Death, Rebirth, Eternal Life & Reincarnation

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  We shall all rise again and work together and be perfected until the “last enemy” of death is destroyed and we achieve immortality or the resurrection of eternal life.

2  We are the same person after death as we were before and when the time comes for us to move up the circle we sleep in relation to the higher if we are not ready.

3  Only when a person can become born again without being born again can he become ready for true eternal life. In this wording is a major hint for contemplation.

4  The Bible correctly tells us that there are two resurrections. The first is a resurrection of KRISIS, or correction – which is reincarnation. The second is called the resurrection of life where there is a mastery over physical death.

5  Here in the West we tend to look on a belief in reincarnation as a minority belief expressed by a few new agers, but many do not realize that more religious people of the world accept the doctrine than reject it.

6  All the evidence I discovered helped me to believe in reincarnation, but I did not know it for sure until the day I discovered that I had lived before. This changed my whole life and outlook and opened my eyes to a new world of seeing.

7  If the reader even after seeing all the evidence of reincarnation is still not convinced he should seek an answer through the Spirit as commanded in the scriptures. Ask with a sincere heart and you will receive an answer through the Holy Spirit.

8  Each time you die you take with you a permanent atom composed of etheric matter which retains a full memory, or computer program, of your physical body in that life. Within your make up is a full memory and data of all that you have ever been over your long history of incarnations.

9  Thank God that reincarnation is built into the plan! It allows us to make right the injustices of the past, especially in our relationships with our children and other loved ones.

10  In between lives your essence goes in a circle from the earth to the astral zone and back up to the celestial spheres and then back to the earth again. When this essence rises above that which is your level of consciousness then you go to sleep and dream of heaven or hell.

11  It is shortly after death that the person goes through a review of his life, and then takes with him the memories of the three most important lessons learned.

12  A tip or two picked up here and rightly incorporated may save you as many as a half dozen lives on the way to liberation.

13  Each of us lives many lives and a successful fulfillment of each life creates a step for us in the path toward completion.

14  All beings are reborn from time to time and this includes even such high entities as Christ and even the Ancient of Days. It will be a long time though before the Sanat Kumara comes again.

15  When we incarnate as humans we acquire a body, which is composed of billions of tiny lives that are cooperating together in a molecular order so the lesser lives can have a greater experience through you the greater life.

16  When the time comes to incarnate again, you, in cooperation with your Solar Angel, actually participate in the creation of your new body.

17  A person may have basically overcome maya in one life and then slip back into its trap in another.

18  We usually learn no more than one major lesson in each life, even though it may seem that we learn many. Outside of this one major lesson we generally are just relearning and perfecting past lessons.

19  Shortly after death there is a merging with the Solar Angel, (for a short intense time) even for average people. This gives us our life review and a glimpse of what we must take with us to our future lives. The Solar Angel does play a roll in creating our heaven.

20  Many people do not discover much more truth in the next world than they discovered here.

21  After we learn a particular lesson on our journey through the wheel of rebirth our soul then guides us to a circumstance where we are forced toward a new lesson.

22  Reincarnation is merely the result of the law of cause and effect.

23  Every once in a while a person takes the dark path and throws away approximately 1000 lifetimes and the pralaya between creations.

24  We will live many lives on many other different earths, worlds far superior to this. Instead of living on a telestial earth like this we will go to terrestrial and celestial worlds made of matter whose atoms vibrate to a purer tone whose nucleus of light shines through unfolded electrons until the bodies shine like the sun where there is no night.

25  Physical death is not the end of all things, but is a mere transition and there are many things worse than physical death.

26  If a fullness of joy is produced by an inseparable connection of the body and spirit then any connection where there is not an eternal connection will not produce a fullness of joy. If a fullness of joy is not produced then the union of spirit and body is temporary.

27  We will not leave our physical bodies behind as many teach, for leaving them behind would cause us to suffer a great limitation.

28  When you do reach “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” you then gain access to all past permanent atoms and have power to activate them and create a body at will.

29  The obvious truth is that there is either reincarnation or there is not. Even though there are details we may not know, the principle is either true or it is not true and no relativity will change the matter.

30  Any commitment that is not sought through soul contact is a covenant with death.

31  During your 1000 lives some arrangements are played quickly, others slowly, some happy, some sad, some sound like rock and roll others sound classical, but no matter what the arrangement is and no matter how it is played the name of the song is still the same and that name is your essence.

32  Do not concern yourself with whether or not you were a great one in the past. Such a status may actually be a handicap to you. Only concern yourself with becoming a great servant in the present.

33  In the Beginning God reflected Himself to infinity. This infinite number is only limited by your imagination which is God’s imagination.

34  Many of those who have been born under a tyranny were free in their last life but did not understand their freedom and supported the restriction of others in a way that enhanced their own vision of the good.

35  The elements of your body existed before you incarnated and will exist after you die. In fact they change every 7-14 years.

36  The idea in the mind of God, which is you, never had a beginning, but the idea incarnating into the worlds where experience can be had did have a beginning.

37  There is an inner Christ that dwells in us all within our own Ark and if we eat of this we shall never taste death. There is a deep mystery here.

38  There are two stages of overcoming death.

39  Is it possible to neutralize the handicap of past success in the present life? Yes, but only if one “becomes as a little child” and is willing to let all attachments go and learn “all things new.”

40  Each of us has the spark of the divine within and when we “fall” into matter and take incarnation we lose that inner contact for many lifetimes. We have to keep coming back life after life until we fully manifest that inner spark. When this is accomplished we can return to the God state and “go no more out,” or no longer have to be reborn into the physical world.

41  We came here as a point in our eternal progression, not to restore that which is lost but to gain that which is new and beautiful.

42  Physical death is a separation of the spirit and body, but this is not the only death. There are numerous deaths as there are numerous separations.

43  The worst death that can happen to an aspiring disciple is to be separated from the inner Christ so contact becomes impossible.

44  When we die and are no longer connected to the physical or etheric brain our consciousness is altered. This especially affects our sense of time. We then center in astral or mental consciousness and lose most of our memory by the time we are physically born again.

45  The resurrection of KRISIS or correction can refer to one being revived to mortal life in the same body as Lazareth was, or it could refer to being “born again” in a new body with a new life experience, giving us an opportunity to “correct” our imperfections.

46  When the saints are persecuted, they are often reaping what they have sowed in previous lives. This answers the eternal question as to why some of the best people must suffer so. They are paying off debts from a past era when they were not so good.

47  No orthodox Christian has ever answered this question: If we reap according to how we have sowed and if we “of the flesh reap corruption” and we die before we have reaped all that is due us, then how can we reap “of the flesh” with no flesh? How can we reap corruption if there is no corruption?

48  Since flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, that simply means that if we fall short of it, we will be “born again” in this state of “corruption” or flesh and blood. Flesh and blood is the resurrection of KRISIS, and we must come back again and again and inherit this corruption, until we have “corrected” all of our mistakes and attain the resurrection of life or “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13).

49  In ancient times some humans incarnated as the highest of the animal kingdom to assist with their identification with the human just as sometimes now a Master will incarnate as a human.

50  Life extension can come through intent, but immortality can only come through aligning with Purpose which links us up with lives much greater than ourselves who have “obtained the resurrection” and can channel the power of re-creation down to us.

51  To overcome death one does not continue existence in one single form. This would eventually cause retrogression. To overcome death one must learn to still the vibration and go back to our source and then recreate a body (the “Mayavirupa”) by creating the necessary vibration.

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