
2002-7-22 00:39:00

So, my question relates to this "other messenger". The reason I thought that this "Elias" would be John the Revelator was because in Verse 14, it talks about a mission John was to perform and there it associates this mission with "Elias". Am I wrong in thinking this?

"77:14. Q. What are we to understand by the little book which was eaten by John, as mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation? A. We are to understand that it was a mission, and an ordinance, for him to gather the tribes of Israel; behold, this is Elias, who, as it is written, must come and restore all things."

Thanks again for the previous info. If you don't have time to answer this, don't worry. We all want you to concentrate on the book, and if there is anything additional we can do to help, please let us know.

I didn't notice that verse. Yes, it does predict that John will be an Elias and a key player in the gathering and restoration of mysteries.

It is interesting that it was also predicted that Joseph Smith was to restore all things: D&C 132:40 I am the Lord thy God, and I gave unto thee, my servant Joseph, an appointment, and restore all things. Ask what ye will, and it shall be given unto you according to my word.

D&C 132:45 For I have conferred upon you the keys and power of the priesthood, wherein I restore all things, and make known unto you all things in due time.

Actually, a number of people will be involved in more than one restoration.