Initiations and Duality


Initiations and Duality

Someone e-mailed me several questions about initiates and initiation so instead of giving the answer to just one I will post it to all of you as I am sure this is a subject of great interest.

Question: I said earlier that an initiate is one who initiates. Therefore, you are an initiate to some degree when you start a business, a rock and roll band, or initiate an invention. How does this type of initiating correspond to the initiations as taught by DK through Alice A. Bailey and Theosophy?

Answer: As taught by the Brotherhood there are five initiations before becoming a Master and then two additional before graduating from this planet. In addition there are two more that will be taken in another solar system making nine in all. Nine is therefore called the number of initiation.

Before one reaches initiation, if he is sincerely seeking the truth, he is called an “aspirant.” Just to give you an idea here, the majority of members of Spiritweb (our hosting service at that time) in general are either just curious or aspirants to the Path. There are a handful of first degree initiates, a few second and maybe two or three above that. From the 50,000 members on this site there are probably about a hundred who think they are almost masters of the fifth degree or above but are strongly deluded. I met a guy a while back who thought he was higher than the Ancient of Days.

We will eventually cover the initiations in detail, but we have a lot of other material to go through first.

If one is not sure if he is an initiate or not it is best to assume he is an aspirant and aspire to have power to serve and initiate. If one sees himself as higher than he is he will miss steps along the way that he will have to retrace in a future life.

Initiating projects of different types does not tell us for sure that you are an initiate of a certain degree. Instead they are like exercises that build your spiritual muscles that will make you strong enough to pass through the portals into the Kingdom of God.

Rick Initiated this list. That is a sign that he is working in the direction of being an initiate, but it does not tell us his status.

Glenys is initiated a Synthesis Group. This is also a sign that she is going in the direction of initiation. Mindy, Anni and others are going the same direction. Lorraine initiated the interviewing program. In addition to this many of you are initiating projects unknown to us. Visible evidence that you are initiating something new is a sign that you are headed in the direction of the initiate. If you begin a work that affects many people this is a sign that you are an accepted initiate, but it is difficult to tell the status of an initiate without soul contact.

Question: Can the seeker pass through more than one initiation in one life?

Answer: Let us say you were a third degree initiate in your last life. That means to get to where you left off in the last life you must pass through three initiations in this one. Sometimes the disciple bungles things and does not even get to the first initiation. Other times he will make it, but because he has gone through the first three before it will not be so difficult this time. However, the next level up, the fourth will be horrendous for him. One usually does not pass through more than one new initiation in one life, but there are no limits set on anyone. Jesus passed through the fourth and began the fifth whereas the Christ within him passed through the sixth and started work on the seventh. Nevertheless Jesus had to show mastery of the first, second and third initiations before moving forward.

Question: What if someone like me gives you an idea and you run with it and initiate a project, are you still initiating?

Answer: Yes, if you are acting on your own INITIATive. Jesus initiated the Christian movement, but Paul who mainly promoted it was also a high initiate because he was so successful and had such an impact. No one had to tell him what to do in every detail, he just saw the need and initiated action.

Hope this Helps

There have been many good questions and comments that I have just not had time to expend upon. One thing I am grateful for is that many of you come forward with good answers and comments that I am sure aid the persons seeking help. I encourage everyone to keep this up.

And as far as opposing viewpoints are concerned, it is true that they sometimes lead to conflict and this does disturb some and sometimes costs us members, but such is life. We must always welcome all opinions. Often the interplay of conflict does bring additional light. All we ask of anyone with an opposing viewpoint is that they be sincere and as clear as possible. Often people think they are disagreeing with me when they are not, which produces illusionary conflict.

Concerning this latest conflict of living in duality vs. living apart from duality I feel that it has not yet been resolved on either side so I will contemplate and may post additional thoughts in the future. I think one of the main things we need on this is clarification as about two thirds of the conflict is from lack of understanding each other.

Some thought I resorted to humor because I did not understand the beyond duality idea and feeling, but I submit that I do understand and that is what made my story so potent.

One thing that concerns me is that those who support the non-duality livingness idea seem to believe that they have achieved some mystical consciousness that is far beyond that which is had by those in the group who disagree with them. The idea conveyed is that if we could just experience this oneness consciousness we would be instantly converted.

This is quite a judgmental thought to be conveyed by those who see themselves as beyond judgment.

Let me submit this. Many people in the group who see themselves as not beyond the dualities have experienced some high spiritual feelings and states. They have experienced what some may think of as a consciousness beyond duality, but just interpreted it from a different point of view than the beyond duality idea. I have had many spiritual experiences myself and I can see how some would think they have achieved the ultimate by feeling them, and possibly thinking they have transcended duality. But for myself, I did not interpret my experiences as beyond duality.

Many spiritual feelings and experiences are difficult to describe in words, but let me say this. In our current plane of existence there are seven planes and three of them have form – that is the physical, the astral and the mental. In Mormon terminology these are called the telestial, the terrestrial and the celestial kingdoms. Then there are four higher ones that are sometimes called the formless worlds. Very few people have reached the higher mental let alone the formless. They are called formless because the ideas behind the form are communicated and used rather than the form itself.

Often times a good high astral feeling is interpreted as being some ultimate beyond duality feeling. So when someone tells me that are living in this high ecstasy that is beyond duality I figure they could be experiencing a number of different things. However, when someone has the New Jerusalem experience in consciousness and feeling there is a knowing when communicated to another who has had the same experience.

Let me tell you why it is impossible in our present state to completely transcend duality. All the seven planes of our existence are subplanes of a higher plane called the cosmic physical which is the lowest of the planes in this higher realm. No mortal in the flesh has come close to mastering even the lowest parts of the cosmic plane and again on the cosmic physical we have a higher correspondence of the same dualities we have here. Since we are a part of this cosmic physical, but cannot transcend it in our present condition then completely escaping duality for us in present state is way way beyond our ring-pass-not.

Nevertheless we can obtain an angle of vision where we sense the dualities working as a unity within the purpose of the One Great Life.

As far as good and evil is concerned, the three groups I previously mentioned look at it in three different ways. Group one sees every possible action as neatly packaged into good and evil with no thinking or discernment required to judge it.

The group twos see nothing as good or evil. They avoid thinking and discernment, just as do the group ones. For the first all is good or evil and for the second nothing is.

I invite all here to come to a higher angle of vision. As with most things neither extreme is correct. The first extreme results in events like the burning of witches and the killing of prophets. Then too if no good or evil is assessed there would be a total break down of society and no structure for civilization could be created.

Even though good and evil are an illusion and are both part of an ultimate good within the plan of God that does not mean we are to ignore them here for if we do it will be at our own peril.

It is true that good and evil is as we define it, but we have defined it just as we have defined the color red. Just because we define the color red as red and we could have called it blue instead, does not mean we have just cause to start calling it blue. No. A thousand times no! If we did that with our whole language communication would be destroyed.

In many ways we have defined good and evil and we as the human race will redefine it periodically as we progress.

In this present time to kick your dog is evil, but to selflessly give or to help animals is good. Is there some reason that we should throw out the window all the progress the race has made in discerning good and evil to the point that a beneficial civilization is created??? I think not.

The Master DK through Alice A. Bailey has given us the definition of good and evil as the Brotherhood views it.

Good is that direction which takes us forward in evolution and evil is that which takes us backward into what we were in the past.

This is why the Masters saw Hitler as an evil – because he wanted to return us to the kingdom type rulership of the past instead of free democracy or republics.

Our decisions on good and evil definitely has an effect that Jesus acknowledged when talking about Judas.

“The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.” Matt 26:24

In other words, the mistake of Judas was so great that he completely wasted a life or two at least.

Then if he turned completely to the dark side he will wind up wasting billions of years. All the bodies composing this reality will be destroyed and his Creator will take its essence back and send it out again in a future solar system. The time consumed and wasted, the pain endured, the retracing of steps is beyond imagination. Here is how Joseph Smith described it:

“And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;

“Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

“Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;

“Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.” D&C 76:45-48

Fortunately, few are persistent enough in the direction of utter selfishness to achieve this end, but I will say this. I certainly do not want to choose such a path just so I can say a trillion years from now that I learned a valuable lesson.

That may be true, but as Rick said “man is that he might have joy,” so let us get on with the joy. Let us not even delay the joy a day, a month or a year let alone a trillion years. Let us have a sense and vision of the far away realities, but let common sense rule in this one.

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Initiation and the Point of Tension

June 16, 1999

Initiation and the Point of Tension

Here are the qualities that a disciple should possess that we have presented so far:

(1) Soul contact

(2) Holding the mind steady in the light

(3) Detachment when necessary.

(4) The ability to either send or receive

(5) Reflection – contemplation

(6) Talent.

Here are two more

(7) The power, motivation and will to initiate and work in isolation and high resistance if necessary

(8) The ability to create a point of tension and use the tension creatively to bear fruit.

We have covered in some detail what an initiate is but the point of tension may be new to some of you in relation to spiritual work. Some of you may have heard it used in physics. Whatever the case, contemplate these two new abilities and some ideas should come. Why do the Masters look for these qualities in the working disciple?

Notice I use the phrase “working disciple?” By working disciple I mean one who is working directly under the influence of the Brotherhood.

There are many other levels. Other disciples work directly under the guidance of their souls or in conjunction with entities from the spiritual world who are not yet Masters.

Still others think they are the new Messiah but have not yet even mastered their physical appetites and maya essential to the first initiation.

The point of tension is a point of stress that precedes all creation and leaps forward in evolution.

If you take a model airplane and wind up its propeller, the rubber band will incur more and more stress or tension until it becomes taut. The hobbyist must use judgment and reach the right point of tension. If he winds too much the band will snap and disaster will occur. On the other hand, if he winds the right amount he can constructively harness the energy of the tension to fly the plane.

Another, but different example of the point of tension is the adding of sugar to a glass of water. If you add a small amount of sugar it seems to disappear because its particles go in the empty spaces between the water molecules. But if you keep adding sugar the space between the molecules fills up and a point of tension occurs in the water. When this point of tension is reached the sugar becomes visible and some of that which was hidden materializes along with the added sugar.

This corresponds to creation. As you put ATTENTION on the work to be done and send energy to it, it may seem that nothing is happening for a period of time. But when the point of tension is reached an almost miraculous materialization will occur.

Some have wondered why I put so much attention on this list at the sacrifice of delaying the Immortal books, but a large part of the reason is to create a point of tension with the group so higher creation can take place. The group has only had a couple winds of the propeller and there are many more to go, but if we do not release our attention and energy a miraculous creation awaits on the horizon.

An essential ingredient to the point of tension would be “the ability to keep your attention focused on a goal.”

This quality is different than keeping the mind steady in the light. Keeping the mind in the light gives one the power to select goals that bring spiritual progress. Creating the point of tension through focussed attention gives the disciple power to achieve a goal.

The disciple can have all the good intentions in the world, but until he develops a power to achieve, all his goodness is of little direct use to the Brotherhood of Light.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that basic good characteristics are never wasted, for we all go through a long period of being more of a liability to the Brotherhood than an asset and during this period many good acts of service can be performed in cooperation with other brothers and sisters on the physical plane, and sometimes discarnate entities.

The Brotherhood of Light are still subject to time and space as far as their work on the physical plane is concerned, and because of this, must be careful with whom they work for one premature choice can cost them work with other disciples who are prepared.

On the other hand, we are entering a period where the number who enter the ranks of Masters will greatly increase and thus the number of working disciples will also increase.

Many worry about a lack of opportunity, but to those who are prepared to work with the abilities they have (compared to those who want to work with imagined abilities) there is more opportunity than can be filled.

The trouble is that many seekers sit around and wait for some call to come which is worthy of their greatness. This is why the power to initiate is so important. No major call will come until the disciple first calls himself to step forward and do good works of service with or without recognition.

If there seems to be no great work to do, the disciple will create one and press forward with great attention even if he is ignored by the Brotherhood, friends, God and NATO. The one higher power that will never ignore the aspiring disciple is his own soul which is a Master on it’s own plane. When soul contact is established the disciple is able to move forward with the idea that contact with the Brotherhood of Light would be fine, but if it does not come that would be fine too.

The most important ability for the true disciple is the freedom to decide and carry out those decisions on the path of unselfish service. This freedom to serve according to one’s free will brings the disciple more reward than all the material things in the world and any recognition from the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God is seen as a bonus.

There are points of tension on the material level and the spiritual. Those who create such points in the material usually have material success, but the disciple shifts his attention to the spiritual so the tension can manifest revelation and spiritual knowledge which descends from the “raincloud of knowable things.”

There are points of tension created and directed by the disciple and there are also points of tension that exist in many spheres outside of ourselves. There are points of tension in time, for instance, which is created by cycles. The disciple must learn to recognize these points through the use of intuition. Thus, if he pays attention to cycles of time he will sense an approaching tension in time itself and work within that tension to assist in there creation of a work of service. If he senses a lack of tension in time he may use this period as preparation for a tension to come.

There are points of tension in space. The sacred sites of the earth are created by such tension producing an elevated energy.

There are also major points of tension in overlapping tensions of time and space and these produce powerful opportunities that draw attention from even the Masters.

There are also points of tension created through the focused contemplation of higher lives such as Christ and the Brotherhood of Light, and the Ancient of Days and His associates. Those mortals who are attuned to these points of tension are likely to receive some type of contact, provided they have adequately prepared themselves. Attunement to a point of tension from the aura of a Master shows a certain degree of readiness to serve.

The ability to both send and receive deserves some more comment. The basic point several made was that when you are teaching you are also doing some learning in that same period, and when you are learning you are also doing some teaching. This is true to a degree, but it is also true that we are always polarized in either the sending or receiving mode.

He who fails to reach discipleship will be too attached to his polarization. If he is too attached to the sending polarization then when learning, or receiving, opportunities come the seeker will be unable to adapt and may miss the receiving of knowledge important to success.

If he is too attached to receiving he will be captivated by unearned authority (the Beast) and miss sending opportunities because he is waiting for approval before he moves forward. The disciple does not need a “call,” approval or authority, but uses his ability to send when opportunity presents itself.

Very few disciples can switch back and forth between sending and receiving polarization with comfort. Remember, this is different than learning a few things while teaching. Switching actual polarization at will is very awkward at first, but eventually becomes joyful.

This quality goes hand in hand with detachment for it requires a certain degree of detachment to switch polarization

Here are two additional qualities needed by a disciple that goes beyond general love and goodness that most recognize as desirable qualities.

(9) A willingness to not only serve but to sacrifice when necessary, to the giving of time, talents, personal desires, possessions and even the physical life if the need is there.

We did point out earlier that sacrifice was the keynote of the Age of Pisces and service is that of Aquarius. Even so, the benefits of sacrifice are not left behind but will be used with wisdom. In the coming age service will be the top priority and sacrifice secondary. Nevertheless, there will always be times when service will reach a dead end without sacrifice and when this happens the right use of this quality comes into play. Sacrifice is indeed a quality that the disciple must be willing to produce if called upon.

Disciples need to avoid like the plague the sacrifice mode that creates the atmosphere of a victim. The disciple never sees himself as a victim no matter what the outward circumstances.

(10) Discernment.

Question: Why do you suppose this is an important quality for the working disciple? How could it spell disaster if he or she does not possess it?

June 17, 1999

The Two Initiates

I watched The Pirates of Silicon Valley last night on TNT. If you missed it the show will be repeated on Monday and Wednesday night.

The movie is the story of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. It is interesting in the light of the fact that we have mentioned both of these crusaders as initiates.

Remember that I wrote that Jobs was the higher initiate of the two even though Gates was much more financially successful? It is interesting that the story points out that Jobs was a seeker and interested in Eastern Philosophy.

Notice the different priorities of the two. Jobs main interest was in changing the world and making a better product.

Bill’s motive was success at any price.

The interesting thing is that from the soul level these two were one, working on one goal to bring the world into the computer age. Gates was just fortunate enough to reap the majority of the financial reward. Jobs had difficulty, as dreamers always do, of keeping his focus on the bottom line..

It is also interesting to note the faults of these two men and the growth they went through. This illustrates to us that initiates are often far from being goodie goodie two shoes but are often driven to get the job done at the expense of stepping on toes. As Jobs and Gates progress along the path, however, they will knock off the rough edges and develop more sensitivity to general humanity.

It is also interesting that even though Gates seems to have the advantage on a soul level, this success will be a handicap for him in his next life that he will have to surmount. Jobs will have a head start in his future life because of lessons he has learned from being number two in this one.

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 24

This entry is part 38 of 40 in the series 2012A

Nov 25, 2012

Books I Have Read

A while back several expressed interest in Books I have read and I linked to a list of them. Quite a bit of time has passed since then so I just uploaded an updated list to the files section. It’s a PDF taken from Goodreads and some of the titles are cut off at page endings but most of them are there.

The books we read are a big influence on the formation of our lives so a list like this does give some insights into the reader.

As noted earlier the list is here:


Nov 27, 2012

Free Energy?

Here’s a site that claims you can build a free energy device for under $100 that was originally invented by Lester Hendershot.

I’d be interested in Sterling’s opinion (or anyone else with knowledge) on this.


Nov 27, 2012

Alternative to Seasteading (Click Here)


Nov 28, 2012

Steps to Zion

Ruth gave this quote: “If a group were to build an entire city after the order of the New Jerusalem, and the inhabitants themselves were seeking the New Jerusalem consciousness then the entire city could be filled with light. First, a highly refined spiritual light, and finally a materialized physical light so that from a distance others would see Zion as “a flame of fire by night” [See Isaiah 4:5.] as Isaiah said.

The New Jerusalem sequence also puts the forces within the city in harmony with nature so the inhabitants have the correct rain in their season, and have no fierce winds or great storms. The earth cooperates with the living city and brings forth an abundant harvest and dresses the city with beautiful flowers, plants, and smells to bring gladness to the heart of those who breath the scented air that permeates them.”  LINK

I thought that I should elaborate on this somewhat for clarification.

Sometimes when we speak of Zion seekers envision its creation as a one step process. That is a group of spiritual people will gather together and there it will be – a city of light perfectly run, drawing upon the powers of heaven.

The truth is the creation of Zion involves numerous steps over a fairly long period of time.

The beginning seed was initiated in the minds of prophets and spiritual people millennia ago and nurtured by many until the time of Jesus who also dreamed of its creation. But even he saw that the world was not ready for the gathering of lights. He exclaimed:

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

“Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Matt 23:37-39

Jesus wanted to gather the lights and create Zion but the darkness was too great even for this great soul to overcome.

Progress was slow over the centuries. The next major step happened with the discovery of America. The promise of building a better world was held out and those who sought for a greater society gathered there. The gathering in the new land did not yield perfection but it did lead to the creation of a greatly improved governing system, much more sensitive to the needs of the people than the authoritarian kings of the past.

In the new land there sprung up numerous spiritual movements that gathered seekers together. The most notable was Mormonism, which actively sought the creation of the Zion of prophecy. They had many problems and the vision of Zion has faded and now exists only as a dream in a fairly orthodox religion. Still, seeds of Zion were planted and yet lingers in the hearts of the faithful.

Today we stand at the threshold of the next step, but it will not be the final one. The next step will be similar to the one that created the United States with one main difference. The creation of this country was not a planned event but occurred rather naturally with the discovery of a new land.

The next stage will be a planned event. The lights will build intentional communities on land and on the sea. Just like the motivating factor that caused many to gather in America (the prospect of greater freedom and opportunity) even so shall it be again. Most will not gather with us for obvious spiritual reasons, but for the prospect of greater freedom and opportunities as well as associating with like minded souls.

This next stage of gathering will face many problems. Not all gathered will be pure in heart and some will create problems. Even so, the people involved, as a whole, will have the highest vibration of any group on the planet and will attract the attention of the Spirit of the planet. Even though the vibration is not likely to be high enough to create a visible light and guarantee safety in all situations the earth itself will take the group under its wing and insure is survival so long as the vibration remains at a certain frequency or higher.

After this next stage of the gathering is secure the lights will create a gathering from the gathered and seek to build the spiritual Zion. This will take a number of attempts to perfect and I dare not say how many years hence it will be but the time will indeed come that the ancient vision of the prophets will be come a reality.

Someone expressed concern about the safety of those first gathered. For instance, pirates could attack us at sea or a nation could turn on us on land.

For this reason the gathering on a new land should not commence until we have the numbers and the wealth necessary to insure our preservation. To prepare for this,like-minded groups will be created in various parts of the world and when circumstances are right and a critical mass is reached the next major step will begin.


Nov 28, 2012


Not all will achieve the high initiations during this earth existence. DK tells us that 60% of us will graduate when these planetary lessons are finished. To achieve this one needs to move out of emotional polarization to the mind or higher. The 40% who do not graduate will have to take many of their lessons over again on another planet while the rest will separate and move on. When this happens there still will not be a high percentage of fifth degree initiates but much more than now. As more people become initiates the circumstances for initiation may change some but the moving forward in consciousness will be essentially the same.

After the disciple has successfully circumvented the fourth initiation he has released himself from attachment which is the cause of most pain and from that point on doesn’t suffer the regular pain of humanity – unless he is in a mortal body. In that case, he is subject to normal physical discomforts.

Nov 29, 2012

Scary Video

This is the darndest prank I have ever seen anyone play. You have to watch this.


Nov 29, 2012

Common Sense

This may help explain to the Left why it makes no sense to borrow money the way our nation does.

Mr Brown wanted to get a lot of stuff but he didn’t have the money to fulfill all his desires. Then he received a credit card with no limit. The only negative was he had to pay the interest.

To get all the stuff he wanted he borrowed 40 cents for each dollar be spent and paid off none of the principle but only the interest. After a time he approached a crisis where even paying the interest was difficult and sought for advice.

Friend one told him that he must cut back on his spending and work toward balancing his budget. He should work toward paying for his desired stuff as he goes. The cutbacks will be difficult but necessary.

Brown tried this for a while and found himself struggling so he blamed his friend for giving bad advice.

Mr Brown sought out another friend. This friend sympathized with him and said, “I like lots of stuff too so I’d say don’t cut back but spend more than ever. The future will take care of itself.”

Mr. Brown liked this idea and spent like crazy.

Finally the credit card company became alarmed and cut off his credit. He could borrow no more. Furthermore, they demanded not only the interest, but payment on the principle.

This time Mr Brown had to make real cutbacks. He had to stop buying all his goodies and this life was miserable.

On reflection he blamed his second friend as a crazy man and recognized the first as the wise one.


Dec 3, 2012

In the Days of Noah

lwk writes: I don’t recollect JJ going into great detail about what follows in Matthew 24?

I have written some about the scripture in question. This first quote is from The Gathering of Lights.

Concerning the gathering Jesus gave another short parable. He talked about Noah and the days of Lot where the righteous were gathered out from the unjust and prophesied of the future: “I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord?…

They wanted to know where those who are the “elect” would be taken. Unfortunately, most born again Christians teach the unrealistic doctrine that they will be raptured into heaven, but Jesus said unto them: “Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be GATHERED TOGETHER.” Luke 17:34-37 Compare Matt 24:28.

The word “body” here is a symbol of the body of Christ or a group of those with the Christ consciousness and the “eagles” are a symbol of the Israelites (enlightened ones). In addition there is another correspondence here. “Body” comes from the Greek SOMA which is a derivative of SOZO. SOZO is the word that is translated as “save” throughout the New Testament,, but literally means deliverance.

“Eagle” comes from AETOS which is derived from AER which means flair” or “breath” and is the word from whence the modern word “air” is derived. Air is a symbol of the mind, of those who have risen above the emotional waters of life. The eagle is a symbol of freedom. The eagle flies through the air, or ‘the world of the mind and wisdom with great freedom. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”. The eagle is also a symbol of a free government. AETOS is a good word to correspond to Israelites for they live in the plane of the mind and love freedom of thought.

The core meaning of the scripture could read: “Where ever deliverance or salvation is, there will the Israelites be gathered together.”

Interestingly, the scriptures tell us that one of the main purposes of the gathering is deliverance, and possible physical as well as spiritual protection. How much protection we will need depends on the free will of man and the steps he takes towards peace in the near future. If he is wise then the deliverance talked of will be of a spiritual nature, but if he is not and there is a World War III or earth changes, then a physical deliverance will be necessary.

This second is from The Literal Gathering: An examination of the Greek words involved here will give us further light on the interpretation. In the scripture Jesus compares his coming with the days of Noah, that the people were unprepared then and adds: “so shall be the coming of the son of Man. then two men shall be in the field; one is taken and one is left… Two key words here are “taken” and “left”. Taken here comes from the Greek word PARALAMBANO which literally means “to accept or receive into a close relationship”. The word “left” comes from the Greek APHIEMI which literally means “to send away”. Thus if we translate the scripture according to the true meaning we have: “Then two men shall be in the field; one shall be received into full fellowship (By the Christ) and the other one shall be sent away.” This agrees with the inspired Version which says that the unworthy “should be cut off from among the people” in that day. …

This is all reiterated in the parable of the Virgins which follows the rapture scripture: “And then, at that day, before the Son of man comes, the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened unto ten virgins, who took their lamps, and WENT FORTH (Gathered together) to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps (meaning they did all things that were physically necessary they built cities and gathered together) and took no oil with them (they were not spiritually prepared and depended on others for their strength); but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps (these had the Holy Spirit and light within them). While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all these virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out (Stay with us and teach us for without you to lean on we cannot stand.) But the wise answered, saying, lest there not be enough for us and you, go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves. (We will retrogress and loose the Spirit if we stay any longer with you. Go and find other teachers to help you prepare). And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; (Notice that he came when only the five wise virgins were gathered) and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, Ye know me not. Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day not the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Matt 25:1-12 Inspired Ver.

Dec 4, 2012 Hanging by a Thread lwk writes; Just curious, are you still of the belief that events will somehow save the United States, that the “Constitution will hang as if by a thread,” but will be saved by the Mormon church (White Horse Prophecy)?

JJ I’ve always believed the day would come that the Constitution would hang by a thread. It has been fragile for a while and is yet hanging by several threads. Perhaps the re-lection of Obama will bring it to the brink where it will hang “by a single thread” as predicted.

I haven’t had faith that the Mormon church and the authorities in it would do much to save it but there are many members who are willing to stand up for the Constitution and would help to save it if the opportunity presents itself.

It almost looked like the prophecy could come true in the immediate future with Romney running for president and Glenn Beck rallying the troops but apparently the Constitution has to be shredded a bit more first.

I do not know the exact fate of the United States but I do know that the good principles of the Constitution will be suppressed more as time goes on and will be reborn in greater power than before by those who value the principle of freedom in their hearts. These people will be members of all faiths. Mormons will participate but I see this as being under a universal banner of freedom lovers.

lwk Does not that prophecy itself predict a great loss of life too (as in the days of Noah?). Why are we not seeing now events leading up to that?

JJ There will be times of great turbulence but not sure how far away the next one will be. Prophecy rarely works out the way people expect so it is best to be open to all things and follow the path that makes the most sense and registers well with the soul.

When the time comes for an opportunity for the pure in heart to gather then you will know that the time of great turbulence for the world is at hand.


Dec 6, 2012

White Magic Links

Colin asked about the White Magic links. Some of the old links do not work since I created the new site for freeread. To get to the writings on white magic first go HERE

Next scroll down and open the following archive numbers.

1351 1355 1357 1362 1366 1369 1372 1375 1377 1381 1386 1387 1395 1418 1450 3752 3754


Dec 7, 2012


Ruth asks: My daughter does not believe in God etc, and has no Hope and is very depressed, so how does one reach out to those who feel like this to make them have Hope in God?

JJ About all you can do is wait for an opportunity to plant some seeds. My son Joseph went through numerous struggles with his belief system and there was little I could do to help. Finally, he started asking me some questions and a window of opportunity was open. I took it and he’s now moved forward and even comes to the gatherings. I’m still waiting for that window with my other kids.

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This entry is part 12 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 13:  Initiation

Does anyone know what an initiation is from a higher viewpoint?

We’ll pause here and throw this question out along with the following:

How does the development of the power to initiate prepare one for initiations?

I have taught quite a bit in the past about becoming an initiate through using the power to decide and initiate which is within us. In my writings this is presented as a self initiating power which is within us and must be used in order for us to attain to higher spiritual power. Neither presentation is at conflict and both together help to understand the principle of initiation itself, for in order to attain to the initiations one must first develop the power to initiate within.

An initiate is one who initiates. Therefore, you are an initiate to some degree when you start a business, a rock and roll band, or initiate an invention.

Christ is not looking for people who have to be told what to do in every detail, but for those who are willing to initiate good causes of their own free will and bring them to fruition.

Question: What is initiation?

Answer: Isn’t it phases of growth, or the beginning of the phase toward enlightenment?

An initiate is one who initiates. To dream and create in the imagination is only the first step. To build a prototype is a second step. But to get the concept into the hands of the public and convince them to buy and use it is by far the most difficult.

An initiation is an area in your life over which you’ll be a master. In the first initiation you prove that you’re a master over physical things. The second initiation shows you are a master over your emotions, the ego and glamour. In the third one you become a master over the world of the mind and illusion. The fact that you’re reading this shows that you’re either a probationary disciple or a disciple. A probationary disciple is one who is seeking after the Path. A disciple is one who has taken several of the initiations and committed himself to the work of the soul. The fact that you’re even seeking indicates that you are at least aspiring to something higher. Either you’re just looking or you’re committed to the purpose of your inner soul. You probably feel inside which category you’re in.

A matter of prime importance to each student is not the fact of a particular teacher’s personality but the measure of truth for which he stands. It is in the student’s power to discriminate between truth and falsity. So, I’m probably a good person to teach this class, because some of you have said, I have no personality. Let’s look at somebody like Jimmy Swaggart. He had all kinds of personality. He got up there and he cried and he just oozed personality. And why did people follow him? Because of his “personal power.” If you were to read his words on a sheet of paper without the personality behind it, what do you have? Who would pay any money just to read that? But you see him get out and storm around and cry and do all these things, then you’re swayed by his personality.

Many of the gurus and new age people we see around sway people by their personalities. People are hypnotized by emotional essence. The New Age Disciple must get beyond the personality and what we need to look at is the pure words and how they affect your spirit.

“The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.”
  — Arabian Proverb

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Copyright  By J J Dewey

Keys Writings, Part 3

This entry is part 5 of 34 in the series 2011C

Change of Mind
July 16, 2011

From Sen. Obama’s Floor Speech, March 20, 2006: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

At the time, Senator Obama was urging Congress not to tolerate an increase that would bring the debt ceiling to $9 trillion. Under President Obama, the debt ceiling has been raised to $14.3 trillion. Even without counting most unfunded liabilities, the national debt is now calculated to be nearing $14.1 trillion. It increases about $4.22 billion per day (each citizen’s share stands at roughly $45K). Thus, Democrats will soon demand that the debt ceiling be raised, lest the sky fall. When they do, they will be asking for a significant boost in a ceiling that is already 60 percent higher than the one Barack Obama said was “a sign of leadership failure” five years ago.\ 2006-vote-against-raising-debt-limit-andrew-c-mcca

Re: A Curiosity
July 25, 2011

JJ You are correct here, Blayne. By all estimates Elenin is 1-2 miles in diameter and thousands of times smaller than a brown dwarf.

As far as a news blackout goes I think the problem is there is just nothing newsworthy. A long shot guess by one amateur astronomer that it could provide a spectacular display is not likely to make any news unless backed up by other astronomers as was the discovery of the Hale-Bop comet with its trajectory toward Jupiter.

There is less than a chance in a million that Elenin will create any problem for us so I’m not losing any sleep on it unless I receive some sort of revelation.

Much bigger news than anything recent about Elenin is the arrival of the half billion dollar space probe, Dawn, to the asteroid Vesta. This is a pretty big deal and I haven’t heard a word of it in the mainstream media. You can check this out here:\ orbital-im.html

Re: A Curiosity
July 26, 2011

I just cannot get excited about Elenin and have no sense that anything that it may cause will have ay negative effect on my life or anything I am supposed to do. I’m sure there will be some earthquakes between August and December of this year and if there are any significant ones then they will be attributed by some to Elenin, but the chances of it directly causing any harm to us is very low indeed.

I am about a thousand times more concerned about the economy.

By January of next year the memory of disaster warnings over Elenin will fade into the background as has the alarm over Y2K and Past Nibiru warnings. We will have other things to worry about.


Re: A Curiosity
July 26, 2011

JJ if the economy crashes will we have a world wide depression worse than anything else we have ever suffered from in the past depressions?

Ruth: If people have some money in their bank accounts or investments, will they lose the value of their money or lose the money?

JJ If we had a perfect storm we could lose everything. Without that things will just get worse until some positive changes are made.

Re: What Initiation is JJ?
July 31, 2011

DK says it is counterproductive for a teacher to reveal his status and I agree, but I will make this one statement. In order to pass my next initiation I must complete a successful molecule. Hopefully that can be done in this life. If not I will continue on into the next.

Re: A Real Brain Trust We Have in Congress...
Aug 1, 2011

What caused the inflation is the head of Zimbabwe’s Federal Reserve increased the money supply by 20 million times within a year’s time. The problem had nothing to do with interest free money but a reckless increase of the money supply. I doubt if the money was interest free since the central bank was printing it.

If we increased our money supply by 20 million times instead of 5% or so we would be immediately destroyed economically and it wouldn’t matter what kind of money it was if there was an increase like that.

You might want to read my treatise where I talk about various money systems. It starts here:

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

Ruth: Joe Smith did not pass the 4th because he couldn’t give up his friends and family and was killed. But if he had gone West, he may have been able to still create a molecule, so what would he have to give up in reality?

JJ At the time he would have had to give up everything he held dear in his mind, his honor, his courage, his friends, his brother, his family, the respect of his followers. It was more than he could bear.

Yes, the reward would have been great if he had succeeded, but he did not realize that at the time.

Molecules can be composed of various numbers as I have taught before. The molecule of twelve is particularly powerful and has the attributes needed to build Zion. You not only need the number, but you need a Master to approve the molecule and overshadow it.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

The initiating molecule has to be linked up through a master. The additional ones must be linked up to the initiating one.

You do not have to worry about getting accepted by a master unless you are forming the first molecule. All molecules must be harmonious enough to allow for the flow of soul energy or they will not function or be linked to the first.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

Can we ever truly do more than just live the best life we know how and in doing so important rites-of-passage like Initiations happen in due course?


That’s about what we all have to do Rob. The drawback of studying the initiations is that many are impatient and want to see themselves on their last life when they have a long way to go.

Answer to a Reader
Aug 3, 2011
A reader named Benny made some comments at:

Here is my response to him. Note that his words are in CAPS and when he quotes me he uses lower case with quotation marks.

Benny: I HAVE READ A FLAWED MONEY SYSTEM, A TIME FOR ALL THINGS, THE IDEAL MONEY, THE NEW GREENBACK, And did Agree on much of it, until I came to These Quotes:

“Yes, it helps a little to get the best possible people in office and to make laws that attempt to restrain insanity but such steps are very insufficient to cure the disease. Outside help must be called in.” QUITE PESSIMISTIC!

JJ It’s not the outcome we all want but this is the outcome we’ve always had and if we follow the same procedure we will get the same results as in the past. If we want to change our destiny we need to do something different. The people themselves must take charge and create positive change.

Benny: “And where do we find such people? They are all over. They are called voters and most of these people do have the needed common sense.” NO THEY DO NOT! IF THEY HAD, WE WOULD NOT RESIDE IN SUCH A MESS.

JJ The common people have not been in charge and had little to do with getting us in this mess. The problems we have were created by people representing us while we have been too passive.

Benny: “The average voter knows better than to borrow more money than he can pay back.” NOT! WHO TOOK THE SUBPRIME LOANS? WHO BOUGHT TOO EXPENCIVE HOUSES, CARS AND STUFF?

JJ You’re not talking about the average voter here and those who took subprime loans were a small percentage of the population. Most of those who took such loans were way below average in income and many in this category do not even vote. The average person tries to balance his budget so he can make his payments.

Benny: “The average voter knows better than to spend more money than he has available.” NOT! ESPECIALLY IF HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY.

JJ You are thinking of people who are below average in handling their budget. Average people and above attempt to keep their financial houses in order.

Benny: “The average voter knows that his family wants many things he cannot afford so he has to set priorities in spending – unlike Congress that thinks it has to borrow whatever it takes to give us all the things we want.”


JJ We are over $14 trillion in debt and borrowing just to pay our bills. This is not sustainable.

Average people and above do not borrow to pay their bills, especially when there is another way.

I know that if I cannot pay my bills I will either make cuts or find a way to increase my income and most people I know think this way.

Benny: “The average voter is not a member of an elite club like Congress where he is under pressure to spend lots of money to be one of the group.”


JJ Again I think you are talking about a minority. None of my friends are like this. And even considering what you say, these type of people are much different than Congress who have spending pressures many times stronger than mere advertising.

What is more potent, an ad that says “Drink Coca Cola” or a political group that says, “Do what we say or lose your funding and your job?”

The answer is obvious.

Benny: “The average voter does not have to raise large sums of money to be elected and is not beholden to pressure groups.” THAT’S ONLY TRUE IF HE’S NOT TRYING TO BE ELECTED.

JJ Very few voters are trying to get elected to anything.

Benny: “Best of all, the average voter balances his budget and lives within his means.”


JJ To balance your budget and live within your means does not mean you do not borrow money. It means you are managing your budget so all debts get paid.

Congress only pays the interest on our debt and borrows money to pay that.

The average householder pays principle and interest and will have his loans paid off in the future. He doesn’t borrow to pay his debt.

Benny: “We cannot trust those who created the problem to solve the problem.”


JJ Yes, we are responsible for electing our representatives and it is not working so we have to try something else within the framework of the Constitution.


JJ Some people do this, but not the majority.


JJ Yes, this happened and some in Congress are still pushing for this to continue. This problem has diminished significantly, but it needs to stop completely. This problem is easily corrected through legislation.


JJ Most of the banks money is created from loaning money based on deposits on hand. If they have $100 they can loan out $1000 or so. Money is presently created through debt. This we must change.


JJ This may be true, but average people are not under the same pressures to conform that faces our representatives. Average people are not worried about getting reelected, being invited to Washington parties, being praised by the press, raising funds to keep your job etc. Because of this the majority of people support common sense decisions much more than our representatives.

For more on why I have faith in the majority go to:

Evil in the Eyes of Government Message List Aug 3, 2011

With all the dangers that assault us who does the government go after with guns and the full force of law?

Harmless people who sell raw milk. Take a look.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 3, 2011

I have been told to create a molecule. When it is correctly organized then it will be accepted. If there is not enough Harmony and soul contact in the group then it will not.

If I die before it is accomplished then others can try to create an accepted group. The important point to realize is that just getting the correct number of individuals is not enough. There must be group soul contact and acceptance from a Master who is a member of a higher molecule.

Re: Evil in the Eye of the Government
Aug 4, 2011

Back in the Seventies about a dozen of us got the bug Giardia in the small town of New Plymouth. Health officials became alarmed and investigated. They visited me and asked me if I drank raw milk. I answered yes. Then they asked me where I bought it. I told them but also told them that I was sure I didn’t get the bug from there. I told them that right after I drank some raw apple cider from a local plant that I was effected and thought that was the cause for the plant added water to the cider and the water may be contaminated.

They ignored this and went after the farmer and shut him down. They didn’t go after the apple cider plant for two reasons. First, they had an obvious bias against raw milk and second the owner of the cider plant was a powerful politician and they didn’t want to touch him.

I was further annoyed by the officials when I did my own survey and everyone I talked to that got the bug drank the apple cider but only a couple drank the raw milk.

Re: Paul’s 2nd
Aug 4, 2011

DK said back in the Twenties that there were only about 300 disciples, or third degree initiates, on the planet. So, using that as a starting point by interpolation there are probably a thousand or so today – though even this number seems high.

Bumper Sticker:
Aug 8, 2011

Clinton felt your pain. Obama causes your pain.

A reader made some comments about my post about Greenbacks at: Aug 11, 2011

He says:

Instead of garbage by Ellen Brown and Bill Still, read for once in your life the story of the Greenback. If you did, you would not regurgitate this fantasy about Lincoln and his Dick coming in a shining armour to save the village idiots from the big bad bankers.

Lincoln had as much to do with the invention of Treasury Notes as Saunders with the invention of fried chicken. Lincoln and his crew were all whigs; Chase learned what he knew about banking at the Bank of the United States, where he worked as attorney. The true fathers of the Greenback were Hooper, Corning, Spaulding. Hooper first practiced at the State level

(1) inflationary bonds – are you out of your mind ? bonds cannot be inflationary; if you bothered to pay attention, you would know that by 1865 $1,100million bonds were issued. The inflation was caused by the $300million additional Greenbacks, instead of the originally intended $150million Reply

Here was my response:

You act as if I said that Lincoln came up with the idea of the Greenback. I did not. You say that Corning, Spaulding and Hooper originated it. You overlook the fact that I did mention Spaulding’s role who was the main driving force behind it in Congress.

Just like any legislation today must involve both the President and Congress even so was it in those days. Who is the father of the current healthcare plan? Was it Pelosi and Reid, the lawyers who wrote the words or Obama? The fact is that the President had to support it to get it passed and in recognition of this it is called Obamacare. Does this make him the father of it? It’s a matter of interpretation.

The fact that people outside of Congress influenced Lincoln’s support of the Greenback is a separate story from its evolution in Congress. It was important that Lincoln be convinced, especially since he had the power of veto. Exactly how much interplay there was behind the scenes between Congress and the President concerning the Greenback we do not know but we know the is always a substantial amount on important legislation.

You rule out Lincoln’s reported conversation with Dick Taylor. Lots of things reported from history could be inaccurate or fabricated, but there is no proof this conversation did not take place so I relate it and let the reader decide. I also note that his economic adviser Henry Carey was said to have a similar influence on Lincoln toward the Greenback.

So instead of just having a narrow focus and stating that the Spaulding gang was the father of the Greenback I mention other possible influences. And you think that is wrong because…?

Bonds can be inflationary. Anything that can be used to purchase something can influence price increases. For example, if bonds were used to purchase 90% of the wheat then of course the price of a loaf of bread would increase.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 17

This entry is part 2 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Reincarnation, Overshadowing and More

Now, the same thing happened with me with reincarnation, in the Mormon Church they teach that reincarnation is the doctrine of the devil and that all should stay away from teachings about it. But when I discovered for sure that there was reincarnation for sure I thought; “Well, maybe it is in the scriptures somewhere and if the scriptures are true then reincarnation is true. Then I found it on almost every page. When I did this I kept wondering how come I never saw this before? The answer lies in the principle that you find what you are looking for. If you are looking for something you find it, and if you are not looking for something, even though it is right in front of your eyes, you will not see it.

So reincarnation was found throughout the entire scriptures. I also found the overshadowing of Jesus was taught throughout the scriptures and I read them quite a number of times earlier and I could never see it because I was not looking for it. My mind was filtering it out, but as soon as I began opening up and was open to look for it, there it was!

And that, my friends, is amazing! Sometimes I would ask myself “What else is in there that I am not looking for, that I am not seeing? Maybe quite a few things.” What is in the writings of Alice A. Bailey that I am not looking for because I am not open to it?” “Except ye be as a little child, ye shall no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.” And as I said earlier that does not mean that you are just a non-thinking person. It means being an open person who is completely open to whatever is there.

That was the beauty of when I discovered solid proof for myself that there was reincarnation and then went through the scriptures and verified that there was reincarnation. I was completely open after that because I thought that nothing is as I had learned it. Now what I had to do was re-learn everything with a fresh set of eyes and when I did that I found that going through the scriptures, for instance, was an entirely different experience when you are reading as if you were a child and that anything could be true.

I learned completely different things then I had ever learned before. I try to keep that attitude with whatever I learn. One of my favorite quotes in my writings is; “That if a person who is open can learn more from the National Enquirer than he can learn from the Bible.” (Laughter) The person that is open can learn from almost any source because you never know what might stimulate you to greater knowledge and understanding.

There were two entities in the body of Jesus at the same time for the three and half years. Jesus, near the time that He was going to be crucified in the garden of Gethsemane came to His final test. The Christ that was in Him knew that the cost of the Jesus being crucified was a necessary experience, but Jesus wanted to establish the Kingdom of God.

Suppose that you were over shadowed by a Master with great power and you saw that with this power you could possibly convert a very large number of people, and teach them with the assistance of the Messiah, The Christ that was in you and create a virtual Kingdom of God on Earth. That is such a wonderful thing. Now Jesus was really looking forward to being able to do this but then He was told that He could not do that for it was not part of the Plan. “You must be crucified instead. There is a bigger plan at work here,” he was told.

Right after His last meeting with the disciples when Judas betrayed Him, the energy of the group was disrupted through Judas. So He took the three disciples with Him that could still handle the energy, so He thought, and went to the garden of Gethsemane; I have covered this part in greater detail before; as He was praying, what did He ask?

Audience: To be removed from this responsibility.

JJ: Correct and why did He ask this since He already accepted the plan?

Audience: He wanted to know if there was a possibility of this.


He asked for this to be removed because He never knew for sure that this was part of the plan. The only thing He knew for sure was that The Christ was within Him and He was aware of everything and Jesus was giving out His words. Those words indicated that The Christ within Him knew about the plan but Jesus kept thinking, well, there might be a way of escape, you know this power within Me, maybe I can influence Him to build the Kingdom here. We have done all these good works and we have a good foundation established. These apostles are all ready to go and we can build the Kingdom of God. But in the garden He was told that the Will of God is that we do something else. It says in the Book of Luke that He actually sweated blood because the intensity of the pain of the decision was so difficult.

What was worse than having to give up His life was to give up His dream. His dream was to build the Kingdom of God. Could you imagine having this dream so close to being fulfilled and then having it taken from you, no you can’t do it. Imagine Shelly that you could see how you could bring peace on earth, that you could get everybody to lay down their arms and then God comes to you and says, “No we cannot do this, it is not time. We must do something else.” You must go to Jerusalem and let these let the radicals cut off your head.

Now that would be very tough. It is bad enough to have your head cut off but it is even worse to be so close to think that you could bring peace on earth and goodwill to men and find out that no you cannot do this. So there Jesus was praying, “If it be possible remove this cup. Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.” And the answer came back, “The higher Will must be done. It is your free will and your body Jesus.” Even the Christ could not takeover His body and order Jesus to obey. Jesus was left to operate of His own free will. He acquiesced and said, it is done I will cooperate.

So He went to the cross and when they put Him on on it, do you remember something else of significance that he said that relates to two entities? He said “My Father, My Father, why have You forsaken me?” In other words the Christ left the body of Jesus somewhere around the time that He was to be crucified. It could have been a bit before or during and He had to endure this all alone. And He said, “My Father, My Father why have You forsaken me?  Have I failed? Is this the end?” Once again He had a tremendous test of faith again. And of course He was put in the tomb for three days, we all know the story of the resurrection that He was raised from the dead and appeared then eventually ascended. The One that was raised from the dead was Jesus; who had the privilege of being in the body that was raised up and it was not actually the Christ, The Christ went on to all kinds of other spiritual work.

There are all kinds of stories of what actually happened to Jesus, There are legends that He went to different places in the world after He was crucified. I am not going to discuss any of that but suffice it to say that Jesus and The Christ has been working among humanity for many years. DK tells us that Jesus became a Master in His own right and that Jesus was a Fifth degree initiate after this experience. The Messiah, who is The Christ, was Krishna in a past life and also the Great prophet Melchizedek who lived in the days of Abraham and it was written that He was a Prince of Peace and that He had no Father or Mother which is a very interesting statement. It is also told that He was greater than Abraham but it says very little about Melchizedek outside of the fact that He established peace on earth for a period of time.

The Christ; went on to other work. Both Jesus and The Christ had Their initiations, Jesus had what is called the Fourth and Fifth initiation, you must undergo the fifth initiation to become a Master. Now Christ was really called The Master of masters, The Teacher of teachers, because He was a teacher of masters, angels, and men. He advanced to the beginning of a Seventh initiation. With His experience with Jesus, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane,  underwent His sixth initiation, which is called the initiation of decision. It was an experience in the garden where Jesus underwent the crucifixion initiation; and the fact that He had to give up everything so dear to Him because in this initiation that Jesus underwent you have to give up everything that attaches you to the world. The last thing that attached Jesus to the world was something good, it was the desire to bring the Kingdom of God to the world, and he even had to let that go that.

Whereas the Christ that was in Him was undergoing another test of His own; He was facing what is called the dweller on the threshold for the whole planet. Now the dweller on the threshold for the individual is bad enough to deal with. It is all the negativity that you have had to deal with in all your past lives brought together in one experience where you face the dweller before you enter into the presence of God, or the Angel of Presence. The Christ encountered the dweller on the threshold for everyone on the planet. This is one of the reasons it said that He suffered for the sins of the world. He suffered for the sins of the world in the fact that He encountered all the sins of the world in one great powerful thought form.

Now each one of us had a dweller and the dweller is the negativity all of us accumulated from all of the sins of our past. All of our negative thoughts, our fears, our errors, and guilt rolled into one bundle and occupying a life form composed of very course matter. It is our personal devil. People think the devil has lots of angels. The devil that each of us has to deal with of our own making is called the dweller on the threshold. It is residual energy, of all the negative energy, we have ever encountered and the time will come when each of us will encounter our dweller. It comes just before a monumental revelation comes to us.

Paul encountered his dweller on the road to Damascus. He experienced a great light that was so bright that it blinded him. Joseph Smith encountered his dweller when he went into the forest and prayed, he was overcome by a great dark power that made him feel like he was going to be destroyed and he had to penetrate this power before he could see the Divine Presence. Jesus encountered His dweller in the wilderness where He had to overcome the temptations but the Christ encountered the great dweller of the whole planet and it is hard or us to comprehend the intensity of the dark energy that He had to penetrate, He penetrated that dark energy and He faced it and created a link from humanity to the Divine Kingdom of Shamballa. This link connected humanity with the Will of God in such a way that had never been connected before. That was one of the most important parts of His mission. And thus He passed the Sixth initiation and began the Seventh. The Seventh initiation is the highest that can be taken on this planet. The Seventh initiation was only half completed by the Christ. He has to complete the Seventh initiation by coming again and walking among us. How this will happen is not completely given.
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Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 18

This entry is part 3 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Rejected by Friends and Family

Audience: I have always had the feeling that you can’t take the fifth, sixth and seventh initiations in a female body, what are your thoughts on this?

JJ: I think it could be done but it would be very difficult because to take some of the higher initiations it is easier to be in the sending mode. But, it still could be done. All even numbers represent female and odd numbers are male. The sixth initiation, which is a female number and the fourth initiation of the crucifixion could be done in a female body. The odd numbers in particular would be easier to do in a male body. The sixth initiation, which is the initiation of decision, could be made in either one and it would not really matter. The male numbers, odd numbers, would be easier in a male body and the female numbers, the even numbers, would be easier in a female body.

Wayne from the audience:

As far as I can tell the female body is much more heavenly than the male body! (Laughter)

JJ: (Laughter) Wayne, I agree with you 100%, especially when I look at you and then I look at Susan behind you I think you are 100% right!

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Did you read in book four of The Immortal, Eternal Words, where the “Ancient of Days” was assumed to be male and then it turned out that He was a hermaphrodite, both male and female?

Audience: You were talking about Jesus and the three temptations He could not allow Himself to have the Christ be recognized through external authoritative actions. Very similar to your book Eternal Words where you describe, when you are telling the kid at Denny’s with the bow tie that the principles that will have to penetrate as opposed to being something authoritative. Which would make sense that people you take forward in the future when they look back they just see this flowering of Christ Consciousness and are not so much focused on the messenger which is less important and more focus was put on the Christ Consciousness.

JJ: It is interesting about Jesus is, wherever He went His reputation started getting stronger until He went home to his home congregation, then He opened a scripture about the prophesy of The Messiah. There was a tradition that you would go up to the front where the scriptures were and you could open a scripture and read it and give it your own interpretation. So Jesus opened a scripture that was related to the Messiah and it was talking about how the Messiah was going to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, heal those who could not walk and things like this, and He said, “This day in your ears, the scripture is fulfilled.” In other words He was telling them that the Messiah is here. Does anyone know what happened after that?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: The whole audience got out of their seats and rushed up to the front, grabbed Him and dragged Him right out of the synagogue and then what were they going to do with Him?

Audience: They were going to stone Him.

JJ: No, they were going throw Him over a cliff because they were so enraged that the son of a carpenter would say such a thing! So they get him to edge of the cliff just ready to throw Him off  and here is what the Bible says, “And He escaped out of their midst.” Hmmm,  now did He escape by divine power or was He strong enough to just wrestle His way free?

One way or another He was able to get free and escape them. His home folk were not very tolerant. Jesus said, “A prophet is not without honor.” In other words a prophet, by the time he finishes his life has honor among certain types of people except among his family and friends. (Laughter)

It funny with my book, people read it a with great enthusiasm and they will say, “Boy I could not put it down, I read all night.” It’s much different with my friends and family I give the book to. I’ll ask them, “have you read the book?” They say no. I go to their homes to visit and look in their bookcases and I cannot find the book anywhere.

Audience: Laughter

JJ: I thought, I wonder what they did with the book? I wonder if they burned it or what.

It was funny when I was first thrown out of the Mormon Church for writing some things to try and enlighten the Mormons, I often asked friends I gave them to, “Did you read that treatise I wrote?” They would say “no” and I said, “What did you do with it?” They said, “I burned it!” They just did not throw it away they had to burn it!

Audience: Laughter

JJ: Because if they threw it away some innocent soul may get it out of the garbage and read it – no, they had to burn it! It’s funny how many people told me that they burned my writings! So it makes me wonder how many in my family have burned my book.

Audience: Laughter. I don’t think they burned it because they were afraid of someone else getting a hold of it, I think they burned it because that is how you get rid of evil!

JJ: Yes, that might be it too, who knows. There might be something to that Dee. The only family member I have that has really read it and was enthused was my sweet Mother. I have been trying to impress my Mom all my life by something I have done and she was always unimpressed. Finally after I wrote “The Immortal” I thought well, who knows maybe she will read it. Well, she did read it and she loved it and has been pestering me ever since for more but now her sight is not good enough to read. One of these days I will put the books on audio and she can listen to them.

Now she does not believe in them necessarily and she is still a standard Mormon but she really enjoyed “The Immortal.” This tickled me. I finally did something that she thought was really good. She thinks I am a good kid and everything and she always thought that. She was one of the few that when I did not tow the party line with the Mormon Church, she had the attitude that God judges us for what we are. She was not judgmental at all and I appreciated that very much.

The Christ (according to DK) has to come back as an individual, an entity to fulfill His own work to finish His last initiation on this planet, Earth. So He has to come back to complete the seventh initiation.

The first stage of the coming of Christ is the establishment of the Christ consciousness among humanity and that has been firmly established. The term Christ consciousness is fixed in the human consciousness. Most people, even the man on street, has a rough idea of what the Christ consciousness is. He realizes that it is some type of higher consciousness and that ordinary people can aspire to have this consciousness. The second step in the return is the linking of heaven and earth to the point that Christ and the Masters of wisdom that work with Him can link humanity to overshadowing principle.

There are two principles involved. One I call the overshadowing, and the other I call the Divine possession. Overshadowing is where the Master can use the disciples eyes and ears and tune into his consciousness, send him messages and give him guidance so that certain a particular mission can be accomplished. I believe Jesus had an overshadowing from the time He was young. Then there is the Divine possession, where the entity which, is Christ, actually came into the body of Jesus and we actually had two spirits in one body to accomplish this specific mission.

All these things are possible and what has happened before will happen again but, how He will fulfill His mission of the second coming, is a mystery and is not known to the disciples. No one knows for sure how this mission will be completed. One of the disadvantages if this information was given out would be that many people would be claiming that they were doing this.

I talked earlier about the mighty and strong. There are all kinds of mighty and strong claimants and there are all kinds of false messiah’s out there. One thing we know for sure is that the presence of the Master will be with us again. Exactly how that Presence will be with us is unknown. We do not know if it will be like it was last time or in a body of His own or some type of manifested body, reincarnated or whatever. All we know for sure is that His presence will be here.

As a matter of fact that is what the Apostle’s ask Him in Matthew 24: Give us signs of thy coming. The word “coming” comes from the Greek word (parousia) meaning presence. Give us the signs when your Presence will be among humanity again. What does this mean? It is subject to a number of different interpretations.

It is interesting that when Shirley saw the future, she said what I have often taught and that is the world, as a whole will not recognize for some time that the Master is even here. He will not come sand say, I am Jesus Christ, hear me type of thing. He will not come from the sky and destroy all the wicked with one breath. Like, one day two guys are out mowing the lawn, and the one is Christian and the other is not and the one that is not Christian get’s zapped by lightning and turns him into a crispy critter and the born againer gets lifted up into heaven or gets accepted or something like that.

It is not going to happen like that. People will be waiting a very long time for something like that to happen. What will happen is that the Christ will work among humanity in His own way and His own time. We will not be reading in the papers that Christ is in the Mormon Temple, the Jewish Temple, or the Vatican discussing matters with the Pope.

The signs of His coming might read like this in the paper: Church leaders condemn Billy Bob to hell because he is doing X, Y or Z! (Laughter)

When Christ does manifest again it will not be way people expect. As I said earlier there are only a handful of people that expected Him to come the way that He came. There is one story of woman that had it right and she had been waiting for the birth of the Messiah. She was not expecting Him to arrive in a cloud of glory like the other Jews. No she was expecting Him to be born as a babe and when she heard about the birth of Jesus she felt within her heart that this was the Messiah and she wanted to look upon His face before she died. So they brought her to the baby Jesus. All her life she had been waiting for the Messiah and when she looked upon Him, it was confirmed within her heart that this truly was the Messiah and a short time later she passed away. So, she had the wish of her heart fulfilled and she was the only the one in the Bible that had it right. The Jewish leaders were expecting Him just the way the Christian leaders are today, He comes in a blaze of glory and wipe out all the scum of the earth and the good guys mowing the lawns that are born again can continue mowing the lawns or be scooped up into heaven or something like this.

Audience: What about that scripture that says that Christ shall rise and they that dwell will be taken to Him in the sky?

JJ: You are quoting two different scriptures here. Paul says: “But we who are alive and remain will be taken up in the air.”

Audience: Right

JJ: Well there is a mistake right there that Paul made and that is he expected to live to see the second coming himself. He says: We (meaning me and you) who are alive or who remain until Christ comes again. If you read in the scriptures there are probably about a half a dozen scriptures that were they expected Him to come very soon and within their lifetimes. So they made a mistake right there and being taken has a lot of symbolic meanings. Up in the air is a symbol of ascending to a higher state of consciousness. When Christ comes again we will be taken because remember air is a symbol of the mind. So when Christ does come again we will be taken up to a higher state of mind, a higher state of consciousness and meet the Christ in that higher state of consciousness and we can do that right now.

We did it at the end of our last meeting when we were contemplating the principle of eternal words. We were taken up to a higher state of consciousness and we felt the higher presence together. This is the esoteric meaning of that scripture.
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Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The true glory of accomplishment is in initiation, not imitation.

2  When a better way is initiated, the dumbest thing to do is not follow.

3  Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly:  “If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not raise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders…  Perhaps.”

4  The power of initiation is neither good nor evil but is a little like money and can be used for either.

5  An initiation is an area in your life that you will be a master over. In first initiation you prove that you’re a master over physical things. The second initiation shows you are a master over your emotions and glamour. In the third one you become a master over the world of the mind and illusion. There are seven altogether.

6  All who pass the milestones of initiation as taught by the Masters are initiates who initiate.

7  As one passes from a lower initiation to a higher his power to initiate becomes stronger with more wide ranging effects.

8  As one passes from the first to the second initiation the disciple will increase his power to initiate from the purely physical to the emotional, and gain the power to initiate the stirring of people’s hearts and ideals.

9  One of the principles that I am to stress in my writings and teachings is the concept of initiation and what it means to initiate.

10  The power of initiation brings the power of joy in service.

11  Would you like a calling to some great and glorious work? Then imagine a great and glorious work and call yourself to it, and God will honor that call if your heart is pure.

12  There is no need for so many aspirants to feel like they are being left out of some loop. If they want a great calling all he has to do is call himself and then do the work.

13  Not only does fasting help you physically, but it makes you more sensitive spiritually and aids in the control necessary to pass the first initiations.

14  If you think you have a higher truth than is presented here you need to prove your power as an initiate and start your own class and teach to your heart’s content. If you indeed have a higher vision and understanding you will attract many followers.

15  There would be nothing more embarrassing than to think of oneself as a great avatar only to learn that the first initiation has not yet been taken.

16  The paramount principle of the Molecular Relationship is that it encourages initiation.

17  There is more opportunity to go around than there are initiates to take advantage of them.

18  A giant step in advancing toward initiate status ourselves comes not through ignoring the polarities, but in discerning them.

19  To choose between the two paths one must first see the two paths, and one cannot see the two paths until he approaches the third initiation.

20  As one approaches the third initiation, the veil of illusion becomes lifted to the extent that the choice between the two paths becomes visible. Finally, the great choice becomes possible.

21  The truth is that the initiates of most major religions, organizations and groups are working for the cause of Light.

22  There will be many in the future age who will wish they could have been back here with us to help initiate a work with so great a cause and purpose.

23  The coming of Christ will be prepared by those who take unto themselves the power to decide, and then initiate that decision into the real world.

24  These ideas may seem simple to student of metaphysics, but it takes a powerful initiate to introduce them in an acceptable way to common humanity.

25  The initiation of the dominating good had to take place beyond time, space and form, and it is useless for us to even try to speculate about it.

26  Most who are disruptive are not initiates and most disruption has nothing to do with initiation.

27  Because of the astral level of most supposed spiritual organizations, most true initiates avoid them.

28  The majority of initiates will be found working in what is generally considered non-spiritual endeavors ranging from politics, to science, to business, to education, to creative endeavors.

29  It is much easier to look at dead initiates and honor them. It is much more difficult to comprehend living initiates.

30  When we speak of initiates in a generic way we often see them as saintly, but when we meet a real live one we are likely to become infuriated by them.

31  Only by being humble and realizing one is on the first step can the seeker take the first step.

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