Scattering of Force

2001-7-3 04:42:00

I just have a few minutes tonight.

We haven't received much comment on this last question which is more difficult than I usually ask, but I want to compliment Keith, Rick and Glenys for their answers and musings. Instead of just giving us quotes you have presented some original thought and synthesis that sounds as profound as Djwahl Khul himself.

Now I'll leave you with another question:

We are told that in order to commune with us the Solar Angel (our Higher Self) "scatters not his force" and goes into to deep concentration or meditation.

Do you think this is also a key that opens a door for our communication with him?

Contemplate this phrase "the scattering of force" and tell us why this hinders so many in their quest for higher knowledge as well as many of our own goals.

Can this scattering of force also hinder the marriage relationship? Remember that physical plane marriage is a lower correspondence to our marriage to our Solar Angel.