The Last Life, Part 2

This entry is part 19 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Perhaps another question would be, is there such a thing as a last life?power and he will have

Audience: I don’t think so; I think that even if you go through the initiations and reach the Christ initiation, which is what, the fifth initiation?

JJ: Yes to be a Master you have to go through five initiations, but the Christ was working on his seventh.

Audience: So even if you were to reach the fifth initiation you could still have another life so I don’t think you could ever be done.

JJ: Okay there is an interesting scripture that talks about the concept that we will have eternal lives on eternal worlds, worlds without end. In the true reality there is no last life but there is a last life to a particular field of endeavor and activity. Now we are under going a human evolution, to learn everything we need to learn going through our human in our sate. It takes many lifetimes and eventually we will reach a life where we will be like Christ and we will have all the mastery that Christ had and we will reach a point where we will say to ourselves well it looks like there is not too much more for me learn by coming back again except for maybe make a second coming somehow.

Now the second coming of the Christ could mean just being born as babe again and this is entirely possible but something that is not revealed and He does not want this revealed, why? Because when He comes He wants people to recognize Him because of what is inside of Him and not because it is proclaimed, “I am Christ obey me, bow before Zog!” You know the guy in superman movie.

That is the way everybody thinks that Jesus is going to be when He comes, destroy all the those wicked son of guns and then everybody will say, just tell me what to do, I will do whatever you say now lord. And then he starts bossing everybody around saying things like, “We are going to change this, we are going to get rid of President Bush and we are going to install a cabinet of zealous born again members and we are going to do this and that.” That is not the way it is going to be at all. If you want to know what it is going to be like the second time then look and see what He was like when He was here the first time. Did He boss anybody around the first time?

Even when He knew Judas was going to betray Him did He do anything to stop him? No He did not do a thing and just let Judas go ahead and betray Him. Did He try to unseat Caesar? No, did He interfere with anyone’s free will? No, the only thing that made Him cantankerous was one thing and does anybody remember what that one thing that He criticized was?

Audience: The profit for moneymakers in the temple.

JJ: But why did He criticize these guys?

Audience: They were making the profit and not doing…

JJ: It is one word and begins with the letter H.

Audience: Hypocrisy?

JJ: Hypocrisy, hypocrisy was the one thing that really irritated Him and He could not stand hypocrites. They brought a woman that committed adultery before Him and they said that they caught her in the act and we know she is guilty and the law says that she must be stoned – and what did He say? Did He say well she is pretty wicked all right and if you caught her in the act then that pretty much proves it. No He said let him who is without sin cast the first stone. And everybody’s own conscience condemn them so nobody could throw that first stone because everybody felt like they had done things within the boundaries of sin.

But when He had come across the religious leaders of His time His patience wore thin and as you know He cleaned the temple out with a whip and being as perfect as He is, we have the image of Jesus as being so mild and meek but He was normal so to speak. If you read the scriptures you get the image of a very kind loving person except when He was confronted with Hypocrisy and then he spoke very decisively about it and completely honest even at the risk of His life because a couple of times they tried to stone him.

He was completely fearless, which is another thing that if a person is on his last life he will have a certain amount of supernatural power and he will have fear under control. He will speak the truth, and this is one of the key ingredients in overcoming all things is the Truth. Not only finding the truth but being the truth so that everything that you teach, everything that you do and say and every time that you give your word it is true and if you can do that it will move you farther along to overcoming all things to being a master than anything else.

Suppose you meet a Master and the Master tells you, they have an important mission for you and want you to go down to Albertson’s and run around the store naked and draw attention to yourself and then they are going to bring an angel down and overshadow you with light and everybody is going to see a new vision. Then, after you obey this the Master says he was just joking and was just screwing with you.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: But, in our minds, if we were to meet God, a Master or a Great Being we just assume what they tell us is true. Why do we assume that?

Audience: Because we give them authority.

JJ: That is part of it but we give them the authority because instinctively within ourselves we know that when a person manifests his god self there is truth in it and we instinctively know that within us. That is why if we were to meet such a being and we felt that divine presence we would have a high amount of trust in what that person would have to say. But many people that feel this way, on the other hand, think that I can deceive here and there myself and it is no big deal and nobody got hurt. Now why does he think that he can be on his last life and deceive when others who preceded him can come to him and he can reply on them 100%? It does not work that way.

We have to follow in the steps of the Great Ones so that what we say can be relied upon. When we reach a point where what we say can be relied upon as truth, truth as we know it to be, then that is a giant step in attaining our last life in this cycle. There are many ideas about how many lives that we have. If we went back clear to our beginning we would find that we went through thousands of lives but in this particular round that we are in right now I believe we go through approximately one thousand lives before we achieve liberation and the reason I believe that is because within our selves we have petals in each one of our chakras and these petals unfold as we master certain types of energies.

In the base of the spine there are four petals, in the solar plexus there are ten petals and in the heart center there are twelve petals and then in the center between the eyebrows for instance there are two major petals and in each one of these major petals there are forty eight on each side making ninety six small ones all together. The ninety six petals in the center between the eyebrows and then below the third eye you have forty eight and that makes a 144 petals in that area of the head. Then at the crown chakra you have approximately one thousand. So you have one thousand times the 144 equals the magic number of the 144,000.

Now in this round of existence I believe that each petal on the crown chakra stands for a lesson learned in one lifetime and in each lifetime we unfold a new lesson and learn a new characteristic a new ability a new piece of wisdom a new realization – something new that we learned and we cause one of the petals at the crown chakra to unfold in each lifetime until the last and then all of them are unfolded.

Now lets take our heart chakra, for instance, when it unfolds we have twelve petals. Six petals are connected with wisdom and six petals are connected with compassion and love. So we have these two groups of petals and when a person begins to understand the Christ love then one of the love petals begins to unfold and when it unfolds you have a new energy come and you may see love in an entirely new light, and an entirely new way of looking at it that you have never thought of before. Then when one of the wisdom unfolds all of a sudden you get more common sense than you have had before and common sense would be related to one of the wisdom petals, and then light and understanding is related to another one of the wisdom petals.

It takes about a thousand lifetimes for all these petals to unfold. Now the person goes through a lot of trial and error for hundreds and hundreds lifetimes and does not seem to make a lot of progress. The curve goes about like this, it is almost straight for one hundred lifetimes, two hundred lifetimes, three hundred lifetimes and then about between seven and eight hundred lifetimes you begin to start making some real progress and then as you are approaching the thousand number in your lifetimes you begin to realize that there are two flows. You have always heard the statement, especially in the new age community, just relax and go with the flow, but there are two flows. There is one that goes toward matter and there another flow that moves toward spirit and you do not pick up the second flow, the spiritual flow, until you near the end of your evolution – until you become a seeker and you hunger and thirst for truth (a disciple).

When you are hungering and thirsting after for truth then you pick up the second flow and you have to go with that and then you complete what is called the “The Labors of Hercules”. In the Labors of Hercules what happens is you pick up the second flow and you reverse the direction of your incarnations around the zodiac. We incarnate through the various signs of the zodiac clockwise as we begin our evolution until we reach near the end and when we reach near the end and perform the Labors of Hercules we go with our spiritual flow and it reverses our flow through the zodiac. We incarnate backwards at this point and incarnating backwards and going against the material flow each lifetime will be a tremendous struggle.

For instance I believe Abraham Lincoln performed one of the Labors of Hercules under Aquarius. He was born in Aquarius and in Aquarius Hercules had to clean the Augean stables and the king promised him a portion of his kingdom (10% of his cattle) if he would clean these out. Hercules cleaned the stables out and then when the king refused to pay him Hercules demanded he keep his promise. The king thought the only way to get rid of him was to kill him so Hercules had to flee for his life. So he did all this work and got no reward. Abraham Lincoln was a great example of that, he did all this work in freeing the slaves and his only reward was people wanting him dead.

Abraham Lincoln performed the quintessential Labor of Hercules in Aquarius. He performed a superhuman effort and cleaned up the slave mess so to speak and received no reward for it while he had lived. Of course he took his reward with him but he did not get much reward while he was alive.

He had a really bad wife too. Historians judge her to be the worst first lady in history. They were at a party one time, a big function with dignitaries and Abraham Lincoln said something a little bit off to his wife and she took a pie and threw it right in his face. She was just a terrible person to get along with. She wanted to be called Mrs. President and she really was into the glory of the office. It is amazing that with the distraction of having his wife being so cantankerous that he was able to be so patient with everyone else as well as fight one of the two greatest wars in our history. Djwhal Khul called him a racial avatar, placing him in similar category as a prophet of ancient times.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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The Last Life, Part 1

This entry is part 18 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: The class today is on the subject; “Is this your last life?” How many people have you talked to in the new age community that say, oh yea I am on my last life? Have you heard people say that before?

Audience: Yes

JJ: Yes you hear quite a few people say this but who do you think set the example of what a last life is supposed to be?

Audience: Jesus

JJ: Right and has anyone you ever met been able to say walk on water for instance? That might be one of the powers that one might accumulate if you were on your last life, right? Or say, He raised Lazarus from the dead and this was very interesting. Lazarus was a good friend and the Jews had this belief that nobody could be dead for more than three days and come back to life because, just like today, people have near death experiences and die for a short period of time and then return. Well their belief was that people can die for a short period of time and return but it was absolutely impossible for someone to be dead for three days and then come back.

Well Jesus received a communication that His friend Lazarus died and he piddled around three days and everyone said, “Well, how come He is piddling around like this because His good friend died and you would think that He would go to him right away and bring him back to life.” But no. Jesus just hum hawed around for three days. Of course He did this on purpose because He wanted to demonstrate that God could defy the Jewish belief that no one could be brought back to life after three days. So finally after about three and half days had passed and He goes to where Lazarus had died and there were a bunch of mourners around and Mary and Martha greeted Him. They said, “It is too bad you could not have been here earlier because three days have passed and now nobody can bring him back to life.”

Then Jesus turned to Martha and asked her, “Do you believe that I can raise him from the dead? When He asked that question Martha began to think and she says, “if you say you can do this than I will believe it.” Now Lazarus was wrapped in all these burial clothes and put in this tomb and he looked like a mummy in there all wrapped up in these white rags. When He spoke to Martha and she believed that Jesus could do anything that He said He could do Jesus then confidently reached forth His hand and said the words “Lazarus come forth!” It says that he spoke this very loud and when He said the words, all of sudden Lazarus comes forth walking out of the tomb looking like a mummy and you can imagine the shock and surprise of the people there mourning this guy’s death and all of a sudden Lazarus starts to stir and comes walking out of this tomb with all these rags wrapped around him. They then unwound him and as we know he came back to life.

This upset the Jewish leaders more that anything else. When the Jewish leaders heard of this they said if we do not do something about this guy then all the world is going to follow Him, after all, He raised somebody from the dead that was gone for three and half days and broke the three day barrier. This is when the Jewish leaders got really serious about doing something about Jesus.

Even after all his great works that may not have been Jesus’ last life because He said He would come again. So He is going to come again in yet another life still and there are all kinds of interpretations about this and one of those is that He is going to appear one day in the sky. James here is going to be outside mowing his lawn and his neighbor is going to be out mowing his lawn as well, now James is a really nice guy so Jesus is going to save him but all of a sudden James looks up in the sky and there is a blaze of glory up there and descending is this guy in a white robe flanked by angels and it lights up the sky in the entire east and all of a sudden his neighbor out there mowing the lawn catches on fire and burns to a crisp just like the scripture says, (Laughing), and James looks down the street and two thirds of his neighbors houses are on fire because they are non-believers and James says well I guess I do not have to worry about those guys anymore. Now James goes in his house and sees his kid and he is okay because he is a really good kid and he is playing with a neighbor’s kid and he is kind of a rebellious kid and he catches on fire! And he is burning to stubble right in front of James and they have to put a blanket over him to keep their house from burning down!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So if you by the orthodox scenario it is kind of funny when you really think about it, is it not? People do not question why they believe what they believe or what it would really be like if things transpired the way they expect. Now others are expecting rapture. There will be this airplane flying and all of a sudden a third of the people on the plane disappear and if the pilot disappears then everybody is going to disappear!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So hopefully the pilot is not a born again Christian that gets the raptured!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: Or you would be driving down the road and the guy in front of you gets rapture and the driverless car causes a terrible car accident.

JJ: So when you think about that, seriously is that really something that might happen?

Audience: I hope not.

JJ: Laughing, for one thing it is not even Biblical and it is amazing that people who read the Bible get such odd stuff out of it. There are people who say that if you have enough faith then you can be bitten by a serpent and it will have no adverse effect on you. There are several cults down in the south that cultivate these snakes and then dance around with them and every once in awhile one gets bit and dies but that does not deter them and they say well he must not have had enough faith, others got bit and nothing happened because they had faith. So it is amazing what people cultivate from their beliefs. Now the Mormons have an interesting belief. They are told to store food because the day will come when there will be a major calamity from God and so we will grow our own food. Everyone must have a year’s supply of food and they have been preaching this for over a hundred years now and so far they have not needed it yet unless they are out of a job and then they need it. But do any of them look into the future and think about what would really happen if there were no food and they had a year’s supply of food, what would happen in real life?

Word would begin to circulate that the Mormons had stored food for each one of them for a year and people would go and knock on the Mormons door and the Mormon would say no I just have enough food for me and they would say like heck you do and they bust in and take their food and pretty soon there are gangs hunting down the Mormons for their food. So the Mormons are in worse shape than the rest of the people because they have a big bull’s eye on them having a year’s supply of food. So the Mormons would be in really bad shape if this happened because only one out of twenty Mormons really has a year’s supply of food because it is one of those things that is preached a lot in the church but hardly anybody does. A really good Mormon may have a month’s supply of food or something like that but not very many of them have an actual year’s supply. So because this word gets around that they have a years supply if a gang did come knocking on their door and find they only had a months supply or none at all then the gang would probably torture them because they would figure they were lying. So it is interesting that if you take various religious beliefs and really project the event really happening and then asks the question; is God really behind this plan or idea?

Now the Jehovah Witness’s had an interesting one. The guy who started the group did a lot of study in the Bible and concluded that Jesus was supposed to come in 1892 and everybody was all prepared and ready to become one of the 144,000 and everything. The year came and no Jesus showed up so the guy went back and studied the Bible and then came back and said I made a mistake in my calculations here and he said it is supposed to be 1904 or something like that, so everybody got prepared again and the new date came and went and still nothing happened. So he goes, mmmm…. something is weird here and I will have go back to the drawing board here. So he went back and studied like crazy and this time he came up with the date 1914. Well they all waited and waited and World War l started and there wars and rumors of war and there was few earthquakes around and they thought, well it is bound to happen this time for the stage is all set.

1914 came and went and still Jesus did Jesus did not show up. Everybody was really down for a while. The guy’s name was Charles T. Russell and he got a bright idea after this third failure so he called the group together and says, I have gone back to the Bible and I have checked and rechecked and it is 1914 and I got the date right this time but what we did not realize is that Jesus did come and he came invisibly. And the Jehovah Witnesses believe that to this day! Jesus came in 1914 but He came invisibly!

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: So anyway, do they take a step back and look at it on a logical basis? No, they have a big contorted explanation of how He came invisibly and why they think that is true. I have listened to it several times and I still don’t understand it and I am pretty good at understanding these types of things but I can’t get a handle on why someone would believe it even after they have explained it to me several times. I mean the guy got it wrong three times so he could not set another date. He had to get creative to keep his flock.

Audience: Laughing!

Audience: Of course being prepared does not really work when you have a flood like a Tsunami or something like Katrina and it would not really matter if you had a years supply of food or not.

JJ: Oh yes, a years supply of food would have been washed away.

Wayne: Or if a kid catches your house on fire it would burn up your supply of food or give a really nice barbecue!

JJ: We have some really great examples in history of people approaching their last life, from Jesus to Buddha to Krishna to even more recent heroes like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Winston Churchill. These were great men and the people that I have met that claim that they are on their last life I would not even put them in the same category. So the question is how many lives do we live before we reach our last life?

Audience: As many as it takes.

JJ: Perhaps another question would be, is there such a thing as a last life?

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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