Reasons [Why] There Was No 911 Conspiracy

2005-11-15 10:26:00

There has been volumes written on conspiracy theories about 911 and very little written to counter it. I find that usually when there is such a one way direction of accusation that a close look reveals that the accusation is incorrect.

Because comments on this come up from time to time on this and other lists I thought I would add my observations.

Instead of writing a large treatise on the subject I thought I would make several points that are not usually mentioned by either sides of the argument.

  1. Perhaps the most obvious reason that there was no conspiracy beyond terrorism is that it was just too complicated for any group of conspirators to pull off without a major flaw.

Conspirators may assassinate someone, shoot down a plane or attempt to control a market, but there was way too much involved to plan such an event and pull it off without a hitch. Some of my other points will illustrate this one.

If a true conspiracy would have wanted to create a major catastrophe they could have created a much simpler one that would have been much easier to cover up. For instance they could have exploded a nuclear bomb in a major city or blew up a dam and blamed most anyone they wanted. This would have been much easier to accomplish.

To hijack four planes, point them at four targets and get whoever is flying them to give their lives is pretty fantastic feat for people who are not brainwashed in to giving their lives for a cause.

  1. They say that if three or more people know about a secret it is no longer a secret for someone will tell the story.

To pull off 911 as a conspiracy a large group would have had to be involved to pull all the necessary strings -- probably over a thousand.

The fact that not one of them have surfaced to tell the story and point the finger at who is responsible makes the conspiracy theories almost a mathematical impossibility.

  1. The supposed conspirators had little or nothing to gain.

A conspiracy only acts when they can achieve a major benefit for their cause. Where is the gain here?

Some say the conspirators are bankers and big money people, yet the financial center of the world was attacked and destroyed along with many important records.

Worldwide there was a financial loss of over a trillion dollars -- that's a thousand times a billion. No one really benefited from this except the terrorists - certainly not the bankers.

Others say it was the military who was behind it yet the Pentagon was another target. We are told that they threw this in to throw away suspicion -- yet it just made more suspicion because conspiracy people claim it was hit by a missile rather than a plane -- even though there are many witnesses who saw the actual plane hit.

Where did the military stand to gain? Did the military people want to go to war and risk their lives as well as many of their sons and daughters who are also enlisted?

Believe me. Almost all the military are much happier when there is no war to fight at the risk of their lives. In this day there is always the fear a war will be unpopular, like Vietnam, and then there would be much to lose.

Still others think an inner circle of politicians are involved, perhaps Bush and his inner circle.

What did he have to gain? Before 911 things were progressing fairly smoothly for him. He was pushing his political agenda and making some progress.

After 911 he took us into two wars and his ratings are now at an all time low with many threatening to impeach. Where is the benefit here?

Some think he and other insiders wanted an excuse to pass the Patriot Act, take away our freedoms ands set up a dictatorship.

Give me a break. The Patriot act was a measure that effected so few citizens that one would have a better chance of winning a million dollars at a lottery than being effected by the Patriot Act.

The greatest fear of this act seems to be that there is one chance in a hundred million that someone will find out what library books you check out. OHHH! -- I'm so scared.

Any abuse of the Patriot Act is about a million times less than the abuse of traffic cops which spy on us and harass us daily.

The Patriot Act is limited to the FBI and there is only about one agent with authority to use it for about every 70,000 people in the United States. They couldn't cause us as much grief as the traffic cops if they put their full attention on it.

Why in the world would conspirators go to such risk to gain such an infinitesimal amount of extra control? It makes no sense.

Who has lost any freedom here? I know of no law-abiding citizen who has.

There is one more point here that I have not seen made before. The fourth plane was headed toward the White House which had Laura Bush inside. I don't really think the President wanted to take out his wife.

Still others blame the Jews as the conspirators. While it could be said they may have something to gain by inciting us to attack their enemies it is illogical to conclude that they could have lured their enemies to give their lives to crash airplane for them. How such a minority could control our military, airports, the government and many other things to pull it all off successfully has never been explained.

After 911 the rumor was circulated that the Jews were warned ahead of time and that none died in the towers. This is an absolute falsehood as a number of known Jews were killed. The exact number is unknown, but some estimates put the number at over 400.

  1. The conspiracy people say that preplanted explosives brought down the twin towers and a third building.

Think of how far-fetched this is. To accomplish this a team of conspirators would have had to enter the three buildings and preplant the explosives in many locations without detection.

Where would they plant such explosives? In closets? Under sinks? That wouldn't work, as some would be discovered. They would have to tear hole in walls in many locations. The demolition of a regular large building takes a team of experts a lot of work to prepare that would be almost impossible to perform in secret.

One more thing. Visualize this team of workers planting the explosives. Maybe they are 12-24 in number. At least several of them would be greatly disturbed in thinking they are preparing for the killing of thousands of innocent people. It would almost be a surety that at least one of them would leak out the story.

Both of the Twin Towers began to collapse at the exact point where the planes hit. All the demolitions I have seen begin at the foundation. Either that or the whole building goes at once, not in layers as did the Twin Towers. It would be unrealistic to plan the collapse at a preplanned location. This would mean that not one but two planes would have to hit at just the right floors to avoid suspicion. Chances are this would not have happened.

Another thing is that a buildings as large as the Twin Towers have NEVER been destroyed by explosives in our history. There are too many unknowns to tackle one let alone two as part of a demolition plot.

Here are the addresses of real buildings destroyed by explosives. Notice how much different the look is from the collapsing of the Twin Towers.   (No longer available.)   (No longer available.)

  1. Osama Ben Laden admitted that he was behind 911.
  2. If terrorists were used by U.S. government conspirators then it would only be a matter of time before they turned on them and went to the press.
  3. Most of the arguments for a conspiracy have obvious flaws. Many refuse to look at all the facts and leave a lot of data out that runs counter to their pre conceived notions. I have read a lot of conspiracy ideas on this and have not seen solid wholistic reasoning in any of them.

One of the originators of popularizing conspiracy theory is the John Birch Society. Even though they were demonized by orthodoxy in the Sixties and Seventies their reasoning is fairly sound and they present their data with fairness. Even these conspiracy people can't swallow most of the conspiracies circulating around the internet about 911. They have written a very logical article on the subject at:


"America is a vast conspiracy to make you happy."
  -- John Updike