Coming for Who? II

2002-10-4 14:58:00

You're missing my point Travis. The point is that there are abuses of freedom in this and every other country in the world. I support and admire all who fight against them. BUT despite the problems, the United States is not a tyranny as was Germany for which the quote Larry used had reference. This makes for an unfair comparison. It's like quoting the complaint of a victim of a mass murderer and using it as a correspondent to someone who has their shopping bag stolen. Like should be compared to like. There is a vast chasm between the abuses of Nazi Germany and the Current U.S., France, England and other Western Countries.

Some of you are responding as if I am oblivious to the injustices in this country or think they are nothing to be concerned about.


I am merely saying that these injustices, as a whole, do not make this a tyrannical nation as most people understand the term. It is difficult to understand why one would want to argue this point.