Re: Thoughts on Infinity

2006-4-28 19:25:00

Dean quoting me:

The beginning, if it did exist, is an infinite point, but by your own words the infinite beginning does not exist. Therefore infinity does not exist.


Correct me if I am wrong but the reason the beginning doesn't exist, is because of infinity. Infinity is the only thing stopping a beginning from existing. If infinity is an illusion, then there would have to be a beginning.

There is a beginning to everything where form, time and space is concerned.

Because the mind of the part cannot out-imagine the mind of the whole the universe seems to be infinite because the part cannot find the end of the whole, but the whole knows the beginning and the end.

There is a beginning and end to time, space and form. We must go beyond time and space to find the eternal and beyond this the idea of infinity does not even enter in because there is no time and space. The theoretical idea of the infinite only has meaning in time and space.


In addition it's evident that If there is no beginning.

But to what? There was a beginning to time and space. Where there is no beginning is beyond time and space. In these higher spheres infinity as we imagine it has no meaning.


Reality cannot possibly be finite. To be finite, you need a starting point. So how can infinity not exist?

You are correct, but there is a beginning and end to all things occupying time, form and space. The Infinite does not exist in formlessness where there is no time and space. Infinity only has meaning when referenced to time and space.

We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex--but Congress can. Cullen Hightower