Destruction by Fire

2007-10-25 06:11:00

I was looking over my predictions I made at the first of the year and see that two of them are coming true that I would just as soon have failed.

I said "The dollar will lose strength against the Euro." There's been about a half dozen headlines this year about the dollar reaching a record low against the Euro. The last I heard the Euro is worth about $1.43. That doesn't bode well for our trade or the economy.

The other prediction of note is that there would be more destruction by fire this year. Unfortunately this has been right on the money. We have seen quite a bit of unusual destruction by fire this year, even in my home state of Idaho and now reaching a crescendo with the current California fires.

To get an idea of how massive these fires are take a look at the satellite photos on this web site:

An interesting side note here is that more CO2 is released through these fires than people of California will release through driving for years to come.

You'd think that if activists were really interested in reducing CO2 then they would encourage thinning out forests and cleaning our brush and debris that encourage the spread of a fire once it starts. Unfortunately, especially in California, strict regulations interfere with the disturbance to the environment that would be necessary to prevent such disasters.

Many environmentalists do not believe that man can improve upon nature therefore fires should be encouraged. But the truth is the godlike intelligence that is within man can improve upon anything and it is possible to cultivate the land so it stays healthy and a disaster like this just does not happen.

The city of Boise where I live is called "The City of Trees." Even so you rarely hear of even one tree catching fire. Why? Because the trees are well spaced and there is no brush and debris to spread fire.

In areas where there are forests logging companies could be worked with to selectively clear wooded areas to reduce fires to a minimum while allowing them to make money. This results in little cost to the taxpayer. In other more dessert-like areas they could do more to clear away the flammable material with much less damage to the environment and animals than a flaming inferno would produce.

There is an interesting link between the California fires a similar one in Idaho a while back. The most famous fire in Idaho this year was near Sun Valley. It got so bad that they came a hair's breath away from evacuating the area as they have done in California.

Now what's interesting about Sun Valley is that many of its residents are from California. In fact, as soon as you enter the area it seems like you have just been transported from homespun Idaho to California. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and many movie stars have homes there.

All this points to a link between the people of California and disaster by fire. What is it?

Uncontrolled fire is a symbol of anger. Are California people angry then? Surely not all of them but a lot of them are. They were very angry George Bush was elected president and many threatened to move abroad (but didn't). They are angry about the war. They are angry at conservatives, at Christians, at big oil, at big business, at global warming skeptics and at anyone who questions their beliefs or lifestyles. They are a very unsettled irritated bunch lately and since energy follows thought fire is a natural result.

Then look at the previous great disaster which was the Katrina flooding. Water is a symbol of emotion and a flood is a symbol of uncontrolled emotion. New Orleans is populated by a very emotional bunch. The positive side of their emotion is illustrated by the Mardi Gras, an event where happy emotions are let loose. But apparently there were many negative emotions below the surface that broke through like a damn overflowing. This was illustrated by all the grumbling the people did after the disaster.

It is interesting to follow the various disasters and note how they correspond to a release of energy that is somehow related to the state of mind of the inhabitants. Keep in mind I am referring to a collective state of mind and not the individual.


Global Warming Enlightenment

When global warming alarmists condemn skeptics as deniers, it is an unscientific and socially dangerous characterization. Skeptics are not the enemy. On the contrary, they are crucial to science because they help us search for truth.
  -- Dennis Avery