Infallible Authority Chapter 13

2003-9-24 05:54:00

Let me remind the Group that this book is written to speak to the Mormon mindset in an attempt to bring them the light to break free from the power of unearned authority. I am posting the chapters here because I think that a number of you will find it interesting. Most of us have given our power to an unearned authority at one time or another. JJ

Chapter Thirteen
Spiritual Loss
We might enlarge on the subject of the last chapter and affirm that there is no fullness of the Gospel present without the rock of revelation through the Holy Spirit, not to just the president of the Church but to all who seek that they may find the mysteries of God.

Even though differing individuals and peoples may have the Spirit it is also true that that the light they receive is dependent on their spiritual progress and the degree with which they seek greater knowledge.

The Holy Spirit is a key or doorway through which one must pass to ascend to the maximum degree of spiritual potential.

Therefore, the fullness of light that one can receive is different for different people and different ages. In a dream the spirit of the Lord came to me and I understood that as Joseph was translating the Book of Mormon, he could find no English equivalent for the Nephite word from which "fullness" is taken. The word "fullness" is a much inferior word, yet it was the best word available. The Nephite word for "fullness" means "an adaptation to the maximum capacity of the people." This adaptation is different for different peoples. Even that which Joseph and Brigham called a fullness of the gospel, using the Nephite definition, is far from being the fullness we would have if we were yet more spiritually advanced. We are in primary here compared to some other worlds yet without the fullness of the Spirit there is no progress, and the little that has been received becomes lost.

The scriptures make some interesting statements about the church and it's people losing their light: " And he that repents not, from him shall be taken even the light which he has received; for my Spirit shall not always strive with man, thus saith the Lord of Hosts." D&C 1:33

"And thus ye shall become instructed in the law of my church, and be sanctified by that which ye have received, and ye shall bind yourselves to act in all holiness before me-- That inasmuch as ye do this, glory shall be added to the kingdom which ye have received. Inasmuch as ye do it not, it shall be taken, even that which ye have received." D&C 43:9-10

"But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man. Wo unto such, for mine anger is kindled against them. And it shall come to pass, if they are not more faithful unto me, it shall be taken away, even that which they have." D&C 60:2-3

It is a fact that the church excommunicated me, my nephew and many others for merely admitting to the authorities that we have received the Holy Spirit and have discovered some of the mysteries of God. The fact that they demand we hide this talent under a bushel or be banished from the kingdom is to kindle the anger of God against them as the scripture says.

And what will happen to such people who make a man an offender for his word?

"It shall be taken away, even that which they have."

One may wonder, how can the church, the authorities and the people of the church lose that little which they have received. Do they not still have the Book of Mormon, the Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants and many other inspired writings? They can hold these documents in their hands so surely these writings will not be lost?

Or will they?

Let us answer this question with another. How many religions are there that have the Bible, yet cannot draw the many truths it contains from its pages?

The Bible teaches the principle of revelation but they do not see.

The Bible teaches a pre-existence, but again they do not see.

The Bible teaches an apostasy and restoration, but they neither see nor accept.

The Bible teaches that prophets are an essential part of the church but they will not hear nor accept.

Can we not see that there are many who have a physical Bible full of the truths of God yet have "lost" the ability to keep or even use that which they can hold in their hands?

Can we not also see that even though the LDS Church has additional scriptures that if they deny the expression of the Holy Spirit and seek to suppress this Mighty and Strong Presence from God that the Spirit and all the gifts will be lost to them?

And what is to happen if the Spirit is lost to them?

(1) There will be no new revelation of any higher knowledge.

When was the last written revelation presented to the church let alone a revelation giving greater light and truth?

Answer - over 100 years.

(2) They will not be able to understand the scriptures they presently have but merely repeat what has already been written maybe slightly changing the wording from time to time .

(3) They will fear the membership receiving or discovering truth for themselves including an accurate account of proven history which does not suit their purposes.

Michael Quinn (a previous Church Historian) and others have been excommunicated for either writing about or teaching actual events in history.

(4) There will be priestcraft. The Scripture says "that man should counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh." D&C 1:19 To cause members to trust in the arm of flesh, to fear to act without "counsel," to follow the brethren without thinking for yourself is priestcraft.

(5) They will fear the teaching or exercise of the principle of free agency.

Sterling D. Allan owner of the Greater Things website attempted to teach the importance of the principle of freedom. This sincere effort led to his eventual excommunication. Numerous others have either been censored or excommunicated over this principle.

Is not free agency supposed to be a core principle in the church? It is, yet the authorities have "lost" the ability to see what free agency is.

I held many private thoughts and beliefs to myself that I could not tell to others because even the agency to think outside the box is not allowed. At the time I was excommunicated I was only teaching (within the church) doctrines approved by the authorities. I had seven church jobs the day before my excommunication and filled them all to the satisfaction of the authorities. But when I shared a mystery I had received privately with my nephew and he shared it with others I was then called on the carpet by the thought police and excommunicated, not for anything I had done, but for what I had privately been thinking. These private thoughts were extracted from me through interrogation.

Excommunicating me for my private discoveries of mysteries through the study of scripture and prayer should indeed raise a stench to heaven incurring the displeasure of a just God. I would not come back into the church in its present condition if they came pleading to me in sackcloth and ashes. I will never again join any society that does not honor the free agency of man, especially the agency to think, contemplate and progress spiritually.

It is indeed a sad day that the only way to stay in the church is to cease reading the scriptures to avoid any unauthorized thoughts from coming into one's mind.

Some of the early brethren realized that there would be difficulties ahead, but that there would be a handful who would be worthy of the Kingdom of God.

Brigham Young spoke of this: "God will preserve a portion of this people, of the meek and humble, to bear off the kingdom to the inhabitants of the earth." (Contributor 10:362) Also, Heber C. Kimball said, "But the time will come when the Lord will choose a people out of this people, upon whom He will bestow His choicest blessings." (Des. News, Nov. 9, 1865)

Just as God chose a people out of a people in the days of Paul so will He do it in our day. Thus the first will be last and the last first. Those who are esteemed as the least in the kingdom today will be the "first" tomorrow, while those who are first now shall be last.

Just as the Kingdom was taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles even so will the Kingdom be taken from the LDS and descend upon the pure in heart wherever they may be throughout the world.

If God dropped acid, would he see people? Steven Wright