Keys Writings, Part 15

This entry is part 29 of 34 in the series 2011C

Oct 25, 2011
Re: Letter of the Law 1.2

Blayne: If had to sum up the two sides it is this: Your side is that bunch of politically connected attorneys studied the evidence and concluded he was a threat worthy of death and you explicitly trust that decision despite the lack of verification/accountability. And the precedent that government has done this in the past secretly and or illegally etc. makes it ok.

JJ That’s about a million miles from my side. This tells me that you are reading what I write with tremendous filters on wit the purpose of defending your mindset and not even trying to understand what I am saying or trying to do.

Why don’t you read what I actually write and try restating what my side is.

Oct 25, 2011
Re: Letter of the Law 1.2

Blayne: If had to sum up the two sides it is this: Your side is that bunch of politically connected attorneys studied the evidence and concluded he was a threat worthy of death and you explicitly trust that decision despite the lack of verification/accountability. And the precedent that government has done this in the past secretly and or illegally etc. makes it ok.

JJ (Previous Post) That’s about a million miles from my side. This tells me that you are reading what I write with tremendous filters on with the purpose of defending your mindset and not even trying to understand what I am saying or trying to do.

Why don’t you read what I actually write and try restating what my side is.

Blayne: What part of my statements are wrong?

JJ So you can’t more accurately restate the stance I am taking? If you are going to argue with me you first must understand what I am saying and coming from else we will continue to go around in circles.

You seem to think I am coming from a value judgment stance in our discussing as you are. I am not. So far with you I have only attempted to conclude whether the action was legal or not. This is a conclusion dealing with the technicalities of the law – NOT whether Awlaki was “worthy” of death.

Let’s analyze what you think I am saying based on what I have been trying to accomplish with you.

Blayne “Your side is that bunch of politically connected attorneys studied the evidence and concluded he was a threat worthy of death.”

JJ I haven’t taken a side and have not said anything giving a value judgment as to whether Awlaki was worth of death. I have maintained that the evidence gives support to the idea that Obama’s action was legal. That doesn’t mean he was right or wrong or that Awlaki was “worthy’ of death. It means the action is assumed to be legal unless proved and accepted otherwise through the judicial system.

Blayne: “and you explicitly trust that decision.”

JJ I haven’t said whether or not I trust Obama’s decision let alone “explicitly trust.” Trusting or not trusting Obama’s decision has nothing to do with the first point that we are dealing with.

Blayne: despite the lack of verification/accountability.

JJ Again this has nothing to do with the first point – Is it legal? I do not believe I have given any value judgment related to verification or accountability yet.

Blayne: And the precedent that government has done this in the past secretly and or illegally etc. makes it ok.

JJ I didn’t use precedents to establish that anything was okay, but to give evidence of the legality.

Again, for the umpteenth time – if something is legal that doesn’t mean it is right, moral or okay.

Here is my correct position so far:

Evidence and facts indicate that Obama’s action was legal.

Oct 26, 2011
Letter of the Law 1.3

Blayne I agree with you here in fact there are a distinct lack of facts in this case which is one of the main reasons for my stance. So if the facts are not enough to support my conclusion how in the world are they enough to support yours?

JJ I didn’t say there were not enough facts but “facts are not enough to assure a correct decision,” meaning that two people can look at the same facts and come to different conclusions.

There are enough facts to establish the legality. You don’t need many facts for this like you would if we were evaluating how moral tor correct the action was.

Blayne If had to sum up the two sides it is this: Your side is that bunch of politically connected attorneys studied the evidence and concluded he was a threat worthy of death and you explicitly trust that decision despite the lack of verification/accountability. And the precedent that government has done this in the past secretly and or illegally etc. makes it ok.

JJ See previous post.

Blayne My side is this: the only verifiable/accountable evidence is that he has spouted some anti-government rhetoric. That he was a credible threat is nothing more then accusations aired in the media. And that this does not warrant immediate assassination. And that past precedents of illegal actions do not make it ok,

JJ This has nothing to do with the first point we are discussing which is:

Was it legal?

Blayne: I actually agree with you here and this is why I am so astonished. I am definitely attached to the values and ideals of freedom and justice

JJ But that doesn’t have anything to do with the question: Is it legal? Your mind keeps translating this question into; “Was it the right thing to do?

You seem to have a problem in breaking a problem down to its component parts and analyzing them. You keep wanting to deal with the whole shebang at one time and this is one reason no one seems to be able to come to agreement with you in an augment and we keep going in circles.

Blayne and would rather error on the side of freedom then allow any encroachment because I have seen the pain misery and suffering trampled rights cause. My astonishment is that others who are otherwise intelligent would see this as not all that important and see my position as not a good thing

JJ Most people here value the principle of freedom just as much as you do. Judging whether or not a thing is legal has nothing to do with freedom. If I say that slavery was legal 200 years ago that does not mean I do not value freedom.

Blayne So let me make sure I understand you here. You are saying a principle must be like gravity always in operation despite what men do? JJ This could lead us to a diversion that could take us far off the topic and lead to days of going back and forth. I have already written volumes on principles.

A principle is the core thing that explains why something works. Gravity itself is not a principle though it is often called such but some principle explains its operation and why it is always at play. That principle has not yet been discovered but it will be related to the principled of cause and effect. A principle is always true and can be accessed once understood.

The principle of freedom is related to decision. Every decision we make either leads to greater or less freedom. Decisions are always at play.

My point was that if you see this as a principle then I can see why you think there should be no exceptions to it just as cause and effect is never negated.

JJ (Previous Post) You have a black and white view where the Solomon principle does not even apply, no exceptions, a person should be presumed innocent until found innocent or guilty by a jury trial.

Blayne This is an incorrect view of my position I have repeated several times there are some exceptions. Perhaps one of the reasons we can’t agree is because of wrong perception of my view?

JJ If this is incorrect then when can we discard the presumed innocent process of the legal system?

JJ (Previous Post) If a law is declared legal by constitutionally appointed judges and I do not agree with that law then it is still the law and legal and binding in your society. And what do you suggest we do with laws we do not like – break them and go to jail? Complain about them? That doesn’t do much good. If a person is really outraged then he should seek to make changes.

Blayne I have already proven this is not true and quoted A supreme court ruling and 16th volume of American Jurisprudence. Martin Luther King Broke the law and went to jail and it did change the law eventually.

JJ There’s nothing in your quote that disproves anything I have said.

The Constitution trumps all other laws like it says and unconstitutional laws can be discarded, but a law passed through proper channels will be in force until it is proven to be unconstitutional. Just because you think a law is unconstitutional doesn’t mean that others will see it the same way. If the Supreme Court declares a law is constitutional and you disagree then you will still be bound by it, even if you are sure they are wrong.

There are many laws that some argue as being unconstitutional that we are still bound by because judges think they are constitutional.

Just try and drive without a license if you think having one is unconstitutional. You can still go to jail as did my friend Wayne. You can’t just say, I’m ignoring this because it is not Constitutional.

Blayne You seem to feel that there is nothing we can do but then you seem to contradict yourself and say a person should change the law if he doesn’t like it.

JJ I said there is nothing we can do about bad law in THE SHORT TERM! In the long term we can attempt to change the laws. There is no contradiction.

Blayne: Your idea that any law passed is binding is the prevailing mindset and is the very reason why it is so hard to change things and the entire system.

JJ So are you saying that if a law is passed that you deem unconstitutional, but it has not been overturned then you can break it with impunity? I don’t think so. It didn’t work for Wayne. Where do you get such illogical unreasonable ideas?

Blayne: Do you believe government has a right to mandate health care coverage?

JJ I think it is unconstitutional but there are Supreme Court justices that disagree. Law is not subject to belief. If I believe that I should be able to drive without a license I can still go to jail over it no matter what I believe.

We should be getting a Supreme Court decision soon on the mandate and that will determine what is legal with the mandate independent of any belief you have.

Blayne If no then will you obey the law passed despite 70% of Americans opposition?

JJ I obey all current laws with draconian penalties. I think even Ron Paul does also.

Blayne: So by having this mindset that any law passed is binding which goes against all our founding principles and hundreds of years of jurisprudence and historical precedent we have created a society that think government has a right to intervene into every aspect of out lives.

JJ One thing has nothing to do with the other. Bad law, which is binding has been passed or incorporated since the beginning of civilization and will continue far into the future. Why you think that a law passed, but not overturned, is not binding and you can ignore it without penalty is an amazing piece of mental gymnastics to behold.

JJ (Previous Post) Once something is legal there is no line to draw. It is just legal and there is nothing you can do about it in the short term. You can disagree with it but you will still be subject to it until it is changed.

Blayne So if congress ever passes a law that it is ok for them to rape women at will then you would consider that binding and tell folks if they don’t like it then change it but until then they must abide by it? That is the logical conclusion of your view. You are dead wrong here my friend!

JJ I said we must abide by law or suffer the penalties attached. I didn’t say that we could not break the law through civil disobedience. In that case the penalty would still be there. Suppose there was this stupid law that said rape was okay and if you tried to stop one you would suffer the death penalty. You arrive on the scene like John Wayne and attempt a rescue. You are caught in the act of heroism and soon executed.

Was the law binding on you even though it violated all sense of right and wrong?

Yes, you did not escape the penalty.

Why would you think otherwise?

I feel like I am arguing with someone who is just dreaming up things that make no sense to be arguing about for the hell of it. JJ (Previous Post) Where do you get that idea? Of course the Constitution gives us rights. That’s why we have different rights here than people in other countries.

Blayne The constitution purports to protect rights it does not grant them. The right to bear arms in self defense like all rights has always existed just like gravity.

JJ Gravity exists in North Korea, but the right to bear arms does not exist. They do not have that right no matter how many times you shout it from the rooftops. If a Constitution like ours were in force there then they would have the right. And where would it come from? Not osmosis, but the Constitution.

Your confusing “a right” with something that is moral, correct, or right. It would be the right thing to do to give North Koreans the right to bear arms, but presently they do not have the right.

Blayne: So how could it grant rights that it doesn’t even list?

JJ See above.

Rights that were already in existence were merely guaranteed by the Constitution, but rights that were not in existence were created by it as well as protected. Before the Constitution, under the British rule, they did not have a right of protection against unreasonable searches. The Constitution granted that right and protected it.

Blayne: I am amazed at the lack of understanding. North Koreans have the same rights as we do as do all men.

JJ Then why can’t they have guns?

Are you sure you’re just not trying to give me a bad time as a hoot?

Blayne: Just because they are being oppressed and do not have power to overcome their oppressors at the moment does not mean they do not have the right to bear arms rise up and overthrow their oppressors just like we did in the 18th century.

JJ If they try and bear arms now they will be put to death. Obviously the right to bear arms does not exist there. If they overthrew their government they could establish that right in the future, but it does not exist now. I feel kind of silly having to explain this.

Blayne The idea that a piece of paper can grant rights is amazing. It is just an illustration of existing rights…

JJ If the ruling powers accept that piece of paper then the rights written there are granted. Of course, it is not the physical paper itself that grants the rights but the power of the words thereon which were initiated by intelligent effort and have a life of their own.

JJ (Previous Post) And what principle have I abandoned? The answer is none.

Blayne: You have abandon the principle of freedom and justice.

JJ That accusation is completely untrue with absolutely nothing to back it up – and beneath you.

Blayne: Where we disagree is that unsubstantiated accusations constitute an act of war.

JJ I have no idea what you are talking about here.

JJ (Previous Post) Then explain how slavery was both moral and legal if only the moral thing is legal.

Blayne Slavery was immoral and unconstitutional that was the basis for the argument for abolishing it. Slaves were not seen as men they were seen largely as animals which of course was an illusion but this was their reasoning in denying them the same rights as all men.

JJ If slavery was unconstitutional then why did we need a constitutional amendment to make it unconstitutional and illegal???

Legalities concerning slaves were referenced three times in the Constitution

Section 2 of Article I states that apart from free persons “all other persons,” meaning slaves, are each to be counted as three-fifths of a white person for the purpose of apportioning congressional representatives on the basis of population. Section 9 of Article I states that the importation of “such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit,” meaning slaves, would be permitted until 1808. And Section 2 of Article IV directs that persons “held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another,” meaning fugitive slaves, were to be returned to their owners.

Obviously the people thought slavery was Constitutional as many thousands of people owned them and were not prosecuted for breaking the law. It was also immoral to relegate them to being considered property.

You’re wrong on this point. Slavery was both immoral and legal in early America. It was also legal and immoral in Ancient Rome and Greece and many other nations.

Blayne LOL tell me what’s the difference between Hitler and the thugs I described except scale? Nothing!

JJ Big difference. The thugs are still subject to government and the law. Hitler was the government and the law.

Blayne They say unconstitutional laws are not binding as you keep claiming they are. Of course you omitted it here it clearly says such laws are not binding confers no authority AS IF IT HAD NEVER BEEN PASSED etc etc. it refutes your argument 110% ! Not it can be thrown out later. It clearly means it is null and void the minute it is passed like it never existed. I could post a dozen more and I am sure you would deny them also. Clearly you are to attached to your belief here to see the truth.

JJ I covered this a while back but let me recap. A law, once passed, has binding penalties are passed upon violators. Even if the law seems to obviously go against the Constitution it will still be in play and enforced until it is overturned. You can’t just wave a piece of paper and say “I’m not paying income tax because it is unconstitutional,” and then think you will be left alone because your proclamation has negated the law.

JJ (Previous Post) Blayne then gives a discourse on parking tickets and does not address the fact that it would be impossible to give every crime a jury trial.

Blayne The point you missed is that you assume everything that ends up in court is a crime based on your belief all legislation is binding.

JJ It’s not a belief. It is a fact that once a law is on the books it is binding until it is overturned. If I am wrong give me one example.

Blayne However if we actually followed the law we would have a minute fraction of cases and they could all be easily tried by jury.

JJ I’m with you on throwing out a lot of bad and unnecessary law but its unlikely to happen any time soon. Meanwhile the laws we have are enforceable unless overturned.

Blayne We have a lot of attorneys making a living off the misery and suffering of society much of which they cause and while contributing nothing to society. Sorry If I did not make that clear.

JJ You’ve always been clear as a bell on that point.

Blayne You can deny it all you want. I have used traditional application not assumptions, corruption does not make a fact an assumption. You are using typical leftist rhetoric saying the 5th and 6th amendments have nothing to do with each other. The left uses the same BS on the second amendment to say it was talking about only the militia not the people when every other amendment clearly denotes the people and the 2nd of no exception. JJ My points concerning two Amendments are nothing like the Left’s interpretation of one Amendment – the Second Amendment. There is no hard evidence that the sixth explains the fifth anymore than the seventh explains the sixth. All the Amendments paint a full picture but are independent entities.

Blayne: Still the 6th guarantees every man accused of a crime a trial by jury so any due process must offer every man that right outlined in the 6th. How you can extrapolate anything other then that is beyond all reason and logic.

JJ It says: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial,…”

In Awlaki’s case he was not criminally prosecuted but treated as an enemy combatant so one could argue the speedy trial does not apply. Also the Sixth says one should be tried in the district where the crime was committed. How could we have a jury trial for him in Yemen?

Blayne Yeah heaven forbid anyone should want government to follow the law that binds them down from mischief, why they must be extremists…

JJ I guess I’m an extremist then.

Blayne It is very interesting that you agree with the quote yet try to paint me as a fundamentalist for espousing it as part of my philosophy.

JJ You seem to overlook the fact that we both agree that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all other laws are supposed to be subject to it. We also both embrace the Principle of freedom to the best of our abilities. We just interpret things differently.

You think that a law has to be good righteous and moral before it is binding on citizens. You are the only person I have ever come across that thinks this way.

Everyone I know sees that there are some bad laws out there that have little to do with morality that can land us in jail if we violate them. Why you do not see this is very mysterious.

Oct 26, 2011
Re: anti-government movement claptrap

Dan: You said it brother, THEY do that kinda stuff to keep the sovereign man down. My 2nd cousin on my mother’s side had a friend that said his buddy knew someone who … and remember to stay under cover when you see them there chemtrails in the sky.

JJ Chemtrails, Moon landing hoax, false flag 911, secret NASA missions, Ron Paul enthusiast, Confederate supporter, Illuminati conspiracy, literalist view of the Constitution, Planet X, tax protesters… The are all so different subjects but believers are so much the same.

Oct 26, 2011
Re: anti-government movement claptrap

Blayne: Wow so we should not take the constitution literally?..So tell me what is it allegorical for?

And Ron Paul enthusiast? How about JJ Dewey enthusiast? Painting with quite a broad brush there aren’t you…

JJ Yeah, I might have stepped over the line but couldn’t resist… There’s a lot of interlapping in that list though.

People get in trouble when they take anything too literally whether it be the Constitution, the Bible, DK, me, or the voice of God himself. Judgement and discernment must always be in play or the pilgrim will be deceived.

Comet Elenin No More

This may be the last we hear of Comet Elenin. At least Blayne and I agreed on that.

Elenin Link


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Keys Writings, Part 9

This entry is part 17 of 34 in the series 2011C

Sept 22, 2011
Einstein was wrong?
Particles can go faster than the speed of light?

Here’s some statements from the archives concerning my thoughts on the speed of light:

6/9/2000 Thank you Samu for your post about exceeding the speed of light. I have always thought this was possible and wrote a while back that Einstein’s theories would be revised after interstellar flight is achieved. Perhaps part of this knowledge will be discovered in the near future.

Breaking the Speed of Light
Using normal experiments they can’t make things go faster than the speed of light. However, they’ve done some type of subtle experiments with sub-atomic particles that seem to accomplish that but it’s open to interpretation.

When I was using this in reference to the universe I was making the point that the universe seemed to be very evenly expanding and how the speed of light is correspondingly so uniform. I think it’s possible that the uniformity that we have is based on some illusion and that we may discover some principles around this that will open up avenues, making it possible to go faster than the speed of light sometime in the future. Then, of course, there are spiritual principles that can be used whereby we can definitely go faster than the speed of light. But that’s another matter.

Quote from a post made in 1994 Atoms and molecules above the temperature of Absolute Zero does have vibration as do all objects of form. Atoms contain no solid matter and ultimately are created from wavelengths that are in vibration at just below the speed of light. There is other matter created from wavelengths vibrating beyond the speed of light that is beyond our detection.

Sept 29, 2011
Removing Barriers
Blayne asked how one can overcome the obstacles to unity. This is an important question – one that we should never put completely to rest.

Emotionally, the two major hurdles are oversensitivity and various glamours. Mentally the basic problem is illusion.

A problem common to both is a overly critical attitude.

The simple solution to these is found in one of my core truisms:

“Follow the highest you know.”

To follow the highest you know the seeker must have a pure heart. A pure heart greatly increases the power of the pilgrim. “My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure,” said Tennyson.

So, what exactly does it mean to be pure in heart?

We all know that it is a good thing to be pure in heart but rarely has anyone tried to define it. Perhaps it is time to do it.

Here are some of the aspects that should be embraced by a person whose heart is pure:

(1) When such a person voices an intention, that intention is what it appears to be. There is no hidden intention that will cause harm or loss to others. In other words, the intention of the heart is pure, purely what it is expressed to be.

(2) He (or she) attempts to follow the path of harmlessness.

(3) He is honest with himself and others. “To thine own self be true” is the keynote here. You wouldn’t think it would be common for people to lie to themselves but they often do to fulfill the demands of the lower ego.

(4) When error is revealed he will accept the truth and make corrections. This is very difficult for the average person.

(5) He is inclusive rather than exclusive.

(6) He desires to do what is best for the whole rather than putting isolated attention on the part.

(7) He loves his fellowmen and seeks to be of service.

I’m sure this list could be expanded, but this is a good start and takes us the right direction.

A person must be pure in heart to follow the highest he knows for if he is not he will deceive himself and follow some easy deceptive path while lying to himself and assuring himself he is doing the right thing when he is not.

There is no magic bullet to remove the barriers to unity and soul contact but such will take many years and even lifetimes to attain. Even if progress may seem slow at times we must never get discouraged. It is true that sometimes you will be doing your best and it may seem that nothing is happening, but something will be happening.

If you are following the highest you know you will have an inner peace and a general feeling you are headed the right direction. Then at an hour where you may be expecting nothing you will have wonderful experiences that will renew your faith and bring joy to your heart because you will know that all your effort has not been in vain.

The two major problems of glamour and illusion are extremely difficult obstacles to unity. One of the major reasons is that the seeker who is under bondage to them will usually not feel they affect him.

The Course in Miracles tells us to recognize the problem so it can be solved. Illusion and glamour often go unrecognized and often goes for lifetimes unrecognized in the life of the aspirant.

If I had to give one key to removing barriers to unity and soul contact it would have to be centered around this quote from Socrates:

“A life unexamined, is not worth living.”

The disciple must constantly examine himself or he will never find the necessary problems to solve. At the end of each day (and often in the middle) he should ask questions such as:

(1) What flaws do I have that I am not seeing?

(2) How can I correct them?

(3) Do the various criticisms of me from my friends and associates have any merit? If not – why are they criticizing me?

(4) What are my blind spots?

(5) Am I keeping my ego in check?

(6) Do others think I have an air of superiority? If so, why?

(7) What are some foundation beliefs that have been planted in me that could be creating illusion? Are these beliefs accepted by me as being true because I am not examining them in the light of day or would they just be difficult for me to change?

One must never cease questioning. One cannot truly examine his life without asking lots of them.

It would be nice if a teacher could just say, “Do A, B & C and then you will have sufficient soul contact,” but such is not the case. The path is long and the trek strenuous but in the end the disciple would have it no other way because a fulfilling joy awaits at the end of the journey.

Sept 30, 2011
The Real Illusion
It always amazes that even though 99% of specific prophecies do not come true that there is never a shortage of people attempting to get the glory and accolades for making one that would.

We’ve had a couple more failed ones the past few days.

First as I related a while back David B. Cohen MD has predicted that a Supernova will occur in the constellation of Orion, which was supposed to open The Seventh Seal. This was supposed to happen Sept 23.

It is now Sept 30 and there is no supernova in sight.

He probably chose Orion for his predictions because scientists say that the giant star, Betelgeuse, located there, will go supernova. What he didn’t take into consideration is that it probably will not happen for another million years.

Then we had another prediction around Elenin. It was supposed to cause massive earthquakes around Sept 26 or 27th.

Again, nothing happened. But are believers discouraged?

Not hardly. As usually happens with failed predictions rationalization sets in. Now the word is that Elenin was just a foreshadowing of the real red dwarf star which will shortly come and doom us all.

It is an amazing thing to Google Elenin. Instead of getting writings from any type of real scientists on it at least 95% of the sites associate Elenin with Nibiru, a red dwarf, the end of the world, God’s judgment, UFOs, NASA cover-ups or other conspiracies.

This is indeed an example of an illusion but it is an illusion that should be easy for disciples to see through.

But the thing to take note of is the real core illusion is hidden. Because the truth around Elenin is obvious to the rational mind we can assume that the hype around Elenin is merely a symptom of the true illusion of the alarmists.

I haven’t given the group a question for a while so here is a good one.

What was the real illusion that caused so many to think that Elenin would bring great destruction by now?

As we discuss this I will respond more to Rob’s question.

Oct 1, 2011
Finding the Principle

The question: What was the real illusion that caused so many to think that Elenin would bring great destruction by now?

The group gave some great responses to this question. Here are some:

Dan: That man is an un-natural and evil occurrence that deserves to and should be severely punished.

Ruth: The answer could be that the main core foundational beliefs come from the Bible

Larry W gave an interesting account as to why Elenin attracted his interest.

Tom: I think it is fear of death, doom or dying…or being helpless. It gives these others who make the dooms day predication the power to scare the living crap out of people. Also, the illusion of an outward authority figure. It is Fear!!!!

Johann: That change is bad and is to be avoided and a it is a belief in a static unchangeable world/universe where nothing is added to or subtracted from the “fragile” visible order that is.

Then the core belief in the end has to be that we humans cannot create and if we can not create (only god can) then the only things we can create is chaos and death or entropy in a static system.

Kelly: This is another doomsday prophecy that enables the lazy out there to casts shadows on the light and make them believe their end has come. It generates a belief in powerlessness, instills greater fear so to speak and kills hope in people. Hence, the message that comes to me would be «Here is humanity: the product of inevitable destruction so don’t even try! What’s the point in trying so just give up now and save yourself the energy». Sad to say but if you ask people around you, what they’ll do if the earth is coming to an end, they will actually begin to celebrate.

Clayton quotes his friend: “I probably should not merely be resigned to the end, I should actually look forward to the end, as it will resolve all the problems…”

Blayne The real illusion is that such destruction would be a sort of cleansing wiping out the bad guys and the good guys would get to rebuild society without all the problems of today. And of course the strongest believers assume they are these good guys. When in fact it would set back humanity thousands of years.

Rob: I submit that a doom-and-gloom mindset is caused by the belief in the separation of God and man, and that separation is underpinned by the belief that “God is perfect”.

Marcy: I too spent many years anxious and worried about the 2nd coming/end of the world and it came from feeling that I had a responsibility to understand the end of the world prophesies/scripture! I was one of the good gals – of coarse 🙂 – and needed to help others prepare, prepare, prepare so they too could be on the right side of the Lord when the end came.

I even had a little panic when JJ recently recommended food storage again since I had given up my food-storage-hobby!

LWK So I don’t suppose we should be surprised that many people expect disaster. It is what they experienced in many of their lives. You might say their soul is “conditioned” to expect disaster.

JJ LWK’s answer was one few would have thought of yet contains a lot of truth. Good thinking Larry.

Yes, a lot of our illusions and other flaws have their origins in past lives. We may not have our memories when we are reborn but many of our basic impulses carry over.

We do not realize how good we have it in this age and how much things have changed. Through most of our recorded history average people lived in fear of catastrophic happenings.

Today if there is crop failure in Kansas they just import what they need from somewhere else that had good weather. But in the old says a famine created mass starvation. It was just 150 years ago that one million people died from the Irish Potato Famine. Even today there are still many millions starving in various parts of the world.

Very few of us lived in freedom in our past lives and had to deal with a king or tyrant who had power over our lives.

In other words, many of us faced the end of our personal world many times in our past lives. This has got to have a strong influence on us in the present and cause the consciousness of many to contemplate some type of apocalypse.

That said the group did a great job of describing influences that lead to doomsday illusions, but no one has described the principle.

Think… what is the principle involved.

Hint: All these influences the group mentioned push the pilgrim toward illusion, but what actually makes him see and chose illusion over reality? What principle explains it?

Oct 2, 2011
Finding What You Are Looking For

The Question: What is the actual principle involved that causes people to focus on end of the world scenarios?

Again, we had some good comments and insights. Here are a few (but not all) of the good ones. Larry W Powerlessness. People don’t feel good enough to tackle their own problems. They feel powerless.

They want a Hercules or a Christ figure to come and solve their tough problems while they only address the smaller problems.

While I’m asking these questions, JJ, when are you gonna recreate yourself perfect? I realize if you did it for us that would probably violate some principle like helping the butterfly emerge from the cocoon too easy, but you could do that for yourself.

When healing someone using this kind of power, does the malady get healed only, or does the whole person get renewed?

Johann You do find what you look for but what makes them look for outward signs for the end of the world? It must be a corrupted perception of the world and in that perception the whole truth is not seen, like when we do not see the whole truth about our past lives.

Intolerance. Copy copy copy instead of adaption and a new creation or Lo and behold, I make everything new.

Natalie: My thought was Wrong Perception. Wrong perception that comes from corruption of thought from many sources.

Rob: Inertia the principle that causes us to choose the illusion of always expecting a disaster on the horizon?

Maybe we have collective inertia to always be on the lookout for disaster because for hundreds of past lives looking out for and avoiding disaster allowed us to survive.

Adam One of the great illusions is to see ourselves as victims,

We find what we’re looking for. Everything discussed pushes us toward the illusion that we want to be our reality. When we find something that lines up with the reality we desire, we embrace it.

Sharon: I was thinking maybe it is the Pendulum Principle, where the persons current understanding of the truth is at one of the extremes. This makes the person believe that the current pathway is the correct one to follow, but it is not until they go further to the extreme that they can eventually see the truth and then go back to the centre again where they can more accurately discern the truth.

And also a lot of information has 85% of truth and 15% error which makes people think that the information is all truth, making the information seem probable.

Jerry The principle is they lack true, proper and correct principles

Blayne: The driving principle behind this is that it is what they want to happen. The see what the expect to see and find evidence to support it whether it is true or not.

You find what you look for whether it is true or an illusion. if it is illusion you will latch on to the biggest thought form that fits what you a re looking for. If it is the true you will find that.

Ruth: There have been times where I have been under the spell of some illusion, and after a while I recognized the illusion and what it was, but I still pursued the illusion because it was what I wanted (desired)at the time, even when I knew it wasn’t real. Perhaps the Principle lays in this desire somewhere?

JJ The core principle involved was enunciated by three posters, Johann, Adam and Blayne. The principle is this:

“You find what you are looking for.”

Since the group is doing so well with insights let us go another round before I give my two cents.


If we find what we are looking for then why in the world are so many looking for doom, destruction and gloom rather than creation, joy and prosperity?

Have you found yourself being guilty of this misdirection yourself?

What is the key to shifting our attention toward the good, the beautiful and the true?

Is such a shift really possible when every day we read and hear from associates about events and situations that indicate calamity may be around the corner?

What is the difference between finding what you are looking for and finding what you are looking at?

Oct 3, 2011
Seeing What We Want

Again, the group gave an impressive response to my questions. Unfortunately, I do not have time to itemize them and comment but will attempt to paint an overall picture.

As we said earlier, each of us has lived many lives and in the past our lifetimes were a much greater struggle for survival than they are today. I know life is difficult enough today, but in the past we had to worry about losing our heads if we said the wrong thing, losing our possessions through conquest or tyranny, losing our freedom etc. Despite our problems, we really have it good today compared to times past.

In addition to deep-seated feelings from past lives there are other influences.

Religion is a big one and influences many, even a few that aren’t that religious. But those who are strong in a faith take prophecies of doom much more serious.

The problem is that most of the world scriptures talk about some type of end of the world scenario. If one takes the Book of Revelations literally and think that the time of fulfillment is near then doom and gloom will indeed be his lot.

Islam expects the coming of a great savior, the Imam Mahdi, who will appear coinciding with great destruction. Many think the Jewish state must be destroyed first.

A problem which many of the religious do not consider is that numerous writers of religious works were strongly influenced by a negative thought form themselves. When reading the New Testament with an open mind it becomes obvious that they expected some type of end of the world, not now, 2000 years later, but in their day.

Do you see any visionaries in this day making end of the world predictions for the year 4000 and beyond? No one even thinks that far ahead.

Even so, in the first century I can assure you that 2000 years in their future was not even in their minds. Their concept of time was more limited than ours. Most thought like Paul who said: “we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord…” I Thess 4:15

Most of the early Christians thought the end of the world was near and they would live through it to see the coming of Christ in glory.

This mistake has been repeated decade after decade, century after century since then.

Later Christian sects had this same problem. The Mormons, the Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses and others all thought they would see the end of the world and coming of the Lord in their lifetime. This occurred at the foundation of these sects and this belief continues with their members today.

It is interesting that this religious type gloom and doom is not restricted to believers in God. Many atheists and agnostics have fallen into this trap with a religious type belief in an environmental apocalypse that borders on the fanatical.

Al Gore has scared the uneducated and little kids as much as any old time preacher has with the fires of hell. His illustrations of how global warming will submerge many of our cities and lands underwater and destroy thousands of species is terrifying to those who love Mother Earth.

Fortunately, the data does not back him up but the media falls behind him just as the old time media did with the doom and gloom preachers not that long ago.

Many of these environmentalists see humans as a virus that mother nature wants to destroy to heal itself. Some feel that there is only room for a few million people and all will be destroyed except for a handful of purists. Of course, the true believers think they will qualify to remain here after the polluters are destroyed.

I talked with a member of the Sierra Club a while back and he was expecting an end to the civilized world in the near future. He seemed to think he would happily live in the wild on berries or something and not be affected by it.

This thinking is indeed prevalent. And why? The reason lies deeper than the influence of scriptures, writings and teachers. Those caught up in such things are usually frustrated with the life they are living. They see the situation as it is now as hell and want it turned into a heaven. They are powerless to make earth heaven by their own power (so they think) so they expect God or Mother Nature to do it for them. All the bad things will de destroyed and replaced with the new.

For the heavenly world to make its appearance the present world must be destroyed. Therefore, what do the true believers look for?

They look for signs of destruction for such signs also means that a heavenly new creation will shortly follow.

The principle involved is that we find what we look for and if we eagerly await destruction then that is what we look for and signs of such is also what we see.

We had gone through a small space of time when there were no major threatening planetary alignments or signs in the heavens when Elenin was discovered. Normally the discovery of a fairly insignificant comet would be no big deal but then someone posted alarm and predictions of doom around this followed by statements that NASA was covering up the fact that it was a red dwarf that was doomed to destroy us.

Instead of checking out valid scientific data on this, which was readily available, those who were looking for signs saw this as a sign the end was near. Soon the internet was ablaze with misinformation about this comet.

I found the noted Coast to Coast science advisor, Richard C. Hoagland’s comments on Elenin interesting. He is an educated and intelligent man but has certain mindsets and always finds what he is looking for. For instance, he believes there were ancient civilizations on Mars and the moon and in almost every picture he studies he sees remnants of ancient structures. I look at the same pictures and see structures that are most probably natural formations.

Well, George Noory asked him what he thought of the Elenin predictions. Being an actual scientist he had to admit it was just a couple miles in diameter and was far from being any red dwarf. He could see the chances of it causing any destruction were slim. But when this guy looks at anything long enough he always finds something very odd – because that is what he is looking for.

After studying Elenin he found what he considered as too many oddities to be a normal comet and determined that it was some probe sent here by aliens. It might be here to cause destruction or maybe just to study us and we should find out soon.

Elenin has now came and gone from its closest approach to the earth and there is no sign that it is an alien manufactured device. Hoagland has since moved on to other subjects.

The fact remains that Elenin is a small comet having a miniscule probability of having any effect on us.

Seeing anything else is merely the result of seeing what one looks for.

There’s 50 pictures on this site. Take a look. You will not be disappointed.

Great Pictures from Space HERE

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Keys Writings, Part 8

This entry is part 16 of 34 in the series 2011C

Aug 28, 2011
Global Warming

Let Al Gore Read and Weep Al Gore is now placing Global Warming skeptics in the same category as racists in the old South. He’ll have to read the following articles and weep.

NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.\ 71.html

Cern’s 8000 real scientists who don’t have a dog in the global warming fight tell us that cosmic rays will probably be able to account for somewhere between a half and the whole of the increase in the Earth’s temperature that we have seen in the last century. It looks like the amount of effect humans have on climate will have to be revised downward.

Aug 30, 2011

36 Keys & More

Larry Woods writes: Help me out. I’m trying to catalog JJ’s teachings about Keys rather than learning them by reading JJ’s book series which walks us through a discovery process in John’s teaching tradition. As far as I can tell JJ mentioned 60 Keys so far, five sets of twelve. Since it has been 14 years since he published the first book and we only got 3 Keys so far (in the main set of 36 pertaining to JJ’s teaching mission) it will take about 154 years to get the remainder. But, with your help I hope to learn them and to contemplate them in this life time. I’m currently re-reading The Immortal series for the third time so I will soon recall the other two Keys of Knowledge. Do any of you know more than the first three? I know many of you, like Ruth and Dan and Duke and Mindy and others have grown extremely facile in searching JJ’s writings. In The Immortal series, John commissions JJ to teach 36 Keys: of Knowledge, of Understanding, and of Eternal Life. I want to see them on a list so I can commit them to memory and contemplate them often. Since his last book, JJ also mentioned and taught about Keys of Discipleship. I list those here. Did he also mention Keys of Judgment? Or was that just one of the Keys of Knowledge? That would be 60 Keys. He also mentioned there are other “sets” of Keys out there on various topics. Please help me fill out these lists.

JJ When I have causally mentioned Keys this does not mean they belong to the 36 Keys. All I have definitely given out so far are four Keys of Knowledge and hints at the Fifth Key at the end of Eternal Words. I have also written about some of the other keys but have not identified them as such. For instance, one might assume that The Molecular Relationship somehow involves a Key of Knowledge.

They Keys given out so far are 1. Decision 2. Judgement 3. Right Perception 4. The Book of Revelation is the Key to the path of the disciple as revealed in The Unveiling. 5. Hint is given at the end of Eternal Words.

Aug 31, 2011

Infuriating Story

Here’s a story that will get Blayne’s blood boiling and cause alarm for many others over First Amendment rights. I could see Blayne standing up for his rights the same way if he were in the situation of the guy in the video. Be sure and watch the video.

Sept 1, 2011

Lincoln quote on labor

Good to have you back again, John.

I believe your thinking is sound here, John. Capital could not exist without labor for labor produces all that has value represented by capital. Capital either directly represents labor completed or future labor.

Farmer A has $1000 worth of apples and issues 100 certificates equal to $10 worth of apples.

Farmer B has not yet harvested his apples and does the same thing but his certificates are redeemable for $10.00 worth of apples from the future harvest.

Farmer A has created money on a principle similar to the old silver certificates redeemable in the present for silver.

Farmer B has created fiat money roughly similar to the Federal Reserve backed by something not yet in existence.

In both cases neither would have any value if the farmer did contribute his labor to produce a commodity of value.

I did write the financial series you mentioned. You can find the first one here:

At the end of the article are links to the entire series.

Sept 2, 2011

Funny Story

This story reminds me of something my friends grew up with could gave done.\ ay-20110901,0,4089405.story

Sept 6, 2011

Europeans Gone Wild

Obamacare supporters rave about Europe’s healthcare programs but this story could indicate that socialized medicine may come closer to driving people crazy than helping them.

Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness\ 20110904

No matter how you look at it I was sure that almost 40% of Europeans couldn’t be mentally ill as we define it but the fact that this figure is thrown around is kind of funny in itself. Kinda makes you think that every other waiter there will have his tongue hanging out slobbering on you while you order.

Sept 7, 2011

One Conspiracy Down

One of the most influential conspiracy theories in our history was that we didn’t really go to the moon. One poll revealed that 20% of the public swallowed this idea.

This theory really illustrates that people find what they are looking for even if what they are looking for is illusion. The arguments they came up with were really convincing to those who didn’t look at the big picture.

Here are some on this link:


We now have a satellite around the moon that zooms in to around 15 miles from the surface and has taken pictures of several of the moon landings. The resolution reveals, “paths when they walked on the moon, as well as ruts left by a moon buggy. Experts could even identify the backpacks astronauts pitched out of their lunar landers before they returned to Earth.”

This pretty much nullifies all the “proof” previously presented that we did not go to the moon.

I’m for anything that leads to greater space exploration. I am really looking forward to the New Horizons craft to reach Pluto in a few years. It is about halfway there now.

Did you hear about a guy just using Google Mars who appeared to find a building on Mars? Take a look\ ur-eyes-video/

Sept 14, 2011

Abe Lincoln Handwriting

I took a look at Abe’s handwriting and there is not enough evidence to declare for certain that he was a walkin. If he was a walkin the incident would have happened a short time before the Lincoln Douglas debates (1858) for it was around this time that his intelligence and focus seemed to be enhanced. The elements of the personality did not change much after that time but his nervous system showed a lot more stress. The war, of course, put a lot of stress on him but if he was a walkin the adjustment could have also added to it.

Near the end of his life his health was suffering from the stress (according to the handwriting) which agrees with some investigators who believe believe he was suffering from some type of serious problem. Historians tell us that before he became president he took a medicine that contained mercury so he probably had mercury poisoning. No wonder the original Abe wanted to leave his body. He had a terrible wife and may have been dying of mercury poisoning that can lead to madness. Whoever was in the body after 1860 did a great job of retaining composure and it is remarkable that he became the one considered to be our greatest president by historians.

Sept 14, 2011

Update on Elenin

Last Saturday (Sept 10th) Comet Elenin passed its first major milestone that was supposed to bring great destruction. On this date it reached its closest approach to the sun.

It should now be clear to all that:

(1) Elenin is not a Brown Dwarf star. It cannot even be seen with the naked eye but only with good binoculars or a telescope. (2) It’s tail is not showering us with a reign of terror falling from the skies nor is such an event even close to likely now or in the future.

The next major date on the schedule is September 26th or 27th. This is the day when we will be lined up again in a straight line with the sun, earth and Elenin. Many are predicting a great earthquake or worse.

Sept 16, 2011

Good Quote

Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.

Winston Churchill

Sept 16, 2011

Re: Understanding Illusion

I think everyone makes attempts at predicting the future at one time or another, including myself. I am much more cautious though than most for I realize how malleable it is.

Sept 19, 2011

Dark Brothers in Shamballa

Ruth asks: If the DB’s dwell in Shamballa, then how do they also dwell in physical bodies on Earth? If the DB’s cannot really physically incarnate, then how do they dwell in bodies on Earth?

JJ First of all, I do not recall reading anywhere in the Bailey writings that the dark brothers live in Shamballa. DK points out that Shamballa is created by a state of consciousness so one would think the Shamballa consciousness is much different than that had by the Dark Brotherhood.

DK does not say the leaders of the dark brothers are in the dense physical. Here is what he said: “The dark forces are ruled on the physical plane by a group of six oriental leaders and six occidental leaders.”

They merely rule the physical, but he does not say they are in the dense physical. They most likely dwell in etheric bodies which is often referred to as the physical by DK.

Sept 20, 2011

Another Prediction

Here is a prediction I lifted from Sterling’s forum. This guy is predicting a supernova this coming Friday so we do not have to wait log to see if he is correct.


The September equinox, also known as the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, occurs at 09:04 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on September 23, 2011

A man named David B. Cohen MD has predicted that a Supernova will occur in the constellation of Orion, which will open The Seventh Seal.

His website is

Comments from

Dr. Cohen is a Cohanim (Jewish Priest) by birth and LDS because his father converted to Mormonism. He is very knowledgeable about symbols and dates. Because of his Jewish background, he has a very unique take on things. I read his book about the importance of symbols in Judaism and he has some good explanations. He may not be right about everything, but he’s a very bright man. And we can learn some things from him. It’s up to us to make our own decisions about what is correct and what isn’t, but from reading his book, I feel he is just trying to show us the deeper significance of some of these dates and signs. It’s very interesting. I don’t get the feeling at all that he thinks he’s a prophet….just a good observer.

see also

Sept 21, 2011

Cancer cure!!!!!! Sodium Bicarbonate?

The advantage of baking soda is that it is one of the most alkaline products you can injest. I take about a half teaspoon on a glass of water daily just to keep my body in balance.

Some say that Arm and Hammer has aluminum in it so i recommend you by yours in a health food store or online at:

I found another product that is one of the best things I have discovered for a while. It is a wine aerator. You can check it out here:\ _1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316589504&sr=8-1

You might be able to find these cheaper on ebay. I bought mine at Costco for about $27.00.

Now this is sold as a method of making wine taste better but I have found that it makes water taste better also. Many think spring water is the healthiest because it is in motion and the motion oxygenates it. Well this device oxygenates anything you pass through it making regular water turn into spring water.

Larry W: This aerator looks interesting. But what makes it any better than the CHEAP aerator at your kitchen tap?

JJ You also get some aeration when you pour wine in a glass but this gizmo really does the job. Read the reviews on Amazon.

The tap, I am sure, does gives some aeration but many do not drink tap water any more because of chlorine, fluorine and other contaminates added. I drink a water that I purify myself as mentioned earlier. This gizmo is particularly good to use for water that has just been sitting in a jug.

I tested the PH of water after adding every substance in our kitchen and baking soda was the only one that significantly turned the PH toward alkaline. Even so, I agree with Blayne that apple cider vinegar is a very healthy drink and you can’t go wrong with it.

As for how much of anything one should take here is what I do. For general health I just take what feels right to my body. If it is for some specific treatment then take the recommended amount, but still tune in to your body to make sure there is not a negative reaction.

Sept 21, 2011

Sabbath Day

Concerning Israel and the Sabbath Silver Lining wrote: Elevators in Israel, as you know, open at every floor on Sabbath days so users need not press the button, because that would be work. But if you press the door open button at the same time as your floor number button and hold them both for five seconds, then the elevator does not make any intermediate stops (YouTube elevator hack). Applying this to elevators in Sabbath mode could save you a lot of elevator time in a Tel Aviv hotel.

JJ Sounds like the same type of Sabbath tricks they used in the time of Jesus. For instance you couldn’t wear your heavier sandals because that would mean walking would be more work. You were only allowed to walk so many steps on the Sabbath. You couldn’t walk through a wheat field because you may knock off a few kernels and that would constitute the work of harvesting grain on the Sabbath.

Isn’t it great to be able to rely on your own judgment rather than decrees from the beast that filters down through all belief systems?

Sept 21, 2011

Earth is Hell

“It is interesting that the scriptures indicate that this earth is hell.”

LWK I am curious which scripture(s) you had in mind when you wrote that? That is indeed an interesting subject.

JJ Actually, I was thinking of the LDS scriptures when I wrote that but there is evidence in the Bible also.

The strongest evidence is found in this scripture:

“These (the inhabitants of the telestial kingdom) are they who are thrust down to hell. These are they who receive NOT of his fulness…” D&C 76:84&86

And where is the telestial kingdom? The Mormon temple ceremony answers:

“Brethren and sisters, this represents the Telestial Kingdom, or the world in which we now live. (earth where people are thrust down to hell)

I wrote this in Mormonism and Reincarnation:

“And the sea gave up the dead which were in it.” What is the sea? The scripture explains: “The waters (the sea) which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are the peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues.” Rev 17:15. We are told that “Death (Physical death II Nephi 9:11) and Hell (the spiritually dead in hell. II Nephi 9:12) delivered up the dead which were in them.” Thus we see that on the last day ALL the spiritually dead including those still living on the earth (The sea) and all the Spirit world (Death and Hell) will be judged, and those who cannot abide the judgment must suffer a “second death” and be cast into the lake of fire (or another round of numerous lives of sorrow).

When Nephi was interpreting the filthy water in his vision he said it was “hell”. His brothers then asked: “Doth this thing mean the torment of the body in the days of probation, or doth it mean the final state of the soul after the death of the temporal body, or doth it speak of the things which are temporal? And it came to pass that I said unto them that it was a representation of things BOTH TEMPORAL AND SPIRITUAL.” I Nephi 15:31-32 Here we have it in plain English. Hell is both temporal and spiritual. Men can suffer for their sins both in and out of the body, and since this temporal existence is part of “hell” how are men going to be sent there after they die if they are not born again?

“There cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God; wherefore there must needs be a place of filthiness prepared for that which is filthy.” I Nephi 15:34. Nephi tells us that that place which is prepared is hell, of which the filthy water in the vision was a symbol of, and such symbol “was a representation of things both temporal and spiritual”. Therefore those who suffer the temporal hell are sent back to the “temporal” earth.

There is more evidence of this from the Bible.

Jesus said: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matt 10:28

The physical body does not follow us after death. The only place the body could be destroyed in hell is by destroying it on this earth.

In Revelations we are told that the New Jerusalem descended on the earth. After this happened it is written: “For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” Rev 22:15

It appears that those who go to hell in the future are still on the earth, but just outside the location of the New Jerusalem.

Most of the people on the earth evolved from this planet and as they went through infancy they were not sensitive to the suffering of others because they did not have enough experience go have empathy. Some came from other planets and in our young earth they were indeed out of place. Let us suppose you were raised with wolves. You may have thought you were a wolf yourself and had difficulty in raising above their consciousness, but at the same time it would seem that you didn’t belong there with the pack. The pack itself were not criminals. They were just being who they were at the time.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings, Part 3

This entry is part 5 of 34 in the series 2011C

Change of Mind
July 16, 2011

From Sen. Obama’s Floor Speech, March 20, 2006: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

At the time, Senator Obama was urging Congress not to tolerate an increase that would bring the debt ceiling to $9 trillion. Under President Obama, the debt ceiling has been raised to $14.3 trillion. Even without counting most unfunded liabilities, the national debt is now calculated to be nearing $14.1 trillion. It increases about $4.22 billion per day (each citizen’s share stands at roughly $45K). Thus, Democrats will soon demand that the debt ceiling be raised, lest the sky fall. When they do, they will be asking for a significant boost in a ceiling that is already 60 percent higher than the one Barack Obama said was “a sign of leadership failure” five years ago.\ 2006-vote-against-raising-debt-limit-andrew-c-mcca

Re: A Curiosity
July 25, 2011

JJ You are correct here, Blayne. By all estimates Elenin is 1-2 miles in diameter and thousands of times smaller than a brown dwarf.

As far as a news blackout goes I think the problem is there is just nothing newsworthy. A long shot guess by one amateur astronomer that it could provide a spectacular display is not likely to make any news unless backed up by other astronomers as was the discovery of the Hale-Bop comet with its trajectory toward Jupiter.

There is less than a chance in a million that Elenin will create any problem for us so I’m not losing any sleep on it unless I receive some sort of revelation.

Much bigger news than anything recent about Elenin is the arrival of the half billion dollar space probe, Dawn, to the asteroid Vesta. This is a pretty big deal and I haven’t heard a word of it in the mainstream media. You can check this out here:\ orbital-im.html

Re: A Curiosity
July 26, 2011

I just cannot get excited about Elenin and have no sense that anything that it may cause will have ay negative effect on my life or anything I am supposed to do. I’m sure there will be some earthquakes between August and December of this year and if there are any significant ones then they will be attributed by some to Elenin, but the chances of it directly causing any harm to us is very low indeed.

I am about a thousand times more concerned about the economy.

By January of next year the memory of disaster warnings over Elenin will fade into the background as has the alarm over Y2K and Past Nibiru warnings. We will have other things to worry about.


Re: A Curiosity
July 26, 2011

JJ if the economy crashes will we have a world wide depression worse than anything else we have ever suffered from in the past depressions?

Ruth: If people have some money in their bank accounts or investments, will they lose the value of their money or lose the money?

JJ If we had a perfect storm we could lose everything. Without that things will just get worse until some positive changes are made.

Re: What Initiation is JJ?
July 31, 2011

DK says it is counterproductive for a teacher to reveal his status and I agree, but I will make this one statement. In order to pass my next initiation I must complete a successful molecule. Hopefully that can be done in this life. If not I will continue on into the next.

Re: A Real Brain Trust We Have in Congress...
Aug 1, 2011

What caused the inflation is the head of Zimbabwe’s Federal Reserve increased the money supply by 20 million times within a year’s time. The problem had nothing to do with interest free money but a reckless increase of the money supply. I doubt if the money was interest free since the central bank was printing it.

If we increased our money supply by 20 million times instead of 5% or so we would be immediately destroyed economically and it wouldn’t matter what kind of money it was if there was an increase like that.

You might want to read my treatise where I talk about various money systems. It starts here:

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

Ruth: Joe Smith did not pass the 4th because he couldn’t give up his friends and family and was killed. But if he had gone West, he may have been able to still create a molecule, so what would he have to give up in reality?

JJ At the time he would have had to give up everything he held dear in his mind, his honor, his courage, his friends, his brother, his family, the respect of his followers. It was more than he could bear.

Yes, the reward would have been great if he had succeeded, but he did not realize that at the time.

Molecules can be composed of various numbers as I have taught before. The molecule of twelve is particularly powerful and has the attributes needed to build Zion. You not only need the number, but you need a Master to approve the molecule and overshadow it.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

The initiating molecule has to be linked up through a master. The additional ones must be linked up to the initiating one.

You do not have to worry about getting accepted by a master unless you are forming the first molecule. All molecules must be harmonious enough to allow for the flow of soul energy or they will not function or be linked to the first.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 2, 2011

Can we ever truly do more than just live the best life we know how and in doing so important rites-of-passage like Initiations happen in due course?


That’s about what we all have to do Rob. The drawback of studying the initiations is that many are impatient and want to see themselves on their last life when they have a long way to go.

Answer to a Reader
Aug 3, 2011
A reader named Benny made some comments at:

Here is my response to him. Note that his words are in CAPS and when he quotes me he uses lower case with quotation marks.

Benny: I HAVE READ A FLAWED MONEY SYSTEM, A TIME FOR ALL THINGS, THE IDEAL MONEY, THE NEW GREENBACK, And did Agree on much of it, until I came to These Quotes:

“Yes, it helps a little to get the best possible people in office and to make laws that attempt to restrain insanity but such steps are very insufficient to cure the disease. Outside help must be called in.” QUITE PESSIMISTIC!

JJ It’s not the outcome we all want but this is the outcome we’ve always had and if we follow the same procedure we will get the same results as in the past. If we want to change our destiny we need to do something different. The people themselves must take charge and create positive change.

Benny: “And where do we find such people? They are all over. They are called voters and most of these people do have the needed common sense.” NO THEY DO NOT! IF THEY HAD, WE WOULD NOT RESIDE IN SUCH A MESS.

JJ The common people have not been in charge and had little to do with getting us in this mess. The problems we have were created by people representing us while we have been too passive.

Benny: “The average voter knows better than to borrow more money than he can pay back.” NOT! WHO TOOK THE SUBPRIME LOANS? WHO BOUGHT TOO EXPENCIVE HOUSES, CARS AND STUFF?

JJ You’re not talking about the average voter here and those who took subprime loans were a small percentage of the population. Most of those who took such loans were way below average in income and many in this category do not even vote. The average person tries to balance his budget so he can make his payments.

Benny: “The average voter knows better than to spend more money than he has available.” NOT! ESPECIALLY IF HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY.

JJ You are thinking of people who are below average in handling their budget. Average people and above attempt to keep their financial houses in order.

Benny: “The average voter knows that his family wants many things he cannot afford so he has to set priorities in spending – unlike Congress that thinks it has to borrow whatever it takes to give us all the things we want.”


JJ We are over $14 trillion in debt and borrowing just to pay our bills. This is not sustainable.

Average people and above do not borrow to pay their bills, especially when there is another way.

I know that if I cannot pay my bills I will either make cuts or find a way to increase my income and most people I know think this way.

Benny: “The average voter is not a member of an elite club like Congress where he is under pressure to spend lots of money to be one of the group.”


JJ Again I think you are talking about a minority. None of my friends are like this. And even considering what you say, these type of people are much different than Congress who have spending pressures many times stronger than mere advertising.

What is more potent, an ad that says “Drink Coca Cola” or a political group that says, “Do what we say or lose your funding and your job?”

The answer is obvious.

Benny: “The average voter does not have to raise large sums of money to be elected and is not beholden to pressure groups.” THAT’S ONLY TRUE IF HE’S NOT TRYING TO BE ELECTED.

JJ Very few voters are trying to get elected to anything.

Benny: “Best of all, the average voter balances his budget and lives within his means.”


JJ To balance your budget and live within your means does not mean you do not borrow money. It means you are managing your budget so all debts get paid.

Congress only pays the interest on our debt and borrows money to pay that.

The average householder pays principle and interest and will have his loans paid off in the future. He doesn’t borrow to pay his debt.

Benny: “We cannot trust those who created the problem to solve the problem.”


JJ Yes, we are responsible for electing our representatives and it is not working so we have to try something else within the framework of the Constitution.


JJ Some people do this, but not the majority.


JJ Yes, this happened and some in Congress are still pushing for this to continue. This problem has diminished significantly, but it needs to stop completely. This problem is easily corrected through legislation.


JJ Most of the banks money is created from loaning money based on deposits on hand. If they have $100 they can loan out $1000 or so. Money is presently created through debt. This we must change.


JJ This may be true, but average people are not under the same pressures to conform that faces our representatives. Average people are not worried about getting reelected, being invited to Washington parties, being praised by the press, raising funds to keep your job etc. Because of this the majority of people support common sense decisions much more than our representatives.

For more on why I have faith in the majority go to:

Evil in the Eyes of Government Message List Aug 3, 2011

With all the dangers that assault us who does the government go after with guns and the full force of law?

Harmless people who sell raw milk. Take a look.

Re: Paul’s 2nd Food for Thought
Aug 3, 2011

I have been told to create a molecule. When it is correctly organized then it will be accepted. If there is not enough Harmony and soul contact in the group then it will not.

If I die before it is accomplished then others can try to create an accepted group. The important point to realize is that just getting the correct number of individuals is not enough. There must be group soul contact and acceptance from a Master who is a member of a higher molecule.

Re: Evil in the Eye of the Government
Aug 4, 2011

Back in the Seventies about a dozen of us got the bug Giardia in the small town of New Plymouth. Health officials became alarmed and investigated. They visited me and asked me if I drank raw milk. I answered yes. Then they asked me where I bought it. I told them but also told them that I was sure I didn’t get the bug from there. I told them that right after I drank some raw apple cider from a local plant that I was effected and thought that was the cause for the plant added water to the cider and the water may be contaminated.

They ignored this and went after the farmer and shut him down. They didn’t go after the apple cider plant for two reasons. First, they had an obvious bias against raw milk and second the owner of the cider plant was a powerful politician and they didn’t want to touch him.

I was further annoyed by the officials when I did my own survey and everyone I talked to that got the bug drank the apple cider but only a couple drank the raw milk.

Re: Paul’s 2nd
Aug 4, 2011

DK said back in the Twenties that there were only about 300 disciples, or third degree initiates, on the planet. So, using that as a starting point by interpolation there are probably a thousand or so today – though even this number seems high.

Bumper Sticker:
Aug 8, 2011

Clinton felt your pain. Obama causes your pain.

A reader made some comments about my post about Greenbacks at: Aug 11, 2011

He says:

Instead of garbage by Ellen Brown and Bill Still, read for once in your life the story of the Greenback. If you did, you would not regurgitate this fantasy about Lincoln and his Dick coming in a shining armour to save the village idiots from the big bad bankers.

Lincoln had as much to do with the invention of Treasury Notes as Saunders with the invention of fried chicken. Lincoln and his crew were all whigs; Chase learned what he knew about banking at the Bank of the United States, where he worked as attorney. The true fathers of the Greenback were Hooper, Corning, Spaulding. Hooper first practiced at the State level

(1) inflationary bonds – are you out of your mind ? bonds cannot be inflationary; if you bothered to pay attention, you would know that by 1865 $1,100million bonds were issued. The inflation was caused by the $300million additional Greenbacks, instead of the originally intended $150million Reply

Here was my response:

You act as if I said that Lincoln came up with the idea of the Greenback. I did not. You say that Corning, Spaulding and Hooper originated it. You overlook the fact that I did mention Spaulding’s role who was the main driving force behind it in Congress.

Just like any legislation today must involve both the President and Congress even so was it in those days. Who is the father of the current healthcare plan? Was it Pelosi and Reid, the lawyers who wrote the words or Obama? The fact is that the President had to support it to get it passed and in recognition of this it is called Obamacare. Does this make him the father of it? It’s a matter of interpretation.

The fact that people outside of Congress influenced Lincoln’s support of the Greenback is a separate story from its evolution in Congress. It was important that Lincoln be convinced, especially since he had the power of veto. Exactly how much interplay there was behind the scenes between Congress and the President concerning the Greenback we do not know but we know the is always a substantial amount on important legislation.

You rule out Lincoln’s reported conversation with Dick Taylor. Lots of things reported from history could be inaccurate or fabricated, but there is no proof this conversation did not take place so I relate it and let the reader decide. I also note that his economic adviser Henry Carey was said to have a similar influence on Lincoln toward the Greenback.

So instead of just having a narrow focus and stating that the Spaulding gang was the father of the Greenback I mention other possible influences. And you think that is wrong because…?

Bonds can be inflationary. Anything that can be used to purchase something can influence price increases. For example, if bonds were used to purchase 90% of the wheat then of course the price of a loaf of bread would increase.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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