2006 Gathering, Part 9

2010-3-24 04:12:00


Today the topic of discussion will be time travel. Shirley was our star in our last presentation of time travel she went into the future and retrieved some very interesting information. Susan, what did Shirley come up with?

Audience:  "It was fascinating she described a society that was very much evolved unlike anything that we are familiar with now. She was a nurse for newborns, some type of caregiver, an occupation for children who hardly had any contact with adults or any down time. It was very interesting."

JJ:  The Scientologists have an interesting concept regarding time travel. Is anyone into Scientology here?

Audience:  Silence.

JJ:  I am not into it but I have read up on it. They have what they call a time track. They say that you can push a person forward or backward, they say that we are on a track that can take us backward or forward in time. They do not believe that you can actually travel to the future physically but it is more of a projected future and a real past. That is pretty much the way that I see time as it applies to us. Time is an interesting thing. Has anyone ever thought of what actually creates time?

Audience:  "Motion."

JJ:  Correct, time is created by motion. Imagine for a moment if there were no motion and think of everything that is in motion that is creating time. I am moving my hands around right now, we have mother earth spinning in motion, we have the clock here in motion. Suppose that clock were to stop? Time would keep on moving because everything else is in motion. But what if everything stopped with the clock? What would happen? Now we have the earth circling around the sun and the sun circling around the galaxy and the galaxy circling around billions of other galaxies. Everything is in motion around something else, and then we get smaller we have molecules in vibration -- we have atoms in vibration around the molecules, and you have the electrons spinning around the center of the atom -- and within the center of the atom you have the various quarks and mesons and other particles all in motion. If we had more information we would find more than that within the atom. Everything is in motion, and when scientists look further and further into matter what did they find?

Audience:  "Space."

JJ:  Yes, all they find is space. They cannot find anything but spac,e and it is amazing how much of our creation that is apparently empty space. Suppose the sun was as big as a basketball and the earth was as big as a BB. How far away would it be from the zero yard line on a football field? If I recall correctly, it would be 30 yards and it is only the size of a BB. Look at all that empty space. Now let's look at Pluto. How far away would Pluto be? It would be several miles away. Just look at the sun and the planets and look how much of it is just empty space. The sun as we said is the size of a basketball and the earth the size of BB and it is a 1/3 of the way down the football field. Pretty small. Now being this is about the size of the earth, Mars is smaller and Jupiter and Saturn are quite a bit bigger. 99.99 percent of this solar system is empty space. Now if you traveled to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star, how much space is between us there? If the earth were the size of a basketball and Alpha Centauri was the size of a basketball how far away would that next basketball be?

Audience:  "100 miles."

JJ:  No, you are way off. It would be in England. That is typical of the distance of the stars in our galaxy; and stars are very close together in the galaxy compared to the space between the galaxies. Between the galaxies there are vast amounts of space. Picture in your mind that the sun is the size of a basketball and the sun is a million times larger than the earth. In other words one million earths will fit inside the sun.

The nearest star the size of another basketball is in England, and the only reason we can see Alpha Centauri in the sky (a fairly dim star) is because it is really a sun that emits very bright light. Then there's Sirius, which is a hundred times brighter than our sun making it easier to see. Alpha Centauri is about the size of our sun and only as big as a basketball in England. Now we cannot even see a basketball in England. The only reason we see Alpha Centauri in the sky is because it is shining so brightly. We see it's bright light and we do not really see its orb. We just see the light that it shines forth because a sun is so bright that even a little pinpoint is easy to see.

We cannot even see the orb in most of the stars unless we have a very powerful telescope. We only see the light that the star gives off. It interesting at just how much empty space there is. You have all these stars that are as far away as basketballs in England and the U.S. and that is enough empty space. But then you figure the distance between galaxies. Our Milky Way galaxy alone has over 200 billion star systems like ours, and between the galaxies you have vast amounts of empty space.

Now, when we go down to the microcosm we have the atoms and at the center of the atom we have a nucleus orbited by electrons. Now this is a similar type of thing we see in the universe. The electrons would be a similar distance from the nucleus as the planets circling around the sun as we just described. This surface appears to be solid matter, but we know that it is made up atoms with all this space between them. So how come when I touch this it feels solid if it is 99.99 percent empty space? Why does this feel solid? How come we do not go through each other and able to walk through walls with all this empty space?

Audience:  "Because motion creates an energy field."

JJ:  Yes, it does that.

Audience:  "Frequency, or syncing of the vibration. If the vibration is out of sync then you do not get the penetration. In the movie, 'What the Bleep do we know?' There was a little boy on a basketball court. It was said that the basketball never touched the court and nothing really touches anything else but the magnetic polarities of everything pushes against each other."

JJ:  All of this has validity to it and the simplest way to understand it is to think of a tiny speck of dust in this ray of light here. Now if that speck of dust was going 10 miles an hour it would go back and forth like this and you would be able to pass right through this wall. Suppose it was going a hundred miles an hour, a thousand miles an hour, a million miles an hour, or suppose it was going near the speed of light. If one speck of dust was going near the speed of light the wall would be solid.

That is what happens with an electron. The electron circulates around it and produces a wave as well as electromagnetic energy; and, all produces a solid in relation to other atoms so they do not actually touch but create a barrier that prevents them from merging with each other.

So a barrier could actually be created here by one speck of dust going the speed of light, one that is so powerful that you would not be able to go through it if it's speed was fast enough. The electrons circle around atoms near the speed of light -- not at the speed of light but near the speed of light. This produces what appears to be solid. For instance, it appears that I cannot put my hand through this wall. It is interesting what Loraine said, that we are really not touching anything but instead there is just a barrier of energy there that it makes. It is not impossible, but impractical to go through this wall.

The scientists go deeper and deeper within the atom and they cannot find anything solid. In the beginning they came up with the word atom because they assumed this was going to be the smallest particle in the universe. The atom was theorized by an ancient Greek philosopher, and then finally in the early part of the last century they discovered that they exist and they thought this was it. This must be the smallest particle in the universe. But was it the smallest particle? Was it even a particle?

Audience:  "No."

JJ:  They explored the atom and found out electrons, and protons are traveling around in there like a miniature solar system. And then they found out it was mostly empty space. Then they began to wonder if there was such a thing as a solid. We keep getting smaller and smaller and we keep finding more space. They think that and if we go smaller still we may find the ultimate particle -- they call "the God particle."

We can only find one thing and that is wave lengths or some scientists call it string theory. Before string theory became popular back in 1978, I called it a wavelength. The wavelength is created from an unknown source. Where it comes from nobody knows because where it comes from has no form. We call this Purpose. We could call it a trinity or Light, Love and Purpose. We have the purpose of God originating from an unknown point and where it comes from no one knows. It is beyond time and space. It projects energy, and that energy begins to vibrate, and when it vibrates it creates the wavelength. The wavelength then creates everything there is. That is all the scientists can find are wavelengths. Everything in the universe is created by wavelengths. What does that mean? It means that everything is created by illusion because the wavelength is an illusion.

I call it the guitar string principle. You take a single guitar string and how many strings do you see? You see one string, now you pluck the string really hard. Now you see numerous strings but basically you see three strings. Which one is the real string? Are there three strings?

Audience:  "No."

JJ:  Correct, the guitar string, when it is vibrating, is just a wavelength. A wavelength with a top, a bottom and a middle. This creates all there is, and all this creation, our universe, is built on the principle of illusion of having the purpose energy of God in vibration, and that vibration creates a wavelength that is created out of illusion.

This is the reason that there is no traceable First Cause that anyone can find. It is the reason that new cause can be entered into this world, because it is built on the principle of illusion. If you are just dreaming a world you can just create energy in that dream. Let's suppose you are a dreamer and you have power over the dream. You could say well I could create a tree here, and explosion over here.

You can create reality if you are the master of illusion. God is the master of illusion, so he created this reality by making His essence vibrate. By making His essence vibrate up and down, we have the illusion of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost -- the Creator of all things. These aspects, which are called many things: the Father, Son, the Holy Ghost; first, second and third rays; Power, Love, intelligent activity are three esoteric names for them.

Each of these three divisions is what created the reality as we know it. From these three there are four other vibrations which finish off the seven rays. In the Bible they are called the seven creative spirits before the throne of God. In the Book of Revelations it tells us about the seven spirits that are before the throne of God, and these are the seven creative spirits or rays that we see in the colors of the rainbow. The weakest is indigo and the reason that is the weakest is because it is the most recent color to be added to our universe. As this universe ages, indigo will become more pronounced and more easily seen and recognized. In our musical notes we have seven major notes. The black keys, the sharps, represent the space in between the seven major notes. From the seven major notes we can create any type of music we want. From the three primary colors evolve the seven, and from them are all the colors in the universe that we see manifest.