
2007-7-26 13:58:00

He thus seeks to become born again. He nullifies the cause of death by utilizing the power of rebirth. He does this by tuning into the Will of God and correctly imprinting it upon his mind so his consciousness can return to it as desired thereby giving him power to express it without corruption.

Ruth asks how imprinting can be accomplished.

To understand this, visualize yourself in a completely dark room that has many pictures on the walls. It seems as if the blackness will continue forever and you will never see any light except that which you imagine within your mind. Suddenly a bright light is turned on for one second. Then as quickly as it came it is gone and you are in the dark again.

What did you register?

The first time about all you took in was that there was a light. You didn't really see anything the light reveals except to register that there was something to see. You make a note to look and see what is there the next time it happens.

Sure enough, after a period of time the light comes on again, but at an unexpected time when you were concentrating on other matters. Because you were distracted you didn't take in much except that there was something on the walls.

The next two times the light came on you had the same problem. You noticed that there were pictures on the walls but couldn't tell what any of them were. You finally conclude that if you want to see anything that the next time the light comes you will be ready. You will drop your attention from whatever else is happening and shift it to the pictures.

There next time the light comes is even more inconvenient than ever, but you immediately shift attention and find that you were able to isolate one of the walls and take in three pictures. Your recollection of the three pictures was fuzzy and you decide that you must focus on just one picture next time.

You follow this thinking and after three more tries you are finally successful at focusing in on one of the pictures and accurately seeing it and impressing it upon your mind.

After the light is gone you find you have an after image in your mind on which you can reflect. As you reflect you find you can see the picture in your mind and bring any of the images accurately into physical reality.

Many of those who are called false prophets did have a light turned on but did not pay attention until they saw with accuracy. They fill in the fuzziness with the images of their own desires and wind up creating more harm than good.

This analogy is not perfect but puts forth the general idea of imprinting and how important it is.


If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!
-- Jonathan Winters