
2007-10-27 04:35:00

Ash quoting JJ:

"Uncontrolled fire is a symbol of anger.

"Water is a symbol of emotion and a flood is a symbol of uncontrolled emotion."

Ash writes:

"Where do you acquire this knowledge? I know a list of x=y is a little much to ask, but where can one find these symbol's meanings?"


There's no manual that gives the interpretation of all symbols. One problem is that the use of objects or things can have numerous true symbolic representations depending on the situation in which they are used.

Take fire for example. If it is used in relation to Spirit it is interpreted in a very positive way. It can relate to transmuting desire to higher purpose and then following along that path with focussed intent.

If it is used in conjunction with mind then it can relate to directed mental energies that stir the heart in the search for higher knowledge.

If it is used in conjunction with emotion then it can relate to passion in either a positive or negative way. Uncontrolled fiery emotion can lead to anger, revenge, hate etc. Controlled fiery emotion can result in high accomplishment.

DK and other esoteric writers give a number of hints in the interpretation of various symbols but I find the best source is the inner self in attunement with the Oneness Principle.

Some symbols are fairly obvious and others take a period of contemplation to understand. Every once in a while I come across a symbolic statement or idea that is difficult to see correctly - in a way that fits in with the Law of Correspondences.

When this happens I try and find out what others may have said about it. If you cannot find any writing about it then find a good dream interpretation book or site and see what they have to say about it. Never accept the interpretation of others as gospel, but use it as a seed thought and after contemplation see if you come up with an interpretation that harmonizes with all known reality.

A good site for seed ideas on many symbols is:


Global Warming Enlightenment

Global warming activists are attempting to scare the dickens out of our children. Here's a quote from Senator James Inhofe on the Senate floor, Oct 26, 2007

"Nine year old: 'I don't want to die' from global warming."

"A Canadian high school student named McKenzie was shown Gore's climate horror film in four different classes.

"'I really don't understand why they keep showing it,' McKenzie said on May 19, 2007.

"In June, a fourth grade class from Portland Maine's East End Community School issued a dire climate report: 'Global warming is a huge pending global disaster' read the elementary school kids' report according to an article in the Portland Press Herald on June 14, 2007. Remember, these are fourth graders issuing a dire global warming report.

"And this agenda of indoctrination and fear aimed at children is having an impact.

"Nine year old Alyssa Luz-Ricca was quoted in the Washington Post on April 16, 2007 as saying:

"'I worry about [global warming] because I don't want to die.'

"The same article explained: 'Psychologists say they're seeing an increasing number of young patients preoccupied by a climactic Armageddon.'"