Straight Talk

2003-8-13 12:00:00

Great discussion, my friends. The gay issue is indeed a hot topic that we have not covered in full, so I suppose this is as good of a time as any. I'll attempt to answer your questions and cover the issues as time permits.

If you ask a question that gets no reply and you feel the answer is important, please ask again noting that you are repeating the question. I will then give it a high priority.

John C makes a statement that needs some clarification, especially for the sake of new members.
I would be happy to ask questions and discuss this topic based on insights I have received and upon first-person observations, but I have to keep reining myself in and remind myself that the Keys is not about what I think. It's always and forever what JJ thinks and what we think about what JJ thinks.

This is quite inaccurate as many will testify. This list is not just about what I think, but about what we all think - as you know, for you have posted many of your thoughts here. This is indeed a group effort. I do set the topic of discussion, but once it is set then anyone can post their thoughts on the subject. All are free to disagree with me or any other person on the list. All we ask is that we be civil with each other. Readers do not have to respond to what I think of the subject, but are free to comment on the subject itself regardless of what I think.

In addition to on topic discussion we also make allowance for off topic items so members can post other subjects of interest - as long as they are not a distraction to the members as a whole and do not take up more than about a third of the posts.

John C:
I appreciate and highly value JJ's insights, and his tremendous eloquence and his great patience, so don't misunderstand me. In general, I agree with the premises upon which the Keyster list is set up, but when the rules seem to mitigate against and/or suppress free discussion on any and all topics related to soul contact and molecule-building, then it's time to consider either changing the rules or set up an alternate forum.

When the topic is set there is no suppression and there are no rules hindering any discussion. I do not understand your complaint here unless you are saying that we should just have a free-for-all where there are no topics, no class and that all who are here just go with the flow.

There are already hundreds of forums like this out there and most of them are not that interesting.

Perhaps you can be more specific about your point here so we can respond with accuracy.

John C:
I am seeing a point of tension. Maybe I'm the only one seeing it. Maybe I am creating it, but all I know is something has been going on for quite awhile. Something needed to be said, and I just said it.

Things are pretty normal from my angle of vision. I know this is an important topic for you, but you are welcome to let loose.

As we move into this subject I will attempt to shed more light on some of your previous concerns and comments.

John C:
Why the emphasis (why even mention) physical bodies, gender, sexuality, sexual preference, and procreative ability? Does the individual subordinate what the soul is teaching them to what the group wants, or does the group set aside their prejudices and seek the higher contacts which will bring everyone back into a unity? Or does the individual seek another group which is more compatible? Or more consistent in the application of the principles which they teach?

I think one missing ingredient to building molecules is the missing step between soul-infused individuals and soul-infused groups, and that is soul-infused COUPLES, but if the philosophy of this group is to exclude certain couples, not by the application of JUDGMENT (as defined and taught by JJ), but by the blind application of general principles applied without regard to the specific situations of the individuals concerned, we are cutting ourselves off before we even start.

As Susan mentioned, we are in the world of form so we have to apply the rules that govern form while we are here. The form is a vehicle of the soul and without the wise use of the vehicle the soul cannot function in this world. The soul seeks to master its vehicle and the entity in the vehicle seeks to identify with the soul.

There is an important point to understand about soul contact. There is no such thing as the individual achieving soul contact with no group interest. Soul contact is only achieved when the individual is seeking to serve more than himself. Group interest must be present for soul only works through the whole and not the individual.

If you seek to make more money so you can be happy then you are on your own, but if you seek to make money for group service then soul assistance would be possible. Higher soul energies are like a stream that seeks to flow through the many and cannot flow through the one only.

The individual becomes soul infused when he seeks to serve the many. When he actively and unselfishly serves the soul, energy begins to flow. When the service becomes effective, the flow increases and the servant becomes a conduit of soul energy.

It is impossible to exclude anyone from the energies of the soul. All that is possible is to study and understand the principles that will include us as individuals into the realm of the soul.

An individual can exclude himself through not applying correct principles. A group can also exclude itself by not applying soul principles.

Once the rules of group soul contact are understood then the principles behind the rules must be followed or the spiritual energy will not flow. It's a little like a battery. Both terminals must be connected before the electricity will flow. We do not try to get electricity from rocks because they just do not work. We therefore exclude the idea of putting rocks in our flashlights.

We will be discussing what works and does not work as we move ahead.

All are invited into the kingdom of the soul, rich and poor, male and female, gay or straight, but all must go through the eye of the needle. All must achieve through mastery of the principles and undergo a period of struggle and seeking. All are excluded until the correct keys are applied. All are included when they are discovered and applied.

I think readers will find that my teachings pave the way for inclusion of all. But inclusion into the kingdom of God cannot be obtained by the snap of a finger, no matter what our orientation. All of us must follow the same principles before we can be of use to the soul.

Steve asks if I still teach classes in Boise. Haven't done it for many years, but will again when the time is right.