The Hierarchy of Truth

2004-10-1 15:55:00

The Question:
If true facts by themselves do not bring freedom this must mean that truth itself is a principle different than a true fact. What is this principle of truth and how does it make us free?

Dan says:
Truth is the pattern which lies behind the facts. The relationship between truth and facts is the same as that between cause and effect.

Free from our illusions, glamours and etc. Free to see through to the truth, free to become as we will. One is not entirely free to become what they will to become until one can see things, especially themselves, as they truly are.

Cosmic Girl:
God is eternal, therefore Truth is an eternal component which we as humans are comprised of in consciousness. It makes us free because we realize we were always free, once we tap into that higher consciousness.

Truth as the Universal language of the Gods is not programmed into the Brain, it has eternally been incorporated into the human system.

John W:
If we knew the truth about ourselves, in the eternal sense, we would see that we are the truth.

I think that truth, as a principle, is so abstract, that it needs its own "vehicle" in order to manifest. So, we have to speak of "a knowledge of the truth" or "the light of truth". When the light of truth is shown on a conflict (illusion verses illusion), the illusion is swept away and the conflict vanishes.

The language of the soul is principles.

The group gave additional good thoughts, but these quotes will have to suffice for tonight.

The statement by John "The Light of truth" is a profound one and suggest the group use this as a seed thought and see what comes to mind through contemplating it.

Obviously, facts are useful and true facts are liberating to a degree, but the principle of truth that makes us free goes beyond facts on the physical plane.

That the sun is shining may be a fact, but it does not shine all the time. To understand the principle behind its appearance one must understand the principle of rotation and cycles leading us to understand that the sun rises and sets approximately once every 24 hours. This understanding keep us from going out to get a suntan at midnight. We can calculate when the sun will appear and also when it will be in its strength. This gives us the freedom to use its power to our advantage.

I have said many times that a principle is worth a thousand facts, but it takes a thousand facts to paint the picture of one principle.

The truth that makes us free is found in the understanding of true principles.

The challenge for us to advance from facts and data to the language of principles and then, when a principle is understood, advance to a higher principle still.

There is a hierarchy of truth. The bottom of the hierarchy is truth manifesting on the physical plane. At the top of the hierarchy is the truth that there is One Great Life we call God. I am only stating God as a fact, a piece of data, because the principle behind God is a great mystery which has never been revealed.

As we advance from physical plane truth to truth on the higher planes, that which binds us is loosed and greater freedom is obtained.

As we seek to advance up the hierarchy of truth we must understand the steps on this ladder.

How is truth manifested on the physical plane? The astral or emotional plane? The mental plane? The Buddhic plane or the plane of the soul?

What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup. Boris Pasternak