Finding the Real, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

What is the difference between intuition and instinct?

An instinct is like a built in computer program in us. Animals have this – when we look at an animal sometimes and we think boy this animal is pretty smart he knows how to do all this stuff. It is not because the animal consciously knows it all but he has a built in computer program and they are not consciously aware of why they do what they do but it is instinct. It is like when you operate a program on your computer, you do not know how the letter appears on your screen when you type; it just does. This is the way an animal with instinct functions. The savage races are also very close to their instinct, and they are very close to their program. You here the stories of them listening to the earth and they can hear the animals and different things like this. They have these instincts that they are very close to. But intuition is higher than instinct and often people that are developing their intuition are not very good with their instincts because as you shift your attention from one level to another the lower level goes below what we call the threshold of consciousness.

As we progress we develop instincts and then we develop psychic abilities and then we develop intuition and this is why not everybody has all the same gifts because as you progress to a another gift you have to let the other gift sink below the threshold of your consciousness. For instance, lets say you develop physic abilities and then you say that you want to develop your mind.

When you do this you will loose your physic abilities but they are not really lost they are just buried below the threshold consciousness where they can be retrieved when you put your attention back on them. When you have to develop logic and reasoning you may let your physic abilities go below the threshold of consciousness, but they are still there because you have developed them in the past and can be retrieved by putting your attention back on to them.

All of us in this room have all kinds of abilities that are below the threshold of our consciousness but in this life we are all working on new abilities and in developing these new abilities we allow many of our old abilities to sink below the threshold of consciousness, but these abilities can be retrieved at any time that is important. So it is interesting to contemplate what abilities you may have that are below the threshold of consciousness that you have already learned.

These can be retrieved and when you have gone through the cycle of life and you are approaching near to your last life you will retrieve a lot of the things that were below the threshold of consciousness and this is what Christ did, He brought forth all the things that were below the threshold of consciousness into His consciousness and that is why He appeared as a God man upon the earth because He accessed all his past lessons that he had learned in His long past. A key to developing this ability is self-examination; we must examine ourselves and find out why we believe what we do believe and what is the key behind it.

The final key to putting our selves in a frame of mind where we can accept all truth is to overcome illusion and this we must do by self-examination. What do we mean by illusion?

Audience: Something that is not true?

JJ: Yes illusion is something that is certainly not true. We are trapped into things that are not true by our feelings but that is not illusion – we call that glamour. Glamour is something where we have an emotional pull that pulls us away from what is true. Illusion is something different, illusion is where you are tricked into believing something false. With your feelings you are not really tricked but because of emotional attachment you swallow falsehood, hook, line and sinker.

With illusion, the false belief may even go contrary to our feelings. In an illusion you may have the delusion that you are supposed to something wild and crazy. You may not want to do that wild and crazy thing but you are tricked into thinking it is right to do this wild and crazy thing.

For instance lets take the greatest most destructive illusion of all time, which was Nazism under Hitler. Hitler was not deceived so much by his desires as much as he was tricked by philosophy into thinking that the Jews were evil. He thought the Jews were devils incarnate and subhuman individuals. He was tricked into this by the different philosophies that he read and it was not that he wanted the Jews to be bad because he had a number of Jewish friends that he kind of liked but he put all that aside because he was tricked into wrong thinking about the Jews and this is what made him so dangerous.

So an illusion can be more dangerous than falling for something that is wrong because we desire it. A person can sincerely be tricked under illusion into believing something and when a person sincerely believes something and is honest with himself and by all his logic and reason it seems to be true then he will pursue it more aggressively than if it is just a desire alone. So if a person really believes that something is right because he is tricked by his belief system it is a very dangerous thing.

As a matter of fact it is only the more intelligent people that are tricked with illusion. The average person does not even contemplate illusion and he goes just by his desires. But then as a person evolves in intelligence he gets smarter and uses logic and reason and comes up with things that are wrong. The old metaphysical truism says, “The mind slays the real.” This is caused by illusion and illusion happens because of wrong foundational beliefs.

One such wrong foundational belief that is popular with the religious world is that man is born in sin, if you believe that man is basically evil and sinful at the core then you are going to look at people through certain filters and it is going to influence every conclusion that you come to. If you are tricked into believing that the world is only 6,000 years old then every conclusion you come to will verify that the earth is 6,000 years old. It is interesting that some very intelligent people in the Christian religion come up with some very interesting things to explain why the earth is only 6,000 years old or some believe as much as 10,000 depending on how they interpret the Bible literally and you ask them questions like how about the speed of light, we have galaxies billions of light years away from the earth and if it takes billions of light years for the light to reach us then how is the earth and universe only 6,000 years old?

Audience: Laughter

JJ: And you know what their answer is? They say well the speed of light is slowing down and when the universe was first created light was going really, really fast and back when they first measured the speed of light is was slower. Well when they first measured the speed of light they were not as accurate as they can measure it today and since we have been measuring it accurately it has not changed.

The point is that they find what they are looking for and some very intelligent thinkers come up with some strange conclusions to explain why a galaxy can be ten billion light years from earth yet its light reaches the earth in only 6,000 years. There are some very convoluted explanations as why that would be. So what each of us needs to do is to go back to our foundational beliefs and ask your self, is this foundational belief logical and is it reasonable?

We start with what we know we believe because we often hide from our foundation beliefs. We hide them from our selves and often we do not know what they are. We can’t find out what they are until we go to our branch beliefs. Each belief is like a branch and then it sprouts another belief. We have to find things that we know that we believe and then say where did this come from and then we go to a larger branch belief and then we go to the trunk belief and then eventually we will get to the root and when we get to the root we can work it out and nourish the root correctly so that all the illusions in our life disappear. Then we will start seeing reality as it is.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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2 thoughts on “Finding the Real, Part 4

  1. Keysters,

    JJ talked about following our assumptions to see where they came from. Then follow that assumption or set of assumptions and so on until we finally get to actual root ideas within ourselves. Then we can clean those out and replace them or keep them if they prove worthy. The point is we can do it with our eyes wide open instead of the sneaky ways they ideas first attached to us as we went along living life.

    So here is a core idea. I believe in life after death. I believe that for many reasons. I did not believe that in my youth but studied it out as an adult and came to that conclusion. So that core belief within me is more well supported and more carefully thought out than some other core beliefs that I picked up by happenstance earlier in life.

    But as I examine how this idea influences me, I see it creates a whole construct. After we accepting life after death for everyone, then we accept experience after death. It goes hand-in-hand. Regardless of what form that experience takes, such as reincarnation or spirit world stuff or space stuff or whatever, continued experience equals continued growth. Just let that one sink in for a moment. Continued growth. We can all see how much our civilizations across our world grew just in the last 50 years. Now add century upon century and then add millennium upon millennium. Time for a very large bunch of leaning. Knowledge is power (another assumption that I proved to my own satisfaction). So tens of thousands of years of learning equals vast power! My point here, if you already did not guess, is that a belief in continued existence after death equals a belief in super humans, otherwise known as, The Brotherhood of Light.

    Am I wrong here? Continued experience brings ever growing knowledge which equals ever growing power which means humans eventually become super humans, since we got all eternity to work on it. I invite you to correct me if my logic is not as tight as it seems to me, but I will just say you’re full of shish kabob. A simple belief in life after death necessitates a belief in a hierarchy of knowledge and power, which I choose to call The Brotherhood of Light.

    So I asked my son-in-law, “Do you believe in life after death?” He generally does not believe in reincarnation, Jesus, hierarchy, or any other spiritual thing but he does admit he has a very general belief in life after death. So I brought him along on this logic and he began to find all kinds of flaws, none of which relate in the least to the core logic but only to offshoots of it such as resurrection or reincarnation. David could only slip the punches but could not bring himself to ever address the core logic here. I seriously wonder why.

    So many people also want to disbelieve reincarnation. Why? If you believe in life after death it must take SOME form. What will we do there? To be conscious is to experience. What kind of experiences will it be? Can we see the mortal world we just left? Can we influence people we left behind? Can we communicate with them?

    Experience inevitably brings growth. After several million years of growth we will certainly be greater beings than we are now. Why would it be so bad if some of that experience comes in subsequent temporary physical mortal bodies? For that matter, what about experience before we were born into this life? Why could not much of that come to us in former temporary bodies and temporary situations? Mormons, for example, believe in “pre-existence”. What principle would it violate if some of that experience came from former stints in mortality with our family and friends?

    I guess I should have just stuck with my first point and not started delving the “mysteries” even further. Just a curious bit of logic brought on by JJ’s idea of following our core beliefs to their logical implications.

    Your brother,
    Larry Woods

  2. JJ
    As we progress we develop instincts and then we develop physic abilities and then we develop intuition and this is why not everybody has all the same gifts because as you progress to a another gift you have to let the other gift sink below the threshold of your consciousness. For instance, lets say you develop physic abilities and then you say that you want to develop your mind.

    Do this mean that if one was good at drawing in one life; that this gift will sink below the threshold of one’s consciousness when new gifts are acquired? In one post you said we often keep our hobbies, but it won’t be our main focus.

    Also, I think you meant to say psychic and not physic. Thank you 🙂

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