Re: Joseph Smith/Gleny's

2004-2-24 18:30:00

J J Dewey wrote:
I can't find the reference, but I remember DK saying that he definitely would not use AAB as his scribe after 2025. He seemed to leave it open-ended. It's even possible he will be here in the flesh and do his own writing.

Glenys wrote:
Jeepers creepers, JJ. You made me spill my coffee! :-) I never thought it could be DK (I typed JJ by mistake :-))

It doesn't sound like it though because he said the teachings would be under the 'same impression' - unless he plans to dictate to himself :-)

"In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on their teaching. It will be under the same "impression" for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run........" (EA)

But I guess things can change.

Love Glenys

He definitely said that his continued work would not be through AAB so "under the same impression" obviously would not mean the same relationship would be re-established in 2025.

"Under the same impression" could mean a number of other things:

(1) DK showing up in person

(2) DK working through another scribe.

(3) Another disciple coming forth in tune with DK's work and expanding on it but not receiving directly from him. This could be preparatory to the 2025 revelation. Note he said "early in the century." 2025 (and later) is not that early.