War Ascension

2004-1-31 05:35:00

I mentioned an astral war which is presently at play and Ruth asked me to elaborate on the meaning of this. What is an astral war?

To understand, it helps to expand on a comment DK made about evil. He stated that one of the goals of the hierarchy is to elevate evil to a higher level. In other words, that which is the good in one age may become the evil in another. For instance, in ancient Rome slavery was seen as a "good," a necessary institution to sustain a civilized world. Today slavery is almost universally recognized as evil. In the more civilized countries the old slavery is so rare that it is no longer an evil to fight. Instead, this evil is now taking a higher form and many are recognizing the existence of the evil of slavery in other incarnations such as too much debt, too much taxation, too many laws, too much control by religious, civil and business organizations etc.

In other words, the evil of slavery has moved to a higher level. From one age to the next this is always the goal - to move the battleground of evil to a higher level.

Slavery is just one evil. War is another that plagues us. Even though war can bring a good result (WWII for example) most will agree that the process of physical war itself is indeed as an evil plague that has brought much pain to the world over the ages.

Just as it was with other evils such as slavery, the goal of the Hierarchy as far as war is concerned is to not eliminate it, but to move it to its next level. In other words, the goal is to move war from the physical level to the astral and then later move it from the astral to the plane of the mind. In that far away time when war moves beyond the plane of the mind war will cease as we can understand it but will incarnate again in a future system.

When war securely moves from the physical to the astral we will have peace on earth as far as physical war is concerned, but it will be waged on the astral, or emotional plane, with greater intensity than dreamed of in ages past.

Currently we are on the cusp between two ages. The achievement of physical stability on the earth so physical war is rare is one of the expectations of this new and unique age which is Aquarius with an even greater cycle of Aquarius. Instead of this Aquarius being one age out of twelve it is Aquarius-Aquarius, or one age out of 144 ages. Therefore, this cusp we are in marks an extremely important turning point in our history - with the most powerful Aquarian energies in over 300,000 years.

Because we are in the transition phase we are still dealing with physical war while seeing an increase of astral or emotional war.

What is an astral war? As most of you know the word "astral" refers to the emotional world. An astral war is one that is fought out through the exchange of feelings and those philosophies to which feelings are strongly attached. Some mental energy is always at play in an astral war, but the polarization is in the feeling world rather than in the realm of the mind.

Let us examine several battle fronts in the developing astral war.

First: The abortion war.

As most of us are aware the war dealing with abortion is not fought out in physical battles but in heated emotional confrontation.

Let us look at the emotional attachment of both sides.

The conservative side: These people "feel" that God does not want abortion, that killing a fetus, however developed, is as evil as killing a human being.

It is interesting that the Bible says nothing to support this idea and there is no scientific evidence to support it. Therefore the conservative belief on this matter is based on feeling rather than a mental deduction.

The liberal side: These people feel that a fetus is no more than extra tissue that has no value as human life. Removing this fetus is no more evil than cutting your hair, for it is not alive as a human being. Because it is not alive one should not be inconvenienced by an unwanted pregnancy. If one wants to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy one should do it and feel no worse than cutting one's hair. Free choice is the issue, not any right an unborn should have.

Again, it is interesting that this side also arrives at their view from an emotional attachment and have no evidence to back up their argument.

They maintain that there is no human life in the womb, but how do they know this? They do not even claim to know it, but instead they feel it. Do they have any scientific evidence that human life begins after birth or did they get some revelation from God on the matter?

No. They are in just as much ignorance on the matter as the conservatives they criticize.

The truth of the matter is that neither side has any true knowledge of when life begins or the value of that physical life in the eyes of God. Both sides feel they are right and they have such feelings because it supports their belief system. Both sides see the other as evil and make non violent war (except for a few crackpots) using all means at their disposal.

Both sides are fighting for the triumph of their feelings - not of their wisdom/mental nature.

Of course, the truth lies in neither of the extremes, but in the middle way where judgment is made based on true facts.

Question: There are a number of other fronts where this astral war is fought. Name one and analyze it as I just did with the abortion war.

Many people say that physical war is wrong or evil. How about astral war? Is this evil? Is war in general evil?

Kucinich campaign slogan: ".001% of the people can't be wrong."