God's Will

2006-6-13 03:34:00


"Can I ask one question: What is not the will of god? If something is not the will of god. How does it even exist?"


What you are describing as the Will of God, is just part of what God already exists as.

One thing that is predictable is where you are going with this. We know you have the belief that everything is happening now and all is as it should be, that we live in a perfect universe and even a woman being raped should appreciate God's Will being carried out on her.

The fact that you see a rape or murder as part of God's perfect Will should make you aware that something is wrong with your belief system. Unfortunately, it does not faze you. You think that it was God that decided the woman needed to be raped. If you look around at all he has decided (in your opinion) such as Saddam Hussein running people through a meat grinder then God must be as pretty mean guy. Maybe going to heaven would be a scary thing if you were correct.

That said, let me attempt to set you straight. The "Ancient Wisdom" revealed by DK [Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey] tells us that God's Will in the present is that which moves us toward the manifestation of love. Therefore, that which moves us forward in the manifestation of love, goodwill, peace on earth, friendship, unity, acceptance, inclusiveness, and other aspects of love is within God's Will. That which moves us away from love runs contrary to His Will.


"But you seem to imply it is somehow possible to not do gods will."


Yes, I do imply it. So did Jesus. His prayer tells us that God's Will is not yet done on earth as it is in heaven.


"And I would ask how such a thing can ever be possible?"


Real easy. Just pick something contrary to God's Will and choose to do it. Killing your neighbor's dog should do the trick.


"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction."
  -- Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)