Local Posts #46

2009-11-22 05:30:00


Oct 7, 2009 -- Post #1


Great letter by Jack Peters with solid points of undeniable truth.

I came across some information that astounded me a few days ago. The global surface temperature records since 1980 have mysteriously disappeared from off the face of the earth and are no longer available to researchers. This should be a front-page story, but since it makes the global warming alarmists look like they are hiding something the friendly media gives them coverage. Read about it here:


Getting data on tree core research has also been difficult for scientists and when it was finally released it was revealed that distorted temperature charts were created by cherry picking data.


Here's an interesting one: Sea Ice levels are the same as they were in 1979.



Oct 7, 2009 -- Post #2


Here's an interesting site noting the advantages of increased CO2 and global warming, if it should continue:



Here's an article showing that global cooling has continued since 1998:



12 Facts about Global Climate Change That You Won't Read in the Popular Press:



Oct 8, 2009 -- Post #1

Joe Bejsovec asks:

"What's the message behind the image of a gun-toting idiot at the town meeting? Is it a further attempt by the NRA to do away with the American democracy."


There's an interesting story behind one of the major images used of gun toten' angry white guys. The one from Arizona was not white, but an African American. Some of the media clipped the image so all you saw was the gun and not the color of his skin so they could present the image of angry white Republicans protesting with guns.

Here's a site that reveals the truth and the owner of it is a gutsy black guy, not afraid of the truth:


And remember how Lefties on this forum were all over Republicans for carrying Hitler signs to Barney Frank's Town Hall? It turns out that these guys were Democrats, but you would never learn that from CNN:



Oct 8, 2009 -- Post #2


Here's an article saying that the rate of claims denied is much higher from Medicare than by private insurance. So, Graymatter, do you have evidence this is not correct?

See:  http://healthcarehorserace.com/activism/10062009/medicares

Here is a view of the figures:



"JoJo: Yet you did state there are death panels."


Yes, you could say the insurance companies have death panels also, but with a major difference. When you sign up the contract already states that which is covered and that which is not. If you do not like the life saving coverage that will be denied then you do not have to subscribe to it or pay for it...The Left is trying to deceive us into thinking there will be no death panels so we will sign up, pay taxes as premiums and yet be denied life saving treatment more than ever.

Yes, I said that panels in insurance companies that decide life and death are death panels. I did not say there are death panels in the bill, but if the bill is passed then shortages of services and money will result forcing the creation of death panels (future).


Oct 9, 2009 -- Post #1


Ms Shaner is correct that two contradictory teachings in different belief systems cannot both be true but seems to overlook the fact that all the religions of the earth have many things in common. If people concentrated on the things they have in common rather than the differences then the world would be a much more peaceable place.

Here are come common threads in most religions:

They believe in God or some type of higher intelligence.
There is some type of intelligent plan unfolding in creation.
They have a concept of brotherhood and goodwill.
They believe in the ultimate dominance of good over evil.
They believe in loving your neighbor.
They accept cause and effect - that our deeds will reap rewards or punishments.
They believe in prayer or meditation.
They believe in helping the less fortunate.
They believe in being honest.

The point is all religions have quite a lot in common if we look.


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #1


I hear Rev. Wright is in line for the next Nobel Peace Prize.


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #2

"Zekenaja" wrote:

"The award was for his vision of peace including ending nuclear arms and reaching out in a powerful voice to the rest of the world. Yes, the bullyism of Bush probably played a role."


Bush isn't so bad. Kind of reminds me of Clint Eastwood. Obama's more like David Spade.


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #3

"Proletariat" wrote:

"Republicans cheered when America failed to land the Olympics and now they are criticizing the President of the United States for receiving the Nobel Peace prize - an award he did not seek but that is nonetheless an honor in which every American can take great pride - unless of course you are the...??"


I never heard any Republicans cheering about this. Making things up again are you?


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #4

"Bulegila55" wrote:

"I know Clint, he'd be very angry at you for comparing him to the Loser Bush."


Okay, so you saw him one time when he was filming Bronco Billy. Dirty Harry would certainly gasp at Barney Fife being given he Nobel Prize and would not have stood for Saddam defying the cease fire and dozens of U.N. resolutions. Clint would have been willing to stand against the world, just like Bush. It takes a gutsy guy to order a surge when even your own party is against it.


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #5

"Reddog181" wrote:

"Wow - you don't really expect us to buy that crap do you -- ALL stations carried Rush - Beck - and FOX jumping around like school girls and cheering. I just love it when you deny the obvious, LOL."


Give me a quote instead of repeating hearsay.

The quote:

"Edie" wrote:

"Limbaugh:  'For those of you on the other side of the aisle listening in who are upset that I sound gleeful -- I am. I don't deny it. I'm happy. Anything that gets in the way of Barack Obama accomplishing his domestic agenda is fine with me.'"


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #6


Rush wasn't cheering over the U.S. not getting the Olympics but over Obama's reduced status giving him less power to impose socialism.


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #7

"Bulegila55" wrote:

"You are such a typical white, republican, racist, low-ender. The minute someone calls you on your unethical, hypocritical behavior, you cry like a little girl and play the 'Victim.'

"Grow up you punk. You can dish it out, but you sure can't take it.

"As I said; typical, typical."


Typical hate response from the Left.


Oct 10, 2009 -- Post #8


Well there's one guy who is happy Obama received the Nobel prize - Fidel Castro:



Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #1


Before we switch over to a system like Canada's we need to find out why our socialized medicine - Medicare and Medicaid costs $9600 per person and Canada's costs $3200. We cannot afford to expand on a program that costs three times as much as Canada's.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #2

"AlphaDR" wrote:

"And just to show you how the media is not being truthful, please look at the following survey that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine and shows that nearly 63% of doctors surveyed want a public option. As of yesterday, Fox News was still reporting the exact opposite."


That's not what I heard on Fox. I heard the results of a different type of survey that was also credible. I think it is your bias against Fox that is showing. How about your reference to Fox's bias rather than just making hearsay accusations?


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #3


What are you talking about? I pay over $9,000 a year for private insurance with high co-pays and deductibles. Medicare charges about $100.00 a month with supplementals costing the same. What are you talking about?

The cost of Medicare is much more than $100 a month. Taxpayers pay $9600 per person. My medical insurance as a self employed person is only $2000 a year and I'm 64.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #4

"Webfoot" wrote:

"Please do not refer to Fox as "news" or quote them as 'reliable.' I'll go with the New England Journal of Medicine, thank you. MSNBC states their basis up front. Fox claims to be 'fair and balanced.' LOL."


So what did Fox News say that was not in harmony with this? Instead of just throwing out mindless accusations give us some facts.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #5

"InterestedObserver" wrote:

"Joseph as mentioned before by others, your number is not exactly correct. The $9600 is a skewed number. Why do you choose to only report partial information instead of the entire picture?"


If you have anything that gives more accurate data I'd be happy to see it.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #6


"www.kff.org Kaiser Family Foundation has extensive research on the topic. Differing costs by region and costs of complex medical conditions for a small percent of beneficiaries skew the numbers."


I can't find anything in your site to contradict anything I have said.

Let's figure the per person costs this way. There are approximately 43 million people enrolled in Medicare and the yearly budget is $644 billion. Divide $644 billion by 43 million and what do you get? The number is $9488 per person which is pretty close to the $9600 circulated a number of places on the Internet. Here is one:

Since 1970, the per-patient costs of all health care apart from Medicare and Medicaid have risen from $364 to $7,119, while Medicare's per-patient costs have risen from $368 to $9,634.



Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #7


"You are exactly right..."


Why don't you give us this inaccurate data from Fox News instead of just trashing it on hearsay?


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #8


"Thank you for this, Alpha.


"It explains why we have been turned completely upside-down; and how the poor Fox watchers have been completely fleeced."


Wow! you have to go back to 1996 to find something wrong with Fox News. I can do more than that with any media. By the way, I enjoyed that site, especially the baking soda cancer cure and the anti Global warming film.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #9


"Fox advanced the death panel lie through Hannity and others, the VA death book lie through Chris Wallace, they lied about the other stations not covering the 9/12 protests (got in big trouble over that one), Glenn Beck is almost a pathological liar (claimed Vancouver lost $1 billion on their...."


Quit changing the subject. What you say here is debatable for another discussion. Where is their supposed lie about Health Care statistics?

What's that I hear?



Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #10


"So are you saying the lawsuit did not occur?"


No. I said you had to go back to 1996 to find a problem. You can do that with any media. For instance the Dateline Staged car crash at:


Over 90% of the supposed "lies" at Fox News are true but just something the Left does not want to hear.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #11


"Can you show me where you got the 'over 90%' statistic? Source?"


That's just a personal guess from all the false accusations I have seen against Fox. I'm still waiting for the accused false health data that was supposed to be on Fox News.

What's that I hear?



Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #12


You are changing the subject again. You said:

"New England Journal of Medicine and shows that nearly 63% of doctors surveyed want a public option. As of yesterday, Fox News was still reporting the exact opposite."


The IBD poll you cite gives additional information, not opposite information. The site you mentions discredits it because it was done by mail but the poll you like was done by mail also. How hypocritical. There's nothing wrong with the IBD poll except in Lefties' wild imagination.


Oct 11, 2009 -- Post #13

"Byte" says:

"The US system is not going to change; the insurance companies have too strong a lobby. The US spends 16% of GDP on health care, compared to Canada's 7%. Where do you think that extra 9% goes? Into the insurance industry, and from there into the pockets of politicians, via lobbyists."


How about Medicare and Medicaid that spend three times as much as Canada with no insurance involved?

Obviously, it's not insurance that is the problem.