Flow of the Soul

2000-4-27 17:01:00

The first Law of Healing as given by Djwahl Khul through Alice A. Bailey reads:

"All disease is the result of inhibited soul life, and that is true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul, so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form."

Thus either conscious or unconscious acts that restrict the flow of soul energy cause disease. We have just discussed one of the major causes of soul obstruction and that is suppression and denial of negativity. From my research with handwriting analysis about half the population has this problem to some degree. About 20% have suppression to a dangerous degree.

In addition to suppression and denial there are other causes of restricted soul energy. Can you name them?

Let us start a list

(1) Suppression of negativity
(2) Denial of negativity.
(3) ?

An interesting note here is that many suppress and deny negativity to increase soul life... little do they know. The truth is often the opposite of that which is accepted by the masses.