Deliverance in the Whirlwind -- Part 5

2008-10-7 04:29:00

Deliverance In The Whirlwind -- Part Five

by E. T. Tennyson
(Published circa 1959)

A Martial Law From Jerusalem?

And who knows that the Lord will not move his "transmitter" underground and broadcast his words of comfort to frightened Believers huddled in their underground shelters all over the earth, and instruct them with words of assurance above the terrible noise of the shrieking winds as they rip across the surface of the earth? Heaven knows Believers will need comfort and assurance in that day! And the prophets indicate that the very first act of the Lord Jesus will be to declare a "martial law" over the earth, and from the day he sets foot upon the mount of Olives -- and perhaps right on through the WHIRLWIND and from then on -- he will give out his Law and his word of instruction from Jerusalem, and what better way than some kind of a worldwide broadcast?

"For the law [perhaps first a "martial law"] shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord [of instruction, comfort, and assurance, perhaps right on through the WHIRLWIND] from Jerusalem." (Micah 4:2)

Of course this will sound strange and unbelievable to many, and we expect many to scoff as they read these lines! For while these are plain and simple words of the prophets -- and there are many more which we cannot take the space to quote -- we have been fed the same old religious doctrines for so long that it is difficult to take the prophets at their word. But it is not at all unreasonable that his "broadcasting sanctuary" will be underground but high up in the Mount of Olives so that his voice will carry to every shelter, even in the far-flung spots of the earth.

While it is comforting to think that the Lord Jesus might broadcast words of assurance and instruction during the Storm, it is also rather frightening that the Lord Jesus himself, who has immortality and who cannot be destroyed, will go into the shelter during the WHIRLWIND! But this agrees with the above prophecy of Zechariah that the Lord shall come into the shelter under the mount of Olives "and the saints with him." Certainly the Lord Jesus will have his own reasons for seeking refuge from the Storm, but the very fact that he does, reveals the terrible devastation of it, and shows the importance of warning others. For if the Lord Jesus at Jerusalem takes refuge while the Almighty shakes terribly the earth in the Armageddon Storm, surely there is no hope of survival for anyone else who does not do likewise!

Warning Never Forgotten

But while earth's millions know nothing about the coming storm now, this warning of it is something that will stick in their minds from now on, and whether or not they believe, they will think about it and discuss it with others. One piece of literature may be passed around chain-like to many, and you can be positive that No person who reads these lines will ever forget it!

They won't all believe now by any means, and many will think that we are definitely "off," but the important thing now is to get the warning in their hands. For it is of such a nature that every person who reads these lines will remember, and while many will scoff at it now, when the MAN Jesus actually returns to Jerusalem and they hear his voice roar from on high, they will definitely remember and they may OBEY, and if so, you will have had a part in saving their lives!

For already the chain has started and many are passing it on, and it could go on to the very ends of the earth. We hear from many who are accepting the warning, and it has been called to our attention that one group is now planning to move to Jerusalem, perhaps with the thought in mind that the Lord's shelter under the Mount of Olives will provide greater protection. But while it is only natural and good sense to provide for our own protection, if this is our only concern, it would appear to be rather selfish. The Lord will take care of those at Jerusalem, and it would appear that the unselfish thing to do is to remain right where we are and warn our own community. Obviously it is for this very reason that we are given the warning, and certainly this accounts for the fact that so many today are isolated and the only ones for miles around who have received the warning. So if you appear to be the only one in your community who has received the warning, you can understand why (and if so, write us for suitable printed matter so that you can warn your neighbors).

Deliverance For The Living And Dead

While our deliverance will depend upon the voice from Jerusalem, we cannot all go there, and certainly it is not necessary that we do so. For both the living and the billions who are dead will depend upon this voice, and we can now understand the words of Joel that "in mount Zion and in (or from) Jerusalem shall be deliverance" (Joel 2:32)! For if we are living when the Lord Jesus returns to Jerusalem, we must obey his voice in order to survive the WHIRLWIND, but if we have died in the meantime, it is this same voice that will call us from the dead (John 5:28), and both the living and the dead will forever obey the Law from Zion and the voice of this MAN Jesus and his government at Jerusalem.

The Antichrist

Certainly if you and I are living in that day we will let nothing pull us away from our television screen and speaker -- if this is the method the Lord Jesus uses -- simply because we have been warned in advance and we believe the warning. But while it would seem that every person would listen to his voice and hail him as the Saviour of the world, this is far from the case! For other than the atheistic nations who have little faith in anything, there are actually so-called religious movements today who actually teach that the Lord Jesus will never come back to this earth in the flesh, and this in spite of the fact that the prophets tell us plainly that this is the very ANTICHRIST doctrine!

With all of the evidence that he is the "same Jesus," that he will stand upon the mount of Olives and that every eye shall see him, it is difficult to understand how any sane person could reject such facts and accept the ANTICHRIST doctrine, and strange indeed is it that even so-called religious movements accept it! But the Apostles tell us that they had trouble with this false doctrine, and today there appears to be such a desperate effort to promote it that some religious movements actually canvass local communities from house to house and send their members out in the world with this doctrine that Jesus has become some kind of phantom, ghost or invisible spirit who will never come back to this earth as a man. And strange as it seems, these movements are growing world-wide, and thousands of innocent people are taken in by them yearly. And this in spite of the plainly written words of the prophets that this doctrine is the very ANTICHRIST, and that those innocent people who go from house to house with it are actually DECEIVERS:

"For many DECEIVERS have gone out into "he world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the FLESH ["who do not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in HUMAN FORM," says Smith-Goodspeed Version]; such a one is a DECEIVER and the ANTICHRIST." (2 John 7, Revised Standard Version)

Beware Of The Doctrine Of The Antichrist!

Many have wondered about ANTICHRIST, and surely the prophet here makes it clear, and it is quite likely that every reader of these lines will eventually be contacted by workers of these movements; for they are "going out into the world" from house to house, the prophet tells us! But there is no reason to be deceived, for the prophet gives a positive identification of them! While they are not likely to mention the doctrine of ANTICHRIST when they first visit you, they are likely to suggest a "study" in your home where the brainwashing begins! But you have only to use the Prophet's identification! Simply ask them if they believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth in the FLESH! This will identify them if they are of the ANTICHRIST, the prophet assures us, for "they will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the FLESH or HUMAN FORM."

Hold To The Doctrine Of Christ

For the prophet warns us to "abideth in the doctrine of CHRIST," and of course if the false teaching that Jesus will never return to this earth in the FLESH is the doctrine of ANTICHRIST, it goes without saying that the true doctrine of CHRIST is that he WILL return to this earth in the FLESH to set up his Kingdom at Jerusalem and save the world! And this gives you complete protection from ANTICHRIST! For if anyone comes to your house and does not bring this doctrine of CHRIST (that he will return to Jerusalem in the FLESH to set up his Kingdom and save the world), "do not receive him into your house," is the clear warning of the prophet:

"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come [IS COMING -- Greek] in the FLESH. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ [that he WILL come in his FLESH], path not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he bath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine [that Christ Jesus will return to Jerusalem in his FLESH to set up his Kingdom and save the world], receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed; for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." (2 John 7-12)

Be Tolerant?

The tendency today is to be tolerant toward all religions, and we are certainly in complete agreement with this policy. We are not in the religious business, and in trying to publish the facts as set forth herein we are neither for nor against any particular religion. We have never considered it our right to censure any person or his religion, and we certainly are not going to start to do so here. But when religious movements teach this ANTICHRIST doctrine that could well, lead to the slaughter of millions in the Armageddon WHIRLWIND, we feel that we are not only justified in trying to show up this false doctrine, but that we would be partakers of their evil deeds if we did not do so! For this organized effort to destroy the truth of the coming flesh and blood man Jesus is undoubtedly the most dangerous movement that has ever been turned loose upon mankind!

The ANTICHRIST doctrine has already invaded the theological seminaries, the Sunday schools, the denominations and the sects of organized religion, until today millions of good people honestly believe that Jesus is only some kind of a ghost or invisible spirit, and they are no longer looking for him to return to this earth. Because of this doctrine many religions today teach that Christ's Kingdom is already here as something "in men's hearts" or the church organizations or some theocratic arrangement of men, and a whole new generation has lost sight of the words of the prophets that the MAN Jesus will return to the old throne of David at Jerusalem to set up his Kingdom and save the world of mankind!

While little understood, this ANTICHRIST movement is far more dangerous than the atomic bomb, and if not stopped it could well destroy mankind with this whole world-system of things! For at the rate this ANTICHRIST movement is growing today, if Armageddon should be far enough in the future that this generation should pass away, the next entire generation might fall for this false doctrine! While it is often a "sin of omission" of the leaders of religion, the innocent young people are totally unaware of the danger of it, and there is no way for them to know that it could lead them straight to the slaughter in the Armageddon WHIRLWIND! For when the voice of the Lord roars from the Mount of Olives, certainly the young people could not be expected to accept it as the voice of the Lord Jesus when they have been led to believe that he is now only a ghost or invisible spirit who will never return to this earth in the flesh!

A Time Of Confusion

So not only is it vitally important to give the warning now, but we can see the need of retaining this warning in permanent book form to pass on to our children of the coming generation, just in case Armageddon does not come in our lifetime. For Armageddon will be a time of terrific strain upon them -- a time that will try men's souls -- and surely we owe it to our children and to the coming generation to at least try to warn them in advance, and to leave with them a permanent record of this warning which could save their lives in the great and terrible day of the Lord.

For while we can only visualize the terrible confusion of that day, it seems likely that the news agencies will scream the headlines that the voice from Jerusalem is that of an impostor who claims to be "the King of the Jews," and certainly both the atheistic and the so- called "Christian" followers of ANTICHRIST (who have been led to believe that Jesus is an invisible spirit who will never return to this earth) will be everywhere trying to prove that the MAN at Jerusalem is a fraud! Visualize your son or your daughter (or anyone's son or daughter for that matter), confronted with such a decision of that day, and you will do everything within your power to try to warn them in advance!

Marks Of Identification

For we are assured by the prophets that this generation will not pass away until a Great Multitude is warned, and that those who are warned need not be deceived! For when the Lord Jesus returns to Jerusalem "in the midst of Israel," he will somehow prove to his people that it is HE, and none else (maybe by flashing across the television screen the identifying scars of the wounds in his hands -- Zechariah 13:6), and there will be a Great Multitude who will not be deceived! For before this, the prophets tell us, the Lord will pour out his spirit upon all flesh, and our sons and daughters will prophesy (proclaim the warning) and both old men (and women) and young men (and women) will believe; for they will dream dreams and see visions of surviving the Armageddon Storm and of living forever upon this earth:

"And ye shall know that [when] I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God [Mighty One], and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. And it shall come to pass afterward [during these "last days" -- Dr. C. Scofield"s Version -- just before Jesus returns to Israel], that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [proclaim the warning], and your old men [and women] shall dream dreams [of living through the Armageddon Storm and forever upon this earth], your young men [and women] shall see visions [of surviving the WHIRLWIND to endless life upon this earth]: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." (Joel 2:27-29)

Publishing The Warning

Possibly the greatest advertising campaign that has ever been carried on upon this earth is yet to be done, and already we can see signs of the spirit of the Lord being poured out upon all flesh! For all over this earth today young men (and women) and old men (and women) are advertising the warning in newspaper ads, handing out and distributing printed matter by mail, and talking to every one they meet about it, and it now seems obvious that this advertising campaign is just getting started! While these men and women are completely unorganized, and we hardly know any of them and hardly any of them are known to one another, we consider it the greatest privilege to work with them and supply them with the needed printed matter to give out the warning.

For the prophets seem to foretell just such a disorganized advertising campaign by a Great Multitude in these last days, and it now seems almost certain that many of these "young men (and women) and old men (and women)" will be of that Great Multitude foretold by the prophets. For while they will be from all nations, kindreds, people and tongues, and completely disorganized, isolated, and unknown to one another, they will "cry with a (one) loud voice," the prophet tells us, which could well picture their UNITED effort in publishing this WARNING from the prophets. For it is this Great Multitude ONLY who will "come out of (or SURVIVE) the great tribulation" of the Armageddon WHIRLWIND, and who will be fed, comforted, and protected by the Lamb (Jesus) through it:

"After this I beheld, and lo, a GREAT MULTITUDE, which no man could number [because unorganized, isolated, and unknown even to one another?], of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne ['stood watching for the throne'or coming Kingdom -- actual Greek], and before the Lamb ['watching for the Lamb' or the coming of the Lord Jesus], clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a [one] loud voice [a public proclamation?], saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb [and nothing else?] . . . These are they which came out of [or will SURVIVE the] great tribulation [of the Armageddon WHIRLWIND] . . . They shall hunger not [Greek -- see Emphatic Diaglott -- during the WHIRLWIND?], neither thirst, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb [Jesus] which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them into living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." (Revelation 7:9-17)

While many of us may not live until that day, it is now almost certain that many who read these lines will do so, and that they will be of that Great Multitude! And for these we would like to say that never in the long history of man has it been possible for "old men (and women) to dream dreams and for our young men (and women) to have visions" of surviving the Armageddon WHIRLWIND and of living forever upon this earth! And whether or not you and I live until that day, we have been given the warning, and we owe it to our fellowmen of this generation -- and possibly to the young people of the next -- to proclaim this warning of the prophets and to point out the way of DELIVERANCE! We are sparing no expense in doing so, and we want to invite you -- yea, rather plead with you -- to help us reach a Great Multitude before that day!

-- End Of Part Five --


This ends the treatise "Deliverance in the Whirlwind." Tennyson mentions an interesting scripture that he does not fully comment on:

"And ye shall know that [when] I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. And it shall come to pass afterward [during these 'last days' -- Dr. C. Scofield's Version -- just before Jesus returns to Israel], that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [proclaim the warning], and your old men [and women] shall dream dreams , your young men [and women] shall see visions [of surviving the WHIRLWIND to endless life upon this earth]: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." (Joel 2:27-29)

Before any major cataclysm there will be many who have dreams and visions as a sign that a real danger is coming and not one of the many illusionary ones projected by false prophets.

Pay attention to your dreams and impressions as well as those you meet and encounter. When it seems that a general warning is being given on subtle levels then is the time to take action.

Keep in mind that there are many lesser events such as normal disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and financial problems that may not warrant mass dreams and visions, but if a person is sensitive and pays attention he can receive a personal advanced warning.