Oneness Through the Soul

2000-1-30 11:16:00

Brian says: "And with that said by you, JJ...color me a Keyster!!" Glad to hear some good news today. Thanks Brian.

By the way, has anyone noticed that presidential candidate Alan Keyes has stolen our name? People who support him for president are now called Keysters. Let's sue! (LOL)


Thanks for answering my question Chris. No, it wasn't too long.

Soul contact is just the beginning of an endless journey. Just because we participate to a degree in the oneness principle does not mean that we have achieved all there is to achieve. When we become members of the Kingdom of God, all knowledge is available to us if we earnestly put our attention on it; but which knowledge to bring into our sphere and what to do with it is an eternal process. Consequently if there be two people upon the Path one will be in a different location than the other.

If we are left to our own devices we will stumble on the path or wander off in strange directions in the dark. Sacred writings are given to us to help, but we often misinterpret them. The greatest aid to us is someone who has already taken the step we desire to take. This person knows all the pitfalls and most importantly he can testify that the step is really there to be taken.

Just as we earlier discussed the "snowflake principle", pointing out that no two snowflakes are the same, even so there is hierarchy in all things with each person playing a different part unique to him. There is a Hierarchy in all things because there is a universal need for hierarchy.

This need is recognized by the brothers on both the right and left hand paths, but their approach is different. Those on the left use hierarchy to control, and service is expected to the hierarchy. Those on the right use hierarchy as a means of service to the struggling lives and maximum free will for the individual is encouraged.

Without hierarchy there would be no plan for the eternal progress of mankind and individual lives. It would be each man for himself with no one to show us the way. There would be no Christ, no Buddha, no great teachers in our history who are all participating in hierarchical endeavor.

The Question for the day:

"Can we have an awareness of the imperfections of another yet still see the perfection within? How is this possible?"

"You gave some good answers on this one. John K said: "But if we would dare to offer ourselves fully, demanding nothing from the other, the connection can be made. The biggest barrier though might just be in the complexity of thoughts that we each have about "how things are", rather than seeking the true simplicity of what is. It doesn't take a genius to fall in love. And soul contact might just be the simple sustainable communication that two folks in love carry on without any effort at all.

"Complicated expectations, folks, is the killer. Simplicity, the answer. Ummm, simply put. :)"

JJ: Good point John. Falling in love is very simple. Then when we make things complex, by adding in all the imperfections, the simplicity of the soul is removed.

Susi also made some excellent remarks: "In my work, and from studies of my work and why it works, I have found that for me to see eye to eye with another, I must become that other. I open my heart and see with their heart, I feel their feelings and I step outside myself for a moment so that I do not get in the way of receiving the information they are willing to share with me. Certainly.....there probably already are 200 or more who see eye to eye.....they just aren't aware of each other yet ;-) Susi"

JJ: In other words walk a mile in their shoes.

Loretta (welcome to the list) writes: "When you are able to change your perception about what form energy is manifested as, and see it for what it truly is, you are able to transcend all boundaries. Being diligent about keeping this thought in mind is a challenge. So often we revert to our ego-centered thought of being an individual and forget that we are all truly one. Seeing The Christ in everyone and everything at all times is the blessed growth that we are fortunate to witness. There is simplicity to the thought that all energy is united. Nevertheless, a difficult concept to apply unilaterally.

"How is it that I could possibly be united with a murderer or rapist?"

JJ: Sometimes it is just as difficult to see Christ in a loved one who says an unkind word as it is a rapist. But to see Christ in a person who does harmful things is not to accept or condone their actions. You do not pretend that the person is innocent. Instead you do not put attention on the negative and place full attention on the Christ within. When you do this your personal world will be transformed, and you will be saved by Christ.

Saved? I can see Sterling's hair stand on end here. Yes saved, but remember there are many things to be saved from. When we see the Christ in our brother, instead of seeing imperfections to hate, we feel love and we are saved from this negativity.

This process must begin unilaterally. You can't wait around for your brother to see Christ with you. You must apply the principle first, just as Jesus said: "You love me because I first loved you."

I think the key word here is to look beyond the imperfections in the other to see the soul. This is difficult to do, but if we practice it daily the rewards will be great. Just ask my wife. She gets a lot of practice on me.

Question: The scripture says: They shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion. How can a group see eye to eye without the imposition of strong authority? We see how difficult it is with us don't we? Is it possible for 200 or more to see eye to eye?

The thing to remember here is that all have the capacity to have soul contact, but few have obtained it with proficiency. Those who are not yet sensitive enough (or unwilling) to hear the whisperings of the still small voice cannot see eye to eye on all things.

Those who are centered in the lower personality can agree on items of similar interest, but when the interest and philosophy differ, an impasse is reached and a lack of oneness is revealed. If two or more people have soul contact and are willing to use it, then they can throw the impasse before the Spirit of God within them and receive a unifying answer.

Whenever my wife and I reach a disagreement in the personality, and we feel it needs a solution, we seek communion with the Spirit of God together and when it comes, the disagreement is instantly removed and we are one again. It is a wonderful feeling. Our wrongful thinking is often just taken from us, and we cannot even remember what the disagreement was. When we seek an answer through the soul we both feel our lower natures rebelling at the idea and we have to force ourselves to seek for guidance together.

An answer through the soul can come in at least three ways.

(1) By honestly communicating with each other and sharing love as you do so.

(2) Through meditation

(3) Through Prayer

Now here is the major problem with a group with hundreds (or thousands) of people of diverse states of consciousness. If a number in such a group are incapable or unwilling in the present to achieve oneness through soul contact, then the fire of the Spirit that brings one mind will never descend upon them. So what is the answer?

Actually Jesus gave hints in some of his parables.

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field:
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. (Matt 13:25-30)

Matt 13:47-50 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net [maybe Internet?], that was cast into the sea [sea of people], and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world [age]: the angels [Messengers] shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

What is the meaning of these two parables? How do they indicate the path to oneness? What about the so called "wicked?" The literalists believe that they will be burned alive, but could the meaning be something else?