Being and Becoming

June 6, 1999

Being and Becoming

I was asked whose truth I speak of when I use the word.

If I say something like “The truth is…” it should be taken for granted by you that what I say may or may not be correct as indicated in my first 200 posts where I did everything in my power to make you question all authority. The only way you will know for sure about the truth of what I say is to run it by your own souls. If your soul confirms it to you then you should trust it, but if your soul does not you must continue to question until the truth is revealed.

I AM BECOMING or 2+2=4. Who’s truth is that? Can I say that I own 2+2=4 and Rick owns 4+4=8. No. Of course not. Truth belongs to all and is the exclusive property of none.

When people use the phrase “my truth,” they generally mean “my opinion.” If we are honest with ourselves we will see that the phrase “my truth” and “your truth” are illusionary statements.

The truth is, I mean My truth is, whoops, I mean that which I see as truth, but that you may see as mumbo jumbo is:

Thoughts and decisions are the beginning of cause which has produced the effect of he entire universe in which we live.

Question: “So is there a universe without Cause and Effect operating?”

Cause and effect are eternal. The first cause in this universe was the DECISION of the One Life to reflect Itself to infinity and the first effect was the innumerable reflections, you and me. To return to a universe without cause and effect would be to return to nothingness. To say that you can live in a universe without cause and effect is to say you can live in a universe where none of us even exist and that is an oxymoron.

I exist and decide, therefore there is cause. I act, therefore there is effect.

To go where there is no cause and effect is to go to a place where you do not exist or have power to decide.

Question: “The Course in Miracles teaches that the only mistake (sin) that we made was to entertain the thought of separation for a split second…(not really even that long!!) and is not the law of Cause and Effect in line with that thought of separation, and when overcome, by oneness, there is no time and no separation, and potentially no Cause and Effect.”

Answer: Both separation AND oneness of life are effects initiated by some cause.

Question: Are not miracles beyond cause and effect?

Answer: No. Anyone capable of such a feat merely has understanding of the levers necessary to accomplish it through cause and effect. Even the raising of the dead is an effect of some cause.

Question: What is the point to ‘going home’, becoming one with our creator?”

Answer: I have news for you. You can’t go home.

Yes, yes, I know. That is what everyone says. Our purpose is to go home to God and live happily ever after in ultimate perfection. But I am not everyone and I don’t go by what everyone says. I go by what is verified by my own soul, even though a Master comes and tells me otherwise.

The Dark Brothers want us to be happy with the doctrine of just BEING and then wrapping things up and returning home. This makes the people of the world much easier to control through scare tactics.

But when we realize that we are BECOMING beings eternally progressing we discover the truth and the truth sets us free. Free to do what? Free to DECIDE for ourselves and BECOME that which we decide to become.

As we leave home in this world we change, expand and grow and when we return we find that the home we remember no longer exists. Everything has changed, but that is all right. In many ways everything is better than before. Besides we have crated new homes that are even more satisfying than before.

There are many homes, or many mansions, in the spheres of God. As we BECOME we move away from one mansion home and on to another more joyous one.

Finally, after we complete our journeys in this universe we do return home to a oneness with God, but with enhanced intelligence and qualities.

To the primitive man a person driving around in a car would seem like a god operating beyond cause and effect, but the truth is that the driver is using cause and effect in ways the primitive can’t understand.

To the modern person driving in a car the sight of a person walking on water is a miracle beyond cause and effect whereas, again, the initiator merely understands cause and effect better than he does.

Any time we see an effect produced here there is a cause that is linked to “here.”

If we were totally operating in some other reality the effects would show up in that reality and would completely bypass this one.

Question: “I am a bit confused about Being and Becoming. Becoming sounds like moving from one point forward, which is a linear process and therefore limiting, whereas I saw Being as encompassing all, including Becoming. Is this the case, but it is really only practical to talk about Becoming in our limited state of consciousness on earth because Being relates to the formless, or non-physical, worlds? Or have I got this mixed up?”

I would say you have this reversed. When you are in the process of BECOMING that part of you which has BEING is coexisting with you as you BECOME. But those lives who have not chosen to BECOME are in a state of BEING only, but always with the possibility of BECOMING. Thus becoming embraces the state of being and becoming, as cooperating states, but those in a state of being alone have nothing to do with becoming.

BECOMING is more like a circular or spiral expansion than a straight line. As you progress your ring-pass-not expands as an expanding atom or solar system.

In actuality you are a circular being. The physical body is merely a nucleus as the center of an atom. Your astral and mental bodies circulate around you making the whole you like a globe or great ball of fire if we could see it. As you become (evolve) your subtle bodies grow and expand, but even this is only one of the expansions incorporated in the process of becoming.

Question: You said that love only exists where there are two, implying that love must be for something or someone. Could you elaborate?

To talk about love with any degree of understanding we need to define it. “Love is the magnetic attractive force that pulls the many into harmonic Oneness, yet allowing for individual identity and free will.”

If there is only one of something there is nothing to attract.

Love is not the fullness of God but one of the three main aspects which are:



Active Intelligence

These three correspond to:



Holy Spirit

God had to reflect Itself into a Trinity and then to infinity before Love could manifest.

To say that Love is a state of being that can be experienced while you are completely alone is to theorize about a state that no one in the flesh has ever experienced because it is impossible to ever be alone and have life.

I believe it was BJ who mentioned about being alone with her animals and garden, but these are life forms that enhance Love through their magnetic power.

You are not even alone in your body for there are millions of tiny lives there who are capable of receiving the energy of Love from you. Every cell in your body and every atom is a life form.

True spiritual love could be said to be a state of BEING actively engaged in service of others, service to the whole or bringing the many into united service.

When one experiences higher spiritual contact he or she will have a wonderful feeling of Love, but still we have two or more involved. There is you and there is the Holy Spirit that is contacted. Then there re the many linked through that Spirit.

One could say that when we return to our Source that we rest in oneness but reflect on the many parts gathered in love.

Question: Aren’t there many example to returning home such as returning to spirit or uniting in consciousness with higher lives?

Answer: There are many wonderful feelings that are either an integral part of us or remind us of feelings from past lives that we can associate with “coming home.”

When high spiritual contact is made for the first time in any one life it seems very familiar, because our essential livingness is a reflection of God. As we go through the process of becoming we experience many wonderful feelings that seem familiar, like coming home, but we never really get home because each new expansion of consciousness, livingness and ring-pass-not puts you in a place, or mansion of God, that you have never been in before.

Think of it. Which would you rather do? Go back to your old home and your old school of your youth? Or have a home that evolves and improves as you do, so each time you return for a repose the rest is more glorious?

From one point of view we do return to our home which is God, but when we return our intelligence is enhanced and our eternal home becomes a better place than it was before.

Question: What’s a good way to teach these principles?

Let me tell you a secret I have learned and incorporated in teaching people in person.

One of the few things I learned when I went to church long ago was in a Sunday School class I attended. The teacher was a very relaxed young guy who began the class by asking a question. It was not a run-of-the-mill question, but an interesting question. Then I noticed that he often spent the whole class period of 45 minutes doing nothing but calling on raised hands eager to give their two cents worth.

In some classes he only asked one question, some two, but hardly ever more than three. The teacher always spent over 90 per cent of his time just calling on people, then sitting back and letting them talk.

The funny thing was this guy received all kinds of comments about what a great teacher he was when he did very little actual speaking.

Since then I have done quite a bit of teaching of various sorts and I have found that if I run out of things to say or interest seems to wane then all I needed to do was ask a question and sit back, like the Sunday School teacher, and let the class teach each other.

Someone mentioned that Jesus wanted us to become as little children. This is true but then the scriptures seem to say the opposite here:

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” I Cor 13:11-12

So which scripture is correct?

Answer. They both are when you examine the meaning.

Jesus was talking about people who were set in their ways and refused to be opened to new things. In this relationship He was telling us that we must be open-minded as children and be willing to learn to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

But Paul was also teaching the truth, but instead of attitude he was talking about the learning process itself. He was saying that we grow up and mature we learn better methods and gain knowledge and as we do we put away childish things like believing in Santa just because someone tells you he exists. Yet we should always follow the advice of Jesus and be open to all possibilities.

We must become as open as a child to receive soul contact, but put away childish (unworkable methods) to keep it.

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What Are You Deciding To Become?

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The translation “I AM” is incorrect and misleading. In the Hebrew it reads:  “I AM BECOMING.”

2  When the seeker says he has found the ultimate feeling, bliss, or God Presence, he knows not that he is only at the beginning of his journey. No matter how high the consciousness, bliss or joy, the seeker adjusts to it and eventually becomes ready for more. When he is ready, the more will come, worlds without end.

3  Additional seeking is always necessary no matter where we think we are upon the Path. There is always more BECOMING ahead of us.

4  BECOMING is the action of Purpose, the dominating good which interpenetrates both male and female energies.

5  Unfortunately the word BEING is associated by many with the decision “not to be” as spoken by Shakespeare. True BEING is not yielding to the line of least resistance but after we have taken “arms against a sea of troubles,” and have prevailed as Gods – only then will true BEING become known and no longer esoteric to us.

6  We are in a state of eternal becoming because there is no ultimate perfection.

7  He, who humbles himself before those greater than himself and before those seeking the light from his radiance, will be endowed with the glory of God from on High and generations unborn will yet warm themselves with his light and love.

8  Let us join the great ones together, my friends, and humble ourselves; so any greatness which is manifest is from the one Spirit that permeates us all.

9  “Being yourself,” for many of us, involves recognizing that we have a purpose for being here. Our obligation–our opportunity–is to discern what that purpose is, and then surrender to whatever it requires of us to fulfill. It can be a source of deep joy:  service to humanity, in whatever form, is deeply satisfying.

10  Part of being humble is just being you.

11  The I AM of itself is not wrong or evil for it is a description of BEING which is the foundation of life for us all. Where the problem comes in our evolution is where we become lazy and cease to become and just “be.”

12  We only go forward on the path by amplifying our power to decide in harmony with the Will of God and then bring that decision into reality through BECOMING.

13  God works through each of us and BECOMES who He decides to be through us so long as we follow the Spirit of God within each of our inner selves.

14  Incorporated in BECOMING is BEING.

15  In order to become, one first must be, or become alive. Becoming only increases the sense of being alive.

16  You have “to be” before you can “become.”  You do not “become” so you can “be.”

17  If you are in a state of “being” only, you are enjoying a temporary rest. When you are “becoming,”  your life is in a state of “being” with the added aspect of “becoming.”

18  Those who live upon the sea of hateful and bitter emotions despise the good, the beautiful and the true. They die as to the things of the Spirit.

19  Greatness is seen in worldly power and money rather than in spiritual power, intelligence and character.

20  Many of those who fight the truth of the soul will be stolen and taken away by the spirit of Christ and removed from their illusions.

21  To become the greatest possible help to others who are under negative influence, it is important to develop your sensitivity to the feelings (and sometimes thoughts) of those within your aura of concern.

22  As an individual you can, through the soul, contact the spiritual worlds and your own higher self, which is a Master upon its own plane.

23  How does the Beast of unjust authority want you to see yourself: as I AM, standing still – easy to control, or I AM BECOMING, changing and improving and therefore difficult to control?

24  All activity that one can engage in is pushing toward the fulfillment of a conscious intelligent goal set by someone somewhere.

25  If one wants to accomplish beyond the norm he must not only believe but make a decision within his ring of consciousness.

26  A goal is a specific believable objective set by the mind and accepted by the heart. It includes definite steps that will be taken to ensure its completion at an approximated time.

27  We can become a member of the heavenly Jerusalem at any moment that we “overcome” and obtain soul contact and the Christ consciousness.

28  The principles that just are cannot be altered or changed but must be mastered and used to mold creation to a desired end. That desired end is that which we DECIDE and creates the process of BECOMING.

29  When we realize that we are BECOMING beings, we discover the truth and the truth sets us free. Free to do what? Free to DECIDE for ourselves and BECOME that which we decide to become.

30  The path for us to become one with God and manifest the name within is us for us to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ by committing ourselves to the highest service that we know and then practice the science of BECOMING the highest that you can DECIDE to BECOME.

31  It is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.

32  You may receive inspiration, knowledge and some guidance, but your own power of discernment and DECISION will always play a large part in how you will apply yourself.

33  We begin to win at the game of life when our ATTENTION is focused in one direction rather than scattered.

34  Put your attention on finding that which is true rather than that which is in error.

35  Any denial of that which is true, leads to greater failures than those experienced by one who faces the truth of failure and perseveres in learning from it and turning it into success.

36  The mirror of ourselves is always out there in the world of our creation. I seek to help you create a more loving world to reflect back to you.

37  To become a Master one must not only balance off cause and effect as it relates to others, but also as it relates to oneself and between the lower and higher self.

38  When the heart and mind are in agreement (as was Jesus and the Christ) then there is peace and harmony and miracles happen in your life.

39  I caught a glimpse of the suffering humans experience on the earth, and I saw much of it happens because people just don’t take the course of action they know within their hearts they are supposed to do.

40  If you look for verification of something that you have a preconceived notion is true, then you will find evidence to prove it, at least to yourself. This will happen whether the notion is true or false.

41  The Still Small Voice is the revelation of “Direction.” It is fortunate for humanity that the use of this requires no great spiritual evolution. The only real requirement is that a seeker seeks that which he understands as the guidance of God. He must do so with sincerity of heart and pure intent.

42  When God switched from the state of Being to BECOMING, the worlds of form were created.

43  My conscience is a perfect man whom I would like to see.

44  If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.

45  Keep checking with your souls, and when the link called in the east the antahkarana is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.

46  As you double your ability to achieve, your opportunity to use other people’s energy and efforts will multiply geometrically.

47  If you are a light to the world and light is produced by contrast would this not indicate that you should live a life that appears in sharp contrast to average “Joe six pack”?

48  Without fear there is no courage and without courage there is no point of tension and with no point of tension there are no quantum leaps into newness and great adventures.

49  Seek ye therefore the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit, the greatest of the gifts of God in this life.

50  All who follow the highest they know will join with the higher consciousness and share a oneness with them and assist in the great work.

51  If the seeker follows the direction of the peace that passes understanding then he will be led to true vision.

52  When you make a decision around some goal of becoming that decision relates to what you will be in a future time or what you shall become.

53  Contemplate the part of you that actually decides and you can feel that link between you and God. It uses your bodies but it is not your bodies.

54  What are you deciding to become?

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