world. Where there is this synthesis, the true creative artist begins to function. The throat, the organ of the Word, expresses the life and manifests the glory and the reality behind. Such is the symbolism lying behind the teaching of the fusion of the lower energies with the higher, and of this, physical plane sex is a symbol. Mankind today is rapidly becoming more creative, for the transfusion of the energies is going on under the new impulses. As we develop the sense of purity in man, as the growth of the sense of responsibility is fostered, and as his love of beauty, of colour and of ideas proceeds, we shall have a rapid increase in the raising of the lower into union with the higher, and thereby the beautifying of the Temple of the Lord will be tremendously accelerated. Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 289


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Predictions 2011, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 50 in the series 2011A

Many thanks to those who posted predictions. I’m impressed. I’ll bet your accuracy will be better than professional psychics.

The last time I took a stab at this I was about 80% accurate. I’ll be surprised if I can duplicate that again as not even God knows all the details of the future, though the mind of God is aware of how creation will unfold and the ending results of the various cycles.

First, let us take a look at President Obama.

The big democratic defeat has done nothing to change his mind on his basic goals. He wants a single payer, government controlled health care system and as much redistribution of the wealth as possible by 2012.

However, the Republican victory has for the first time caused him to modify his approach. He realizes he must now make some adjustments if he and his party are going to have any power over the next few years.

Here is his strategy.

He plunged ahead with his leftist agenda unapologetically for the first two years thinking this was the time of opportunity which may not come again. Now the backlash has come he will attempt to create the illusion that he is listening to the people and moderating his position. He will present himself as the common sense guy in the middle whereas the Republicans, especially the newly elected tea party supporters, are right wing extremists unwilling to cooperate.

The term “reaching across the aisle” will be stressed many times while doing very little reaching but lots of condemning the other side as being inflexible.

Obama thought that his big spending practices would make him beloved of the many and he would be hailed as greater than FDR. This has backfired on him, but not changed his mind. Some economic advisers are still telling him that the problem is that he has not spent enough. Now he is not personally sure what to do, but is addicted to spending and will continue to spend all that is possible to further his goals and win the next election.

The whole country is shifting toward the conservative view of financial responsibility and even some of the liberal mainstream media will shift and be more supportive in the direction of economic common sense. This will put pressure on Obama to follow and by the end of the year some will think he has gown while in office and is now able to govern more from the center than before.

This shift of perception will make Obama harder to beat even if the economy declines. Mitt Romney and Chris Christie are the only Republicans that are a sure bet to beat him. But Christie will not run and Mitt may or may not get the nomination. Sarah Palin, and Mike Huckabee have a 50/50 chance of beating him and Ron Paul has a slimmer chance because of the attacks that would come from the media if he gets the nomination.

One of Obama’s advisors has, or shortly will, place an ingenious idea into his head in hope of turning public support in his direction again. The idea is to get Michelle pregnant again and have a new baby in the White House just before the election of 2012 takes place.

Since most view Obama as a great Dad a new cute cuddly baby will be just the ticket to draw attention to Obama in a positive way and take the public’s mind off his shortcomings. The only problem is that Michelle isn’t excited about having another kid right now and may not cooperate, but could give in if the right incentives are given her.

Obama’s health care plan will face serious challenges. It will not be repealed by 2012 but there will be a growing dissatisfaction and the Republicans will slow its implementation through defunding and other means.

The requirement that everyone has to purchase health insurance will continue to be challenged by the courts and go all the way to the Supreme Court where it will be declared unconstitutional. This will not discourage liberal Democrats though who will still attempt to give us universal health care through every back door possible. They correctly believe that once a give-away program is implemented that it will be almost impossible to eliminate.

Rumors of Obama having an affair will circulate and some type of another scandal will surface that he will be linked to but not destroyed by. Wiki and other leakers will embarrass the administration and world leaders and give them an excuse to push for internet regulation. Most of the media will work to smooth over the damage to Obama that could have destroyed a conservative president.
To be continued.