More on Amen - Questions for JJ

2002-9-9 00:40:00

Actually, two questions:

1. I'm reading "Letters on Occult Meditation", and DK keeps mentioning the Sacred Word. I'm only at the beginning so I was wondering does he ever explain what the Sacred Word is? Or is this something that is supposed to be revealed to us individually? Or is it AUM? Or did I just skip over it in my reading?

2. The word "Ahman" keeps popping up in the LDS D&C as in "Adam-onli- Ahman" (78:15), "Son Ahman" (95:17), etc. Does this word mean the same thing as "Amen" as you have explained it?



Ahman is a variation of Amen and the pronunciation has meaning closer to the AUM than Amen does with emphasis on creation. The added H signifies the amplification (or emphasis) of the creative power of God.