Finding the Real, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

It is important to realize that is there is truth. There is not your truth and my truth but THE truth. What your truth is, is what you perceive to be true because you want it to be true. What my truth is, is what I perceive to be true because I want it to be true; but then there is THE truth. And when we find THE truth it does something a little different. When we are attached to an illusion and we believe it to be truth it doesn’t produce joy. When we find what true reality is it produces joy and happiness. That’s the difference between the two. And you watch people that are in an illusion like I like watching these debate shows on TV where they are strongly arguing different points. And I notice the guy that seems to be the farthest off the mark is always the most unhappy of the two. He’s shouting the loudest and he’s getting the most emotional. In other words, the greater the illusion the guy seems to be in the more unhappy he seems to be. His truth isn’t making him very happy because he is in illusion. But the guy who seems closer to the truth, in my point of view anyway, he seems a lot more stable, is not nearly as ruffled. He may be passionate but he doesn’t seem unhappy with his belief system. And this is what I’ve found as I’ve had greater and greater truths dawn upon me. I’ve had greater peace, had greater joyousness, greater happiness, greater contentment and greater ability to accept what is.

That’s a really important thing – just to accept what is. I’ve found that the people who are most miserable and that’s at least half of humanity, just can’t accept what is.. Half of humanity are pretty unhappy with everything aren’t they? And when you talk to somebody that’s grumbling about what they’re unhappy about, it’s usually just because they can’t accept what is. “Well so and so they just really irritate the dickens out of me” Well, you say “Why don’t you this accept them for what they are?”  He can’t accept them and why not? “Because they irritate me” well why do they irritate you – it’s because you can’t accept them. You just accept the way they are, look through their personality and look upon their soul and just accept.

They did an interesting study on surveys. I think the Gallup organization did or somebody. They prepared these questions. As a matter of fact it was a study to try to get accurate surveys. So they did this study to find out how accurate their surveys were. And they prepared this line of questions and they trained two groups of people to go out and ask the questions; all with a straight face; all with no bias; but just read off the questions and write the answers down. They only did one thing different between the two groups. The first group they said “Now according to our studies 70% of the people will agree with the conclusions of the survey”. Then they told the other group only 70% of the people will disagree with the survey”. And they sent these two groups out to take the surveys. Guess what the response was they got back?

Right! The people that gave the survey were trained to have – you know – stone faces that didn’t show any bias just ask the questions; yet the ones that were told to expect 70% to agree got exactly 70% to agree. The others had 70% disagree. It was amazing! –an amazing thing! –

Why did they receive this result? They were trained to do everything exactly the same way but they got diametrically opposite results. What produced the opposite results? Both had the same training – they only had one thing different – one group was told to expect one thing and the other group was told to expect something else. But it had to be more than expectation, though.  The expectation produced subtle differences in the way they asked the questions. They gave subtle little hints to the people about how they were supposed to respond.  It’s about like the news people. The news people – they all say they are not biased at all, but they can produce – they can manipulate – what we think of the news by what they select for us to hear. Say there’s five news stories. Four of them are negative about a certain politician, and one is positive but they like this politician so they only go with the positive story about him. And they do this every day – eliminate the four negative and pick the one positive.

What’s the public going to think after a while about this politician? They will think “Oh, this politician’s a pretty good guy, he’s doing everything right.” And so he gets good accolades by all the public because the public isn’t aware of all the negative things that have happened. Maybe he is having an affair that they’re not recording or something like that. So what we expect will often be what we accept as our truth. It won’t be the truth but it will be our version of truth. Now probably both of those survey results weren’t correct, because it was an experiment. Probably the answer is somewhere closer to the middle. But these people were expecting certain results and that’s what they got. So it’s fascinating when you think about it. This is the way it is with truth. We think a certain thing is going to be true, and because we think a certain thing is going to be true we keep finding evidence of it. And we keep finding evidence of it and we confirm it again and again and again.

Let’s take the prophecies of Nostradamus. Did you ever notice that after some big event happens like 9-11 or the assassination of Kennedy or whatever; they dig up Nostradamus and they say “well, Nostradamus predicted this.”  “Well, if he predicted it why didn’t you see it before it happened?” Well, I just didn’t see it for some reason!” Well it’s because he wasn’t looking for it.

But after it happened he looks for it then he finds it.  Now, in what we call the rags, like the Enquirer and those types of magazines – As I’m checking out (at the supermarket) whenever it talks about prophecies of the future I always read them as I’m waiting in line. And I don’t know how many times I’ve seen some headline “Nostradamus predicts end of the world” or whatever and I read about Nostradamus’ prediction and they say Nostradamus clearly predicted economic depression, the end of the world – assassination of the president, or something like this is – it’s going to happen a certain time – they’ve got all the details and then I wait a few months and nothing happens the way it was predicted. So far of every Nostradamus prediction that they have concocted, that they have looked for in the future, not one single one has come true. Not one single one I have seen.

Now they’ve also done this with the Bible code. They come out with the Bible code and they say “Well, this Bible code is really great because it predicts the assassination of Kennedy, it predicted 9-11, and it predicted all these things.”  So when they first developed the Bible code they found all these things in there. So someone said: “Well what’s about the future then? Boy this is really great we can tell the future.” So they predicted a whole bunch of things that were going to happen the next couple of years. Do you think that they were right or not? What do you think?

Audience: No.

JJ: Right. nothing happened. Nothing happened accurately. So have you noticed that when anybody talks about the Bible code now they never talk about the future anymore? They say “Well it’s in there. I mean, it’s impossible for it to have been this accurate about the past. ” “But why can’t we predict the future?” They are making rationalizations for it: it’s just too complicated; we haven’t got the formula down good enough. Well, the reason they find stuff in the Bible code is the same principle – the same principle that has happened with the surveyors. They find what they’re looking for. They put different words in for the computer to find and the computer finds them. So they find what they’re looking for and when they find it they are amazed.

They think “This is really great – this is beyond explanation!”  But then they try to find the future and it just doesn’t work, because they don’t know what to look for in the future. If they knew what to look for in the future they could find it in the Bible code. If they knew the world was going to end tomorrow they could find it in the Bible code. They could punch in words “world end tomorrow” or whatever. To find the future in the Bible Code you would have to know the future already; and because they don’t know the future already; they cannot find the future in there.

Now I hope I’m not disturbing anyone’s belief system in the Bible code. I know a lot of new agers believe in that real strongly. As a matter of fact it’s amazing the cross-current of people that believe in the Bible code. A lot of the religious people believe in it. A lot of the new age metaphysical community people believe in it because it’s acquired a mystical theme. But the fact is, getting back to the point, that we find what we’re looking for.  So the question that needs to dawn on us is this: If by searching for truth, by looking for what you want to be true doesn’t work, then how do we go about searching for truth? How do we find what is really true? Anyone got any good answers?

Audience: Something about the way it feels.

JJ: The trouble with finding the truth: If you desire the truth strong enough and then you find something that confirms it, even though it’s wrong, you’ll still feel pretty good. Right, Blayne was smiling, I’ll bet when you were in the Mormon Church you had that happen several times. Right? You found several things you were excited about then but now on hindsight it doesn’t look quite so right. Alright, Blayne’s agreeing with me for the sake of the recording here.  If anybody wants to talk longer than a few seconds come up and grab the mike from me.

So the question arises, well how do we find out what is really true. It all boils down to escaping illusion because illusion is caused by wrong programming in our mind from the beginning. But before we can even get to correcting that programming we have to master our desires. And this is why you read in the scriptures and many sacred works about the prophets being tested one way or another because we all have to undergo a series of tests from our souls to prove to our higher self that we put truth above what we want – what we desire.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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