Independent Thinking

2000-4-6 11:56:00

I'm sorry to see some disturbed feelings occurring in the group. I would suggest that we all attempt to follow the teachings of the Master on not taking offense as well as showing love to one another and becoming peacemakers.

It's kind of a funny thing that as soon as someone comes forward with an attitude of teaching the group to escape the dualities and karma, and enter into the great bliss; an opposite effect always occurs. I do not know how many times we have entered into heated discussions about this peaceful void, but every time we get into it there is no peace. We usually wind up loosing about twenty members who resign in disgust because of the war that this always brings.

Most old timers want to avoid this subject like the plague, but because new people are always coming in we will probably have to touch upon it now and again as well as repost old data.

What makes this different from other subjects that we have successfully navigated is that one side of the argument is trying to prove the existence of Harry the Bug, while at the same time maintaining that he does not exist. There is no way to prove this point with logic, reasoning, experience, data or even the teachings of the Masters.

On other subjects we have disagreed upon, it was always about two somethings, not a something and a no-thing. When you are arguing something against something there is usually some light generated and some progress made. When one of your subjects is nothing, then nothing is the final result as far as any progress is concerned.

Thus when Craig entered into this I think he did so expecting a friendly discussion and may be taken back a bit with the heat generated. Actually, this occurrence is mild compared to times past, and we shall not dwell long upon it this time since so much is already posted in the archives about it.

I will make several comments on Craig's post for clarification's sake.

Craig says: "Let us set the record straight - I do not say that the principle of cause and effect is invalid. As JJ so eloquently put words in my mouth, there never was a time when cause and effect didn't exist. I will adamantly stick to my version, however, and insist that what we think of as cause and effect here in this stepped-down voltage, is merely a shadow of a transcendent truth. No one is saying that if you start your house on fire, it won't burn down! Zina and I are trying to get ourselves to think about what the sprouted seed of cause and effect will grow into with transcendence."

JJ: Actually, Craig, in past arguments on this subject some were maintaining that a burning house is not really burning down and if you witness such a thing and ignore it you are doing nothing wrong because in the ultimate reality the house is really not burning down.

Hitler was not really a bad dude because in the ultimate reality of nothingness good and evil do not exist.

Some of the posts Glenys reposted are concerning past arguments. You (Craig) seem to be saying that there are other realities beyond our current comprehension and I agree. There are those; however, who keep injecting the argument that the nothingness of the void is the supreme goal and that it is available to us right at this moment if we could just wake up and see it.

From what you have written I see no desire on your part to enter into the void so I would suppose that we are not so far apart. Most of my comments so far have been directed at this "void is great" argument rather than at anything you have said.

Craig: "For some reason this upsets some of you, and JJ, it even makes you defend yourself. Why?"

JJ: I will always present what I believe to be true without apology.

Craig: "Please allow those of us who dare to question, the right to challenge JJ and ourselves."

No problem from me here. I encourage this when it leads to understanding and this is also supported by most of the group. You would have to search far and wide to find a teacher who has dealt with and answered confrontations as much as I have.

Where you really riled a few up here is when you indicate that those who regularly agree with me are "parroting." Then you relate this to the non thinking followers in the Mormon Church.

I am probably as familiar with the Mormon Church as anyone and I can assure all that list members such as Glenys, Anni, the two Johns, Rick, Diane, Samu, Mark, Rob, Marylin, Sharon, Margaret, James, Brian and others are galaxies away from the "follow the prophet" mentality that pervades the Mormon and other churches.

As I have pointed out before - there are two methods of achieving oneness. The first is allowing an authority figure to replace the God within and then allowing this authority to do your thinking for you. This results in following the authority over God.
The second way to oneness (which is the only real oneness) is to touch the soul together and so the two see through the same eyes of the Spirit. When two or more with soul contact see as one they will appear to some to be following that which is without in blindness, whereas they are following that which is within with vision. Only when the onlooker sees this same inner vision can he understand. I assure you that whenever I say anything that does not ring true to soul that I will be called upon it by even my strongest supporters.

Rick has done so recently and even Glenys questions me from time to time. Sometimes those who are in great harmony with me through the oneness principle send their questions through private e-mail such as this one from Glenys:

"I have taken from your previous writings that females have magnetic, receptive energy and somehow got the impression that the leaders who are to appear to prepare mankind for the return of the Christ would need to be men with their sending energy in order to attract more people to the cause. I saw female energy as just as important but playing a role that was more supportive in nature. Therefore, I thought the anointed ones would be men because they would need to be 'out there'. I somehow thought that female masters would come later when humanity was more ready for them."

Glenys here was looking at two teachings that I have posted and one seemed to contradict the other. I can tell you this about her and that is that if my explanation does not ring true with her soul that it will not be accepted.

Notice that before she jumps on me for being wrong, she asks for clarification of my teachings. In the end if what I say is in harmony with her soul then all will be well, but if it is not then I will guarantee that she will not blindly follow. She has had enough experience with me so she may give me the benefit of the doubt where soul confirmation is not readily available, but I know she and many others in the group would choose the voice of their souls over any authority I may have.

This situation does not exist in any of the churches I know about. I was excommunicated from the Mormon Church only because of my thoughts about the scriptures, not for anything I did. I assure you Craig, we will never call you before the Brethren here to explain your private thoughts and condemn you to hell for them.

Now to answer Glenys' question: It is true that in the Molecular Order the females have the magnetic-receiving energy and the males are radiant-sending. It is also true that from a higher view the male-female combinations will be viewed as one Adam (atom) or one unit of greater balance.

The members of the molecules will, especially in the beginning, lead dual lives - one as an individual and another as a member of a group life. The group life will have its goals, but this will not prohibit the individual from acting within his own sphere and initiating in harmony with his or her own soul.

It is possible that some of these nine of prophesy will be male/female units acting as one, but it is also possible that some could be individuals, either male or female. The thing to remember is that the greater powers or the soul and spirit are much more accessible when disciples operate within their natural energy. When the female initiates, the natural line of force is magnetism but for the male it is action-radiation.

In the beginning of the creation of human molecules there will be some imperfection in the lining up of energies and there will be times when the physical female will assume the male energy and the physical male will assume the female energy. This will produce some stress on the male-female units but it will not always prohibit the creation of a successful molecule. If the twenty four plus members of a molecule allow the spiritual energies to flow without resistance, a link can be established.

Here is another point. The Brotherhood are working through disciples all over the planet and even after the first molecule is created there will be many high disciples around the globe who may not be aware of it or drawn to it. Eventually all disciples will be molecular on the physical plane, but for some time to come there will be many who are only linked through their work to an unseen molecule of the Brotherhood.

So ladies - do not forego initiating because that is "a man's job." There is equal opportunity here. Sometimes male and female will work together, as my wife and I do in many areas, and sometimes you must act as an individual. Madame Blavatsky was in a female body yet was a much more powerful initiate and leader than was her husband.

No matter which sex we are, no matter what age or race, there are always more opportunities for leadership and initiation than we can imagine.