
1999-8-23 04:21:00

I was reading over the last chapter I posted and realized that some clarification may be necessary.

Let me quote:

"To understand this relationship, the first principle that must be realized is that there is life and consciousness in all forms, whether they be atomic, molecular, human, planetary or solar. Relatively perfect relationship which we call the Molecular Relationship exists in all forms from the cellular level on down. Even though life pervades all forms above the cellular, such lives have not reached Molecular Relationship. The cells within the organic lives such as plants, animals and humans have such relationship, but the greater lives are yet striving to obtain it. The plants yield to animals and the animals yield to human as the final point of attainment for this system. Now humanity goes forward with bodies of mineral, plant and animal components to bring completion to the present Purpose of God.

It is thus our responsibility as a species to take relationship to its next great beginning."

Rick and others may have a problem with the statement: "the greater lives are yet striving to obtain it."

By greater lives, I mean composite lives such as nations, planets, suns, galaxies and so on.

Relative to us humans there are greater lives who do practice it such as Christ and his Masters of Wisdom, but they are in human form and are the beginning of its implementation among humans on this little planet.

Among us regular mortal humans who do the grunt work on this earth the relationship has never taken root. This is what I refer to as the next great beginning - that is to establish it among us as a permanent system. This will be a great evolutionary step for this planet. Nevertheless, it will not make us unique for this relationship does exist on other planets, but percentage wise they are very few in number. Overall, man is young in the universe and we have a lot of Becoming ahead of us.