Clarifying the Beast Principle

2001-2-22 11:43:00

Thank you for your comments on the quiz. Overall there seems to be a general consensus, but several points of clarification are in order.

Let us consider the second question discussed yesterday:

(B) Richard is a member of a service group with a goal to paint the homes of elderly people and the leader is presenting a plan to reach the goal. The leader teams Richard up with Tim and Jock. Richard does not want to work with Tim and Jock, but he goes along because he does not want to rock the boat.

This also tripped many up.

Gloria answered:
"Yes, he 'just went along without question. Could he have suggested another pairing?"

Suppressed desires and feelings give unearned authorities a strong lever for control.

To this Mary Ellen responded:
"I still have trouble with the answer on this one. I think there are times (as in this one) that the pairing seems so insignificant, I don't think going along with it makes it fall in the category of Beastly. Some things are just NOT important enough to argue every little point. To work at painting a few houses with 2 guys who he may not be thrilled with seems a more mature approach. I don't see it as giving up your freedom of choice or as blind unthinking or emotionally submitting. Some things are just done in the spirit of cooperation and maturity, especially in a harmless situation like this one. And on the other hand, if Richard finds it impossible to work with them, he could seek to change groups, but if it is not possible I don't think it would be harmful to give in."

You are correct in the view that to yield your desire will for some altruistic reason does not always enhance the mark and power of the Beast. If, for instance, it would have caused a disruption to the work had the person voiced a concern for different partners then it may have been in the interest of the good of the whole to take the hand that is dealt.

On the other hand, there is no indication here that any harm would have been done to request new partners. Why should Richard work with someone he does not like when a simple request can put him in a better situation?

Any time that silence allows the seed of suppression to grow, fertile soil is being created for the growth of the power of the beast.

If you endure a bad situation in silence because you have made a mental decision to accept it then you have not given away your power.

But if you feel an emotion that needs to surface and your mind agrees with this, but you suppress because of anger or fear, then the Beast has a place to obtain a foothold.

Now let us look at perhaps the most controversial question:

(E) Paul is in an advanced history class given by a famous professor of great reputation. Paul himself has been a history buff all his life and sees many flaws in the teacher's presentations. About a half dozen times in each class he raises his hand and attempts to set the teacher straight.

Part of my answer was:
Now this teacher's status does not mean that an amateur history buff like Paul cannot prove him wrong now and then and it may even be appropriate to disagree with the teacher now and again, but six times a day? Can you visualize the reaction of the students who came to the class to learn? This would be a major disruption. And what would be Paul's motive in causing so much disturbance and distraction?

The motive would be to feed the ego. If he can show the class that he is smarter than the teacher then the ego is inflated.

To this Mary Ellen replied:
"JJ, I had trouble with this one because I was thinking of how you often say we should not accept even you as authority, but to run everything by your soul. You seem to have encouraged honest questions or disagreement. I think the thing I missed in this one is that he disrupted 6 times a day. Yes, that really is excessive and I think we can certainly and clearly understand this in light of what this list just went through with one who disrupted in the same way. Yes, it is an ego trip and I definitely agree that no one should interrupt or question a teacher over and over again in a class where one chose to be. But I still believe that a question here or there to a teacher is a good thing. If we accept "everything" a certain teacher says, we may be in the mindless category. If I heard a teacher, any teacher say something that I knew in my heart or mind to be incorrect, I would feel obligated to point that out. But disrupting continually is just an inflated ego trying to get unearned attention."

There are two types of challenges that any teacher faces. The first are sincere questions for clarification or correction such as yours. Questions and comments to bring further light originate from the mental plane and not the emotional which is the seat of control for the beast.

The other type of challenge is the student who injects intellectual sounding dressing and challenges for the purpose of establishing himself as an intellectual or as being a better teacher than the teacher.

This type of "questioning" comes from the ego and the emotional body rather than the mind. We have seen much of this type of interruption on this list and we have experienced much disruption because of it and this is the reason we have a moderated list at present.

To understand the points I am trying to present here the overall principle that creates the Mark of the Beast must be grasped.

One of the main differences between a beast and a human is that an animal does not think or reason things out nor does he make conscious decisions, but his actions are governed by the herd instinct.

A human rises above the Mark of the Beast when he rises to his destiny and thinks things through after looking at all sides of the equation at hand and making a decision.

A person descends to carrying the Mark of the Beast when he forfeits his destiny and is ruled by emotion or ego rather than mind or soul.

If a person thinks he should speak up, but feels that he should not and goes with emotion rather than mind he is forfeiting the Mark of Humanity and being ruled by the Mark of the Beast, or animal nature.

If a person speaks up in class because he has thought things through and his thoughts will benefit the whole then he is amplifying his human nature.

But if he seeks to defeat his teacher as a lion devours his enemies then he again bears the Mark of there Beast.

Overall there are three marks.

(1) The Mark of the Beast - emotional control.
(2) The Mark of Humanity - mental control.
(3) The Mark of God - soul control.

Humanity is at a crisis point where it is seeking to stabilize itself in the mind and hovers between the yielding of the mind to emotion or soul.

Now let us examine a more traditional interpretation of the Mark of the Beast. I pulled an excellent post on this from Sterling's list and am including it below.

Please read it over and answer these questions:

(1) How likely do you think it is that this concept will unfold as fundamentalists predict?
(2) Would the reception of a computer chip implant automatically mean you carry the Mark of the Beast?
(3) Does this belief in the controlled future create a thoughtform which may cause negative results as well as warranted caution?

The Future - Chips with Everything?

By Nick Sandberg

How The Implanted Chip or Mark of The Beast Will Be Implemented.

So, if there really was a coherent body organising all of this, what would their motivation be? And, where might all this be leading?

The primary motivation behind all elite activities is the desire for control. It's the base desire to control everything. To take a vast, dynamic planet-full of people; different races, different beliefs, different lives; and render them into a single homogenised unit, under your central control. This is what truly motivates the elite.

To bring about this highly negative state of affairs, the elite must be active on two fronts simultaneously - the world outside and the world inside, the planet and the mind.

In the 'world outside', the objective the elite are working toward is globalisation, the creation of three vast interlocked markets centred on America, Europe and Asia, followed by their full integration into a single trading block. A global marketplace peopled with consumer-workers and serviced at the lower end via third world debt.

In the 'world inside', the plan is to get all humanity microchipped. For despite a multiplicity of control tactics currently being imposed on us; things like mortgages, credit cards, street surveillance systems and pharmaceutical antidepressants; people still have a basic level of personal freedom. Though it's getting harder to do so, we can still walk out of consumerism and embark on a new life. But if we're chipped, this won't happen. For scientists' knowledge of neuroscience is now such that, by having a microchip the size of a grain of rice implanted inside our body, we can be regulated at an emotional level. By gaining control over our body's receptor-ligand network, our emotional state can be manipulated by electrical signals, either as a part of a chip's program or via remote signalling. Thus creating a perfect consumer workforce. Work, buy, procreate, sleep - a life stripped down to materialism and survival, without any unpleasant emotions to get in the way.

So, the question for the elite is, how do they get people to get the chips fitted? And make sure that they aren't removed? For, even though our planet has advanced considerably along the road to becoming a world consumerist superstate, most people are still highly resistant to the idea of having a chip put under their skin. There is therefore a progressive strategy that will be gradually implemented to lead us, step by step, into permitting this nightmare future to come about.

It will unfold in three stages. First - the removal of cash. Second - the placing of all personal and financial data on individual 'smartcards'. Thirdly, the gradual elimination of smartcards to be replaced by personal microchips. The only way of getting people to accept being chipped is for them to believe it is necessary. Bank details, credit ratings, employment status and similar information can all easily be programmed into a chip and updated via remote signal or by passing it across a reader. Therefore, it is first necessary to render all money electronic, and to get people to carry around their personal details on some form of 'smart card' - a credit-card sized device bearing all the details that they need for daily transactions. Once this is achieved, any number of problems can be manufactured within the smartcard system such that people will need to get the chip actually put inside their body if they are to be able to conduct transactions safely.

Removing cash from our society . For the past twenty years we have been slowly led towards giving up cash in favour of electronic money. And in the last ten the heat has been turned up. The increased promotion of credit cards, phone banking, mail order and internet shopping have all, in part, helped to bring about a society where the need for cash transactions is greatly reduced. Yet most people still like carrying cash. More will have to be done if cash is to be eliminated completely.

One strategy may be the introduction of new, multinational currencies not available as cash. The Euro, the currency for the European Union, may be such a thing.

Another likely strategy will be the gradual implementation of 'smart citizenship' schemes in various European cities. 'Smart citizenship' is one of a variety of euphemisms now emerging for 'cashless society' and once one city has been signed up, the so-called benefits will be extensively aired via the media to encourage others to follow suit. (In April 2000 it was announced that the UK city of Southampton will host a 'smart citizenship' scheme commencing 2002.)

Yet another possibility, connected with 'smart citizenship', is that cash will be removed from our society on the pretext of eliminating the illicit drug trade. Many cities now have around 1% of their population injecting heroin daily. (In some UK cities it is approaching 2%). This, along with crack cocaine usage, is proving a near intolerable social burden for people who live in the areas affected. Drug-related crime is at an all-time high and the public increasingly crying out for something to be done. If cash were eliminated, anonymous illicit transactions for small sums would not be possible. With electronic money, the identities of the buyer and seller of any article are recorded on computer, and should a transaction be for an illicit substance it could be instantly traced. Although illicit drugs come into our countries in vast shipments, they are nearly all ultimately sold in small amounts at or near street level. Remove cash and drug dealers could be instantly traced.

(Reading this, you might well think that removing cash would actually be quite a good idea if it got rid of the illicit drug trade! But, think a little deeper. Regardless of the possibility of later being microchipped, do you really believe our governments are doing all they can about drugs? To create heroin or cocaine, vast areas of land must be given over to the cultivation of their plant sources. Thousands of farmers in the more remote parts of SE Asia and Latin America have to spend their lives cultivating these crops. Vast tanker loads of precursor chemicals must be shipped into remote areas to convert the raw coca or opium into cocaine or heroin. And whole financial networks established to launder the billions of dollars revenue the trade generates annually. We live in a world where our governments can mobilise hundreds of thousands of troops to fight a war to allegedly protect our oil supply, (the Gulf War), yet are apparently powerless to prevent groups of peasant farmers and third world gangsters from poisoning our children to death. Sit down and think about it for a moment. Does it really seem likely? We have satellite tracking systems capable of locating a single opium poppy growing in a field, and certainly able to detect an illicit lab manufacturing heroin or cocaine from the plant sources. There are in fact UN departments fully able to eliminate drugs like heroin and cocaine at source, via crop-replacement schemes and similar, as was recently revealed at a major conference in New York attended by some 160 world leaders and their representatives. The United States refused to finance the plan, and not a word of it was reported in the European media.)

If the 'drug war' is going to be used to assist in the outlawing of cash, one of the first signs will likely be moves to legalise soft drugs like marijuana. For the smoking of cannabis is the primary cash-based illicit activity that people indulge in, and so the prospect of having this pleasure withdrawn from them would inevitably create considerable opposition to any plan to outlaw cash. In addition, marijuana legalisation would create the appearance of policy-softening on behalf of government, when the opposite is really going on.

Whatever strategies are eventually employed, whilst cash is being eliminated and the creation of a global society being pursued, there will be an assortment of 'distraction' tactics used to keep the Western public unaware of what is really going on. And, simultaneously, 'softening-up' strategies employed via the media.

The economic system will likely be deliberately manipulated to create a society in which hard work is seen to go hand in hand with hard play. A high daily workload backed up with a myriad distractions, soft drugs and diverse recreational activities creates the feeling of living life to the full and ensures that there is little time for contemplation of what is really going on behind it all. And for those who aren't working - crime, hard drugs and constant media bombardment with images of opulence intended to increase feelings of lack of self-worth, and to stimulate the desire to succeed.

Another distraction tactic will likely be the promotion of hedonism, via the constant bombardment of sexually stimulating material through the media, and the legalisation of soft drugs like cannabis and ecstasy.

The 'softening-up' process will likely proceed via a steady trickle of media stories relating to microchipping and globalisation. Stories relating how some scientist says that in the future we won't have to carry wallets around, it will all be on a chip installed in the wrist. Or tales of how much better life will be for everyone once we're all one global community. Such stories will usually make it seem that microchipping and globalisation are inevitabilities, that they have already been decided.

Once cash has been eliminated from a country or region, by whatever means, and all money has become electronic, the next step on the road to microchipping will be taken. People will be increasingly drawn into giving up the multiplicity of cards they are carrying around; credit cards, bank cards, ID cards and similar; and have them replaced with a single 'smartcard'. The 'smartcard' will perform all the functions of the other cards, and thus act as an interface between the holder and the increasingly global superstate.

With the smartcards increasingly in use, and cash gone, what will likely happen is that problems will suddenly begin to mysteriously occur within the electronic money system. People will occasionally find their money disappearing into thin air. Computer errors and fraud within the system will appear rife.

Throughout this time the 'softening-up' process will have been continuing. By now, there will likely be whole groups of people within society who have already been chipped. Criminals, the mentally ill and military personnel being three likely targets. Chipping will be portrayed as the socially positive thing to do via a multiplicity of media techniques. And, furthermore, having your ID and financial records placed on a chip inside your body will become renowned as the only safe way to keep your records safe from interference. There may well be encryption technology available on the personal chip that, for some reason, won't be available on the smartcard. By now the media will be pushing personal chips frenziedly. Small children will go missing in high profile cases on the daily news, then be found 'because they were chipped'. Young peoples TV will be especially targeted. Getting chipped will be seen as a 'cool' thing to do, with a vast array of different chip features available to order. Getting chipped will be seen as synonymous with 'getting ahead' and attracting members of the opposite sex. The media will spare no effort ensuring that the negative aspects of getting chipped, such as feeling like a robot, are expelled from our minds.

To still further intensify the drive to get the public chipped, large corporations will begin to make it a prerequisite for persons working for them; likely under the guise of it being their contribution to a creating a positive society. By this time the multinational corporations of today, big as they already are, will have been transformed into transnational giants; astride the world like statues of Colossus; controlling vast sectors of the earth's resources and meeting them out according to their masters' schedule. (And with a vast and continuous PR job making it all appear completely consensual). Virtually everything purchased will be from a multinational corporation, and nearly all employment opportunities will involve working for one. With cash gone and no way of bringing it back, and the credit card, ID card and even smartcard systems increasingly falling into disrepair, life will begin to seem pretty bleak for those persons not chipped. Pretty soon, not being chipped will effectively mean you are not capable of working for a regular wage in any but the most menial job. There will of course initially still be a large black-market operating at varying degrees outside the law and trading in a wide variety of licit and illicit substances. But, as chipping proceeds all across Western society, and becomes seen as being as natural as paying tax, so the State will increasingly make moves to attack illicit activity. With the moral backing of the microchipped population, engineered by the media, so those persons not chipped will increasingly be marginalised in the same way the homeless are now - forced to the edges of society and left to fend for themselves in an environment of poverty, drug addiction, sexual exploitation and crime.

And, with chipping now finally accepted as being an integral part of life in the 21st century, the next stage will be implemented. The introduction of chips that can regulate aspects of our body's function.

Self regulation of our body and mind will be seen as a new and convenient means of treating any number of complaints ranging from depression to minor flesh wounds. No need to take tablets or call up the doctor, just program your chip to do it for you. Scientists are now sufficiently knowledgeable about our body's electrical system and ligand-receptor networks that they can superficially alter many of our natural emotional functions. By changing the way our body metabolises serotonin, for example, the symptoms of depression can be relieved. The problem is that doctors frequently don't understand why our body is behaving differently. Many scientists believe that things like depression are themselves merely symptoms of deeper problems that need addressing.

With chips capable of altering a whole range of neurochemical functions, we will increasingly have the ability to emotionally self-regulate ourselves. And there will thus be an inevitable temptation to try and cut negativity entirely out of our lives, to program ourselves to never feel down. From a health perspective this could be disastrous for negative emotions are frequently just symptoms of deeper problems that require attention. Scientists know the health risks of ignoring what our emotions are trying to say to us. Trying to block out negativity by altering our body's neurochemical functioning could lead to the rapid onset of numerous complex degenerative conditions, the presence of which will likely not be recognised - until it is too late.

And quite apart from the health aspects, giving people the means to easily emotionally self-regulate themselves could lead to the 'prozac generation' becoming global. People will become obsessed with feeling good about themselves all the time. And anything that threatens to interfere with that feeling will be ignored. Wars, starvation, political upheavals and global tyranny will all become just 'other peoples problems'. Nothing to do with us - until it happens in our own backyard.

And, with nearly everyone in the West using microtechnology to block negativity, who's going to notice if one day the chips seem to start regulating themselves? No longer requiring us to actually programme changes into them, but seemingly doing it all without our help. Thus no longer even allowing us access to our true feelings if we wanted them.

This nightmare scenario seems like something out of science fiction. But, in fact, much of the technology has already been developed.

The implantable microchip with global tracking system, Digital Angel, is scheduled to go into production late 2000. It is powered by human muscle movement and will be offered to people concerned that they or their loved ones may go missing. And researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have already registered patents for implantable chips that can release pharmaceuticals into the bloodstream. The technology is here, the only question is - how much persuading will be necessary to make us adopt it? One thing is certain - everything will be done bit by bit. Step by step, we may be being led into a place where no-one, if they thought about it, would ever willingly go. And without means of escape.