Local Posts #54

2010-1-10 11:08:00

Dec 8, 2009 -- Post #1


In response to a letter from a lady named Judy told of helpful Christians, JJ responded with the following:

I enjoyed Judy's letter and it reminded me that there are many good Christians in this world. Yes, there are good and helpful people in all belief systems. There are many Judys in the world and the only place many homeless can find shelter from tonight's cold is the Christian Rescue mission and many kids will only get presents because of the Salvation Army or Deseret Industries. It makes me angry that many blindly condemn Christians as a whole because of supposed hypocrisy or because they had one look at them cross-eyed once.

This time of he year of all times we ought to make an effort to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, or even completely empty. Will Rogers was able to say he never met a man he never liked because he looked for the good rather than the bad. Overall, there is a lot more good in people of all faiths than there is evil if we just have the eyes to see.

May we all a least attempt to see the Judy's out there and realize they are legion.


Dec 9, 2009 -- Post #1


Cindy Aase is typical of mindless Fox News critics. Just accuse them of all kinds of "fabrications" and wrong doing with nothing to back it up.

All media makes a few mistakes, but Fox has fewer of them than the other stations. I just watched NBC news for a half hour and saw more distortion than Fox has in a month.

Cindy isn't really honest about the true reason she doesn't like Fox. The real reason is just pure unadulterated intolerance and lack of inclusiveness. She just cannot handle even one station out there airing views that challenge her own.

Whatever happened to the philosophy of Voltaire? "I may not agree with what you have to say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."

Fox has a right to their programming and has a right to make as many mistakes as NBC, CNN or MSNBC.


Dec 11, 2009 -- Post #1


According to Gallup only 38% of the public want Obamacare:

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_ events/healthcare/august_2009/support_for_congressional_health_care_ reform_falls_to_new_low

Why are the numbers sinking? Because the more people learn the more they wake up to the fact that when the government gets involved the costs do not go down, but goes up.

People are starting to realize that the cost of Obamacare will be much more than the premiums we pay. The increased taxes, debt and the extreme inconvenience will also be part of the payment.


Dec 11, 2009 -- Post #2


"Funny that you link to Rasmussen to cite a Gallup Poll."


I posted the wrong file though the Rasmussen article has some good data the Gallup is more recent:

http://trueslant.com/williamdupray/2009/12/09/obama- health-care-poll-numbers-cratering/


Dec 11, 2009 -- Post #3


"Bad news for those of you who still so blindly put faith in our government to be able to reduce health care costs.

"A new report has been published:



Every Harry Reid and Pelosi groupie need to read this. Obviously we just do not have the money to finance Obamacare let alone just reduce the Medicare age to 55. That alone could kill us.


Dec 11, 2009 -- Post #4


"Let's be fair, Joseph and apply that to all politicians. Obama certainly isn't the first to break a promise, nor will he be the last."


You're right and also many writers make mistakes, many unintentionally. Boulton comes up with some good solid facts that should not be ignored because of one mistake. I even assume Obama and Pelosi are telling the truth unless I know or discover otherwise -- or if something does not make sense.


Dec 11, 2009 -- Post #6

"Interested Observer":

"When you falsify information to make a point they no longer qualify as 'good solid facts.' (He accused a writer of falsifying information.)"


What, are you God now that you can judge the hearts of men? You do not know that he falsified anything. His information was not correct but it could have been a simple error in memory or his source. Maybe he was watching Olbermann.

He's not as bad as you and "TWall" who just made up the hearsay that Boulton intentionally falsified or made "up a few things."

"Interested Observer":

"It baffles me that you don't get that or that it doesn't bother you."



What? You want me to have a stomachache over this? If I let something as insignificant as this bother me I'd be upset all the time, as I see a number of mistakes in the media and on this forum on a daily basis.

"Interested Observer":

"Regardless of what side the writer is on, you should be annoyed Joseph, yet you defend it."



Here's a site listing 50 lies by Obama. Do any of them bother you? Probably not.


As far as I know, Boulton make a mistake -- like Obama did when he said there were 57 states.


"The point is negated when facts are made up right? Isn't that what he was pushing the other day with the global warming stuff? So it's ok for some, but not for others?"



Yes for others. Just as in Boulton's case I am for finding the truth with global warming.

Here was the context of my statement concerning Boulton way back in March:

"His numbers may be a little off but he has a valid point about the deficit money being driven into government rather than business where most jobs are created."

This was a valid point for most of the stimulus money is in the hands of bureaucrats and much of it is doled out as political favors.


"The great Republican and conservative Lie. Government run healthcare does not work. But we have had Medicare for seniors since 65. I know of no senior citizen that would call for the stopping of Medicare."



Ask any senior whether he would rather have the $9600 the government is spending on his Medicare or the insurance? A large portion, including me, would take the $9600.

Medicare is not working. It costs about three times the amount that other countries spend.

"Interested Observer":

"His bias is clear, but even when called out he ignores or denies."



Your bias is clear and when I make and argument Lefties cannot handle they ignore and deny.


Dec 14, 2009 -- Post #1

Doug Van Curen, VP, Humanists of Idaho, Boise, wrote:

"In the spirit of festive peace, I would like to encourage everyone to embrace, rather than reject, the diversity that is America. To that end I would like to wish everyone a Merry Alban Arthuan, Asara B'Tevet, Bain de Noel, Christmas, Hanukkah, Human Light, Id al Adha, Kwanzaa, Maunajiyaras, Omisoka, Pancha Ganapati, Rohatsu, Solstice, Yule, Zarathosht Diso, and any that I might have missed. Oh yes, and Happy New Year to all."


If someone were to wish me a "Merry Alban Arthuan" or "Merry Maunajiyaras" a number of possibilities would go through my mind:

  1. He just escaped from a mental institution and I should call authorities.
  2. He is a comedian practicing on me.
  3. He is insulting me and I should insult him back.
  4. He is a Lefty speaking the latest politically correct mumbo jumbo.

If I went with number four, I would just return with a "Merry Christmas." That alone could put him into apoplectic shock.


Dec 17, 2009 -- Post #1


The bottom line on global warming theory is this. Even before the fraudulent emails revealed that data was manipulated they could not come up with a formula that could tell us how much of the mild warming over the last century was caused by an increase in CO2. Neither could they explain why the earth cooled during the first great surge of CO2 between 1940-1978.

Now fraud has been revealed and records have been dumped it is almost impossible to recreate accurate land based temperature records and present legitimate theory.

Will the earth warm or cool in the next 100 years? Who knows? We do know, however, we are cyclically due for another ice age.

Is it more important to prepare for excessive warming or for a collision with an asteroid or comet? A celestial impact would be more devastating so maybe we should spend trillions preparing rockets to blast them to smithereens

Come to think of it I forgot to buy my meteor damage insurance.


Dec 17, 2009 -- Post #2


100 reasons climate change is natural:




Dec 17, 2009 -- Post #3

Mocking global warming skeptics, "Buckaroo" writes:

"Climate change is a hoax, just like the 'Jury is still out' on Evolution.

"Hey, even the Pope admitted that Galileo was right about the Earth revolving around the Sun."


This is a typical example of Lefty reverse, upside-down logic. The Galileo correspondence is a million miles off.

Galileo had actual physical proof with a telescope. He invited the deniers to look through the instrument and see the proof for themselves and they refused.

There is no such proof of a global warming emergency today. Those who refuse to look through the telescope of reality today are the global warming alarmists who refuse to look at skeptical data and try to suppress it similar to the attitude of the medieval Vatican.

I'll bet most Lefties here were expecting the sky to fall at Y2K. I was right on that before it came and will be proven right again.


Dec 17, 2009 -- Post #4


"Is your memory that short Joseph? In 1999 it was the Faux Conservo-nuts who were screaming about Y2K."


Wow! You Lefties are so obsessed with Fox News you bring it up when it has nothing to do with anything. My memory is fine as I was talking about myself. Here is a quote from my writings dated March, 1999:

"'The end of the world will not come around the year 2000. Y2K may create some problems but they will be solved and we will move on... Now is not the time to sell all we have and head to the mountains or fanatically prepare for Y2K.'"

From this I received some angry response basically calling me a Y2K denier similar to the way I am now called a global warming denier.

As for Fox News they were pretty level headed about it. Most of the alarm I saw came from other media. Art Bell, a big global warming alarmist, who helped with the alarmist movie "Day After Tomorrow" was one of the many "warmers" dead wrong about Y2K.


Dec 17, 2009 -- Post #5


"First, why do you and the deniers ignore the melting ice in Glacier NP, Kilimanjaro, Antarctica, etc? Why do you refuse to look at the fact that the last decade was the warmest ever, according to the WMO?"


Oh, no, I am insulted comparable to "Buckaroo." I am accused of being a denier when I am denying nothing that is true! I must prove myself and give out all my credentials... Not!

And why do you refuse to acknowledge that glaciers have been in an overall melting mode for over 10,000 years - long before the automobile? Thousands of underwater volcanoes are also a source of heat that melts some sea ice. Are you aware that if the Arctic ice melts that sea level is not affected because the ice is floating? A melting ice cube does not make increase the water level.

Are you aware that glacier ice worldwide may be increasing because new ice is forming in Antarctica?
