The Highest Religion

2009-7-7 15:30:00

David asks:

"I am also interested in the groups opinion of The Book of Mormon. Do members here consider it a work of scripture?"


The group as a whole only has one belief:

"The highest religion is truth, whatever that is."

The Keys was started by Rick Audette who doesn't particularly like Mormonism, and was not intended to be a group to draw anyone of any particular belief, except for those who are searching for greater light.

Presently, I would guess that maybe a third of the members have some type of LDS [Mormon] background in their lives. We get quite a few questions related to LDS teachings, but we do not seek to be an LDS group. The group as a whole sees all the churches as a kindergarten experience. Some things we learned there are useful, but we want to concentrate on the quest for knowledge not sought in the major religions.


"How would it compare to wisdom literature. For example, I place The Bible, The Koran and the Bhagavad Gita above works such as 'Seth Speaks,' Madam Ospensky, 'The Course on Miracles' and other channeled works."


I assume you mean Madame Blavatsky. I'd put them all in a similar category as far as truth goes. You have to study them all in the light of the soul.


"I am not familiar with DK writings but it appears from the messages I have read here that it is also a channeled work. By 'channeled' I mean that the mouthpiece for the work is in a trance state and a particular advanced being speaks though that person."


The only work you mentioned received in the trance state was Seth. The DK writings were received in a similar manner that Joseph Smith received his; except that Alice A. Bailey wrote them down herself as she received them, so obviously no trance state was involved. She carefully explains the method by which she received the messages.

In the trance state astral entities from the spirit world are contacted. Some are more intelligent than others, but they are not masters. Christ and the Holy Ones associated with Him work through a higher form of either impression or mental telepathy.

I would invite you to read the Bailey works as they take you way beyond anything else offered from an extra human source.


"Under this definition, The Book of Mormon is somewhere in between The Bible and the channeled works listed above."


The Book of Mormon is far from unique in the method of reception as the works of Alice A. Bailey, "A Course in Miracles," "The Koran," and works of Madam Blavatsky were received in a similar manner in full consciousness.


"Assuming the BoM is, on this site, considered inspired writings, I offer the following in support of the message below."


Myself and other members sometimes quote from Mormon works here, but any writing from any source that emphasizes some truth is considered a positive thing.


"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."
  -- William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830)