Re:  Technicality (Off Topic)

2008-9-26 02:43:00

In a message posted to the Keys Of Knowledge spiritual discussion group, Sharon posted a message in which she first quoted a quote from a book by Ruth Montgomery and her prediction about the Antichrist:

"He is fairly young still, but on the borderline of becoming eligible for the presidency at the turn of the century."

Also in this same message, Sharon quoted what John C. had written in response to the above quote which JJ had used in a message he had posted about Ruth Montgomery's prediction:

"He was 39 in 2000. Hardly on the borderline."

In response to all of the above, Sharon then wrote:

"FYI:  In the US the President has a few criteria that must be met in order to be qualified to be President. None of them are accomplishments. One of them is to be born a citizen of the US. Another is to be at least 36 years of age. Since Obama was 39 in 2000 he was on the border of being eligible for President by only 3 years; I'd say that is borderline."


Another thing that made him on the borderline is the legal question as to whether he is a U.S. citizen. A lawsuit is proceeding on that basis right now.

Here are the basic points of the suit:

  1. Obama is a representative of the Democratic People. However, the Obama must meet the Qualifications specified for the United States Office of the President, which is he must be a "natural born" citizen. Unfortunately, Obama is not a "natural born" citizen. Just to name one of the problems, Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen and relocated herself and Obama to Indonesia wherein Obama's mother naturalized in Indonesia and Obama followed her naturalization, as he was a minor and in the custody of his mother. Obama failed to take the oath of allegiance when he turned eighteen (18) years to regain his United States Citizenship status.
  2. The Democratic National Committee is for Plaintiff and "We the People" who believe in the Democratic Vision. The Democratic National Party is supposed to represent the Democratic Americans in seeking honest leadership, Open Government, Real Security, Energy Independence, Economic Prosperity, Educational Excellence, a Healthcare System that works for Everyone and Retirement Security. The Democratic Party is supposed to represent and protect the interests of working Americans and guaranteeing personal liberties for all. Of which includes securing a Democratic Nominee on the Presidential Election ballot who represents the Democratic vision and who is qualified and eligible to run for Office of the President under the qualifications of the United States Constitution.
  3. The actions of Obama, a U.S. Senator, in running for President of the United States, knowing he is not eligible, have been taken entirely without authorization under the United States Constitution, completely ignoring the qualification and procedures created by the United States Constitution he is purporting to enforce.