Learning From All Things

2004-3-16 06:03:00

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile--hoping it will eat him last.
-Winston Churchill

Great quote Glenys. Spain, and the rest of Europe, needs to revisit this wisdom.

Rick writes:
I spent a decade plus as a student of RK. (Richard Kieninger) I helped build most of the structures in Stelle and even worked shoulder to shoulder with RK, in a muddy ditch. I gave all and lost two wives and daughters and was asked to leave by RK, yet have little regrets because I distilled the best from it. Granted, none of RK's predictions ever came true, but I did learn of the importance of the "12 Great Virtues" (which I have shared on this forum) and I learned a great deal about group dynamics. A "turn-off", that, for me, has it's roots in Stelle, is exclusiveness.

This is a good point, Rick. Just because his predictions did not comes rue does not mean that there is not value in some of his teachings.

Richard was one of two or three teachers I have come across in my life that I had difficulty in figuring out. Some of the things he taught indicated he received information from the Hierarchy. On the other hand, I have never checked out the Lemurian Fellowship where Richard was a student. Perhaps he received some of the mysteries there. The fact that he believed in a gathering indicates he was on the right track in this area.

I found a number of his teachings quite interesting and stimulating. His biggest mistake that I see was his reliance on the standard use of strong authority.

I wouldn't fault him for his false prophecies if he had just given them out as a probability in his own name, but he gave them out as coming from the Brotherhood. Even if we just rely on logic it is hard to believe that the Brotherhood could be wrong so consistently. In fact, it is rare that they make such specific predictions as have been given out by Richard. They are aware of the malleability of the future and don't want to make fools of themselves just as we humans do not.

The best prophets are about 60-70% accurate, but most of the false prophets ones are wrong about 95% of the time. These will take the 5% that did come true and make it sound like they are never wrong until you check into their record.

DK was in the range of 60-70% and accurate enough to impress disciples that he has some prophetic ability.

I can't remember reading anything that Benjamin Creme predicted accurately, but his followers claim he is almost flawless. One of his latest predictions was that Saddam Hussein was dead and would not be captured alive.

Here's a prediction for you. A short time before the November elections the Democrats will release a damaging piece of information about Bush - something like he helped as certain young lady obtain an abortion (or something else controversial) This will be done in the hope that it will discourage his base from turning out. Bush will spend the final days of his campaign defending himself instead of promoting his agenda.

Am I saying that this prediction is god-breathed and will come true? No. I'd give it a probability of about 80%. The 50/50 chance of a terrorist strike on the U.S. around this time could also change a lot of things. There is 100% chance that something is on the drawing board but only about 50/50 that it will be carried out and not frustrated or altered.

Was RK telling the Truth or does JJ? Who cares?

Actually, you should care that I do tell you the truth as far as is humanly possible. On the other hand, no honest person is able to teach with 100% accuracy all the time. He can be telling the truth, but still make some mistakes as telling a lie and making a mistake are two separate things.

I want to affirm to you, my friends, that every word I have written has been the truth as far as I have ability to express it, save the fiction parts of The Immortal series and I have often told you that these are a combination of fact and fiction.

It is impossible for a teacher to stay soul infused if he consciously deceives.

Interesting fact:
The terrorist attack in Spain occurred 911 days from 9/11/01. Someone was counting.