Principle 62

The Principle of Time

What time is, how it works and whether it is an illusion or not has occupied the minds of thinkers from the beginning. It’s about time then that we reduce discussion of this important aspect down to its essence.

The first question then is, exactly what is time and the principle behind it?

Time is caused by a trinity of ingredients so let us picture a triangle, and at its base is form. The two ascending lines are motion and consciousness.

Time must have all three ingredients to exist and all three are interdependent. Form cannot exist without consciousness and motion, motion cannot exist without form and consciousness and consciousness (as we know it) does not exist without motion and form.

One might question this and say, “What about a rock just sitting there motionless? It has form.

The answer is that a rock or any other form is composed of lots of motion. The molecules and atoms within it are in a high state of vibration and the little electrons are moving at near the speed of light. Without all this motion the form of the rock would not exist. As we go smaller and smaller all we find are more forms made of wavelengths and the wavelengths themselves were created by conscious thought.

Let us look at the motion aspect in relation to time. It is obvious that without motion there could be no clocks for we depend on the various motions of the three hands to tell us how much time has passed. If the hands had no motion then no time would be registered. Let us suppose that not only the motion of the hands of clocks stopped but all motion ceased. Where would time be then?

It would not exist.

“But,” says the skeptic, “the forms would still exist.”

Actually they wouldn’t. The only thing that makes matter seem solid with form is that subatomic particles are moving near the speed of light. If their motion were to cease then we would move beyond the forms just standing still, but all form would just disappear. With no motion there would be no form. There would be no time and no consciousness to register the forms.

Now let us say that form did not exist. If there was nothing with any type of form then there is nothing to move. If nothing is in motion then there is no time to register. If time is not registered then it no longer exists.

Now let us look at consciousness. What is it that registers motion and form? It is consciousness. The passing of time is governed by the sequence of conscious registration.

In the human kingdom an entity will take about one second to consciously register a thing. That is why the second was originally determined to be the smallest unit, as it takes about that long to register in the brain what an image is. Now our eyes can capture an image in around a 1/64 of a second or less, but it still takes about a second to realize what it is we have seen.

Do you think times passes the same speed with a fly or a human cell or an atom?

No it does not. Try to capture a fly out of mid air and you’ll see that he is registering time quicker than you are. On the other hand, a second to an elephant is longer than the human one.

If you were to live within an atom you would have to slow down time millions of times just to register anything that is happening as the little electrons circle around the atom billions of times every second.

Imagine that you were reduced to the size of an atom, and instead of a second being a human one that conscious registration of a second were changed so it was billions of times quicker. In this case you could see the motion of the particles within the atom.

The bottom line is that without consciousness there can be no creation or registration of form.

So, does this mean that if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, that there is no sound?

No, it does not.


Because life is everywhere. Wherever there is form, sound, light or motion there is some type of consciousness registering the event. The existence of form, motion, sound and light depends on the combination of all life in the universe that we usually call God.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.  Albert Einstein

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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