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Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “My only claim is that there is a Holy Spirit in all of us, and that the soul opens a window of contact. When that contact is made, the truth about me, you, my words and your words, can be seen and understood.”

2.  “Contemplation is the highest form of meditation.”

3.  “Did you know the Internet is prophesied of in the Bible?”

4.  “Predeterminism is not supported by experience, observation or the reality in which we live.”

5.  “The Christmas tree also predates Christmas. During the festival of Saturnus the Romans used the evergreen as a decoration in their homes. It was not widely used in connection with Christmas until the middle 1800’s.”

6.  “In the days of the Apostles there was first a symbolic baptism followed by a short period of waiting for the Spirit, just as the parent waits for the spirit to enter the new baby. Then there was a laying on of hands and through a living link to the tree of life, the Spirit flowed stimulating new life from the crown chakra on down. All seven chakras vibrated a little higher according to the consciousness of the seeker and a new life of belonging to the body of Christ was created.”

7.  “There were probably over 144,000 participating in the Harmonic Convergence but there’s more than that number of Mormons participating with good feeling at each general conference and the results are similar with a differing vibration. The coming critical mass I am talking about will initiate change that has not been witnessed in recorded history.”

8.  “To complete the life of a new birth, the spirit from God must enter into the body.”

9.  “We are told [in Isaiah 52:1-8] that in a future age there will be a working class like the ancient Hebrews that sell themselves ‘for nought.’ In other words they will place themselves in the same position as were the ancient slaves, but where the ancient slave was sold on the auction block the new slave will acquiesce to the situation with no fee changing hands at all. Who would be so foolish to yield themselves into slavery for no payment?”

10.  “Dreaming in one form or another is something we will do on and off as long as there is existence.”

11.  “The union of matter and spirit makes soul possible, but Soul itself is the interplay of body and spirit rather than the union, and that interplay is within us all no matter what our degree of evolution. Soul contact happens when we tune unto that interplay. Thus tuning into the interplay opens the door to soul and Spirit. This is the first major step we all make at one time or another.”

12.  “There are powerful Rods of Power held by the Great Lives who govern the Universe.”

13.  “Rods of power exist in etheric matter and not physical as we know it. The real rod of power is too valuable to risk a loss or destruction on the physical plane.”

14.  “How does your name get in the Book Of Life? It gets there because your name is a living name.”

15.  “The teaching on the seven centers is thousands of years old and is accepted by most all who have an interest in metaphysics.”

16.  “In many European countries children believe that Christ brings them gifts instead of Santa Claus.”

17.  “Suppression is a form of avoiding communication.”

18.  “All of the twelve [apostles] that were in the Molecule on the day of Pentecost are in physical bodies on the earth today.”

19.  “The actual entity that incarnated into the body created by the apostles was a different entity than the Holy Spirit.”

20.  “Perdition comes from the Greek APOLEIA, which more literally means “destruction.”  When humans follow blind emotion as an animal follows its master then destruction is always the end result.”

21.  “There exists today approximately 5300 copies of ancient Greek manuscripts which are copies of the gospels.”

22.  “The twelve apostles were not originally followers of Jesus, but of John the Baptist.”

23.  “The most important thing to understand is the conspiracy of darkness is not headquartered in the physical plane.”

24.  “Cigarettes are an example of one of the most powerful forces of maya. If you can quit smoking after having the habit for years the rest of maya should be downhill for you.”

25.  “The United States has left its Christ-like roots of free thought and religion and now is a strong promoter of mindless authority throughout the world.”

26.  “The Bolshevik Revolution that established the Communist regime in Russia was financed right out of the United States by wealthy men who saw a great opportunity in Marx’s philosophy.”

27.  “Entropy is cause playing itself out without the interference of outside intelligence.”

28.  “We are basically reluctant to eat an animal that has enough individuality to cause us to become attached to it.”

29.  “Lack of attention is one of the best protectors from negativity of association.”

30.  “Understanding and wisdom are essential to balance energies that lead to fulfillment.”

31.  “Each life that manifests here does so in the hope of Becoming that which it has never been but without the loss of that which has forever been.”

32.  “The current pronunciation of AMEN is a corruption. Any use of it should begin with the AUM sound.”

33.  “The AMEN originally was an alternative method of saying the sacred word AUM. In fact the original pronunciation of AMEN was AUM-ANE, which meant ‘may the words which have been spoken become manifest, but only to fulfil the purpose of God’.”

34.  “Neither Jesus or Moses mentioned hell in relation to the commandments.”

35.  “The fact that we exist, or that God or anything exists, is the greatest miracle of all, and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.”

36.  “The door will always be open to all who wish to open it.”

37.  “The Aquarian Gospel is not a translation, but a revelation of missing details of the life of Christ.”

38.  “Most psychic abilities make use of soul energy, but do not involve direct contact with the Solar Angel.”

39.  “Kirilian Photography does not photograph the aura but captures an image of the energy radiated from the etheric body.”

40.  “The personality is a synthesis of the mind, the emotions and the physical — the three worlds.”

41.  “The soul is your higher self, but the higher self of the soul is the monad. So when you’ve achieved soul contact, the next contact to achieve is the consciousness of the monad.”

42.  “The early brethren taught that there were prophets before Adam.”

43.  “Many believe that Moses only gathered out those who were known to be of the Hebrew race, but such was not the case. He took with him all those who believed ‘the Lord is God.’ This included a mixture of peoples of varied ancestry, yet they were called Israelites because they looked to the ‘One God’ for strength which was a great step toward depending upon the God within.”

44.  “Humans generate several kinds of radiation.”

45.  “The story of Adam and Eve has been repeated numerous times upon the earth and usually occurs after a great cataclysm.”

46.  “All known and understood structures of a complex order are created through a hierarchical endeavor.”

47.  “Another interesting tidbit which I personally believe is that Mohammed was later reincarnated as George Washington making it interesting that many in the Middle East see the USA as the great Satan when we both owe our foundations to the same man.”

48.  “The word ‘HU’ is included in the ‘AUM.’ This sound alone (‘HU’) centers a person on the astral plane, the plane of greatest illusion. The ‘AUM’ brings balance.”

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Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The main characteristic of a disciple is that he or she asks questions.

2  When the disciple is ready, the Master will appear and offer him the fruit of the Spirit, and the two will eat together with joy.

3  As the disciple continues to serve more is given until he either intuitively or consciously understands the answer to every question that he has.

4  Even the Christ is a disciple of the Ancient of Days, and the Ancient one is a disciple of the Solar Logos. No matter how high you get you never coast along on your own. You will always need stimulation by teachers on some level more experienced than yourself.

5  Only the disciples who have made irrevocable decisions toward the light can be of service at this crucial point of tension between the two ages.

6  All seven chakras are open and functioning as a unit in the disciple treading the path of Christ.

7  The disciple always seeks to serve his fellow men even if they are irritating.

8  The true servant of Christ will project an image that will also be the opposite of the piousness most expect of a minister. One of the things that will astonish many will be his cooperation with science and technology.

9  Unrecorded in the Bible is the fact that there were also twelve female disciples who assisted in the work with Jesus.

10  The disciple will go through many periods of light and darkness over a period of numerous lives, but the final one will be different from the rest. The isolation and loneliness will be very profound.

11  The true disciple does not publicly reveal his status.

12  Masters of Wisdom will either appear among us or incarnate and the Christ will overshadow disciples in preparation for His work with humanity.

13  The Book of Revelations is a story about a disciple treading the path of Christ.

14  Gaining the ability to see through the illusion that is automatically accepted by the many is one of the most important lessons the disciple can learn.

15  The disciple realizes that even a very intelligent person can be captivated by wrong thoughtforms and illusions and if we excluded all those in such a state there would be few if any to be gathered into anything.

16  Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

17  The disciple contains and controls the passions within with golden thought and pure intent.

18  The revelation of true principles or eternal words brings instant correction to the disciple.

19  When the disciple dedicates himself to the inner voice he will follow the direction of the Christ consciousness wherever it leads.

20  When the disciple hears the inner voice correctly, even though it is very quiet, a focus upon the message drowns out all other distractions so only the message is heard.

21  The ark of God in this age is the purified hearts of working disciples.

22  When the disciple is married to or unites with his Christ consciousness he can speak no deceit while in that state.

23  One of the most difficult lessons for the disciple to learn is to accept his own limitation, especially as it relates to the free will and abilities of others.

24  The disciple learns to enjoy the good and neutralize the bad.

25  The sign that the disciple has taken his first great step is when he shows a willingness to act on a true message from within in defiance to all the clamoring messages from without.

26  The disciple is on the path of light (the good path so to speak) if his focused thought is on the true advancement of himself or his group.

27  A disciple therefore, must be aware that he or she not only has outward authorities of position and glamour to deal with but also invisible power brokers behind the scenes who may be impossible to identify without revelation.

28  Keep checking with your souls, and when the link called in the east the antahkarana is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.

29  Each potential disciple will have some final temptation to support the unreasonable restriction of others in the name of promoting his personal desire to see that which is good triumph.

30  As the disciple progresses towards the Spirit, he will be able to hold the presence for longer periods and eventually neutralize the opposing forces that come against him. Then he will have long periods where he is one with the Presence.

31  If the situation changes and the thoughtform fails to live up to expectations, then the disciple must be prepared to abandon or change it and move on.

32  There will be many times that the working disciple will have to use the power of detachment. The disciple must realize that they are not their body, not their feelings and not even their mind and stand back and watch these feelings and thoughts brood and move, yet make their decisions in the light of the soul without attachments to thoughts and feelings of their lower bodies.

33  The disciples of the world must merely present what is true in a common sense manner and many troubles experienced by past disciples will not surface.

34  The disciples of the world must work with extreme patience and realize that in rushing reform one may cause a work to be destroyed and delayed a hundred years, whereas a decade of patience and perseverance may actually yield the quickest results.

35  The sure mark of a true disciple is that every move he or she makes has some purpose that benefits something other than lower self.

36  The beginner cannot appreciate the vision, the thoughts, the goals, and the problems of a disciple or Master until he either advances a great deal in his evolution, or joins in with the whole through the Oneness Principle.

37  Unless one is dealing directly with the Dark Brothers, which is rare, 99.99 percent of perceived psychic attacks owe their cause to a flaw opened from within oneself and if we live a reasonable stable life, then there is little to worry about in this area.

38  A disciple may have an advanced physical body in the esoteric sense, yet not be particularly good-looking.

39  The concept of sacred honor must be retrieved and taught by disciples of the coming age.

40  Even disciples who are relatively successful usually make their share of mistakes.

41  The disciple is only corrected if he honestly seeks further instruction and correction.

42  Even if a disciple is working directly for the Brotherhood of Light and receives revelations periodically, when the disciple makes a mistake he is usually not corrected.

43  The disciple, or aspiring disciple, will not believe in haste what he has been told. He will check it out and question it no matter how unpopular he is for doing so.

44  As we progress from the average student to the disciple we find the questions will be more challenging to the status quo, more independently thought out and less likely to follow the line of least resistance.

45  When I speak of an aspiring disciple asking questions, I do not mean just any question, but that he acquires a questioning mind which questions mainstream thought.

46  The aspiring disciple not only asks more questions, but asks a different kind of question than does the average person.

47  Disciple[s] and aspiring disciples are found in all fields of human endeavor.

48  We know that Christ was physically marred through the crucifixion, but his servants are often marred in some way to keep them humble.

49  Soul contact and communion through the Oneness Principle is essential for the working disciple, else he may wind up receiving illusionary teachings and leading others down a path from which retracing steps will be essential.

50  When the disciple learns to differentiate between the voice of the false ego and the spirit, he can know for sure his mission is true and useful.

51  When the disciple gives up on his mission and yields to the line of least resistance things seem to go so smoothly that it may seem to him that this is the path God wants him to walk.

52  When the disciple breaks through and becomes one with the Christ consciousness he taps into the Oneness Principle, the minds of the holy ones of the past and the knowledge of all principles becomes available to him.

53  The beginner on the path will look at the top step and imagine the great view he will have and want to jump up there in one leap, but will accomplish nothing.

54  The disciple must do much more than merely confess Jesus and be saved as the old time religion teaches. He must also do more than “go with the flow” as many new agers believe. Instead, he must overcome all the obstacles in the path of liberation and become a master of each of them as he moves forward.

55  The disciple learns to maintain his focus he keeps the attitude of the observer. He then identifies with soul and spirit, but observes all the rest that brings pain and discomfort as well as joy and happiness.

56  It is extremely important that the disciple of truth recognize the dividing line between good and evil for the future of the world depends on this recognition.

57  A disciple is one who has taken several of the initiations and committed himself to the work of the soul.

58  A probationary disciple is one who is seeking after the Path. The fact that you’re reading this shows that you’re either a probationary disciple or a disciple.

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