The Divine Hermaphrodite

May 21, 1999

The Divine Hermaphrodite

A reader seems to think that the female has a second rate position because she was made out of the man, but a careful reading of the Bible tells us otherwise.

In the Old Testament Hebrew two words are translated as “man.” The first is ADAM and the second is IYSH. ADAM is sometimes translated as “man” and sometimes literally as “Adam.” ADAM is not the name of a person or even a man, but of a racial being that is the hermaphroditic combination of male and female in the image of God: “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Gen 5:2

The word ADAM should not have been translated man as IYSH was, for it refers to a certain type of human. Genesis 1:26-27, where we have a description of the sixth creation day, is an example of ADAM being translated as “man” in most Bibles. Let’s transliterate ADAM as it reads in the Hebrew as “Adam” and see how it reads: “And God said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness…So God created Adam in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

This scripture is especially interesting when we read it in the light of the next chapter which tells us that “on the seventh day God ended his work…” Gen 2:2 On the seventh day, then, we are told that the “end” or last work of God was the creation of woman. She was taken out of the man and brought to him: “And Adam said, This is the bone of my bones, and the flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Gen 2:23-24

If woman was not created until the seventh day then who was the female mentioned as existing during the sixth day?

The amazing answer as we shall illustrate is that the male and female were united in one body during the sixth day and were divided in two on the seventh day (or period).

Enlightenment on this mystery is revealed in the Hebrew word for God. In the first part of Genesis ELOHIYM is used. This is a strange word because it is plural and has been literally translated as “Gods.” The mystifying part is that it is used with a singular verb. In other words, if the first part of Genesis were translated literally it would read: “In the beginning Gods creates the heavens and the earth.” Translators have generally used God (singular) for ELOHIYM because of the belief in one God and it also goes with the verb. On the contrary, we know that God is not singular because later it reads: “And God (ELOHIYM) said, Let US make ADAM in our image…” Verse 25 Thus we see that God is more than one entity and Adam was made in its (or their) image.

How is God plural? This is indicated in the word itself. The first part of the word is EL and is masculine and means “strong.” The second part of the word is thought to come from ALAH which means “to covenant.” This part of the word is feminine. It also is thought by some scholars to correspond to the name of the Muslim God “Allah.” If we place the meanings together we can say that ELOHIYM, or God, means “strong covenant.”

If we add the fact that the male and female genders in the word indicate the “us” that makes the word plural are a male and female united we can say that God, or ELOHIYM, is “a male and female united through a strong covenant.”

Verily, this is the power that created the heavens and the earth and in this light the first verse of Genesis could be translated as: “In the beginning male and female energies united by strong covenants (or bonds) to create the heaven and the earth.”

This agrees with the idea that all manifested form was created through the marriage of opposing energies of the one wavelength.

Genesis continues and tells us that God made Adam in his own image “male and female created he them.”

God, who is male and female united by a strong covenant, created Adam, who was the image of God, or male and female united by a strong covenant…

This first Adam was created out of the non-physical (from our point of view) ethers and was like a living cell with male and female united into one. He was a reflection of the Divine Hermaphrodite God with all the capabilities of reproduction.

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Unlimited Evolutions

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  When life reaches the end of its evolution it becomes radioactive.

2  There have been many Adams. The Christ was the last Adam around 6000 years ago, but the first was the Ancient of Days or the Planetary Logos who incarnated 18 million years ago.

3  The smaller you go in size the higher the evolution is within that plane.

4  The evolution of the greater is dependent on the successful evolution of the lesser.

5  In the vegetable kingdom the flowers of the planet are much more evolved in their plane than humans are on their plane.

6  Evolving human beings are like pendulums swinging back and forth between two extremes.

7  Everyone wonders what the unused strands of DNA are for. They were created by us in the first solar system and will be activated as we grow in consciousness.

8  DK [Djwhal Khul] is mysteriously silent about the black race as far as its origins and purposes. He merely tells us that they have a unique place in our evolution and strongly supported their civil rights as equals during that troublesome time that he wrote 1920-1950.

9  The gathering is an actual principle that governs the evolution of all things. Each time a new leap in evolution is imminent a gathering of intelligence occurs.

10  The freeing of the slaves through the initiate Abraham Lincoln and others marked a turning point in the evolution of the human race and opened the door for many of them to enter into higher states of consciousness.

11  The evolution of religion, as a whole, is some distance behind the evolution of political systems.

12  As humans begin evolution we start with attention centered in the instinct and, or physical. Next we evolve to the emotional and, or astral. Then we move to the mental and, or thinking and finally to the intuitive and, or soul.

13  On a metaphysical note animals hunting animals and people hunting animals produces a strong stimulating force that furthers their evolution. If you’ve ever seen an elk up close which has survived three or more hunting seasons you will see an intelligence in his eyes that is far beyond the rest of the herd.

14  We move ahead or backward in evolution according to where we place our focused thought.

15  It takes a certain point in the evolution of the human being to comprehend the difference between a principle and a fact.

16  Decision creates cause and effect, which creates evolution.

17  Just as existence is self-evident because our consciousness proves it, so is evolution. We experience ourselves evolving, creating and changing. There is no denying this unless we deny reality and existence itself.

18  The first Adam was male and female as one unit and it was “their” name not “his” name.  [See Genesis 5:2]

19  True steps in evolution are often difficult to perceive and often read incorrectly.

20  Humanity has presently evolved to the fifth root race. The coming sixth and seventh will allow us to be more sensitive to higher contact.

21  The consciousness of God is manifesting through kingdoms in human form at this period of universal evolution and thus the responsibility falls upon man to bring the beauty of molecular form from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the lower lives to the higher, and when the higher is completed its complexity and beauty will surpass all previous creations.

22  True equality must evolve within mankind as the consciousness of the race evolves.

23  No matter how far we go on the scale of evolution there is still an infinite eternity of becoming awaiting us.

24  A key point to remember is that even though the atomic lives are much closer to the end of their evolution than is humankind that humans are a more complex life form than molecules, cells and atoms.

25  Studying ancient physical races will not shed much light because the first two races were not physical. The first two were in grades of etheric matter. It was the third race, the Lemurian, was physical, of which the Australian aborigine is a remnant.

26  The first [physical] race was hermaphrodite and has similarities to the seventh and last race, but with differences. One of the biggest differences is the seventh race will be physical.

27  The programming and knowledge to recreate any part of our bodies with perfection will never be lost.

28  We indeed experience heaven and hell right here on the earth, but because of the “dominating good” that governs the universe the hells will lessen in their intensity and the heavens will increase until the end of this great creative cycle and then we shall devise a new heaven and new hell to keep things exciting.

29  Heaven is pretty much what you define it but in most people’s minds it is a state of being where there is a state of joyousness beyond that which we normally experience and there are many levels of intensity of enjoyment awaiting us. We shall go from sphere to sphere enhancing our becoming and joy and when we make progress (or have a blissful rest) we shall experience “heaven.”  When we fail and retrogress we shall experience “hell.”

30  Limitations are an essential ingredient to our evolution, for we cannot expand in intelligence without them.

31  The intelligence within matter itself (as far as we can see) comes from the long evolutionary process of the intelligence of the reflections of God creating and playing upon matter itself.

32  Forget self and move forward in experience until the desire of your soul is satisfied. Then you will rest in peace and prepare for another.

33  After we have mastered all there is to master we will create other planes and master them worlds without end and worlds without beginning.

34  There are an unending number of starting and ending points for us.

35  As we go from point to point in our journeys through this universe we have an unlimited number of beginnings and endings, but as long as form is involved the form, or incarnation of an idea, has a beginning and end.

36  Our mission is to take group life on a quantum leap into evolution and pave the way for all of our brethren to follow.

37  Our evolution toward the Molecular Relationship is part of our destiny.

38  Now many may believe that all evolution transpires within, but this is only half the equation. We must be stimulated from without and then evolve from within.

39  The serpent race should not be seen as evil but as a step in our early evolution.

40  I have long taught from the ancient wisdom that we were once hermaphrodites.

41  Very little, except a few hints are given out about our serpent past, but this form had a place in the second through the fourth races. They became extinct during Atlantean times.

42  On some planets birds, dinosaurs, fish, and other creatures evolve into human like form, but the serpents are very tough physically and usually dominate for a time. Then when humans appear they are nurtured because of their beauty. When they multiply and become a threat for domination, conflict ensues until only one upright race is left.

43  The size of a man’s aura will vary greatly according to the point of evolution; just as will the size of the orbiting fields of the atoms vary according to their atomic weight, or point of evolution.

44  The monad is the mother which gives birth to Self and is female.

45  The first Adam was created out of the non-physical (from our point of view) ethers and was like a living cell with male and female united into one. He was a reflection of the Divine Hermaphrodite God with all the capabilities of reproduction.

46  There is no logical reason why there would not be evolution. The evidence that there is evolution is that it is happening now.

47  All beings must enjoy the amenities of life within their own sphere and when they learn to maintain those accomplishments the lives can then move on.

48  We are going where man or God has not gone before and working on new creation and new orders that have not exactly manifested before.

49  The aim of evolution for us is to progress from the lower (physical) to the highest (mental) worlds of human endeavor.

50  Completely sealing the door to totalitarian evil will be the most important evolutionary step mankind has made in recorded history and that is why the coming of Christ and his associates will be such an important event for mankind.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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