12 Keys of Discipleship, Part 17

2009-6-5 03:59:00

Keys Of Discipleship -- Key Nine (Cont'd)


I plunged into the treatise and finished the first draft within a few days. At first I called the concept "Molecular Marriage" rather than "The Molecular Relationship. When I was done I realized that I had written down a combination of principles that perhaps have never been put into words. I thought that since Onias seemed to have gotten a correct revelation for me to write a treatise expanding the principle of marriage that the light that was in him would see the inspiration through the same eyes that I had.

Curtis was the first one to read it and he thought it was inspired and was excited about the concept so that seemed to be a good omen. I also shared it with several members of the group who were very impressed with it. I mailed Onias a copy. He was coming down in a few days so this would give him time to digest it before we met again.

A week or so later he made another trip to Boise, Idaho, and I was very interested to see what he thought of the treatise. When he arrived we exchanged pleasantries as usual and when the time was right we sat down to discuss the manuscript. I laid a copy on the table and asked him what he thought of it. Suddenly, his countenance changed from amiable and friendly to very serious.

The dialog went something like this:

His head began shaking back and forth. "This is just not right," he said looking at the manuscript.

"What's not right?" I asked.

"This is nothing like I had envisioned."

I explained that it was nothing like I had envisioned either, but if I had ever received a revelation in my life then this was it.

He then explained that I had not written the message that was needed which was to expand on the concept of plural marriage and what he called "the law of adoption." He thought that I had gone off target toward what he called "dark doctrines," and suggested I start over from scratch and rewrite the whole thing. He said that if I did not write it correctly he would have to do it himself.

I told him that I would contemplate further to see if any more inspiration came but that I was very confident in what I had written so far.

He shook his head again and repeated that this just was not what he was looking for.

After that we kind of put the treatise on the shelf and didn't speak of it between us but talked of other things. Then after he went back to Canada I continued to teach the principle. I thought to myself that if what I've written is correct that there would have to be an overshadowing to make a connecting link. It was not long after this that I received a witness to such a link. Such a witness was described in the overshadowing experience in my book The Lost Key of the Buddha," but in different circumstances. That is all I will say at present and may write of the full experience at a later date.

After the experience I taught the molecular principles in earnest and sought to create a molecule of seekers. After teaching it to the local group I soon had six committed to the principle, including Bill and Onias' daughter, and we seemed to be off to a workable start.

Around this time we received a call from Onias telling us that he wanted us to get together with a group of interested seekers in Texas. We had been in communication with several people there who really wanted to meet us and he told them that he would see if he could get Curtis and I and maybe several others from Boise to go down. A short time later a group of us were headed down to Texas.

We had a good meeting. It was empowering to have a merging of the Boise and Texas group. Everything went great until we approached end of our meetings and Onias shared with us a new revelation. Instead of being about doctrine this one consisted of personal instructions to each of us. Even that wouldn't have bothered me if the instructions had a profound meaning, but these consisted of fairly trivial things. One thing that really got to us was that God supposedly issued instructions to Curtis's wife, Kathy, that she was supposed to bake bread and sell it. We both knew that she would have no interest in pursuing this direction. To this day I cannot remember the rest of the instructions as they were all of similar trivial jobs.

The whole revelation just didn't set well with us but we thought we owed it to Onias to give him a full consideration so we both knelt in prayer in our motel room and prayed about it.

We both received the same answer which was that this revelation came from his own personality, that revelation was not meant to direct people in trivial parts of our lives that are meant to be handled by our own decisions. We then approached Onias and told him the answer we had received, that we could not support the revelation. We reminded him that his own revelations told him his mission was to cry repentance to the church and that we did not sense that directing our lives was part of his calling.

He was very offended by this and insisted that this current revelation was as inspired as any he had received. Then we told him we were sorry but we couldn't support a revelation just because he gave it but we had to receive a confirmation on anything that took us into new territory.

He seemed to understand, but a week or so after arriving home we learned that he received another revelation concerning us. The revelation stated that I had fallen from my station (whatever that was) "because of pride" and Curtis was astray also. The funny thing was that since Curtis and I were the heads of the group he could not throw us out or excommunicate us. He did the next best thing. He first gave his revelation to Bill and his daughter Opal who both accepted the revelation that I had fallen and, following his instructions, they took all copies of the mailing lists from the office and departed.

They then sent the revelation that I had fallen to everyone on the list along with a letter detailing a number of things about me that were either distorted or just flat out not true. They accused me of mishandling funds which I thought was odd since I had contributed significant funds to the work myself and had never taken anything for myself.

Whatever the case, even though Curtis and I were the head of the organization we found ourselves almost as bad as being expelled since we were without our list of seekers.

From that point on each prospect for "the Molecule" had a major event that turned their attention away from the goal. As I said Bill and Opal were the first to go. Since Opal was Onias' daughter I could understand her allegiance, but Bill surprised me.

Then another guy went to church one Sunday and when he entered the building he heard a voice saying, "this is Zion." He groveled to get back in the church and we never heard from him again. Another received a revelation that he was Hitler in a past life and went off to join the Aryan Nations. Everyone involved had something strange happen. Even Curtis was not immune for his wife had an affair that devastated him to the point that the work was the last thing on his mind. He wound up putting the work on hold and building up his business so he could survive in the real world.

Within a short time I had no group. No one was left but me. In this situation "the Presence" that communed with me said that he was leaving, but would return when I had gathered the quality of people necessary to create the Molecule.

This has been my goal since that time, one that I will continue to work toward until my last breath and beyond to the next life if necessary.


"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death."
  -- Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)