Bush 101

2008-9-21 05:13:00

Sharon wanted me to comment on Bush. She seemed to be wondering if he is a good guy or bad guy at the present time.

First of all let me say this, I strongly believe that Bush has good intentions in all his endeavors. Good intentions does not make a person right but it is a necessary quality to be right. If one has selfish or evil intentions, in the end, the result of his work will rarely be good. So it is very important that any leader we select has good intentions and a good heart.

I think it is very mean-spirited and partisan for so many people to accuse Bush of being a murderer, torturer and a sinister conspirator just because they disagree with him or dislike war.

In judging Bush we must look at the situation he has been placed in since 911. He was awakened to the fact that we face a very serious threat to the freedom of this country as well as the world by terrorism. Dark forces have come forward and have done everything in their power to make the world believe that terrorism is just a trumped up threat and that Bush is the real terrorist. We've not had a terrorist attack for seven years. If someone would've told us within a month after 911 that this would be the case we would've not have believed it for everyone expected an additional major attack within a year or so. One of the reasons that Bush has not done well in the polls is he's been too successful. If we had an attack every year or so the people would've been more likely to rally behind him and he would have been much more accepted by the people. But we have gone so long without an attack it appears to many people but there wasn't a problem to begin with. This is an illusion that the dark forces have foisted upon humanity.

I was pleased to see one important person stand up for Bush, however, and it was Tony Blair being interviewed by Jon Stewart. Stewart did everything in his power to force Blair to say something negative about Bush. But to his honor Blair stated back in front of a very anti-war audience that he was not a fair weather friend and that he liked Bush and that Bush was an honorable man. He also stated that he agreed with Bush about going to war; and, that he was not his puppet for he came to the same conclusion as Bush, and he still seemed to think the war was the right decision.

It is also interesting that the most hostile critics of Bush and the war in the Democratic Party voted to go to war, and they knew as much about the threat and the probability of WMD [Weapons of Mass Destruction] that Bush did. They accuse Bush of going to war for political gain, but when the war began in Iraq, Bush had such high favorable ratings (in the high eighties) that it was impossible to get any more political gain. Bush had to have known that going into Iraq could only cause him to go downward in the polls not upward. When I put myself in his shoes, I can only see him going into Iraq for a sincere purpose; and, as I've told you before, I received the revelation that he received a revelation that it was an important step to make. That did not mean that success was assured because whenever anyone follows the voice of Christ all the forces of evil and all the forces of blinded man will align against you.

And who aligned against Bush? It was almost every power on earth that you can imagine which included world leaders to the press, the rest of the media, Hollywood, the rich, the poor, minorities and majorities, the opposing party and many in his own party.

And why do they hate him? They hate him for two reasons.

First, they hated him because he was a Christian. The hate really began when an interviewer asked him who was his favorite philosopher. His answer was that it was Christ. This caused many people to accuse them of believing he was a spokesman for God and fears were generated that he was going to be an Antichrist, and was going to force a narrow-minded, born-again religion down everyone's throats. The accusations against him for professing Christ are amazing and unjustified.

The second reason the world aligns itself against Bush is because he has gone to war in Iraq for the purpose of bringing democracy to the Middle East. This thought was instilled in his mind by the Christ himself, and this is the reason that the whole world is against this war, even in the midst of success.

Christ is thus the common thread connecting the two hatreds of Bush.

There many things Bush has done that I do not agree with but even these things I believe were done with good intentions. I believe if Kerry or Gore had been elected that the world would be much more troubled than it is now.

There are a number problems facing Bush for which we have no easy solution. Iran is becoming a nuclear power and is determined to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. If Iran were to drop a nuclear bomb on Israel tomorrow, Bush's enemies would blame him for letting it happen. If Bush takes action and initiates a war with Iran to stop them from becoming a nuclear power, then the world will rise up and condemn him for this. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't in the eyes of the world. I do not think he will take the United States to war with Iran during his administration unless some imminent threat occurs. It is quite possible though that Israel will attempt to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. If they do again Bush will get the blame. The world will say he cooperated with Israel in doing this.

Sharon also expressed concern that Bush has sent some troops into Pakistan. I can understand this decision because near the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan many insurgents and terrorists have a home. It is also rumored that we are on the trail of Osama bin Laden. If this is the case it's understandable that our military is willing to take a considerable risk to get him. It's also possible, even though Pakistan openly condemns this move, that the government has made an agreement with Bush. I'm sure we do not know all the details. If I were president and looking over the situation I wouldn't rule out crossing over the border to get terrorists. It would have to be a judgment call. At this point I can't agree or disagree with Bush on his call because I do not know all the details. I do believe though he is following the highest he knows on the matter.

And speaking of the war in Iraq -- I am heartened that the surge has worked and progress is being made. A while back I explained about the 3 1/2 times and that the half a time was an extended time that an initiate must work beyond what the average leader would do in order to get the job done. A lesser man would've given in to the pressure and withdrew from Iraq before the job was done. Bush has persevered against the criticism of the whole world; and ,if this work is not frustrated then 50 or 100 years from now this will be seen as a great accomplishment that will overshadow many of Bush's faults.

And concerning the banking crisis -- it is too bad that Bush did not smell the coffee on this earlier and take action. This type of perception is not his gift and apparently not the gift of hardly anyone in Congress. However John McCain warned about this problem back in 2005, but no one paid him much heed.

How much intelligence does it take to understand that if you make loans to people who cannot pay back the loans that great problems will occur? Congress put pressure on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to minorities and the poor. The intention was to give the poor and opportunity to own a house; but, there's a lot of truth in the old saying that the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Good intentions must be structured with common sense and reason -- something sadly lacking in our representatives and leaders.

Now the Bush and Congress have awakened to the Peril the only solution they can see is to support $1 trillion bailout. There are other solutions but unfortunately they are beyond the consciousness of any of our leaders. I hope to be presenting some of them soon in my next book.

So far, making the transition from a business office to a business in the home hasn't saved me that much time as I've been as busy as ever. But as soon as things settle down a bit, I should have a considerable amount of extra time to concentrate on the real work, which is spiritual work of course.


"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18)


Word of the Day

Frenetic - Frenzied and frantic: characterized by feverish activity, confusion, and hurry; frenetic gestures