Molecular Questions

This entry is part 11 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted July 22, 2010
Ruth wrote:
Jesus’ Molecule was Himself as the Conduit for the higher entity and energies, plus 12 men and 12 women. Never forget the female energies in these molecules wherein 1 + 1 = one, or one negative and one positive, or one male/sending and one female/receiving, and yes, that can also mean one gay male and one female or vice versa, as long as the energies balance out to a degree where one sends and one receives, like an electrical current.

John C
I have a request and a question.

(1) Request. When we discuss electrical current in the world of physics, we can diagram the flow of electricity in any electrical current, whether it be a simple flashlight or a complex computer. In fact, we could take any energy system and draw a diagram with little arrows showing the flow of positive and negative energy. What I would like to see is an energy diagram of a human molecule. This shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish, since a molecule is based on simple electrical principles. We can diagram the basic electrical flows in an atom, or a chemical molecule, or even the human body. AAB’s books contain what could be considered diagrams of the flow of energy between members of the hierarchy, and between all the human vehicles. I’ve even seen electrical flow diagrams of the chakras within the human body. How about an electrical flow diagram for a human molecule?

Start off with the flow of energy in a molecular relationship. Expand that into the energy flow within each atomic unit, among all the atomic units, the flow of the energy of soul contact, the flow of energy between the molecule and the higher life which in habits the molecule, and the flow of energy between the molecule and the higher molecule with which it is linked. Have I left anything out?

This whole concept might be easier to understand, and easier for people like me to accept once these basic flows are understood through a physical, scientific diagram.

This has been available for a long time.  You can see how the lines of force work in the following diagram:

The initiating unit is overshadowed bringing in the spiritual flow from the hierarchy.

John then projects us into a possible future where gay marriage is accepted by the majority and is no longer controversial.  Then he says:

Suppose that the Keys is growing, and human molecules are being formed. They are attracting peoples’ attention as more and more obtain soul contact and seek to organize themselves along this order. You have to know that some gay couples are going to be attracted to this as well and will want to join a molecule, but they are forbidden to join unless they take on a female working partner.

This is not true.  Take a look at the diagram of the expanding molecule  and you will see the twenty-four entities and associate single members.  All these members can be male or female gay or straight as long as they show evidence of soul contact and are willing to work toward balancing the energy of the whole.

I think the misunderstanding you have is that you are seeing a partnership in the molecule as being similar to a marriage or an emotional/romantic one and it is not.  Partners can be married or romantically attached, but that is only for convenience sake.  The purpose of working together is not to enhance relationship between two romantic couples, but to balance the energy so the spiritual electricity can flow bringing in higher purpose.

To accomplish this the zero point must be approached by each unit. If it turns out that a straight female is sending to her straight male partner then a change must be made so she is receiving, else the couple will not be able to approach the zero point and will cause resistance to energy. This does  not mean they are not good enough, but it means they are in their wrong place for lowering resistance. Even so, two male gays are both in male bodies that have a positive charge.  It takes a negative charge to lower the resistance of the male in the molecule so the couple will either have to be associate members or take a female partner they can send to.  This has nothing to do with their romantic relationship.  In fact it will enhance it if they are in tune with their souls for when the group achieves soul contact as a unit they will move closer to each other as well as the other members.

For example, when we meet at gatherings it makes no difference to me whether my wife is next to me as the energy flows or on the other side of the circle.  What matters is the lowering of resistance to the spiritual flow. We do not create a molecule there but we do bring in some spiritual energy and always align male/female as much as possible.

You can’t just look at a proton and pronounce it an electron.  No matter what you do it will still have a positive charge and the electron will remain negative.  To make things work we have to accept the principles that govern energy and then work with them.  If a thing works then it will not matter whether people thought it was politically incorrect.  Once a working model is demonstrated it is only a matter of time before it is accepted.

John C
If you don’t know many gay people, especially men, you may be as surprised as I was to find that there is a higher percentage of seekers and spiritually-minded people than in the population at large.

I wouldn’t be surprised though I care not to make a tabulation.  There are other gays on this list besides you, for instance and they are very insightful.

John C
Also, if you look at “societal evolution” (as Rush calls it), Blacks and Gays are usually at the forefront.

I don’t look at any one group or race on the forefront.  We are all in this together and you never know where the next surge will take place.

John c
And, if JJ’s teaching’s ever reach the mass consciousness, the most spiritually-minded among us are likely to be the earliest adopters, and this could become a big question when these people start looking for something, and are told that they can’t have it, or perceive that they are being sent that same old message that they are just not “good enough”. That might not be the message you intended to send, but that is how that message will be received.

No.  That is not the message that is intended to be sent and it is not the message being sent.  If any perceive it that way it is because they need to understand how the Molecular Relationship works.  No one is judged as being good or evil by their race or place of energy. We’ve gone through this before and I’m surprised you are bringing it up again.  Hopefully we can clarify this time.

John C
Thinking people, both gay and straight, are going to wonder how come same both gay and straight married couples are seen as equal in society, but not in a human molecule.

Again where do you get this convoluted idea??? I have said nothing that should give you this thought.

John C
People are going to look on the human molecule the same way people look at fundamentalist religions today, with their doctrines of wifely submission to husbands based on “infallible Biblical teachings”.

If the molecule actually works they will study why it works and then only go with what makes it work.  Would you create something that looks like a light bulb but then does not turn on?  Political correctness has nothing to do with the light bulb working or whether people will accept it if it works.