Faithful Mate?

2004-6-1 04:11:00


1. How physically attractive are you? (Perhaps you should get a second opinion here.) (a) Fair (b) Average (c) Good (d) Great!
2. Do you drink more alcohol or take more drugs than your loved ones feel you should?
3. If you smoke, have you tried to quit smoking but been unable to?
4. Do you feel adultery offends God?
5. Do others describe you as impulsive?
6. Describe your temper: (a) Mild (b) Average (c) Strong (d) So strong you have difficulty in controlling it.
7. Would you lie to prevent hurting another person?
8. How much should your mate be allowed to know about your activities? (a) Only what I am willing to tell him or her (b) Almost everything, but there are some things one should be able to keep private (c) I am happy to honestly tell my mate whatever he or she wants to know.
9. Do you believe and practice the idea that a couple should feel committed to each other before having sexual intercourse?
10. How important is it to you that both you and your partner are sexually faithful in a committed relationship? (a) It would be nice, but not all important (b) It is reasonably important (c) It is extremely important.

Question One: a 0, b 1, c 2, d 3;
Two: Yes 1, No 2;
Three: Haven't tried to quit 2, Yes 1, Don't smoke 0;
Four: Yes 0, No 1;
Five: Yes 1, No 0;
Six: a 0, b 0, c 1, d 2;
Seven: Yes 1, No 0;
Eight: a 2, b 1, c 0;
Nine: Yes 0, No 2;
Ten: a 2, b 1, c 0.

0-6 Points: You believe in commitment, honesty and integrity in a relationship and can be trusted as much as humanly possible. Your mate should be able to rest securely while you are away. Nevertheless, remember that we are all human; don't play with fire just because you are in this category.
7-11 Points: You like to have the opportunity to do a little flirting and get attention from the opposite sex. You have no intention of being an unfaithful mate when you are in a committed relationship, but enjoy playing with a little fire. You must be careful to always remember the importance of your relationship or you may find yourself tempted at times. Your mate can help by being an interesting partner.
12-18 Points: You do not have a strong desire to be committed to any one person for a whole lifetime. You must be careful to avoid making the other person think that you are more committed than you are; this could save a lot of hurt. Nevertheless, you may find that right one who steals your heart and causes you to become completely devoted. If it happened to Hugh Heffner, it can happen to any of us.
Those who don't like thinking should at least rearrange their prejudices from time to time. Luther Burbank, 1849-1926