
1999-11-18 18:41:00

I have to give you credit for one thing. You are a determined son of a gun. You proceed unfazed no matter how much others disagree with you.

I have a piece of advice for you. Get in touch with your solar plexus and see if you really want to drop all those wonderful lower feelings.

Say a couple cuss words, kick a trash can...run out in to an open field screaming. Let it all hang out and see how it feels. You just might discover that there is wholeness (holiness) in allowing for the full depression of who you are in the moment - and you can believe in the oneness of all things.

Saul says:
"I presented a different way of perceiving oneness and duality from yours, JJ and that is all."

Oneness cannot be perceived. Duality can perceive duality, but duality cannot perceive oneness and oneness cannot perceive itself.

This aside, I do not think you have presented a "different way." I understand (not perceive) that oneness is oneness and no one in the universe has ever presented anything else on the matter.

Oneness is always there behind the scenes of duality. We should acknowledge this, accept the fact and move on with our progression.

"I have never passed any personal remarks on you or anyone else no matter what remarks they passed on me."

Maybe you should cuss us out a little for not understanding you.

"Why the defensiveness?"

Why the perception of defensiveness?

"Did you feel that I challenged your authority as a teacher?"


"I am not at all concerned with such things as personal authority which to me is illusion of all illusions. I am not concerned but with the authority of truth. Truth is the only thing I don't take my eyes off when I write. Truth is the only thing I search for when I read, ..."

At last, a point of agreement.

"...and if I notice some important truth missing somewhere as I see it I would want to share my take on the matter for the sake of love."

If this is your idea of love you have indeed loved us until our cup runneth over.

I don't want to be affected by anything but truth.

Your consciousness is here in this reality or you would not even be posting to this list. Let yourself be affected by this truth.