Through the Eyes of a Child

2001-1-10 00:45:00

Gloria writes:
"Is a 'light bulb moment' the same as 'soul contact'? If so, then I know what it is, experience it often and will recognize it in the future. If not, please pretend that I'm only six years old, and explain it so that I can understand it."

The light bulb moment is more like intuition as we define it on the list, but there are two types of light bulb moments.

(1) You study a problem, do research, and think about it and suddenly the pieces come together in a logical manner and you see the solution through your own mental powers.

This is not intuition but a bringing together of a whole picture through the use of mind.

(2) You study a problem, do research, think about it but no matter how much you try to figure it out you seem to reach a dead end, but you continue to pursue the solution. Then finally at an unexpected time a flash of light seems to turn on in your mind and you see the principle that answers all your questions. The answer is beyond anything that your mind could have come up with by itself and you have a sense that you owe a debt to an intelligence higher than yourself.

This is intuition and only comes after a degree of soul contact has been achieved.

Explain soul contact so a six year old can understand?

Imagine that you are a young female and have just had the seed of a baby - a tiny life - planted in you. This life is so small that you cannot see it with the naked eye, but it is life nevertheless. Now imagine that the life is so tiny that if you were not paying attention you would have missed the planting entirely. Not only that but if you are not careful you will miss months of its growth.

Now let us suppose you are that young woman and decide that you are not going to miss the planting of the life nor its initial growth. Now be still and imagine the tiny life being planted in you. You must be absolutely still. The new life is so small that you must pay full attention to feel it, but you do pay attention and you do feel it.

You feel a slight movement - so slight you think you may be imagining that a life is within you, but you also feel a warmth and a comforting feeling from the life. You want to believe that your feeling is real, but you have doubts. "It's too good to be true that I could be a vessel for a wonderful new life" you are tempted to think, but then you resist that temptation and think another thought:

"God is good and through Him nothing is too good to be true."

Just thinking this thought seems to increase your sensitivity and you seem to have more communication with the tiny life. It is now real enough that you decide you want it to grow in you and you nurture it. As you nurture the life the time soon comes that the evidence that you will give birth to something wonderful will be undeniable to you. You have moved from hope to belief to knowing.