Illusion 103.2

2004-3-29 05:18:00

I usually reject posts containing hate Bush talk or against anyone else, but since we are on the topic of illusion and there are so many of these floating around the internet I thought I would let this through.

Let us examine this post which is embedded with illusion and glamour.

First, the post was written by one who calls himself Elijah the Tishbite. His real name was probably something like Ron Smith which did not have enough glamour attached to it so he picked a more exotic sounding one more befitted to a large ego.

Brethren in Jesus Christ's Name,

More glamour here insinuating he is writing in the name of Christ and that the Master approves of his hateful words.

The greatest holocaust ever is near to start in the near future in America by this evil Illuminati-led government under Adolf George Bush now. Every day the writings of Mein Kampf that Hitler used is being implemented in America which in general is asleep as to what is happening. This Homeland Security is liken to Adolf Hitler's Gestapo in all its secret doings all over the country. After having done away with the Constitution of America and its Bill of rights, America is under U.N. mandate laws that now govern this land that used to be free.

There is so much illusion and deception in this paragraph that it makes your head spin.

It was only weeks after Hitler assumed office that his Gestapo forces were sifting out citizens in each neighborhood and torturing them on their front lawns to put the fear of God in the hearts of all the German people who may consider speaking out.

The Homeland security is nothing like anything Hitler had and Hitler would have never waited three years to enslave his country.

I don't think this guy has read Mein Kampf or the history of Hitler's Germany or he would feel foolish making such comparisons. He has many missing pieces of information here making him subject to many illusions.

George Bush has ordered 100,000 big white boxcars with shackles in them to gather and hold those resistors to their dictatorship. It is being implemented to force all people to accept this Biochip with the Mark of their beast and his name and number in it. If you resist, then you go to the termination building. You go in one door and come out another door as ash. It is liken to Hitler's Germany, but this time it will be for resisting Christians and all Jewish people whose names they have placed on their list for extermination. The rest of the masses will be herded around like slaves as in Adolf Hitler's time, or even as the Russian people who were not Communists.

It is amazing that anyone can believe this nonsense. I have heard stories like this circulated about every president in office for over 30 years. People are always supposed to be rounded up any day, but nothing ever happens.

A dictatorship could happen here or anywhere else if we are not diligent, but it will not happen under George W. Bush. There is always a possibility that a great crisis could force us to take drastic measures as happened in the Civil War and World War II. Consider that during the Civil War many accused Lincoln of being a tyrant and many pacifists during World War II thought the United States was as much at fault as Germany. This thinking was based on illusion.

In America today they have slave labour camps already built to hold men, women, and children as Adolf Hitler had. There is a big one in Alaska which can hold many thousands of persons, all divided up for men, women and children. All this goes on while the American people have been asleep in their prosperous lives. But their day will come when in order to hold onto what they have gathered, they will have to accept the mark of the beast, his name, and his number 6-6-6 in a biochip implant, or off they go into one of these 100,000 big white boxcars with shackles in them all done by this so-called Christian President George Bush.

Again, I have heard this thrown around for over 30 years. Those boxcars must be rusting by now and the slave labor camps must be in need of repair through lack of use.

Oh wake up, people of America that used to be free. You have been had by this Skull and Bones member who drinks human blood to a giant stone owl god named Molech at Bohemian Grove in California, where most of our high government officials go to as Illuminati Masonic Satanists that they are.

There's no evidence (that I have seen) that George W,. Bush ever attended the Bohemian Grove. The stories I have read about this are written to make these gatherings sound as sinister as possible. From what I can gather it is like a fraternal organization but this is the first I have heard of the blood drinking accusation.

During the dark ages those clothed in darkness accused the Jews of drinking the blood of Christians. This gave them the excuse to persecute and kill many thousands of them. This blood drinking accusation is an old trick of the Dark Brothers.

Just yesterday protesters sought out Carl Rove at his home, shouted obscenities, peeked in his windows and harassed him. His family was terrified. It is getting to the point that the people are harassing the government more than the government harassing the people.

John Z mentions that Elijah has made prophesies that did not come true. Why am I not surprised? Elijah wins the prize for the illusionary post of the month.

Facts are stubborn things. -- Tobias Smollett: (1721-1771) Scottish poet